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Fear to the face: The science of cannabis and scary things



Leafly’s Dr. Nick Jikomes explains why weed gives some people The Fear—and why it’s sometimes beneficial to face it.

Hip surgeries are painful. Patients require potent pain medication afterwards, often for extended periods. Some years ago, a woman named Jo Cameron had hip surgery but responded in a strange way: she reported a lack of pain, saying she didn’t need pain meds. Researchers were intrigued. They studied her personality and emotional processing. In addition to never having been bothered by pain, she received very low scores on measures of anxiety and said she had never really been afraid. Jo was an abnormally carefree, emotionally resilient person.

Scientists dug deeper. They discovered a peculiar mutation in her genome: a chunk of DNA overlapping the gene for an enzyme called “FAAH” (fatty-acid amide hydrolase) was missing. FAAH breaks down anandamide, one of the body’s major endocannabinoids. With lower levels of FAAH, Jo had higher levels of anandamide–more than twice as much as the average person. Her relative inability to feel pain, fear, or anxiety seemed to be linked to her unusually high levels of anandamide.

Here’s a clip from a conversation I had with Dr. Matthew Hill, a neuroscientist involved in studying Jo Cameron, describing her case in more detail:

Pain, fear, and anxiety: What are they?

Entire books have been written about what emotions are and how they relate to the brain. Here’s how I think about it: at any given moment, your brain is generating an emotional state. There are many types. Each emotional state corresponds to a set of complex, dynamic patterns of neural activity across the brain. Each of these brain states entails (1) a specific type of feeling, and (2) a propensity to move the body in certain ways. 

When you’re feeling “cozy,” you have a high propensity to move your body to the couch, curl up under a blanket, and sit still. You have a low propensity for running a marathon. The emotions you feel are a way for your brain to motivate you to behave in certain ways. When you feel hungry, you are motivated to find and eat food, which then makes this uncomfortable feeling disappear. You are less motivated to keep working, read a book, or act friendly (you get “hangry”). Doing those things is not associated with making the feeling of hunger dissipate. 

To learn more about how neuroscientists are unraveling the relationship between brain states, emotions and behavior, check out my conversation with Dr. David Anderson:

So, what are pain, fear, and anxiety? I think of them as patterns of feelings corresponding to certain patterns of electrochemical activity in the brain, each of which favors a specific set of behaviors. Let’s consider them one at a time.

When you poke your finger with a pin, two things happen: you experience a painful sensation and execute an avoidance behavior. Painful stimuli are things that may cause tissue damage to your body. The painful sensations they induce motivate you to move your body away from the perceived cause of those sensations. When poked with something sharp, you reflexively withdraw your hand away from that object. The amount of time your pain lingers is proportional to the amount of tissue damage done. A quick pinprick hurts for seconds, then subsides. Third-degree burns hurt a lot, for a long time. 

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Apart from people like Jo Cameron, we’ve all felt afraid. Fear is an emotional state motivating us to avoid things that might cause physical pain. You’re hiking in the woods. You see a bear and feel scared. This feeling boosts the probability of behaving in certain ways, such as freezing in place (to avoid detection) or running in the opposite direction (to move away from danger). Being afraid of the bear does not motivate you to walk closer and start petting it. When our emotional systems are working appropriately, fear motivates us to avoid real danger.

Feeling inappropriate fear is when our brains motivate us to avoid things that won’t actually cause harm. Think of an irrational phobia, or the generalization of fear to inappropriate contexts. The latter is what you see with things like PTSD—a high intensity emotional experience that causes the brain to rewire itself in a way that now makes you afraid of any loud booming noise, even those that are harmless. Extremely intense emotional experiences (traumas) can cause the brain to generalize or “overlearn” associations between the environment and its emotional states. Treating conditions like PTSD essentially requires unlearning. In behavioral neuroscience, this type of unlearning is called “fear extinction” (more on that below).

Anxiety is related to fear, but different. Fear is directed at a specific, known stimulus (e.g. the bear you see). Anxiety is more general and anticipatory (“I might see something scary on my hike”). We are typically afraid of potentially pain-inducing things that we currently sense and anxious about things that might be scary in the future. Fear motivates us to avoid things we perceive right now. Anxiety motivates us to avoid coming into contact with things that might be painful, later.

