Do we need five tips for using 4/20 as a wedge issue? What does that even mean?
It may seem strange in 2023, but depending on where you live, there are plenty of alcohol drinkers, cigarette smokers, pill-poppers, and caffeine addicts who still think “marihuana is bad, mmkay?”
Of course, reefer madness exists on a spectrum. You might have anti-cannabis rednecks on one end, but on the other, you’ve got a pharma-pill-popping boomer who’s too afraid to try CBD.
And then you’ve got your busybody who comes in all ages, sizes, and degrees of annoyingness. You know who I mean. The busybody. The “Karen” who thinks THC levels are too damn high.
This 4/20, as always, the majority of the world struggles with prohibition. Even where it is legal, government laws often skew favours to benefit the few at the expense of all.
But as well, drug war propaganda is still alive and stronger than ever. The emphasis may have shifted to fentanyl. But right alongside it are headlines about children, edibles, and “cannabis intoxication.”
So on this April 20th, here are five tips for using 4/20 as a wedge issue with friends and family. Reefer madness needs to die out once and for all. Using 4/20 as a wedge issue is an excellent way to do it.
5 Tips To Using 4/20 as a Wedge Issue
5 – Prohibition Doesn’t Work, and It’s Rooted in Racism
If you’d never heard of aspirin before, or even the concept of taking a pill for a headache, and suddenly, I offered you one, how would you react? Aside from thanking me for alleviating your headache.
What if I told you this headache-reducing substance has been available for centuries, and history is full of its uses? But it’s been banned for the last hundred years because of racist propaganda.
That’s the situation with cannabis. When using 4/20 as a wedge issue with friends and family, metaphors can be your best friend.
They might have preconceived concepts about cannabis that cloud their thinking. But stripped to its bare essentials, cannabis prohibition makes zero sense. Using 4/20 as a wedge issue is one way of reminding friends and family of that fact.
4 – CBD Is As Important as Eggs and Vitamin D
What do CBD, eggs, and vitamin D have in common? Have all three in your system, and you likely won’t catch the forever-evolving covid bioweapon.
But CBD does more than block a covid infection.
Double-blinded placebo-controlled studies have confirmed CBD’s role in reducing anxiety. It is also promising in treating schizophrenia and psychosis. (So much for cannabis causing psychosis or schizophrenia).
CBD is also an anti-inflammatory. It works with other cannabinoids (called the entourage effect) to reduce pain and suffering. When you hear about “medical cannabis,” people often mean CBD.
Touted as non-psychoactive (which it technically isn’t), CBD won’t leave you feeling high or stoned like you would with THC. This makes CBD a great introduction to medical cannabis for those still hesitant.
5 Tips To Using 4/20 as a Wedge Issue
3 – Cannabinoid Therapy Has Real Potential & Benefits
As mentioned above, CBD is often taken with other cannabinoids to create an “entourage effect.” The plant compounds, including their terpenes, work with our endogenous cannabinoid system to create a synergistic relationship.
This makes all cannabis use therapeutic and medicinal, even if you’re using it for recreational purposes. Once people remove the old drug war stigma from their minds, the implications for medicine and therapy are massive.
Consider the number of studies suggesting cannabis engages in antitumour activities. We’re not saying cannabis cures cancer. Cancer isn’t just one thing. But to deny the potential of plant cannabinoids in fighting cancer is to deny reality.
2 – Hemp Can Save the Planet
Using 4/20 as a wedge issue can help drive home the importance of hemp. Not just for replacing petroleum-based plastics but also to preserve the soil and reduce the need for trees.
The fact that 10 million trees are cut down annually for toilet paper when we could be using hemp (or, as South Park aptly pointed out, Japanese toilets) is criminal.
We’ve written about hemp industrialization before. We’ve even addressed critics. Cannabis can save the planet. And there’s nothing wrong with using 4/20 as the wedge issue to drive home that fact.
5 Tips To Using 4/20 as a Wedge Issue
1 – 4/20 Farmers’ Market
David Crigger/Bristol Herald Courier via AP, File
Of course, using 4/20 as a wedge issue to promote free and fair markets has become the entire point of 4/20 in legal regimes like Canada.
Sure, many of us can visit a private retail store and purchase legal cannabis like any other specialty good. But cannabis in Canada is far from perfect. And every 4/20, cities like Vancouver see an organic display of pot vendors flaunting the rules.
“Trafficking” cannabis without government papers is still a crime in Canada. Yet this herb belongs in a farmers’ market, not a government bureaucracy. 4/20 is the wedge issue to bring about free and fair markets.
And that is the goal of 4/20 protests and farmers’ markets worldwide. Cannabis is a gateway drug to liberty and prosperity.
Many a Saturday has been spoiled by too much fun on a Friday night. Hangovers have been a weekend curse for generations. While it is fun to let loose, if you go to far it can spoil part of the weekend. With marijuana mainstreaming, it is easy to enjoy Friday night after a busy work work and totally relax, but too sometimes you can have too much of a good thing and boom – couchlock!
Couchlock is a term used to describe a particular state of intense physical relaxation, a stoned feeling, and impaired movement control. This occurs as a result of using certain cannabis strains. It is an experience in which someone feels so overwhelmingly relaxed they literally feel glued to the couch or chair where they are sitting. It becomes mentally difficult to get up or move freely. Here are tips on how to avoid couchlock.
