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How To Detox Marijuana From Your System In 24 Hours



Marijuana consumption is one of the most exhilarating activities you will ever indulge in. However, if you happen to have an impending drug test, you might speedily revise your outlook on this particular indulgence.

How to clean out your system in 24 hours is a problem many a smoker has had to grapple with. The answer is actually quite simple: acquiring the relevant knowledge and having a good detox plan.

There are many reasons why people would want to be squeaky clean for that marijuana drug test, but it mostly revolves around employment. Join us as we take you through what you need to do to quite literally dodge the bullet and clean out your system in a day.

But how will you know you are not clean in the first place?

Workplace drug tests usually involve urinalysis (having your pee tested) for metabolites. Metabolites are the byproducts of processed substances in your body, in this case, THC.

After the consumption of marijuana, the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels in your body immediately increase to detectable levels (THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid found in your weed which is responsible for giving you a high). Both THC and THC-COOH stay in the fat tissues of your body for different lengths on time depending on a number of factors.

As the THC is cleared out of your bloodstream, metabolites are usually left behind, and this is what the drug tests detect.

To determine whether you are “clean” enough to take a drug test, and know how best to go about getting the weed out of your system, you need to be clear on the following:

  • The quantity of THC as well as its metabolites that are present in your system
  • What type of test you are required to take
  • What testing levels your drug screening will use
drug test
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How Can You Tell How Much THC Is in Your Body?

There are a number of factors which when put together determine the amount of THC and THC-COOH in your body, a length of time after your consumption.

These factors are:

  • Frequency of consumption: Determining how much THC is in your system will require you to take how often you consume into consideration.

Do you smoke just once a month, once weekly or every day? Are you just having a puff or are you consuming a whole joint or two by yourself?

Why is this important, you ask?

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It goes without saying that the more often you consume and the actual amount you consume determines how much THC and THC-COOH the fatty tissue throughout your body will accrue.

  • Total body fat: As we earlier mentioned, the storage of THC and THC-COOH take place in fat cells, whichever the frequency and quantity used. It follows then that the more body fat your body has, the higher the amounts of THC and metabolites will end up getting stored.
  • Metabolism & overall health: Another important factor is your general health. The healthier you are, the more efficient your metabolism and the mechanism of breaking down and kicking out the THC and its metabolites from your system will be.

It is important to note however that exercising can break down stored THC and push it back into your system. You should therefore avoid working out before a test.

  • What you’re consuming: The type and quality of what you consume has a huge bearing on how it ends up being metabolized and whether it ends up showing on a drug test. Whether you consume concentrates or flowers and even whether flowers are top shelf or schwag all make a difference in your eventual testing.
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How Long Will THC Stay in the Body?

Typically, this psychoactive cannabinoid will still be in the system of a particularly infrequent user 1-2 days after consumption. If you consume every day, however, you can expect it to be in your system longer.

Generally, the half-life of THC metabolites is considered to be 7 days. This means the amount in your body decreases by 50% every 7 days, and so on and so forth.

Taking this into consideration, most people will be clean of metabolites within a period of 3-4 weeks, depending on their body weight as well as the frequency and amounts they consume.

What Are the Different Kinds of Drug Tests?

Employers and other agencies have become very creative in running tests to detect even trace amounts of THC in their employees and future employees systems.

Some of these tests are:

  • Urinalysis (UA): This is by far the most commonly administered drug test. Most organizations use it because it is both fairly affordable and pretty accurate. It is important to note that the urine test detects the metabolized form of THC, (THC-OOH) rather than the THC itself. I
  • Blood Test: This test picks the THC in your bloodstream. Unlike the urine test, a blood test will also indicate impairment.  This is good news for those who rarely consume because the THC should be out of their bloodstream in a couple of hours. However, for more frequent users, THC is normally detectable days after consumption has ceased.
  • Hair Test : This is a much less common method of testing. However, some workplaces have started adopting it. It measures the remainders of THC-OOH in the follicle of the hair from as far back as several months.

Sounds complicated, yes?

As difficult as this one sounds to get around, we might just have something for you.

