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a new frontier in Cannabis concentrates



As the world of cannabis continues to evolve, new forms of concentrates are emerging on the market, each with its unique properties and benefits. One such concentrate that has been making waves in recent years is live rosin.

Live rosin is a solventless extract made using fresh, frozen cannabis flowers, extracted using heat and pressure, offering a more natural and flavorful product compared to other concentrates. But what exactly is live rosin, and what makes it the new frontier in cannabis concentrates?

This article will help you dive deep into the world of live rosin, exploring its benefits, discussing the different methods of using it, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned concentrate consumer or a curious cannabis beginner. Keep reading to discover what makes live rosin such an exciting new frontier in the world of cannabis concentrates.

Live rosin is a relatively new form of cannabis concentrate quickly becoming a favorite among cannabis aficionados. The extraction method used to create live rosin is entirely free of any solvents, which are often included in other forms of cannabis concentrates.

The concentrate is made using fresh, frozen cannabis flowers, and then applying heat and pressure to extract the resin. Because of this extraction process, the flavor profile of the live rosin is more robust and natural, without the harshness of residual solvents.

Live Rosin Versus Other Cannabis Concentrates

Live rosin is a newer form of cannabis concentrate that has gained immense popularity in recent years. Compared to other types of cannabis concentrates, live rosin has several unique features, including:

  • Solventless Extraction
  • Preserved Terpene Profile
  • Safer and healthier choice
  • High potency up to 70% THC content
  • Live rosin can be consumed in various ways, such as dabbing, smoking, vaping, adding to edibles, and more!

While other types of cannabis concentrates, such as shatter, wax, and budder, offer their own unique characteristics, live rosin stands apart due to its solventless extraction method, preserved terpene profile, and overall purity.

Live Rosin VS Live Resin

Live rosin and live resin are both cannabis concentrates that involve minimal processing and contain a high terpene content. Both are known for their pure, potent effects. While live rosin does not use solvents in its production process, live resin does, meaning that it has the potential to contain contaminants.

The potency of live rosin is generally slightly lower than that of live resin but the effects tend to be more immediate. Furthermore, because it undergoes less processing, live rosin tends to preserve more of the flavor and aroma of the original flower than live resin.

Live Rosin VS Shatter

Shatter is a type of cannabis concentrate made through solvent extraction methods, giving it slightly higher potency levels than live rosin but also introducing some contaminants into the final product.

Unlike live rosin, shatter is usually much harder than that of live rosin, making it more difficult to work with. In terms of flavor and aroma, shatter tends to retain fewer terpenes than live rosin, making it slightly less flavorful and aromatic.

Live Rosin VS Wax

Wax is usually created using solvents, while live rosin does not use any solvents in its production process, so there is less risk of contaminants in live rosin. Both products usually have a high potency level but the effects of live rosin tend to be more immediate because it undergoes less processing.

Furthermore, live rosin tends to preserve more of the flavor and aroma of the original flower than wax due to its minimal processing.

Live Rosin VS Budder

Live rosin and budder are both cannabis concentrates that involve a solvent extraction process. Both products usually have a high potency level but the consistency of budder is much softer than that of live rosin, making it easier to work with. Budder tends to retain more terpenes than live rosin, making it more flavorful and aromatic. However, live rosin offers fast-acting effects due to its minimal processing.

Benefits of Using Live Rosin

The use of live rosin over other forms of cannabis concentrates is advantageous in several ways, such as:


Another reason why most cannabis users prefer live rosin over other cannabis concentrates is because of its purity. It means that live rosin is free from any solvents that can be found in other cannabis concentrates. Without the use of those solvents, live rosin was able to retain its tastes, quality, and authentic concentration of essential oils and terpenes, offering unique effects to its users.

Potency Level

If you are a beginner, you may not be able to appreciate it but live rosin is known to have quite a strong potency level that often amazes many cannabis users. On average, live rosin contains up to 70% THC levels and in some cases, depending on the extraction process, others may contain more than 70% THC levels.

With that, you can enjoy its beneficial compounds that when working together offer enhanced therapeutic effects that others with low potency levels do not offer.


Live rosin provides an additional benefit to its users in terms of heightened flavor and aroma. This is because, unlike other concentrates, live rosin is produced with freshly harvested cannabis flowers.

Following collection, the flowers are promptly frozen, preserving not just their potency, but also their natural scent, aroma, and taste. This method of extraction ensures a more authentic concentrate that provides a well-rounded and high-quality cannabis experience.


