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Trends Dispensary presents: Shattering the Stigma with NY cannabis experts



Trends Dispensary in Long Island City, Queens is changing the narrative about cannabis. Trends stands for “The Real Experience Needs A Different Story.” Leafly is proud to partner with Trends for Shattering the Stigma, an interview series featuring pot pioneers from across the industry. Keep reading to hear from activist Dana Beal, researcher Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre, and some of New York’s brightest growers, grinders, and activists.

“It’s so important for us to gather and share our stories. I want to thank Leafly and Trends for setting up this forum.”

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre Kovler, Glenmere Farms

David Hernandez, Happy Munkey, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly

Dave Hernandez is a marketing guru who’s helped build Happy Munkey into one of New York’s most popular cannabis brands. With Happy Munkey’s first legal dispensary location opening this month in Manhattan’s Dyckman neighborhood, Hernandez and his team are shepherding legacy cannabis culture into the mainstream.

“My mom is Dominican and Puerto Rican. She used to make fun of the smell when she would see people smoking in our building. She worked at Columbia University all my life. So when I went to school, got a degree, and wanted to sell weed, she was like, ‘I’m gonna tell people you’re going to law school.’ I got arrested, but even then she was a very supportive mom. Now, she’s proud of Happy Munkey and what we are doing in the legal space.”

Dave Hernandez, Happy Munkey

151 Dykman St., New York, NY — recreational

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre Kovler, Glenmere Farms

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre, Glenmere Farms, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly
Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre Kovler grew up believing the stigmas about cannabis. “I was born and raised in South Jamaica Queens,” she told Shattering the Stigma. “I grew up during the War on Drugs. So obviously, cannabis was known as a gateway drug to another harsh drug. And who wants that? So I said I’m gonna leave it alone. And my entire adult life, I didn’t partake at all. Because of growing up with that connection to my childhood. Because you saw what happened to people.” (Calvin Stovall / Leafly)

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre Kovler is using her research background to help engineer strains with therapeutic effects, including anti-inflammation.

“I’m the first cultivator in New York state with my background–I completed my PhD in biology. I did my post doctoral studies at Columbia University. I study how cannabis can help with inflammation. Most of the diseases that will take you off of this planet come with inflammation. When you utilize the plant, it’s a form of medicine because outside of THC, other cannabinoids are responsible for regulating an inflammatory response in your body. I believe actually having the research to support will help remove that stigma and shame.”

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre Kovler

Dr. Pierre Kovler told Shattering the Stigma, “At Glenmere Farms, our intention is to grow cultivars that have a plethora of cannabinoids with therapeutic uses. For me, those uses have been validated in peer-reviewed research. So our go-to is to reference the published research, because that’s where my training begins, and my level of comfort. I am not a cultivator by trade. My research background helps me work with a multidisciplinary team–a cultivation expert, a processing expert, and dispensaries. We fine tune our choices for consumers.”

“Back in 2018, with the passing of the farm bill, I became interested in the cannabis plant. A friend of mine said there’s an initiative with a $10 million endowment for research on hemp–That rung a bell. I began to understand the hemp plant, CBD, and there were so many other cannabinoids that had tremendous potential to really benefit patients. I was blown away. I didn’t understand why we hadn’t made more progress or research.”

Dr. Sha-Ron Pierre, Glenmere Farms

After doing the research, Dr. Pierre Kovler is all in on the healing benefits of cannabis. She told Shattering the Stigma, “If you think about cannabis versus an FDA-approved drug– at the end of the FDA-approved commercial, there’s all these horrible side effects. But if you were to make a commercial for cannabis, the side effects are euphoria. Since the side effects are so well tolerated, it’s actually wise for people to indulge in the plant.”

Amy Chin, Consultant at Better Days and High Exposure NY

Amy Chin, Better Days and High Exposure, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly
“Through my business Calm Better Days, people come to me for anxiety, insomnia, looking to find the right flower. That to me was amazing, because I’m doing something that I believe in that can help others.” – Amy Chin, consultant at Better Days (Calvin Stovall/Leafly)

Amy Chin is a cannabis consultant with Better Days and the High Exposure Agency. Chin and her team work with New York brands and dispensaries to address stigmas and cultural borders that still prevent people from enjoying the benefits of cannabis.