Positive Drug Tests Hit In Workers Hit A Two Decade High
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How Do I Pass a Marijuana Drug Test?

If you have a test coming up in a few days, the most sure fire way to pass it is to not consume at all. As soon as you know you might have to be tested for consumption of cannabis in any and all forms. The longer the period between your last consumption and a drug test, the better your chances of passing it.

However, if it is already too late for this particular brand of advice, do not despair, we have a back-up plan just for you that could help you mask the THC in your system.

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It has become common knowledge on the streets that taking cranberry juice, vinegar, niacin, ginger root tea, creatine pills, bleach, sure jell and copious amounts of water among other things will do the trick. These taken in a haphazard way are not likely to give you the results you are looking for.

Try these three methods instead:

Forget detox programs, detox pills and detox kits! If your health is normal and you are in good shape, you can naturally get rid of the toxins in your body within 4-6 weeks as long as you take plenty of water, a great diet and exercise regularly. Naturally, if you have faster metabolism, an overall lower BMI and lower water retention, this would be even faster.

  • Use detoxification products 

If you happen to be in a tight bind timewise having received notice of a drug test a few short days in advance, this could be a great option for you. Detoxification products will help you get rid of toxins (including the THC metabolites) in a relatively short period of time. It is believed that you could be okay for testing within 3-5 days, or generally within the period of a week.

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These detoxification products are usually successful because they leverage herbal supplements to cleanse you of the effects of marijuana intake. However, be sure to use a home drug test kit before your actual test to ensure you are totally clean of THC.

And now to the big one…

  • Clean your system in 24 hours using same day cleansers

If you have truly been caught in the headlights and you need to take a drug test in the next 24 hours do not panic. Trying a same day cleanser might be worth your while. What this does is temporarily target your urinary tract, flushing out metabolites to give you a brief period in which the sample collected from you will be clean. This means that you could actually get to pass that test.

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How to Flush Your System in 24 Hours

The primary method of passing a urine drug test on short notice is to dilute your urine enough for it to be below the threshold of 50 ng/ml. This value is actually higher than you might think. Once you have beaten it to register a less value, you are well on your way to drug free results.

Is diluted urine all there is to it?

Unfortunately not. Modern drug tests also check for dilute samples. Therefore, you will need to manage both the concentration of your urine and ensure it is not too dilute at the same time.

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Let’s look at the factors that will help you flush out the THC metabolites and pass a urine drug test in just 24 hours:

Water: In as much as there is no reason to start chugging down huge amounts of water weeks or even days before a test, it is a vital component of our plan. Water will only temporarily dilute your urine hence the need to take it right before the test, ideally throughout the day before you do your test. 2-3 liters on the day before the test and 1-2 several hours before the test should do.

That said, you shouldn’t take too much water because it is not safe. Start with two liters and monitor your limits.

After you have consumed this much water over a short period, your pee will be quite dilute, that is colorless with low creatinine levels which are both red flags during a urine test.

Take these to mask your excessive water intake:

Vitamin B: Because you want your pee to be yellow, taking vitamin B will be very beneficial. Vitamin B-2 and B-12 seem to be quite effective in achieving this. All you need to do is drop by your nearest drug store, purchase 50-100 mg of either and take several hours before your test.

Creatinine: This is a chemical waste that is the byproduct of muscle metabolism. Creatinine naturally occurs in the human body and labs use it as one method to determine whether a urine sample is diluted.

Taking creatine supplements that can be purchased at almost all health food stores will have your body break it down into creatinine which will then be flushed out in your pee.

Creatinine has a half-life of three hours; therefore time your creatine intake to coincide with when you will take your test.

This Company Is Having A Hard Time Finding Workers Due To Its Weed Testing Policy
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Try Detox Drinks

The market has an abundance of detox drinks which dilute your urine and contain creatine and vitamin B to mask the dilution.

The advantages of taking a detox drink are that:

  • They are very convenient
  • They have pre measured out amounts of creatine and vitamin B to ensure you are taking just the right amount before your test.

