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New Device to Help Police Detect Cannabis-Impaired Drivers 



When we think of DUI testing, what usually comes to mind are roadside sobriety evaluations and breathalyzer tests for alcohol. Despite how prevalent the use of illicit drugs may be, nothing really holds a candle to alcohol when it comes to DWI-related vehicular incidents. But as a growing number of states go against the federal government and legalize cannabis either for medical (38 states) or recreational (24 states and Washington D.C.) use, the topic how to reduce the number of stoned drivers on the road is of greater relevance.  

Until now, no reliable testing methods were available; but a police department in the Midwestern United States recently unveiled a new device that will help detect cannabis-impaired drivers. Let’s take a closer look at how it all works.  

DUI testing – how it works 

The terms DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI/OWI (Driving/Operating While Intoxicated), are pretty self-explanatory. It means that a person was operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of a mind-altering substance. Most often, these cases involve alcohol or some type of illegal substance like heroin, methamphetamine, or even cannabis. In some circumstances, even OTC medications like Nyquil and Benadryl can lead to a DUI arrest because they cause drowsiness and can negatively impact motor skills.  

While some people can handle perfectly handle driving after smoking a little bit of weed or taking some cold medication (pro tip, opt for the non-drowsy varieties), the general rule of thumb is that you should be sober and clearheaded when behind the wheel of car – and never drive after drinking alcohol or using any other heavy substance. Afterall, driving is a huge responsibility. It’s not just your own life you hold in your hands, but those of your passengers as well as other drivers and pedestrians on the road. 

When a person is pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence, the officer will first begin conducting field sobriety testing. “Field Sobriety Tests” (commonly shortened to FSTs) consist of several roadside evaluations such as the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test (HGN), the Walk and Turn test (WAT), and the One Leg Stand test (OLS), during which the officer gauges a suspect’s balance, coordination, ability to follow instructions, overall behavior, and other physiological and psychological responses that would indicate the person is driving under the influence.  

If a person fails these tests, then the suspect would be subjected to a breathalyzer test. The driver blows into a handheld device that measures the concentration of alcohol in their lungs to determine an approximate amount of alcohol that is in their blood. If the person is for some reason unable to perform a breathalyzer test, due to illness or injury of some sort, then they will have to do a blood test to measure their blood alcohol content (BAC). Anything over 0.08 percent is beyond the legal limit and will result in a DWI charge.  

A DUI can result in hefty fines, loss of driving privileges, and even jail time

Because breathlyzers only work for alcohol, officers must rely on field sobriety tests and testing of bodily fluids to determine whether a person is driving under the influence of any other substance. While blood and urine testing might be accurate for some drugs, it’s not for cannabis because it stays in the system much longer than other illicit substances. As the legal market continues to grow, government officials continue searching for effective ways to find and cite stoned drivers.  

Officers in the US begin “cannabis roadside impairment” testing  

Earlier this month, Minnesota-based newspaper the Star Tribune reported that officers will begin conducting roadside sobriety testing to detect and arrest cannabis-impaired drivers. Within the next few weeks, they will begin utilizing a new saliva-based test that will gauge the levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their systems.  

This pilot project with sort through several different testing devices to see which are most accurate, and plan to narrow it down to only two that will be used in the field. Because driving under the influence of cannabis is illegal, regardless of whether it’s prohibited in the state or not, finding ways to stop stoned driving is a requirement of their new recreational cannabis program. It’s important to note that during this trial period, results from these tests will not be admissible in court.  

“I would expect that by this time next month, the units will be in the field and will be in use,” said Mike Houston, director of Minnesota’s Office of Traffic Safety. “Other states that have legalized cannabis have used these test methods with their law enforcement to find probable cause. 

Additionally, the state will start utilizing what’s known as drug recognition experts (DREs) who will be responsible for identifying drivers who might be operating a vehicle while high. So far, Minnesota has more than 300 DREs in employment, with plans to increase those numbers by early 2025. 

“Our goal is to put enough DREs on the road where a street cop, anywhere in the state of Minnesota, within 20 or 30 minutes … can either have a DRE on scene or at the very least have a phone consultation,” Hanson explained. “We’re being very proactive as we come up on legalization and when the dispensaries will actually open.” 

What’s the point?

Why are so many resources going towards stopping stoned drivers?

It’s up for debate whether cannabis intoxication even has that much of an effect on driving at all. Although driving stoned can sometimes affect reaction times and peripheral vision, people typically compensate for these shortcomings by driving more carefully. That being said, some people really just do not drive well after using cannabis products and they should avoid doing it. What’s nice about these situations, is that people are can’t drive stoned usually avoid doing it anyway because it’s unpleasant and causes anxiety. 

It’s important to note that I’m not advocating for stoned driving or encouraging anyone to smoke pot and hop in the driver’s seat. However, based on years of anecdotal evidence, as well as recent studies and other forms of data on the subject, it’s safe to assume that it’s less dangerous to drive while under the influence of cannabis, rather than alcohol, heroin, or pretty much any other intoxicating substance.