Another reason why so many cannabis users are intrigued with live rosin is because of its unique attributes and flexibility. It offers a unique combination of distinct taste and aroma that no other cannabis concentrates can match.

Depending on your preference, you may also enjoy it however you want. Whether you prefer smoking, dabbing, vaping, or adding live rosin to your foods or drinks, it is so convenient and easy to consume!


Live rosin is made using a solventless extraction process. Thus, it is considered one of the safest forms of cannabis concentrate available. It doesn’t contain any residual solvents, which can be harmful to the consumer.

Methods of Using Live Rosin

There are a variety of methods that can be used to consume live rosin. Here are some of the ways you can enjoy it:


This is one of the most popular ways to enjoy live rosin. To do this, a small amount of live rosin is placed on a heated surface called a dab rig. Тhe device heаts thе live rosin tо a high tеmpеraturе, whiсh vaрorizes thе сonсentrate, сreating an inhalable vаpor. This vаpor is thеn drawn through a mоuthpiece attached tо thе rig.

Dabbing is much preferred by many cannabis users because it offers immediate effects, allowing you to enjoy its therapeutic and intense aroma as soon as you start dabbing. This method also allows you to enjoy its authentic flavor and let it lasts longer in your system.


Another common method of enjoying live rosin is vaping. You do this by using a tool like a vaping pen so you can use it discreetly anytime and anywhere. This is perfect for those who want to enjoy the effects of live rosin in a subtle way while still enjoying its intense benefits.

Unlike other methods, vaping is much more convenient, flexible, and easy to do. Compared with dabbing, vaping your live rosin allows you to inhale the vaporized air directly from the mouthpiece without the use of a dab rig.

Add in your foods or drinks

You may also consume live rosin by adding those cannabis concentrates directly to your foods or drinks. If you love to bake and prefer cookies, you may consume them as edibles.

To make live rosin edibles, the concentrate must first be decarboxylated, a process where heat is applied to activate the THC in the concentrate. Once decarboxylated, the live rosin can be added to various recipes or prepared dishes such as gummies, brownies, or other baked goods.


Smoking is one of the oldest ways to enjoy cannabis, including live rosin. It is a popular choice by many because it is more convenient, easy to do, cheaper choice, and offers quicker effects. However, modern cannabis users have figured that consuming cannabis through this method also comes with a price. Smoking is not healthy as various studies confirmed it carries many health-associated risks.

More Tips on How to Properly Store Your Live Rosin

Proper storage is crucial when it comes to maintaining the potency, flavor, and quality of live rosin. Whether you’re storing it for a short or long period, there are certain precautions that you can take to ensure that your live rosin remains fresh and potent. In this section, we will explore some tips for storing live rosin that can help preserve its freshness, flavor, and potency for extended periods.

For Short Term Storing

When it comes to storing live rosin for a short period, the ideal storage conditions are a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Here are some tips for short-term storing:

  1. Keep it in a cool place: Live rosin should be stored in a cool place, ideally below room temperature. Keeping it in the fridge can help maintain its potency and prevent degradation.
  2. Keep away from light: Light can degrade the potency and flavor of live rosin, so keeping it in an opaque container, stored away from direct sunlight is essential.
  3. Keep airtight: Storing live rosin in an airtight container, such as a glass jar, can help to maintain its freshness, aroma, and potency.
  4. Avoid exposure to air: Air can cause live rosin to dry out, lose potency, and degrade. Make sure that the container used for storage is appropriately sealed, and avoid opening it unless necessary.

For Long Term Storing

When you plan to store live rosin for an extended time, understand that improper ways can affect its potency, flavor, and authenticity. That is why it is imperative to take note of some of these tips:

  1. Cold Storage: Remember how live rosins are made and processed when you opt to store them for a long time. Ensure that the storage place will have a temperature of at least -40°F to 0°F.
  2. Store in an opaque container: Live rosin should be stored in an opaque container to avoid exposure to light, which can degrade its potency and flavor.
  3. Consider vacuum sealing: Vacuum sealing live rosin can help to extend its shelf life and preserve its potency and flavor. Make sure to use a vacuum sealer specially designed for cannabis concentrates.

Conclusion: Is Live Rosin a Worth It Choice?

If you are still new to cannabis, finding your preference comes first. It is also imperative to understand the basics of cannabis concentrates such as live rosin if you want to try it out. Whether it is a worthy choice or not, all depends on individual tastes, preferences, and desired effects.

It is also imperative to understand how you should consume it and the different ways you can enjoy live rosin. With that, you will know how to properly use it and control the dose as deemed fit!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any side effects when using live rosin?