Avoid Exercise

This might sound counterproductive, right?

Actually, exercising breaks down fat cells in your body, slowly releasing the THC metabolites stored there back into your bloodstream. This is beneficial in the long term if you were trying to rid your body of all the stored THC. However, exercising just before your drug test will ensure that you actually fail it. To ensure this doesn’t happen, refrain from exercise 24 hours before your drug test or even a couple of days if possible.

Avoid Beginning & End of Urine Stream When Collecting Sample

This is a trick that has been used by stoners for a very long time. Both the first and last parts of the urine stream have the most concentration of metabolites. When peeing into the cup, ensure that you collect a sample in the “middle” of your stream. Simply first pee into the toilet, stop and collect your sample then finish back in the toilet.

And while we are on the subject, do not give early morning pee as it also contains very high amounts of the metabolites.

How Do You Pass a Hair Follicle Test?

As we discussed earlier, hair follicle testing is one of the ways of detecting THC metabolites. Purchasing shampoos and home testing kits designed for this purpose will definitely improve your chances of passing the test.

Final Thoughts

As a smoker of marijuana, one of the most stressful things you can go through is a drug test. This is bound to cause you extreme anxiety and stress. We hope our guide on how to clean your system in 24 hours will get you out of the rut and ensure you have a long and successful career, while still occasionally indulging in your stick of choice.

This article originally appeared on and has been reposted with permission.

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Can CBD Reduce Age Telling Wrinkles




Wrinkles are part of growing older – but what if you could delay them, especially with your hands?

Botox, chemical peels, fillers and photo rejuvenation are all expensive and major ways to stop the signs of aging – wrinkles. For centuries, women, and men, have tried to turn back the clock by eliminating, or at least reducing the tell tale signs on the face.  Hands are notoriously known for gaining wrinkles early and leaking the secrets of a person’s age. But what if you can slow roll the wrinkles? Can CBD reduce age telling wrinkles. While many over promise what CBD can do, it might be able to help with this problem.

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CBD comes from the cannabis plant, but doesn’t get you high from THC. A study evaluating a novel retinol and CBD topical product found significant improvements in various skin quality domains, including visible pores, dehydration, surface roughness, and both static and dynamic wrinkles. Participants reported high satisfaction and willingness to recommend the product, with excellent tolerability

A Close-Up Shot of a Person's Eye

One of the key ways CBD may combat wrinkles is through its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a major contributor to skin aging, leading to the breakdown of collagen and elastin. By inhibiting inflammatory cytokines, CBD can help calm irritated skin and prevent the acceleration of wrinkle formation. This anti-inflammatory action may also soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, which can exacerbate the signs of aging

CBD is rich in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals, generated by factors like UV radiation and pollution, damage cellular structures and lead to premature aging. By neutralizing these harmful molecules, CBD helps preserve skin cell integrity and promotes a more youthful appearance.

As we age, collagen production naturally declines, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Research suggests that CBD may help stimulate collagen production, promoting firmer and more resilient skin. This effect is partly due to CBD’s ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can impair collagen synthesis.

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining youthful skin. CBD has hydrating and moisturizing properties that can help combat the effects of aging on skin moisture retention. By maintaining the skin’s natural barrier function, CBD prevents moisture loss and keeps the skin plump and hydrated, reducing the appearance of fine lines

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So, yes, done right, CBD can help with wrinkles, even the pesky hand ones. But while the research on CBD’s anti-aging effects is promising, experts emphasize the need for more extensive studies to fully understand its long-term benefits and potential side effects. As with any skincare product, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist before incorporating CBD into your anti-aging routine, especially if you have specific skin concerns or conditions.

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Musk Supports DeSantis Blocking Marijuana Legalization




The battle for legal marijuana continues and it is pitting the leaders of the GOP against each other…and another player has jumped into the fray

Florida is a battleground state for this election in more than one way.  While the majority of Floridians are pro some form of cannabis legalization, the governor is not and has waged an all out battle with the industry. Now, Elon Musk supports DeSantis blocking marijuana legalization. How is will all end up is anyone’s guess.

