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Why are Generation Z More Likely to be Sober?



Why are the younger generations more likely to try out sobriety? In recent years, a noticeable trend has emerged among the younger generation, Generation Z (Gen Z), suggesting a higher likelihood of embracing sobriety compared to their predecessors.

These pre-generations include: millennials, generation X, boomers and so on. This shift in behaviour is not merely a random occurrence, there is evidently something going on here. It reflects a complex interplay of social, economic, and cultural factors that have shaped the values and choices of this generation. We’re going to be delving into the multifaceted reasons behind why Gen Z is more likely to choose a sober lifestyle. Let’s do this. 

Who are Generation Z?

With the world constantly moving along, with generations taking centre stage and then slowly drifting into the background, the spotlight has now shifted to Generation Z. The average generation usually spans around 20-30 years, which is how you can usually tell which one you are specifically part of. Born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z – as they’re colloquially called – is the demographic group succeeding the Millennials. Before them came the Gen X’s and before them came the boomers – who were born anywhere from 1946 to 1964. The Z’s are a cohort marked by distinct characteristics, values, and outlook on the world. As the first true digital natives, they navigate a world shaped by technological advancements. In fact, this generation were the first to grow up in a world of the internet and social media. Forbes writes:

“Gen Z has learned to think, learn, and communicate in an environment defined by wireless internet ubiquity… infinite content, and immediacy. They are totally plugged in—whether through social media, search engines, or instant messaging—to each other as well as an infinite array of answers to any question at any time.”

With the instantaneous nature of the internet – no question is left unanswered, no single person is left without a date (kind of), no person is left uncontactable, no item is left un-buyable, no moment is left unnoticed. In other words, Gen Z’s have grown up being used to finding everything they need from the internet, and quickly. What it has also meant is that knowledge and diversity is rife. 

generation z

Gen Z Diversity

Another huge aspect of this new generation is their diverse nature. Gen Z is arguably the most diverse generation to date. Born into a world that celebrates multiculturalism, but also fears it more than ever, they exhibit a heightened awareness and appreciation for diversity. This diversity extends beyond ethnicity to include differences in gender identity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic backgrounds. Gen Z values inclusivity and is often at the forefront of advocating for social justice causes. Their commitment to inclusivity is reflected in their demand for representation and fairness in various spheres of life. NBC writes:

Generation Z is also the most racially-diverse. Thirty-eight percent of voters aged 18-25 identified as people of color, compared to 32% of millennials, 28% of Generation X and 21% of Baby Boomers identifying the same way.”

Whilst previous generations were not as used to multiculturalism and varying sexual identities, Gen Z are certainly leading the charge in awareness and understanding. This not only means that many people are feeling more and more accepted in their own skin and identity, but also that this new generation is proving to be more accepting of new ideas and fresh perspectives. In other words, they don’t necessarily listen to the stubborn minds of some of their predecessors, but instead want to create a world where ‘norms’ are questioned and people are accepted. 


The idea of sobriety means a lot of different things to different people. At its purest form, being sober essentially means being someone that does not consume alcohol. However, this can also signify not taking drugs too. The reason why people decide to go sober can obviously vary, but it usually begins with an interest in what life would be like without alcohol. This is also known as ‘sober curiosity’. With around 2 billion people consuming alcohol worldwide, and sobriety being seen culturally as a boring existence, it’s no surprise that people find it hard to consider it – let alone genuinely implement it into their lives. However, the Recovery Village writes:  

“The idea of sobriety can be terrifying. One big reason people feel so afraid of sobriety is because of what they see in the media, pop culture and even from people they know on social media. There’s the sense that if you’re not using drugs or alcohol, somehow life is boring or uninteresting. There’s the misconception that if you’re sober, you aren’t fun.”

These two opposing viewpoints – of sobriety being either fun or boring – is what probably splits not only people, but also generations. Alcohol has been a part of society for centuries, and going against the grain can be hard. Being sober at social events with drunk people, being sober on weekends, being sober basically at all – it can feel truly daunting. But if you’re able to see the health benefits, both on mind and body, there is enough there to maintain sobriety. Overall, there are loads of ways to have fun, despite a life without drinking. But it does take resilience and a mind that can go against the societal norms that are hammered into the fabrics of civilisation. For whatever reason, it seems that Gen Z’s are more likely to do this than other generations. Global News writes:

“A 2018 Berenberg Research report, in fact, found that Gen Z are drinking 20% less alcohol per individual than Millennials, who themselves are drinking less than Gen X and Boomers did at their age.”

So why is this happening?