Jo Cameron, the woman with high levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide, felt abnormally low levels of pain, fear, and anxiety. Intuitively, we all know these feelings are linked. Jo Cameron wasn’t bothered by them. While this had the benefit of keeping her in perpetual good spirits, she also had trouble learning to avoid things that actually caused her harm (see this conversation for examples). 

Endocannabinoids, fear memories, and anxiety

Animals naturally learn by association. If an arbitrary stimulus, such as a beep, is paired with a painful outcome, such as a shock, animals quickly learn to associate the shock with the beep. They will then attempt to avoid the shock when they hear the beep by engaging in avoidance behavior. This is a “fear memory.” If the same animal then repeatedly hears the same beep but the shock is removed from the equation, it will pretty quickly stop caring about the beep. The beep-shock association is suppressed. This is “fear extinction.” Endocannabinoids are involved in various aspects of emotional processing, including the phenomenon of fear extinction.

Animals need to quickly and flexibly make and break emotional associations, especially if they live in a dynamic environment with lots of change. If something that used to be dangerous no longer is, you want your fear and avoidance of it to go away, too. When fear memories fail to “extinguish,” we remain afraid of things that no longer pose a threat. When fear memories are “too strong,” they can trigger persistent states of anxiety. When emotional experiences with fear-inducing stimuli are especially intense, we can form associations that induce fear and anxiety to harmless stimuli or in inappropriate contexts. You can think of something like PTSD as the over-generalization of fearful associations and the failure of fear extinction to take place.


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Endocannabinoids like anandamide play an important role in the process of forming and forgetting emotional associations. In general, higher anandamide levels are associated with lower anxiety levels. Anandamide also tends to boost fear extinction (weakening fear memories). Recall Jo Cameron: her anandamide levels were so high that she essentially couldn’t form strong fear memories in the first place, always exhibiting a carefree, low-anxiety attitude. 

Because endocannabinoids are an important part of the way our brains naturally regulate emotional memories and behaviors, it makes sense that plant cannabinoids like THC would be able to affect these very same things. 

Anandamide, THC, and anxiety

One of the most common side effects of THC, especially when it’s consumed at high doses, is paranoia–you become anxious or fearful that something bad might happen. THC’s psychoactive effects come from its ability to activate CB1 receptors in the brain, similar to anandamide. But if high levels of anandamide decrease anxiety, why would high levels of THC increase anxiety?

Endocannabinoids like anandamide are produced and used on-demand, exactly when and where they are needed. The body does not produce a whole bunch of it and send it everywhere. As a result, natural anandamide release produces a very different pattern of CB1 receptor activation compared to THC consumption. The body naturally restricts CB1 receptor activation by anandamide with pin-point accuracy, releasing anandamide at very specific locations, briefly.

Instead of giving up or freaking out the next time you feel afraid (or anxious after too much THC), see if you can endure.

When you consume THC it gets into your bloodstream and more-or-less goes everywhere. THC molecules activate CB1 receptors all over the brain, at the same time. This is why we don’t walk around feeling stoned all day even though we have a “THC-like” molecule in our brain. It’s also related to why THC can produce different and even opposite effects at low versus high doses (the “biphasic effect”).

Even though THC gets into the bloodstream and goes “everywhere,” the biology is more complicated than that. With a relatively low dose of THC, some parts of the brain, “deeper” inside, might not see as much THC as others. Different brain regions also have different densities of CB1 receptors, which can effectively make some regions more THC-sensitive than others. For these types of reasons, different doses of THC can affect different groups of neurons in different parts of the brain. At a relatively low dose, one set of brain cells is primarily affected. At a much higher dose, those same cells are affected and a bunch of other neurons may also get stimulated–neurons that weren’t affected much by the lower dose. 


8 ways to sober up from being too high from weed

The end result is that a very different pattern of activity, and therefore a different emotional state, can emerge across the brain at low versus high doses of THC. This is why you can have the opposite emotional experience in response to the same drug. With THC, lessened anxiety is associated with lower doses, while higher doses are more likely to trigger anxiety and paranoia. 

The exact dose these things happen at depends on your individual biology, such as the natural density of CB1 receptors across your brain and your tolerance level. Your recent history of THC use will directly affect how many CB1 receptors are expressed in different parts of your brain. That’s why there’s no one-size-fits-all dosing chart available that will tell you exactly how you can expect to feel from THC consumption. 