All cannabis concentrates taken beyond your limitations and tolerable dosage is harmful to your health. That is why it is always imperative to only consume them in moderation. For those who are taking live rosin for health purposes, it is best to always consult your healthcare professional first for advice.

How much does it cost?

The cost of live rosin can vary depending on where you buy it from and the potency of the product. Generally speaking, the prices tend to be on par with other cannabis concentrates like wax or budder.

Is live rosin worth it?

Live rosin offers many benefits such as minimal processing and faster-acting effects than other concentrates. Additionally, although it is generally more expensive than other options, its quality makes it worth the investment for many consumers.

Disclaimer: This content is meant for educational purposes only. It has been compiled with research from external sources. it is not meant to substitute any medical or legal advice. Please see your local laws for the legality of cannabis use.

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Effective Mold Management for Cannabis Plants




If you have tried to cultivate weed plants, you know how moldy cannabis plants can be devastating. To many people, this is the worst experience that will make them lose hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Nonetheless,you can learn how to deal with mold on cannabis plants,which will give you some peace of mind. To deal with the problem, you must know what mold on cannabis plants looks like. After knowing what mold on cannabis plants looks like, you will be able to deal with it.

First, we will identify the different types of mold. Followed by a thorough list of what to do if that happens to your beloved plant. And also how to prevent it.

Different types of marijuana mold

Growing cannabis comes with many obstacles, none of which are more common or irritating than mold. Mold is as harmful as it is annoying, as well as being a bit tricky to treat. So here’s a little advice on how to identify and prevent it from happening to you:

There are a couple of different types of mold that could potentially invade your cannabis garden. However, there are two common ones: powdery mildew and botrytis, the latter being essentially bud rot.

Botrytis is pretty hard to identify because it is only visible at the base of the stem. However, eventually, some small leaves will begin to wither and dry out, which is a surefire sign that your bud is suffering.

If you see some of your plant’s leaves drying up, look a little closer, and you might find some slightly furry details. Fluff can potentially begin to grow on the leaves of your treasured plant that is blue or white, which is pretty harmless if treated straight away. However, if you allow botrytis to advance, you might notice tiny black dots appearing in the mold. These are spores, and they spread like crazy, so don’t breathe them in!

Powdery mildew is another prevalent type of plant mold and can be observed to look exactly as its name suggests. Powdery mildew is a white, dusty substance that lies on the surface of plant leaves and inhibits photosynthesis, which is your plant’s way of making food using light. Eventually, if your plants are suffering from this condition, their leaves will shrivel up and die, so it is best to prevent powdery mildew from occurring in the first place.But how do you do that?

How to deal with mold on weed plants

As mentioned in the beginning, the worst part of cannabis plant cultivation is a mold invasion, which does not seem to go away easily when it settles on the plant. But here are simple and ingenious ways to deal with mold:

1. Pull aside withered plant buds

Whenever you spot a withering cannabis bud, it is a sign that mold has invaded the plant. Instead of wasting time, gently pull off the bud. If you get rid of that, chances are high that you’ll save the rest of the planet.

2. Chop off the affected leaves

Just as you would do to the affected bud if you suspect that a part of the cannabis leaf has been affected, it’s better to chop it off. It is advisableto remove all the affected leaves and buds of the infected plant instead of waiting for the mold to spread to all the other cannabis plants.

3. Ensure there is proper airflow

One of the most significant contributors and facilitators of mold on marijuana plants is the lack of proper airflow to the plant. To ensure mold does not invade your plants, ensure adequate airflow to the crops.

4. Inspect the humidity

The amount of heat and air in your land is crucial to taming mold on cannabis plants. Although this might be difficult for those who grow cannabis outside, it is still essential to check the humidity levels.

5. Ensure consistent climate on plants

The issue of ensuring a consistent climate for marijuana plants is complicated, especially if you grow your plants in an open field. For those who cultivate cannabis from an enclosed area, it is more comfortable. You can use dehumidifiers and fans to regulate the internal climate around your crops.

6. Control the temperature

Like any other crop, the cannabis plant and environment temperature are key to preventing mold on cannabis plants. To keep the temperature around your crops consistent, use available temperature control devices that will keep it at normal ranges while ensuring high airflow but keeping humidity at bay.

7. Water and feed your plants well

You may think that watering and feeding your crops do not have any relationship with preventing or dealing with mold on cannabis plants, but it certainly does. A healthy cannabis plant can more easily resist mold invasion than an unhealthy and poorly watered and fed plant.

8. Space your cannabis plants

As it were, mold can invade your plants when congested. Again, it boils down to a lack of sufficient airflow. You need to ensure adequate space among your plants to prevent congestion, where mold thrives.