Gen Z & Sobriety 

In one of the largest UK drinking studies in 2019, it was found that 16-25 year olds were the most likely group to avoid alcohol – with 26% of them being sober. The same study also discovered that those aged 55-74 – 15% of them did not drink. It’s hard to pinpoint a specific reason why Gen Z’s seem to be more likely to try sobriety than their older counterparts, but we can definitely try. Here are potentially some of the reasons:


As we’ve mentioned, Gen Z’s are much more interconnected with each other and themselves. There’s a zeitgeist of acceptance of people and alternative methods of wellness also. A distinctive feature of Gen Z is their strong emphasis on health methods. This generation is increasingly focused on maintaining physical fitness, prioritising mental health, and adopting holistic well-being practices. A few decades ago, the idea of physical activity and sobriety benefiting your mental health was almost laughed at, whereas now it’s basically known to be fact. The allure of a healthy lifestyle has led many Gen Z individuals to opt for sobriety, viewing it as a means to promote overall health and life happiness. Sober raves have even become a thing – where young people can enjoy dancing, in a space that does not require drinking.

Social Media

How could we talk about the new generation without mentioning social media? The influence of social media on Gen Z cannot be overstated. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter serve as powerful channels for shaping opinions and creating trends. In recent years, there has been a noticeable rise in accounts and communities dedicated to sobriety and mindful living. Influencers and ordinary individuals share their stories of sobriety, creating a supportive environment that encourages others to make similar choices. The normalisation of a sober lifestyle on social media has undoubtedly helped an increasing number of Gen Z individuals giving it a go, or simply being curious about this way of life.


Finally, it’s important to mention that drinking alcohol is darn expensive. Economic considerations also play a role in Gen Z’s likelihood to go sober, especially with them being overall poorer than millennials. This generation has entered adulthood in the wake of economic uncertainties, including the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and more recently, the global economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These pretty awful challenges have triggered a sense of financial consciousness among them. This has led some to make mindful decisions about spending. Choosing a sober lifestyle can be seen as a financially responsible choice, as it eliminates the expenses associated with alcohol consumption. This is especially true as in the UK the average household spends around £744 on alcohol. 

generation z


Whatever you think about Gen Z – their obsession with social media and online presence – they are certainly leading the way with diversity, forward thinking, acceptance of identities and alternative lifestyle choices. There is no surprise then that they are the generation that delve most into sobriety. Despite their youthful ages, this generation are seeing what the world is like without a substance that is such a common household possession. What is life like without alcohol? Many of those in generation Z are trying to find out. 

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American Heart Association

Naps Done Right Can Make a Huge Difference




Weekends are made for naps, but done right they can make your week better also!

The body is a machine which needs fuel, maintenance and downtime.  Around 30% of people don’t get enough night sleep during the week, which can cause problems during the waking hours. There has been a stigma around napping as being lazy, but often those “judging” are not giving their own body enough time to rest, refocus and beenergized for the challenges of day to day life.  Data shows it is good for you and naps done right can make a huge difference.

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Everyone is different and bodies need certain things to function, enough rest is one. Healthy sleep is one of the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8, their guide for improving and maintaining health.  Naps can reduced fatigue, increased alertness, improve your mood and performance, and help with memory.  But there are some guidelines…don’t sleep too long, don’t nap to close to your bedtime, and the following key lessons.

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Figure out the right nap for the moment

The National Sleep Foundation shares there are three kinds of naps, each with their own patterns and effects. Planned napping, emergency napping and habitual napping. The first is when people sleep before they get tired, the second is when they nap because they’re exhausted and they have to, and the third is when they make a habit out of daily naps. Find the option that works best for you and you needs.

Naps should be short.

Productive naps are between 10-20 or so minutes. While we think of the more sleep the better, this is a case of a little goes a long way. Studies show a 10 minute nap can make people feel rested and prepared for the rest of their day. In fact, sleeping for over 30 minutes can disrupt in nightly sleeping patterns, which can alter your nights and productivity. Set an alarm for your naps, keeping them to a defined time, especially if you’re napping habitually and are not catching up on missed sleep.

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Once awake, start moving

Weekends can be made for lounging around and being lazy. Spend all day in bed or lounging in the couch and end up sleeping on and off.  But hese sessions can result in blurry days where the hours fly by and you end up feeling exhausted. It results in having trouble sleeping at night and not being rested. Days like these disrupt your circadian rhythms. Naps work best when they’re planned, with some activity and movement before and after.

Develop a schedule

Going to sleep at the same time every night provides plenty of positive results, helping you maintain a schedule and develop better sleeping habits. It’s the same with naps. “The brain prefers to anticipate something, not react to it. A nap is no different, which is why a scheduled nap always works better over the long haul when compared to a random nap.” This schedule shouldn’t force you to nap everyday, instead, it should help you nap more easily and feel more rested. Hope you can use the tips to make the most out of naps.

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How To Figure Out If You Are Boring




It is rare for someone to go through life without running into someone who is dull – but to figure out if you are the boring one!

