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Can CBD Help You Quit Cigarettes



New Year, new you – everyone attempt to do a personal make-over with resolutions.  The most popular include:

  • Improve fitness.
  • Improve finances.
  • Lose weight
  • Make more time for loved ones
  • Stop smoking

The 5th one is very common, since millions still smoke cigarettes, unfortunately it is also one of the hardest to keep. Tobacco is one of the top causes of heart disease and cancer and causes a variety of lung ailments. In the U.S. alone, more than 40 million adults have a nicotine addiction. Worse yet, tobacco addiction therapies don’t seem to be efficient, for the most part.

Smoking cessation drugs don’t bring assured results in the long run. But there is a promising solution to this problem. CBD (cannabidiol) is an active ingredient derived from the hemp plant and widely used for medical purposes today. So can it cope with tobacco addiction? How to quit smoking cigarettes with the help of CBD oil? Read further to find all this out.

Is CBD Addictive?

As most of us know, smoking marijuana leads to addiction. Is CBD addictive then? In reality, it’s not. Cannabidiol belongs to non-toxic cannabis ingredients and doesn’t alter your brain function. Therefore, you can’t develop a CBD addiction. Additionally, cannabidiol can alleviate the psychoactive effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main active ingredient of recreational marijuana.

How CBD Helps You Quit Smoking

woman holding cosmetic drop bottle
Photo by Michal Wozniak via Unsplash

1. CBD Battles Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Nicotine is as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine. That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. Once you try to cease this deadly habit, you will face an almost impenetrable barrier of withdrawal symptoms. It’s not just the urge for another cigarette. Tobacco withdrawal develops within several days and involves headaches, increased appetite and irritability, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression.

The worst part is that you may feel this nightmare for weeks. If it was easy to withstand this period, smoking would not become a global concern.

So how can CBD help you overcome nicotine addiction? The matter is that CBD regulates the sleep/wake cycle, pain, mood, and satiety. It combats headaches, promotes restful sleep, and regulates blood pressure. Given that, CBD can relieve some physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, helping you get through this period without much struggle.

2. CBD Cigarettes Can Ease Tobacco Cravings

You pull out a cigarette from the pack, light it, and take a peaceful, long, and warm puff. You have been doing this for years, day after day. Stopping this is unimaginable: this ritual is engraved in your mind. It’s a part of your identity. But you could try a CBD cigarette instead of a regular one if you feel a desperate urge to smoke. It can become your first step toward overcoming tobacco addiction. Additionally, CBD prevents most nicotine withdrawal symptoms from devastating your body and mind.

Therefore, you can preserve the smoking habit while replacing regular cigarettes with a much healthier alternative. It’s much easier to quit smoking this way than just bring a sudden drastic change to your routine.

Photo by Irina Kostenich via Unsplash

3. CBD Helps You Relax

Cannabidiol has evident, well-studied anxiolytic properties. Both animal and human studies show that CBD reduces anxiety equally to diazepam, a common sedative drug. For instance, CBD brings relief to people with public speaking anxiety. Also, cannabidiol shows immense efficiency against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

All in all, it’s a powerful stress-relieving supplement that will help you cope with panic attacks and depression resulting from smoking cessation.

4. CBD Reduces Cigarette Consumption

Researchers revealed a direct dependence between CBD intake and cigarette consumption. Thus, a study showed that tobacco-dependent individuals reduced cigarette consumption by an impressive 40% while taking CBD. Furthermore, CBD minimizes the pleasure of smoking cigarettes. In other words, nicotine won’t give you that pleasure if you take CBD.

Another study has shown smokers who took CBD felt less motivated to smoke cigarettes.

Under this trial, 30 smokers took 800 mg of CBD after overnight cigarette abstinence. The participants reported that they felt less pleasure from watching other people smoking. In other words, it was easier for the participants to ignore cigarette stimuli.

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As for cigarette cravings and withdrawal, there was no significant difference between CBD and placebo treatment whatsoever.

However, researchers investigated short smoking abstinence periods (11 hours). It’s an insufficient time for the most physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms to occur. It might be a possible reason for such observations on CBD efficiency against tobacco withdrawal within this study.