9. Prune your cannabis plants

Again, the aim of pruning your cannabis plants is to ensure your plants have enough airflow, which in time will drive mold away from your cannabis plants.

How to get rid of mold on buds 

To begin with, never smoke moldy buds. It’s hazardous! If mold appears on your buds, it can ruin months of total dedication and hard work. Unfortunately, preventing mold spores from moving into the buds is challenging. That’s because these spores are found literary everywhere, even in the air that we breathe! 

But that doesn’t mean mold spores can survive in all conditions. Hence, you can manipulate the conditions in your curing area to address this issue and keep off mold on the buds.

1. Drying the buds properly

Once you have harvested your mature buds, you must dry them thoroughly. Properly dried buds should be firm when touched. They should not crumble or feel moist or soft on the touch. This means that they haven’t dried well and can potentially develop mold. There’s only one solution to this issue, and that is drying the buds completely!

2. Burping the jars during the curing phase 

Drying involves putting your dry buds in an airtight jar and storing them in a dark location. Moisture can be released from the buds and stems and eventually seep into the air and other buds. This moisture puts the buds at risk of mold formation during curing. The one way to address this issue is to ‘burp out the excess moisture. 

Typically, you should burp out curing buds 2-4 times per day at the beginning of the curing process and less frequently as the humidity drops. To keep off mold, you must pay keen attention to details daily. Should there be any signs of mold on your buds, you must remove the moldy buds immediately and discard them!

3. Using a hygrometer and a dehumidifier

When curing your buds, you should ensure a humidity level of between 55%-62%. You will use the hygrometer to measure the relative humidity in your curing jars, and should it exceed the said limits, you’ll use the dehumidifier to lower it.

What to do in the case of botrytis

The best measures to prevent both types of mold – as mentioned at the beginning of the article – are to check your plants regularly and ensure they receive everything they need to grow correctly. However, preventative measures won’t help people who are struggling with mold issues at the moment. So what to do?

In the case of botrytis, the only option you have is to use chemical sprays to combat the mold’s effects. You can purchase sprays to rid you grow of bud rot at pretty much any garden store. Another thing you can try is moving your infected plants to a warmer area with low humidity. This will stop the disease from spreading.

What to do with powdery mildew?

With powdery mildew, some natural remedies have been tried and tested. To combat this mold, add two teaspoons of cider vinegar to one liter of water and spray it over your plants. This should do the trick. Another method is to mix 60% milk and 40% water and spray them on them, which should also work some magic.

Overall, mold is a nasty, plant-killing culprit that has to be stopped, though luckily, there are plenty of ways to get rid of it before it damages your plants too much. Preventative measures are the best course of action to take, but it is nice to know that more can be done if conditions worsen.

Good luck!

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Effective Cannabis Seed Germination with Peat & Jiffy Pellets Guide




Position your container

The immediate step of using the jiffy pellets is putting the pellets in a container. In addition, you can acquire the jiffy pellet tray in the market instead of a container. Make sure that the pellets do not overlap, and that you leave room for water retention.

Water the pellets

You then water the pellets by either using distilled or tap water. When using tap water, remember it may have chlorine which is toxic to the well-being of your cannabis plant since it can cause it to dry. To save on the cost of buying distilled water, you can disperse the chlorine by pouring tap water and giving it time to dissolve.

Plant the cannabis seedlings 

Place the cannabis seeds in the middle of the pellets that have enlarged. Note that you should not put the seeds too deep since they might not germinate.

Cover the seeds

Covering the cannabis seeds is meant to ensure that no moisture is lost. The jiffy pellets come with a plastic cover that offers the best covering features. In case you do not have the jiffy pellet cover, go for plastic wrap.
After planting and covering the cannabis seeds, you will need to water them for at least seven days. Also, avoid dropping water from the top of the plant, or else you will interfere with the germination process.


When the cannabis seeds have already germinated, it is time to transplant them into another growth medium where you want them to grow into mature plants for harvest. At this stage, you should be extremely careful not to interfere with the plant’s delicate roots.

To avoid risking your cannabis seedlings, you can opt to use tweezers to handle the seeds. This will also help prevent you from touching any form of oil that may damage your fingers. Make a hole in the growing medium about one to two centimeters deep.

Ensure that the soil remains moist, and the seeds are also in the correct temperature range. This is an essential factor that you should remember to prevent the seedling from using too much energy to develop the stem and the fast leaves

Note that during the transplant stage, the seed requires a lot of light. There are different types of lights you can acquire for your cannabis seedlings. With the development of technology, there are numerous artificial lights that you can use.

