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The Direct Correlation Between CBDa Use and a Relaxed State of Mind



The Direct Correlation Between CBDa Use and a Relaxed State of Mind

According to a recent poll by the American Psychiatric Association, many Americans are anticipating that 2023 will be a stressful year. The economy, which is rumored to be headed toward a recession, is one factor contributing to a heightened sense of anxiety. Job security is also a concern, as many companies have begun resorting to layoffs as a way of controlling costs. Zooming in, many people also have unique relational and health concerns to add to the stressors happening on a macro level.


To cope with the stress, a growing number of people are turning to CBDa. The parent compound of CBD, CBDa has come to be known as a natural tool for inducing a relaxed state of mind, making it a crucial component of CBD oil for pain, sleep, and anxiety. 


“There is nothing more important than our physical, mental, and emotional wellness,” says Inesa Ponomariovaite, Founder and CEO of Nesas Hemp. “Achieving that wellness gives you the energy to take on life’s challenges and the peace to rest in spite of stress. Good health involves finding balance in every aspect of life, from stress management to nutrition to exercise. CBDa has been shown to play a powerful role in enabling users to achieve that balance.”

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Nesas Hemp is a dominant player in the CBDa hemp oil industry that developed from Inesa’s quest to find an elite product that was 100 percent organic and extracted without chemicals, solvents, or heavy metals. When her search for such a product failed, she decided to create it herself. The result of her work is the first-ever full-spectrum CBDa Hemp Oil.


The correlation between CBDa and stress relief


To understand the potential that CBDa has for stress relief, it is helpful to understand the way in which the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) functions. The ECS plays a central role in empowering homeostasis, which is a state of balance necessary for optimal health. 


“The ECS is a system of receptors found in the brain and body that is commonly known as the body’s master regulatory system,” Inesa explains. “It ensures that the body functions optimally, regulating things like appetite and digestion, temperature, immune function, inflammation, motor control, mood, memory, sleep, and pain and pleasure response. It interacts with nearly all other bodily systems to keep the body in a healthy state of homeostasis.”


To keep the body’s systems in balance, the ECS releases natural endocannabinoids to connect with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. These trigger healthy adjustments, such as regulating the body’s temperature, revving up its immune function, or restoring its calm. Once the adjustments are made, the ECS releases FAAH enzymes to break down the endocannabinoids and end the adjustment.


Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that plays a role in regulating calm in the body. Sometimes known as the “bliss molecule,” anandamide triggers a feeling of happiness that assists the body in dealing with stress. Once balance is achieved by restoring calm, the FAAH enzyme moves in to break down anandamide.


One of the ways that CBDa interacts with the body’s ECS is by inhibiting the FAAH enzyme from breaking down endocannabinoids. In the case of anandamide, CBDa works to allow the “bliss molecule” to have a more pronounced effect. In essence, CBDa allows the body to have a more impactful response to stress, resulting in a more relaxed state of mind.


A holistic approach to stress relief


In addition to extending the effect of anandamide, CBDa provides a variety of other health benefits that can serve to reduce stress. Chronic pain, which can contribute to stress, has been shown to be positively affected by CBD oil. Studies have also indicated that using pure CBD oil can help to improve the quality of sleep.


“Making sure that you are getting enough restorative sleep will provide major benefits for your overall health,” Inesa shares. “When you are sleep deprived, it can lead to a number of conditions, including headaches, mood swings, and weakened immunity. CBDa can help to improve sleep quality by encouraging deeper, more restful sleep. As a result, you wake feeling refreshed, energized, and less stressed.”


Stress left unaddressed can result in serious health consequences. The best options for managing it will leverage the body’s natural systems without causing harmful side effects. CBDa stands as an effective option that naturally promotes overall wellness and a relaxed state of mind.    


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Cannabis Can Help Painful Menstrual Cramps




It can be a miserable time of month – especially for those who suffer extreme pain….but cannabis can help.

It is a fact of life and comes almost like clockwork. Some 60% of woman have mild cramps during their period and about 5% to 15% report period pain that’s so severe that it affects their daily activities. Experts aren’t quite sure why some have more pain others.  Since this is a little research area, some scientist rely on everyone’s body is different. Symptoms include aching, throbbing pain or a feeling of pressure in the abdomen, pain in the hips, lower back and inner thighs along with nausea, dizziness and headaches.  The good news is cannabis can help painful menstrual cramps.


Some simple ways to help reduce the pain is to ensure you have enough rest and avoid caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes. Cannabis is proven to have medical benefits, especially with inflammation and pain relief. Marijuana expands blood vessels which helps reduce cramps, and relieve headaches and other minor pain. It is also fast acting, often quicker than natural or other medicines.

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While edibles and smoking may help, many women are turning to topicals and cannabis suppositories for pain relief. With 50% of the country having access to legal weed, it can be considered a viable option.  While more research needs to be done, anecdotal data indicts it can help and quickly.