Cannabinoids and the value of pain, fear, and anxiety

Pain, fear, and anxiety are generally experienced as negative emotions. We don’t like the way they feel. But bad feelings do us a lot of good. Without them, we wouldn’t be motivated to learn how to avoid the things in life that cause real harm. People with rare genetic conditions preventing them from feeling any pain tend to have shorter lifespans. They may not have to suffer through the painful sensations the rest of us do, but they also fail to learn and avoid what harms them. They might stand up and walk on a broken leg, or stick their hand in boiling water to grab a utensil. 

We can also learn to overcome negative emotions like pain, fear, and anxiety. We can even learn to like them. The burning sensation of lactic buildup in your muscles can be very uncomfortable, but many learn to tolerate and even enjoy those sensations as part of their fitness routine. Because negative emotions often come bundled with excitement (physiological arousal), we often learn to seek them out within safe contexts. We voluntarily watch scary movies because we know we aren’t actually in danger. In that context, fear is exciting rather than debilitating; anxiety is felt as suspense rather than suffering. 

Many of the world’s most influential spiritual and philosophical traditions teach that life is nothing more than pain and suffering. Learning what these negative emotions have to teach, and enduring, is what it’s all about. Cannabinoids are just one of the important biological mediators of how our emotions and behaviors intermingle as we experience life. Instead of giving up or freaking out the next time you feel afraid (or anxious after too much THC), see if you can endure. Learn the lessons your emotions are meant to teach.

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Does Francis Ford Coppola Consume Weed




His talent created Apocalypse Now, the Godfather movies and now Megalopolis – but does he consume marijuana?

He is a legend in the film industry and directed Apocalypse Now and the Godfather. He burst on onto the scene in the 1960s and 70s and brought in a new generation of movies. Known as one of the greatest directors of all time, he also went on to make a name in the wine industry. Displayed at one of the wineries are some of his five Academy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, two Palmes d’Or, and his British Academy Film Award (BAFTA). With all the creativity and pressure, does Francis Ford Coppola consume weed?

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The 60s and 70s were when weed came out of the closet and from New York to LA creatives, artists, celebrities and every day people tried a little. “Turn on, tune in, drop out” was the counterculture-era phrase popularized by Timothy Leary in 1966. The talented director was able to reflect the past and embrace the new with his film.  It was one of his early successes, Apocalypse Now, which  marijuana burst into the open. There are great clips of Dennis Hopper stoned on set.

Megalopolis could be the last major project film for the director, and it has taken him 40 years to get it made.  His unique approach is again make headlines with the team sharing he has spent hours on end smoking plenty of cannabis while everybody waited.

“I never took any drugs in my life at all except for some grass,” Coppola said. “I found that the effect that the grass would have on me is interesting. One, it would make me extremely focused, so if I was trying to evaluate a script or write a script, I wasn’t thinking of all the things where my feelings were hurt about this or I was worried about that.”

He added, “I’m sure grass affects different people in different ways. For me, I tended to be very focused. If I smoked a joint, I couldn’t fall asleep. I’d want to work. And often, I stayed up all night trying to rewrite a script.”

RELATED: How To Microdose Marijuana

A savoy businessman, he turns his passion into money. His love of wine had made him money with two wineries, his love of beauty and travel has brought him a luxury hotels and his love of cannabis has brought him into the industry. Coppola launched Sana Company in partnership with Humboldt Brothers in 2018 and released the brand known as The Grower’s Series.


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Can lemon-smelling weed cause less anxiety than others?




Top study takeaways:

  • Ever eat mangos to help you get higher? Maybe pound some lemonade to prevent anxiety
  • Test subjects who vaped lots of the terpene limonene with their weed reported lower anxiety in a small study

Leafly Ph.D Nick Jikomes dissects the hype new study on the smell molecule limonene below. Report your findings in the comments section.

The “entourage effect” is the idea that the psychoactive effects of cannabis result from a combination of different plant molecules. The idea is widely used in the cannabis industry to help explain the distinct effects that cannabis strains are reported to have–each one contains a different combination of THC, terpenes, and other compounds. These claims have been largely theoretical, with limited empirical evidence to show that specific combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes reliably induce measurably different effects in humans.

A new study, however, investigates whether the common cannabis terpene limonene, when consumed together with THC, results in different effects compared to THC on its own.

A bit of limonene is in many weed varieties

Limonene is one of the most abundant terpenes found in commercial cannabis. Cannabis strains with the highest limonene levels typically contain between 1 to 3% limonene by weight. Commercial THC-dominant cannabis flower today often has THC content in the 20-25% range, meaning that the most limonene-rich strains will have a roughly 20:1 ratio of THC to limonene. 