The best lights for seedlings are fluorescent lights and LED light bars. According to the cannabis cultivators, the veg/clone bars, courtesy of Secret Jardin are the most ideal, unless you want to use them to cover a huge space.

If you have a large area to cover, then the plant LED grow light is the best option that can cater to your needs. Let’s shed some light on different types of LED lights.

The LED grow for cannabis seedlings

The AIS-led GROW LIGHT has proven to be the best light for cannabis seedlings. This type of light was explicitly designed for cannabis seedlings. However, it also has drawbacks since it is meant to cover an approximate area of about two by four feet. Note that if you have relatively few seedlings, this type of light will be overkill for them.

On the other hand, the LED bars are said to be the best when it comes to starting seeds, and you don’t have many seeds that cover an area of two by four feet. The bars are relatively cheap, and they produce enough light that benefits the cannabis seedlings.

MH/HPS for cannbis seedlings

If you have the MH or HPS light, then you have an excellent opportunity of placing your cannabis seedlings under it. Note that these types of lights are relatively expensive; if you cannot access them, you do better to go for fluorescent lights or LED.

These lights are extremely important, especially for cannabis cultivators who place their cannabis seeds in the same place from germination to harvest. According to cannabis cultivators, the Metal halide light works better for seedlings compared to the HPS light because the seedlings require a cool blue light more so than red.

When do you put the cannabis seedlings under the HPS/MH light? You are advised to turn on the lights after the cannabis seeds have germinated and they are already in a growing medium or soil. Note that even when the cannabis seeds are still in the soil, the light’s heat will enable the plant to make its way out.

To wrap up

The germination of cannabis seeds depends on a wide variety of factors and conditions. How your marijuana seeds germinate can significantly influence what you will harvest when the plants reach maturity. This is why as a cannabis grower you need to observe how your marijuana seeds germinate. For easy-to-germinate seeds, visit our seed table.

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Strict Regulations & Potential Changes




By: Juan Sebastian Chaves Gil

In Russia, it is prohibited to possess, sell, or cultivate cannabis, and the country holds the highest number of people incarcerated for drug-related offenses in Europe on a per capita basis, primarily under Article 228. Despite this strict stance, there are signs of potential legal modifications, as the importation of cannabis for medical research is being considered. Russian legislation on cannabis prohibits both possession and consumption under Article 228 of the national Penal Code, with penalties including fines and imprisonment.

Although sentences may have been deferred since 2012 for those deemed to have drug problems, possession of more than six grams is considered a criminal offense. Authorities have often been accused of exaggerating the quantities of seized cannabis to justify arrests.

Penalties may include significant fines, forced labor, corrective labor, and deprivation of liberty. However, there is the possibility of avoiding punishment if the individual cooperates with authorities in combating drug trafficking.

Although possession and consumption of cannabis are common in Russia, the legal consequences are severe, with a minimal acquittal rate and most convicted individuals facing long prison sentences. Despite this, the estimated number of drug users in the country is considerably high.

Cannabis Commercialization in Russia:

In Russia, the commercialization of cannabis is prohibited and constitutes a serious offense, with severe legal consequences. Individuals caught selling this substance or any other drug face prison sentences ranging from four to eight years, with possible additional restrictions on liberty for up to one year.

Penalties are even more severe for large-scale sales or involvement in a criminal network, with sentences ranging from five to twelve years, usually accompanied by considerable fines, which could reach 500,000 rubles or the equivalent of three years’ salary.

In cases of distribution on a very large scale, in collaboration with criminal organizations, or if sales are conducted through an official position, sentences can be even longer, up to twenty years in prison. Additionally, there is the possibility of losing the right to certain jobs or activities, along with fines of up to one million rubles or five years’ salary.

Despite these punitive measures, drug trafficking remains a challenge in Russia, with estimates suggesting significant annual profits for the drug trafficking industry. Lack of employment sometimes forces Russian citizens to resort to drug selling as a means of livelihood, as mentioned by a trafficker in an interview with the Moscow Times.

Regarding the cultivation of cannabis, it is also prohibited in Russia, with penalties similar to those for sales. Even those cultivating small amounts of plants face the risk of being sentenced to long prison terms.

However, in June 2019, a bill was introduced that could relax this regulation by allowing the cultivation of cannabis for pharmaceutical purposes, but it is still pending approval by the Federation Council and the signature of President Vladimir Putin to take effect. If approved, state-owned companies could obtain special licenses for the sale of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

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