Suppositories or cannabis tampons can provide quick pain relief. They take around 15 minutes to work, and directly affect the pelvis muscles and uterus, relaxing the insides and reducing tension. Best to use them right before bed or when you’re going to be laying down for a while. Relax, and be sure to wear something for the sake of your underwear.

Another way is cannabis bath salts. An effective way to combat pain and period cramps is relaxation, which can be facilitated with a nice long bath and some fancy bath salts.  They can provide relief for up to 5 hours but might leave you a little loopy afterwards.

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A cannabis balm can be used anywhere on the body, including the the site of the cramps.  It is an analgesic, so if the cramps are particularly powerful, add a spoonful of the balm to the insides of your vagina and let it melt. Do this when you have time to let the balm do it’s work.

Studies have shown can also lift moods, and more than just temporarily.  Marijuana can also help minimize mood swings and bring overall mood stability. Cannabis can aid in the regulation of our brain’s neurotransmitters which can help us get better control of our emotions.

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CBD Edibles: Know Best Ways Of Consumption




CBD Edibles: Know Best Ways Of Consumption

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a hugely popular chemical compound that you can derive from marijuana or hemp plants. Cannabidiol edibles are regarded as ingestible forms of CBD.

The good thing is you can infuse cannabidiol into gummies, mint, or a beverage like some consumable products or CBD tea. When people ingest CBD, it breaks down before entering their bloodstream. This way, people absorb vital vitamins via food as well as nutritional supplements. However, after cannabidiol enters a person’s body, it starts working to support his ECS directly. 


What does research say?


According to research, it has been discovered that cannabidiol plays a pivotal role in extending the endurance of endocannabinoids because cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are molecularly similar. Hence, you can assume cannabidiol edibles to be similar to bite-sized endocannabinoid mechanics. When you consume a cannabidiol gummy, you send endocannabinoid workers to your ECS, and it works to make everything smooth and fine. This way, people enjoy the benefits of fully functioning ECSs.  

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Kinds of cannabidiol edibles


The market is flooded with cannabidiol edibles, and new kinds of CBD edibles continue to evolve as well as change. Some common kinds of CBD edibles are CBD mints, energy cannabidiol drinks, CBD oil that people use in cooking, and CBD gummies. If you want to buy the latest CBD edibles, you need to keep a constant eye on the CBD products guide. This way, you will come across many iterations of these edibles. 


The ideal dosage


Beginners who have started taking cannabidiol should begin with a smaller dosage of CBD. This way, they will be familiar with this product, and after some time, they can escalate their dosage. If you buy one pack of CBD gummies, you will find 500 milligrams of CBD. Nonetheless, the suggested serving size may be 20 to 25 mg. According to some wellness experts, people should cut a mint or gummy in half and wait for close to a couple of hours before they consume more. 


A person’s body takes nearly ninety minutes to break down cannabidiol edibles as well as absorb the components into his bloodstream. Hence, you should take your time. Additionally, you should keep a close watch on your body. This way, you will come to know about the best CBD edible and dosage that will work wonders for you. CBD gummies are considered to be a discreet way to take cannabidiol. The remarkable thing is people find lots of cannabidiol gummies, like truffles and mints, that shield the weedy taste of cannabidiol.  


The verdict


With time, the usage of CBD edibles is becoming hugely prevalent. Hence, the consumer demand too is increasing with each passing day. However, you need to find beneficial and healthy CBD edibles, and for this, you need to put in your efforts and time. When you do a little research, you will come across superior-quality CBD edibles present in the cannabidiol market. Before you buy the best edibles go through the label and know its meaning.

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Marijuana Gummies Can Make Weddings Easier




The term Bridezilla started in the mid 90s and, by now, many people have seen the unfortunate cross between a bride and Godzilla in person. TicTok, Redditt and other social media are full of horror stories. And the newer phrase in the Mozilla who wants to recreate the event in her image. And this isn’t to mention other drama which can wrap around the event. According to a bride’s study, 71% believe planning a wedding is more stressful than finding a new job.  Maybe marijuana gummies can make weddings easier?

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Most brides and some grooms have a a concept of their ideal day, and the want the whole event to be perfect. Unfortunately, rarely is anything perfect and you have to roll with mishaps and be in the moment. It also involves, for most people who don’t handle complex events or tasks, a large amount of decisions, energy, and money. It can be overwhelming and not everyone can rise above with a gracious outlook. Low dosages of marijuana can help reduce the “heat” of the process.

A key reason marijuana gummies can help is it can reduce the anxiety. With gummies you can have a low dosage and slow roll so you can be productive, focused and calm while dealing with details, decisions, the wedding party and potential in-laws. THC bring a soothing calm by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system induces a “fight-or-flight” response during stressful situations.  Somewhere around 2.5-5 mg during the process can make months or weeks of planning bearable, even if others are not.

Additionally, it is far better for your body (and maintaining a wedding photo body, than alcohol).  If unfamiliar with cannabis, it is much less addictive than alcohol, And alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal.

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There are thousands of stories about weddings which went wrong due to over stressed wedding party members.  A little gummy can keep make the planning stage easier and the day of the event much more calm and way more fun.


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