Study Says Smoking Cigarettes Makes People Look Uglier
Photo by an dooley via Unsplash

How to Take CBD for Tobacco Addiction

So, as we’ve found out, CBD helps you quit smoking. But how to take cannabidiol to overcome nicotine addiction? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Choose High-Quality Products

There is one rule you should always follow: buy CBD cigarettes, tinctures, vape oils, and other products from reliable and reputable brands. For this, you have to check:

  • The THC content in each product. It must be less than 0.3%.
  • The hemp source. Prioritize brands with in-house hemp fields in the US or Western Europe.
  • Certifications and drug tests. It’s always better to choose certified products that meet the US hemp cultivation standards and undergo regular third-party lab tests.

Adjust CBD Doses Gradually

‘How much CBD should I take to combat my tobacco addiction?’, you may ask. The accurate dosage depends on your metabolism, weight, and the intensity of cigarette withdrawal complications like headaches, poor sleep, high blood pressure, etc.

RELATED: How To Naturally Beat Nicotine Addiction With Cannabis

Thus, you should consult your practitioner to decide on the initial dose and increase it slowly for better results. You can start with 12-15 mg of CBD per day to see how your body reacts to cannabidiol. If such a dose works fine for you, you can begin taking more CBD to reduce salience of cigarette stimuli.

CBD can become a viable solution for cigarette quitters. First, cannabidiol fights several tobacco withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure. Second, it helps you ignore cigarette cues. Third, CBD cigarettes can become a temporary healthy alternative to regular cigarettes on your way to smoking cessation.

Finally, CBD reduces stress, helping you cope with the emotional pressure. Given that, CBD is your option to break the suffocating chains of addiction and breathe freely in all senses of this word.

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Cannabis Can Help Painful Menstrual Cramps




It can be a miserable time of month – especially for those who suffer extreme pain….but cannabis can help.

It is a fact of life and comes almost like clockwork. Some 60% of woman have mild cramps during their period and about 5% to 15% report period pain that’s so severe that it affects their daily activities. Experts aren’t quite sure why some have more pain others.  Since this is a little research area, some scientist rely on everyone’s body is different. Symptoms include aching, throbbing pain or a feeling of pressure in the abdomen, pain in the hips, lower back and inner thighs along with nausea, dizziness and headaches.  The good news is cannabis can help painful menstrual cramps.


Some simple ways to help reduce the pain is to ensure you have enough rest and avoid caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes. Cannabis is proven to have medical benefits, especially with inflammation and pain relief. Marijuana expands blood vessels which helps reduce cramps, and relieve headaches and other minor pain. It is also fast acting, often quicker than natural or other medicines.

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While edibles and smoking may help, many women are turning to topicals and cannabis suppositories for pain relief. With 50% of the country having access to legal weed, it can be considered a viable option.  While more research needs to be done, anecdotal data indicts it can help and quickly.

Suppositories or cannabis tampons can provide quick pain relief. They take around 15 minutes to work, and directly affect the pelvis muscles and uterus, relaxing the insides and reducing tension. Best to use them right before bed or when you’re going to be laying down for a while. Relax, and be sure to wear something for the sake of your underwear.

Another way is cannabis bath salts. An effective way to combat pain and period cramps is relaxation, which can be facilitated with a nice long bath and some fancy bath salts.  They can provide relief for up to 5 hours but might leave you a little loopy afterwards.

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A cannabis balm can be used anywhere on the body, including the the site of the cramps.  It is an analgesic, so if the cramps are particularly powerful, add a spoonful of the balm to the insides of your vagina and let it melt. Do this when you have time to let the balm do it’s work.

Studies have shown can also lift moods, and more than just temporarily.  Marijuana can also help minimize mood swings and bring overall mood stability. Cannabis can aid in the regulation of our brain’s neurotransmitters which can help us get better control of our emotions.

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CBD Edibles: Know Best Ways Of Consumption




CBD Edibles: Know Best Ways Of Consumption

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a hugely popular chemical compound that you can derive from marijuana or hemp plants. Cannabidiol edibles are regarded as ingestible forms of CBD.