Limonene is found naturally in many citrus fruits. On its own, it has a pleasant, citrus aroma. A limited number of animal studies have observed anti-anxiety effects in rodents given limonene. Similar observations have been made in human studies, although they had small sample sizes or lacked important controls. Given that anxiety is a common side effect of THC—especially when relatively large doses are consumed—it has been hypothesized that limonene may be able to mitigate these effects. If true, this would suggest the possibility that THC-dominant strains high in limonene might be less likely to elicit anxiety than those with lower limonene content. 

Vaping limonene and THC—for science!

A robust terpene profile in weed adds to the flavour and overall experience. (MysteryShot/Adobe Stock)
(MysteryShot/Adobe Stock)

In this new study, researchers at Johns Hopkins administered different combinations of THC, limonene, and a placebo of distilled water to twenty human subjects in a double-blind trial. Each person participated in several separate vape sessions where they received one of the following:

  • Limonene alone (1mg or 5mg)
  • THC alone (15 mg or 30 mg)
  • THC + limonene together (15 or 30 mg THC + 1 mg limonene)
  • THC + limonene together (15 or 30 mg THC + 5 mg limonene)
  • THC + limonene together (30 mg THC + 15 mg limonene)
  • Placebo (distilled water)

The subjects were healthy adults who used cannabis intermittently. A hand-held Might Medic vaporizer (made by Storz and Bickel) was used for administration. Subjects consumed 15 and 30 mg doses of THC because, based on previous research, those doses often trigger small (15 mg THC) to moderate/large (30 mg THC) psychoactive effects, with the larger dose expected to trigger more side effects like anxiety. Researchers assessed participants using standardized questionnaires. One of these, the “Drug Effect Questionnaire,” asks subjects to rate various subjective drug effects on a 0-100 scale. Another, the “State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S),” assessed their anxiety/distress levels before and after drug administration. Researchers also tracked heart rate, blood pressure, and plasma levels of THC and limonene. (For more details on the study methods, including the standardized procedures, check out the paper itself.)

What did they find? Did the presence of limonene affect the subjective effects of THC, or reduce side effects like anxiety and paranoia?

Three limonene-dominant hype strains

A photo of Connected Gelonade — Lemon Tree and Gelato. (David Downs/Leafly)
Gelonade. (David Downs/Leafly)

And the results come in

I recently spoke with the lead author of the study, Dr. Ryan Vandrey of Johns Hopkins University, about how his team designed the study and built in important controls. For one: test subjects received the real deal molecules, not some burned-up version.

“We made sure that when we heated it at this temperature, this device, we didn’t convert these things into something else,” Dr. Vandrey explained. “So we were very careful to get our dosing methods secure, and to work with this. We opted for inhalation and vaporization in particular, so we know that our doses are being delivered fully and completely.”

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Consumption of THC went as planned. The control placebo containing 0 mg THC did not cause substantial subjective effects, anxiety or paranoia, or changes in heart rate. Consumption of 15 or 30 mg of THC did trigger these changes, with the higher dose producing larger effects on average.

“We picked two doses of THC, 15 milligrams and 30 milligrams, which to the occasional cannabis user will get people moderately high at pretty dang high,”

Dr. Ryan Vandrey, Johns Hopkins University


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But did consumption of limonene together with THC lead to different effects compared to the same dose of THC alone? Yes—if you’re limonene-maxing.

When limonene was administered alone, without THC, its effects did not differ compared to the placebo.

But with co-administration of THC and limonene, however, the team saw differences compared to THC alone, but only at the highest dose of limonene (15 mg).

Compared to 30 mg of THC alone, consumption of 30 mg THC + 15 mg limonene resulted in lower subjective ratings for “anxious,” “paranoid,” and “unpleasant drug effect.”

Subjective ratings of “anxious” and “paranoid” were less than half of those seen with 0 mg limonene.

Subjective ratings of “anxious” and “paranoid” were less than half of those seen with 0 mg limonene.

Although the result was statistically significant at the highest limonene dose (20 mg), the sample size (n=20) was small and it’s not clear if most subjects saw this effect, or a small minority experienced large differences.

The presence of limonene did not influence physiological measures like heart rate, nor did it lead to differences in the intensity of THC’s subjective effects or blood levels of THC.