Photo by Wokandapix via Pixabay
Know yourself You know your tolerance so dose correctly to get to where you want. Be careful about going bit. Remember it takes a little while for the full effects to kick in so stay patient during the process. It’s easy to over consume if you don’t wait until the peak of your high. If you are prone to couchlock, dial back your indica use and go with a blend or a sativa.
Drink your juice – Drink your juice Shelby has been a meme for yearsIf you are finding yourself nodding off on the couch, consider grabbing a sugary soft drink, energy drink or sweet snack. Sugar-loaded treats are brimming with glucose, which will give you a boost of insulin and energy. Juice, sugar sodas, a milkshake are all good.
Eat – Like drinking, it is always better to start with something on your stomach. Food will help stave off some of the most ardent impacts of weed. Food helps the body as it processes and absorbs the chemicals that you’ve ingested. And it might keep from the munchies if you are already full.
Move – Couchlock sneaks up on you as you are relaxed and not moving. Don’t let your body get too comfortable avoid succumbing to the sedative qualities of weed. A quick walk, dance to great music or just change locations – living room, kitchen, dining table can make a bigger impact than you might think. Fresh air can make a difference allowing you stay a bit more alert.
Talk – Making your brain engaging in a little conversation, especially something you enjoy can make a big difference. Find a friend and enjoy a nice convo while letting your mind open up! Just don’t overpromise while excited.
What is old is new again, records stores are making a comeback. Record Store Day shares a celebration day with cannabis community. Like 4/20, it involved by a bunch of afficandios lifting up independent retailers and raising awareness and celebrating the multi-faceted art. Taking a page of Free Comic Book Day, it started in 2007 and is celebrated at retailers around the world. Hundreds of artists participate iby making special appearances, performances, fan meet ups and the issuing of special vinyls. It makes sense they share a day, vinyls and marijuana go together.
Music and marijuana are a perfect match. Marijuana makes music almost come alive in a 3-D fashion. Marijuana’s properties improves current attention, prevents memory seeking, and helps the mind concentrate on music making it appear more fresh and intriguing. It helps the body concentrate on the current moment. Both marijuana and vinyl are going strong. The legal cannabis industry just hit $29.5 billion for 2023 and the vinyl industry revenues grew 17% to $1.2 billion in 2022. This is the sixteenth consecutive year of growth and accounted for 71% of physical format revenues in physical stores.
Of course, what vinyl pairs best with marijuana? Here are some suggestions.
Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd’s classic allows the consumer to wallow in philosophy and explore the corners of the mind. While enjoying the plant, thought and preconceived ideas can be taken apart and reconstructed. The song’s rhythm will make feel as if every bone and muscle vibrant and independent.
De La Soul – Three Feet High And Rising
De La’s beat is great for a happy high. Fully perfected its alchemical balance of fun and wisdom, with a heavy dash of silliness, it lets your soul escape into a colorful playground.
This psychedelic rock band sets the mood perfectly. The main band member, Kevin Parker, shared he has no recollection of creating this song and it was as if someone else wrote it. What more can be said and it is also a great reminder we are always changing and healing from our past.
The Beatles
From Yellow Submarine to All You Need Is Love, the bands songs intertwines with a high and brings you essence to the forefront allowing you to feel, love, thing and be.
The high holiday of 4/20 is right around the corner and marijuana aficionados are thinking about celebrating. Some will go all out, other will chill and relax. It is a major holiday for dispensaries and a great time to experiment or go with the old faithful. But for some weed veterans, they might want to consider expanding. But are you really ready to try THC-P.
In 2019, Italian scientists isolated Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol from a synthetic medical marijuana strain. Abbreviated as THC-P, THCP, and THCp, this minor cannabinoid appears to act on endocannabinoid receptors in the brain with incredible efficiency. This binding ability makes THC-P is the most potent psychoactive cannabinoid yet. Users report it feels even stronger than Delta-9 (standard THC).
The cannabinoid is also preferred by hemp lovers because of its rich collection of psychoactive derivatives. While obeying federal laws, THC-P offers consumers a perfect way to feel the intoxicating effects of weed. It has been observed to bind uniquely to the CB1 receptors. Potent psychoactive compounds like THC-P offer users a one-of-a-kind experience. However, it is imperative to dose the compound correctly as you could easily get overwhelmed by it. New users are always advised to start with the lowest amount possible.
Photo by Paweł Czerwiński via Unsplash
THC-P is certainly more potent than THC due to its 33X receptor-binding affinity. But it doesn’t mean this compound gets users 33 times higher, Most say it feels about five to 10 times stronger than Delta-9 THC. It is a powerful cannabinoid intoxicating even to the most tolerant user. You can use your regular marijuana tolerance to determine the appropriate dose. If you have never tried other existing forms of THC, this not the starter level.
THC-P products come in different strains. Each strain has its own unique cannabinoid and terpene profile. The adequate dose of THCP might range between 1 and 4mg. Consumers should begin with a 0.3mg dosage and work their way up. It’s easy to take too much THCP and get unwanted side effects, so it’s best to start with tiny dosages. It is always advisable to stick to one strain.
It can be consumed via joint, vape, sublingual or ingestible product. The method used will determines how fast the compounds will be broken down and absorbed into the body. Vapes offer the highest potency effects as the compounds are immediately bioavailable. And be sure you are are you really ready to try THC-P.