The good thing is you can infuse cannabidiol into gummies, mint, or a beverage like some consumable products or CBD tea. When people ingest CBD, it breaks down before entering their bloodstream. This way, people absorb vital vitamins via food as well as nutritional supplements. However, after cannabidiol enters a person’s body, it starts working to support his ECS directly. 


What does research say?


According to research, it has been discovered that cannabidiol plays a pivotal role in extending the endurance of endocannabinoids because cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are molecularly similar. Hence, you can assume cannabidiol edibles to be similar to bite-sized endocannabinoid mechanics. When you consume a cannabidiol gummy, you send endocannabinoid workers to your ECS, and it works to make everything smooth and fine. This way, people enjoy the benefits of fully functioning ECSs.  

Delta Extrax


Kinds of cannabidiol edibles


The market is flooded with cannabidiol edibles, and new kinds of CBD edibles continue to evolve as well as change. Some common kinds of CBD edibles are CBD mints, energy cannabidiol drinks, CBD oil that people use in cooking, and CBD gummies. If you want to buy the latest CBD edibles, you need to keep a constant eye on the CBD products guide. This way, you will come across many iterations of these edibles. 


The ideal dosage


Beginners who have started taking cannabidiol should begin with a smaller dosage of CBD. This way, they will be familiar with this product, and after some time, they can escalate their dosage. If you buy one pack of CBD gummies, you will find 500 milligrams of CBD. Nonetheless, the suggested serving size may be 20 to 25 mg. According to some wellness experts, people should cut a mint or gummy in half and wait for close to a couple of hours before they consume more. 


A person’s body takes nearly ninety minutes to break down cannabidiol edibles as well as absorb the components into his bloodstream. Hence, you should take your time. Additionally, you should keep a close watch on your body. This way, you will come to know about the best CBD edible and dosage that will work wonders for you. CBD gummies are considered to be a discreet way to take cannabidiol. The remarkable thing is people find lots of cannabidiol gummies, like truffles and mints, that shield the weedy taste of cannabidiol.  


The verdict


With time, the usage of CBD edibles is becoming hugely prevalent. Hence, the consumer demand too is increasing with each passing day. However, you need to find beneficial and healthy CBD edibles, and for this, you need to put in your efforts and time. When you do a little research, you will come across superior-quality CBD edibles present in the cannabidiol market. Before you buy the best edibles go through the label and know its meaning.

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Marijuana Gummies Can Make Weddings Easier




The term Bridezilla started in the mid 90s and, by now, many people have seen the unfortunate cross between a bride and Godzilla in person. TicTok, Redditt and other social media are full of horror stories. And the newer phrase in the Mozilla who wants to recreate the event in her image. And this isn’t to mention other drama which can wrap around the event. According to a bride’s study, 71% believe planning a wedding is more stressful than finding a new job.  Maybe marijuana gummies can make weddings easier?

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Most brides and some grooms have a a concept of their ideal day, and the want the whole event to be perfect. Unfortunately, rarely is anything perfect and you have to roll with mishaps and be in the moment. It also involves, for most people who don’t handle complex events or tasks, a large amount of decisions, energy, and money. It can be overwhelming and not everyone can rise above with a gracious outlook. Low dosages of marijuana can help reduce the “heat” of the process.

A key reason marijuana gummies can help is it can reduce the anxiety. With gummies you can have a low dosage and slow roll so you can be productive, focused and calm while dealing with details, decisions, the wedding party and potential in-laws. THC bring a soothing calm by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system induces a “fight-or-flight” response during stressful situations.  Somewhere around 2.5-5 mg during the process can make months or weeks of planning bearable, even if others are not.

Additionally, it is far better for your body (and maintaining a wedding photo body, than alcohol).  If unfamiliar with cannabis, it is much less addictive than alcohol, And alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal.

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There are thousands of stories about weddings which went wrong due to over stressed wedding party members.  A little gummy can keep make the planning stage easier and the day of the event much more calm and way more fun.


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