“That’s important… because it suggests that limonene isn’t somehow interfering with THC absorption. It’s not somehow changing the pharmacology. It’s not blocking THC’s ability to bind to the cannabinoid receptor,” Dr. Vandrey told me.

Did test subjects detect any lemon?


Because limonene has a taste, smell, and influences vapor quality, blinding may have been an issue, especially at higher doses of limonene.

Put another way, if subjects could taste or smell this terpene, or noticed that the vapor felt different, it could have colored their experience.

According to Dr. Vandrey, however, the team’s drug delivery design minimized the subjects’ ability to discern what they were consuming via taste or sight.

“We did everything to maintain the blind in this study,” he said. “The drugs were sealed inside of the vaporizer, but they couldn’t see it, they couldn’t smell it or anything like that.”

Weed’s entourage effects remain hard to pin down

While the results of Vandrey’s study proved statistically significant, the size of the effect was quite modest. Co-administering THC with 15 mg of limonene resulted in decreases of anxiety, but not 1 mg or 5 mg of limonene.

It’s important to note a key caveat: Subjects were not consuming whole-plant cannabis products like those we can buy in dispensaries. They were only consuming specific combinations of THC and/or limonene.

The modest effects they saw were only seen with 30 mg of THC with 15 mg limonene, which is a 2:1 THC:limonene ratio. This is not a combination found in commercial cannabis flower. Expect a roughly 20:1 THC:limonene ratio for even the most limonene-rich strains.

Taken at face value, the results of the Johns Hopkins study indicates maxing out on limonene may reduce The Fear.

However, they do not demonstrate that limonene-rich, THC-dominant cannabis purchased from a dispensary contains enough limonene to accomplish the same goal.

If limonene or other cannabis terpenes can indeed reliably modulate the effects of THC in commercially-available cannabis products, future research will have to focus on them. Such products contain more complex mixtures of THC and a variety of terpenes and other molecules, many of which are present at low levels. Does the “entourage effect” really explain all the effects of weed? Researchers will need to carefully measure the effects of real-world stuff to know for sure.

For more detail on this study, listen to my full conversation with Dr. Ryan Vandrey. Mind & Matter is a science column by Nick Jikomes, PhD focuses on how psychoactive drugs influence the mind & body. It is inspired by the long-form science podcast, Mind & Matter.

What do limonene strains do to you? Sound off in the comments below.

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Can Microdosing Marijuana Help You




Most people think of marijuana in a fun, recreational way – but it can help medically – and for those with anxiety….and microdosing can make a difference.

The imagine of people getting stoned is how most people thing of marijuana, but cannabis offers medical benefits which can change a patients life. From chronic pain to anxiety, it can provide a relief.  And it is one of the reasons the American Medical Association and Health and Human Services support rescheduling. But can microdosing marijuana help you?

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The answer is probably yes, but you should talk to your health professional. The most common reasons including chronic pain and anxiety.  More complex reasons include treatment of cognitive deficits, mental illnesses, and many diseases considered incurable.   But to understand the benefits, you have to understand your situation and microdosing.

Microdosing is taking from 2.5-5 mg to “take off the edge” without getting really high.  It is a point to activate within your system to allow the medical properties to have effect and still allow full functioning abilities. You may do it for a day or longer term depending on how you react and also what your healthcare professional suggests.  Roughly 75% of people have a fear of speaking (glossophobia), you may do it for a day where you have to speak to large crowds, or longer if you anxiety is ongoing concern.

While depression and anxiety treatments have improved dramatically over the course of the past decade, medication and counseling are not equally effective for everyone. In fact, according to NCBI, antidepressants proved just 40-60% effective at managing symptoms. Medical cannabis is now consider a valid treatment option with microdosing being effective.

In regards to chronic pain, medical marijuana has been proven to be much, much less addictive than prescribed painkillers, especially opioids. Microsdoing can help you through post surgery, stomach pains, or other ongoing illness which can have a significant impact on day to day life.

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Gummies and vapes are the easiest way to microdose.  Very controlled small amounts in an easily portable vehicle makes it convenient to use when needed. Since gummies are absorbing differently in the body, it takes longer for them to kick in.  Vaping can hit in within 5-10 minutes. While there could be a hint of initial smell, it quickly fades and doesn’t leave an odor on clothes.

If you or someone you know has anxiety, pain or other issue which alters your daily life, talk to a professional and see if microdosing marijuana help you.


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