All about Cannabis

Top Nine Benefits of Medical Cannabis



What are the top nine benefits of medical cannabis? According to the Canadian government, there aren’t any. And uttering anything contrary to this opinion is against the law.

As Canada’s cannabis regulations state:

It is prohibited to promote cannabis, a cannabis accessory or a service related to cannabis under subsections 17(2) to (6) of the Act if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the promotion could create the impression that health or cosmetic benefits may be derived from the service or the use of the cannabis or the cannabis accessory.

You could argue that these regulations only pertain to licence holders. If you own a grow facility or a retail store, you cannot promote the health or cosmetic benefits of cannabis. This is consistent with the Cannabis Act’s anti-marketing, “public health” approach to legalization.

Canadians can speak with other Canadians about cannabis’ medical benefits in the privacy of their own home (for now).

But what about promoting it online? Is this article illegal? Justin Trudeau’s internet censorship bill is now law, so we’ll see.

Regardless, just because something is illegal doesn’t make it unlawful. Legal statutes and regulations have justified internment camps, residential schools, civilian lockdowns, domestic passports, and anti-terror legislation that undermines our basic liberties.

In the Western legal tradition, no one is above the law. But in the parlance of our times, Western civilization is synonymous with “white supremacy,” “colonialism,” and “racism.”

This explains why we see modern rulers arbitrarily exercising their power without constraint.

But I digress. The Government of Canada is wrong. Cannabis has all kinds of medical benefits. Here are nine.

Why We’re Only Using RCTs

What are the top nine benefits of medical cannabis? In a previous post, we outlined why most cannabis research is false. Like nutritional researchers (falsely) claiming that red meat causes cancer, many cannabis researchers rely on observational data.

This list will only consist of studies from randomized control trials (RCT) to root out our own bias. This method controls for confounding factors such as the placebo effect.

Cannabis connoisseurs are aware of the plethora of flawed studies surrounding the herb. Whenever you see a study saying cannabis is “linked to” or “associated with,” you can be sure that the searchers have not established a cause-and-effect relationship.

It’s like wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of germs. Plenty of observational research supports masking. But every RCT on the subject has found no evidence that it helps unless you’re wearing a medical-grade N95 and already have a compromised immune system.

Of course, as per the zeitgeist of the modern corporate-state, the solution isn’t to retract and correct but to double down. Now we’re told RCTs aren’t the gold standard for scientific inquiries. I’m sure critics will say the same about this list.

It’s all nonsense. Here are the top nine benefits of medical cannabis (in no particular order).

#9 Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Epilepsy

This benefit of medical cannabis is so well-known even your grandmother is likely aware of it. We’ve all seen videos of violent seizures calmed by cannabidiol oil.

Epilepsy is the only disease where governments give cannabis the thumbs up. Of course, it has to be through the patented Epidiolex.

That said, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial randomly assigned 120 children and young adults with Dravet syndrome to either CBD or a placebo.

The researchers found that the patients on CBD reduced their seizures by 50%. And this was using 20mg per body weight. A higher dose may yield better results.

#8 Cannabis for Pain 

Even the staunchest critic of medical cannabis will bend at the knee when a cancer patient is involved. Medical cannabis for cancer pain is a well-established fact. But what about non-cancer pain?

Fortunately, a 2010 randomized control trial confirmed what every stoner knows: THC relieves pain.

The study states, “A single inhalation of 25 mg of 9.4% tetrahydrocannabinol herbal cannabis three times daily for five days reduced the intensity of pain, improved sleep and was well tolerated.”

The researchers also found “no differences in mood or quality of life.”

#7 Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Anyone who has multiple sclerosis (or who knows someone suffering from the disease) should watch this TedTalk. Diagnosed with MS and eventually confined to a wheelchair, this doctor searched for answers.

She eventually reversed her condition by dumping all processed foods, including sugars and grains, from her diet.

That said, maybe what worked for her won’t work for you. In the meantime, MS patients are still experiencing pain. Fortunately, cannabis helps. And we have the proof.

This randomized control trial concluded: “Cannabis-based medicine is effective in reducing pain and sleep disturbance in patients with multiple sclerosis related central neuropathic pain and is mostly well tolerated.”

Although they did add, the placebo group experienced no side effects. In contrast, some in the cannabis group reported dizziness and dry mouth.

# 6 Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Nausea 

As mentioned, medical cannabis for cancer patients is a no-brainer. And here is the proof.

This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase II/III trial looked at THC and CBD to prevent chemotherapy-induced nausea.

The results? “83% of participants preferred cannabis to placebo. No serious adverse events were attributed to THC:CBD.”