Which begs the question, why is so much money and effort being put into cannabis-related sobriety testing? And what about tests geared specifically towards other drugs? How many times have we seen people passed out behind the wheel of a car after a heroin binge? Or a methed-out driver making crazy maneuvers and terrifying everyone around with their road rage? Why are we so focused on stopping drivers who smoke pot rather than drivers who are using much more dangerous substances?

Maybe because it’s easier to make arrests, and thus, more profitable for the state? Since a larger percentage of the population uses cannabis products as opposed to harder drugs, and it can be easier for a police officer to detect the presence of marijuana than it would be other substances. It seems almost like a fish-in-the-barrel type of situation; as unfair as that ultimately is.  

Final thoughts  

Even though cannabis-impaired drivers aren’t the biggest threat to our safety on the road, ideally, drivers should be as sober as possible. And since such a large number of Americans enjoy marijuana on a regular basis, it should come as no surprise that technology and regulations are changing to keep up with the evolving market and culture.

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Marijuana rescheduling leaves regulators and sellers cautiously optimistic




A move by the Biden Administration to change how marijuana is treated by federal authorities was met with cautious approval by Massachusetts state regulators, cannabis sellers, and national marijuana advocates alike.

The Drug Enforcement Agency will drop marijuana from the list of banned substances found under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, where it currently sits alongside heroin and LSD. It will instead move it to Schedule III, among the likes of Tylenol with codeine and anabolic steroids. This follows the recommendation of the Department of Health and Human Services

“Rescheduling cannabis is a monumental step forward for the federal government, one that can open new avenues to research, medical use, and banking for the regulated industries states like Massachusetts have built across the country,” said Ava Callender Concepcion, the acting chair of the Bay State’s Cannabis Control Commission.

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Thailand Considers Relisting Cannabis as a Narcotic




The Thai government is contemplating the relisting of cannabis as a narcotic due to concerns over its recreational use and potential societal harms. This reconsideration comes after cannabis was decriminalized in June 2022, which led to a surge in its availability and use.

Cannabis Conundrum: Thailand Reconsiders Legal Status Amidst Rising Concerns

The recent decriminalization of cannabis in Thailand has ignited a complex debate over its legal status and societal impact. While the policy aimed to boost the medical marijuana industry and provide economic opportunities, the unintended rise in recreational use has sparked discussions about a potential reclassification.

Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, a key advocate for the decriminalization, emphasized that the policy was intended to promote medical use, not recreational. However, the current legal framework lacks clear regulations governing recreational use, leading to widespread availability and potential misuse.

The Bhumjaithai Party, led by Anutin, initially pushed for the delisting of cannabis to benefit the medical industry and provide economic opportunities for Thai citizens. However, the subsequent surge in recreational use, particularly among youths, has raised concerns about potential health and social consequences.

Opposition parties have criticized the government for inadequate regulations and are advocating for cannabis to be relisted as a narcotic under the Narcotics Act. They argue that the current situation exposes young people to potential harm and lacks sufficient safeguards.

A recent poll revealed that a majority of Thais support stricter regulations on cannabis use. Concerns have been raised about the potential impact on public health, particularly regarding mental health issues and addiction, especially among youths. Additionally, there are worries about the potential for increased crime and social disorder.

The government now faces the challenge of balancing the economic benefits of a burgeoning cannabis industry with the need to protect public health and safety. Finding a solution that addresses the concerns of both advocates and critics will be crucial in determining the future of cannabis in Thailand

Why It Matters

Thailand’s shift in cannabis policy has garnered international attention, serving as a case study for the complexities of drug policy reform. The potential reclassification of cannabis underscores the challenges of balancing economic opportunities with public health and safety considerations. The outcome of this debate will have significant implications for Thailand’s legal landscape, public health policies, and the future of its cannabis industry.

Potential Implications of Relisting Cannabis as a Narcotic

If cannabis is relisted as a narcotic, it could lead to stricter regulations on its cultivation, distribution, and use. This may impact the growth of the medical marijuana industry and limit access for patients who rely on cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Additionally, it could result in increased criminal penalties for possession and use, potentially leading to a rise in incarceration rates.

Alternatively, if the government opts to maintain the decriminalized status, it will need to implement robust regulations and public health campaigns to mitigate the risks associated with recreational use. This includes age restrictions, educational initiatives, and support systems for individuals struggling with cannabis dependence.

The Bigger Picture

The debate surrounding cannabis legalization and regulation is a global phenomenon, with countries around the world grappling with similar challenges. The Thai government’s decision regarding cannabis will likely be influenced by international trends and best practices in drug policy reform. It is crucial to consider the experiences of other nations that have legalized or decriminalized cannabis, examining both the successes and challenges they have encountered.

Source: Thai PBS World

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“A big deal”: What the feds’ move to reclassify marijuana means for Colorado cannabis




Cannabis advocates in Colorado cheered the Biden Administration’s reported move to reclassify marijuana and said the decision likely would reduce businesses’ tax burden significantly.

Industry leaders cautioned that such a move — if finalized — would not resolve some major challenges facing the industry, such as limited access to banking. But they pointed to the symbolic importance of preparations by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to downgrade the substance’s drug classification.

A man pours cannabis into rolling papers as he prepares to roll a joint the Mile High 420 Festival in Civic Center Park in Denver, April 20, 2024. (Photo by Kevin Mohatt/Special to The Denver Post)

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