In 2013, the group United for Care turned in 745,613 of the required 683,149 signatures, to do a ballot initiative for medical marijuana. The state contensted, but the Florida Supreme court allowed it to move forward. It failed with 57.6% of the vote, short the 60% supermajority required for constitutional amendments in Florida.  Nevada casino owner Sheldon Adelson rode to he rescue with $5.5 million to help fund the opposition campaign.

In 2016, a second attempt was made and the initiative was approved on November 8, 2016, with 71.3% of the vote.

Now a new initiative is on the ballot and has pitted Governor Desanits and Elon Musk against the GOP Presidential nominee. DeSantis has had a testy relationship with the GOP leader since the governor’s failed presidential run. But the nominee seems to have a working partnership with Musk and has suggested creating a new role for Musk of Secretary of Cost Cutting.
vote election
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DeSantis has struggled in his fight against the popular plant. He is under fire from leaders in his own state for using state resource to fight against legalization. Also, the group DeSantis has  approved to raise funds to stop cannabis has raised less than $20 million. The pro group has raised over $100 million. But now Musk, the owner of X (formerly Twitter), is riding to DeSantis’s rescue.

Faithful & Strong Policies, Inc., made the $500,000 contribution to Keep Florida Clean, Inc. earlier this month, campaign filings show. Keep Florida Clean. Musk has given the organization $10 million. Musk was also a supporter of the Governor’s campaign.

Polls show the initiative stands a strong chance of hitting the 60% to pass. Being a presidential year with other big issues on the ballot is a help to cannabis, but with fresh cash nd Twitter fighting it, only time with tell how it goes. And it will be interesting to see what happens with the three mega personalities of the Republican Party.

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Kamala Harris’s Evolving Take On Legalizing Cannabis




Presidential candidates relationship with the marijuana industry has involved – now she wants to deliver the winning goal.

The cannabis industry has been nervously waiting for some federal action to let the industry move to the next level. While consumer use is growing and taking a bite out of the alcohol industry, federal resections have put a significant hold on the profitability and growth of cannabis. President’s Biden made a promise to support the industry in 2020, but waited until 2023 to make a move with no noticeable action taking place until 2025. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is making an announcement on rescheduling in the first part of December, after the election. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has leaned in the DEA not to reschedule and made it clear he firmly opposes cannabis. This would go against all precedents as both the Food and Drug Administration and Health and Human Service has said it should be done.

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There will be a new president and a new set of rules in December, and the DEA will be watching the political winds. So what is Kamala’s Harris Take on legalizing cannabis? With almost 90% of the country believing it should be legalized in some forms and groups like the American Medical Association, AARP, and the American College of Physicians supporting it, it is not a hot pototo, except for a few in power.

marijuana legalization
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The latest take is Harris proposed legalizing marijuana nationally for recreational use and ensuring Black entrepreneurs have access to the growing cannabis industry. She made the announcement while in California. She has become the first sitting vice president to encourage legalizing it and has become a public champion. This is more open and aggressive than the current Biden administration’s approach. During a wide-ranging conversation on the podcast “All the Smoke” with former NBA stars Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes, Harris expressed her belief that marijuana should be legalized.

Harris stated, “I believe we have reached a moment where it is crucial to recognize that we need to legalize it and cease the criminalization of this activity.” She emphasized her conviction that individuals “should not face incarceration for using marijuana”

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Harris has been critical of the current federal classification of marijuana. During a White House roundtable, she pointed out the absurdity of cannabis being considered as dangerous as heroin and more dangerous than fentanyl under current law. During her 2020 presidential campaign, she expressed support for marijuana legalization and admitted to having used it herself in the past. This shift from her earlier career as a prosecutor demonstrates a changing perspective on cannabis policy.

The $23+ billion industry is full of mom and pop businesses. Democrats have been traditionally been more of ally to the industry. Republican blocked SAFE Banking for 7 times and then the GOP Speaker coup ended any chance for movement last year. Some marijuana industry leaders don’t have faith in Biden or Harris, but the congressional GOP has not be the support to cannabis and the other party.

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