Nothing is worse than being stuck in a meeting, at a dinner, or in a car with someone who is dull and boring. They can’t help it, but they can make the best topics tiresome and miserable.  But what if you discovered you are the boring one?  At some point, lack of energy, mind somewhere else, and other things can make one temporarily dull. But it is being dull in the long term which is painful for you and others.  Here is how to figure out if you are boring.

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The University of Essex in the UK published a paper on traits of dull people. Published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, it covered personal traits and the dullest hobbies (top ones – watching TV, bird watching and smoking). Most people (53%) have 1-4 close friends, (38%) say they have five or more. Some 8% say they have no close friends. You can help not only friendships but family and partner relationships but following this advice.

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Listening Skills

Boring people are poor conversationalists, and poor conversationalists tend to be the worst listeners. Communication is as much about talking as it is about being silent and listening to what the other person is saying. An engaging conversation isn’t one filled with the funniest jokes and the most interesting stories, it’s one where there is an exchange of ideas and conversations. Discover a curious streak and you will learn and time will become more interesting.  Ask relevant questions and let those in the know express themselves.

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Practice patience

Conversations are not competitions, rather it is a way to learn and engage with others. Basic “your turn, my turn” conversation etiquette is taught from a young age. It is no surprise some people have no self-control and allow themselves to take over conversations without giving the others a chance to speak. Work on controlling impulses and push yourself to listen to others.

On the flip side, if your problem is too shy and have a hard time opening up, try to practice and to find ways of making yourself more accessible and of speaking your mind.  Practice with family or friends making conversation, read information and explore things which of interest.

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Pay attention

Keep an eye out for people’s body languages whenever you’re talking. If they look distracted, are avoiding eye contact and keep on trying to change the subject then you are probably acting very annoying and boring. Train yourself to pick up on these hints and social cues and try to avoid overstaying your conversational welcome. It is ok to move on, sometimes it is you, sometimes it is them…but being aware can shorten a tough situation.

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Build boundaries

Balance is one of the most important parts of conversations but it’s also pretty hard to define. Vulnerability is needed for a meaningful exchange, but too much of it and it’s kind of disastrous. Think about what you are talking about on consistent basis.

Complaining about how awful your life is and how unfair your job will not gain you any friends, even if this is a common behavior. Always aim for sincerity and get to know your audience; don’t tell a stranger your deepest and darkest secrets.

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The 5 Best Mom’s Love Language Gifts




Sunday is Mother’s Day – the day mom are celebrated for all the extra effort they do to make kids life special.  First celebrated in 1907, it became official in the US in 1914 and Canada in 1915.  Between the two countries, spending is expected to reach an all-time high of $35.7 billion this year.  Some of it will be enjoyed, some may not. Here are the 5 best Mom’s love language gifts (and one might be weed!).

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 This love language is all about verbal acknowledgments of affection, compliments, words of appreciation and encouragement.  

6 Cannabis Gifts For Mother's Day: CBD, Pre-Rolls And More
Photo by Annie Spratt via Unsplash

Words of Affirmation

Try a special way to tell her you love her. Make a book (easy to do online) of special pictures of the two of you. Write her a letter about what she means to you. You can get her favorite podcast host or even reality TV star to send her a special Mother’s Day shoutout (check out Cameo and all the celebrities they have available). Or consider compiling a video from all the kids and family answer the question ‘why we love you.’ 

Receiving Gifts 

These people enjoy receiving gifts and symbols of love. Monetary value is usually not important but more so the thought and reflection behind the gift.  


You can spoil her with luxury and a gift she would never buy herself. While gifts don’t need to be expensive, treat her to something luxurious that you know she wouldn’t want to spend the money on for herself. Think of what she loves and work around it.  Gift cards for books, music, travel, etc can show you want her to enjoy life.

Another thing, what about giving a gift which could help their sleep, mental health or manage pain.  A gummy or edible would be a perfect gift.  Maybe a CBD cream which could help with muscle soreness?

Quality Time 

People who enjoy this love language want someone to spend uninterrupted time with them, make plans and be fully present in their conversations during these times.  Give a gift of an all-inclusive day.  Give a Saturday which could include brunch, a walk, and more.

Gift a unique experience. Anyone can plan brunch or a wine tasting but what about surprising mom with something special. Some ideas include a picnic or colorful charcuterie board with all her favorite foods, a self-portrait session or a local food tour.  

Acts of Service

This love language includes doing favors or taking the burden off the person you are showing love to.  Will cook a special meal, take them a car trip, doing garden together, anything which your Mom would love to do.


These people feel loved when they receive physical signs of affection, including kissing, holding hands, and cuddling, to name a few. 

Spoil her with a gift that will make her senses go crazy. While a spa day may seem obvious here and certainly fits the bill, you can also try something unique such as dance classes or something to make her feel extra cozy such as a weighted blanket, robe or new luxury sheets.   

There are many new and fun ways to spoil mom this year. Take it to the next level this time around by considering what will make them feel most loved.

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