But cannabis has no medical benefits, according to the Trudeau government and its minions at Health Canada.

#5 Cannabis for PTSD

Technically, the benefits of medical cannabis for PTSD are no different from the placebo group. At least, that’s what the first randomized placebo-controlled trial on cannabis and PTSD found.

Although they admitted future research was needed, they found cannabis didn’t statistically outperform the placebo in the brief, preliminary trial.

That said, the cannabis group did find benefits in using cannabis. What’s likely going on here is the nature of the condition.

While pain, nausea, or epilepsy are physical conditions, PTSD is more subjective. Therefore, the efficacy of cannabis-based medicines will depend on the patient’s personal beliefs.

“Set and setting” are mantras in the psychedelic community. But this logic applies to all drugs.

#4 Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of conditions like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. It’s a common ailment that is growing worse every day.

Since 2007, people with IBD have increased by 123%. In children, the increase is even more significant, at 133%. 

Like MS, the culprit is likely the ultra-processed carbohydrates that many people live on. We’re not making a case for low-carb “paleo” diets. If a diet high in natural carbohydrates works for you, that’s great.

I think vegans and carnivores can agree: overly processed food is bad for you. Probably worse than cigarettes when you consider all the factors.

But if you have ulcerative colitis today, suggesting you change your diet ten years ago isn’t helpful.

But you know what it is? That’s right – another benefit of medical cannabis.

In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, researchers concluded: “Short term treatment with THC-rich cannabis induced clinical remission and improved quality of life in patients with mild to moderately active ulcerative colitis.”

#3 Cannabis for Sleep 

A survey from 2020 indicated that only 61% of Canadians said they were getting good sleep. While 77% were getting the recommended 7.9 hours, that still leaves 23% of the population. 

Fortunately, medical cannabis improves sleep in adults with insomnia. That’s not our opinion. That’s the conclusion of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study.

The researchers wrote,

Medicinal cannabis oil was generally well tolerated and was effective in improving sleep, whereby 60% of participants no longer classified as clinical insomniacs at the end of the 2-week intervention period. Midnight melatonin levels significantly improved in the active group by 30% compared to a 20% decline in the placebo group (p = 0.035). Medicinal cannabis oil improved both time and quality of sleep; in particular light sleep increased by 21 min/night compared to placebo (p = 0.041). The quality of sleep improved overall by up to 80% in the active group.

#2 Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Anxiety 

While THC tends to increase anxiety in some individuals, researchers in this double-blind, place-controlled preliminary study found CBD decreased anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common forms of anxiety, but don’t let that diminish its severity. SAD can be so deliberating to some individuals that they fear being in public.

This study put SAD patients in front of a crowd and told them to conduct public speaking. The placebo group was obviously terrified. The CBD group saw “significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech.”

#1 Medical Cannabis Benefits for Opioid Addiction

With 20 deaths a day from the opioid crisis (although those numbers are suspect), it’s clear that “business as usual” is no longer an option. 

But the Government of Canada’s solution is to hand out taxpayer-funded opioids that are far weaker than fentanyl. The idea is that addicts will voluntarily wean themselves off.

The reality is that while the program may be working for some, it’s free capital for most. Addicts sell the weaker opioid and buy more potent stuff on the street.

Despite overwhelming evidence this is happening, any criticism of this free drug program is engaging in “misinformation” and “hate.”

So let’s compromise. I’m no fan of taxpayer-funded anything, but if we’re going to hand out free drugs in our inner cities, why not CBD?

This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial found that CBD – in contrast to placebo – significantly reduced cue-induced craving and anxiety, two critical features of opioid dependency.

The researchers wrote, “There were no serious adverse effects.”

Since you can’t die from opioid withdrawal, there’s no justification for handing out weaker opioids when evidence suggests people sell them for the stronger stuff.

A “safe supply” program handing out CBD is much more effective and actually safe.

Benefits of Medical Cannabis 

Health Canada must have missed these studies despite some of them going back over ten years ago.

But it’s not so surprising when you hold a more appropriate worldview. Many Canadians never advanced passed their tenth-grade civics education. Where we elect members of parliament, and they represent our interests in government.

The reality is regulatory capture, self-serving interests, short-term focus at the expense of long-term prosperity, and inefficient bureaucracies.

The State is not “us.” It is a separate institution with its own goals and values. And this is clear with their approach to medical cannabis, a nontoxic herb that politically connected pharmaceutical companies don’t want the masses using.

To claim there are no benefits to medical cannabis is to deny reality. It is to perpetuate pain and suffering. Shame on you, Health Canada.

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