“My first time was sophomore year in college. Some friends offered cannabis to me, and I got the munchies. I did not return to it until my mid-twenties. I was never exposed to it often. I was used to being on a natural high. I’m allergic to alcohol, so my vice became cannabis.”

Amy Chin, Better Days

Chin’s parents were not fond of her love for cannabis early on. “My parents found cannabis in my room, in my purse,” she remembers. “I told them it was oregano. I was in my twenties when this happened. It was the only thing I could come up with. Now I tell them what I do, and they don’t understand it. So they just don’t ask me questions about it. I have given them CBD samples. But my parents are very old school, very stubborn. They don’t like Western medication, they don’t like Eastern medicine–they don’t like anything.”

“As a cannabis coach, I can work with the end consumer or the business that is looking for consumers. That includes consumer treatment plans, guides on how to consume . I’m also a consultant at the High Exposure Agency. We do consulting in the industry for retailers and business development. We also do events and fun projects that aim to push the needle in the industry.”

Amy Chin, Better Days

How cannabis helped me become a better mother

“My relationship with cannabis changed when I became a mom. I had anxiety and postpartum depression. At that time, life really sucked. Every day, I would wake up and feel like I’m living Groundhog Day. And I wished that I didn’t wake up, as an easy way out. My therapist diagnosed me, and she also recommended CBD. This was 10 years ago. So I got my medical card. I did see the changes in myself. Drastically. It gave me a moment to pause. And made me realize, ‘Wow, what a difference in myself.’” – Amy Chin, Better Days (AdobeStock)

As a mother who consumes cannabis, Amy Chin told Shattering the Stigma: “When I was pregnant, I did look at the Jamaica study on pregnant moms. At that time, that was the only study on that. With my first pregnancy I did not smoke, with my second one I did. That’s a personal choice. Now that it is legal, I advise moms to check regulations in your state. Because the state can come and take your kids away. So I was very discreet about my consumption until it was legal. Now that it is legal, I talk about it openly, because I want for people to understand that you can consume CBD, not feel a high, and to still reap the benefits of the plant. I am on it all day. There is nothing I don’t use CBD for. Daytime anxiety, I use THC at night when I need to really unwind. I use facial oil, I use intimacy products, and tinctures as well.”

“I was researching everything I could about cannabis. Then the Farm Bill was passed, and CBD was everywhere. People said it was snake oil. So I saw that there was a need to guide people. Consuming THC and CBD and knowing all the different effects and living through them, I decided I’m going to solve that problem and educate people on cannabis and how it helped me.”

Amy Chin, Better Days

Dana Beal, Activist, Co-Founder of The Cannabis Parade

Dana Beal, cannabis pioneer, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly
“We did the levitation of the Pentagon, where we gave out four pounds of joints and levitated the Pentagon. We started doing smoke-ins every year in 1973. Then we did the Pot Parade. And last year I got an award from Mayor Adams. NYC Cannabis Czar Dasheeda Dawson honored me for keeping it going through the dark days of Giulliani. In one year, Giulliani had 325 people arrested at the Pot Parade.” – Dana Beal, cannabis legalization pioneer (Calvin Stovall/Leafly)

Dana Beal is a world famous cannabis pioneer and activist. He told Shattering the Stigma about his days fighting for legalization in the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. Even today, Beal is facing a charge in Idaho for trafficking cannabis to medical patients. Click here to contribute to his bail fund.

Beal told Shattering the Stigma, “I got arrested for weed earlier this year, and I’m facing eight more months in the clink in Idaho. It’s the last state in the area that has not legalized. And they want to say, ‘we’re different.’ But they have dispensaries in Montana, Washington, Oregon, Nevada–every bordering state with the exception of Wyoming. And we think Idaho is the next domino to fall. Because everybody in the state is saying, ‘we have to go to Oregon to get our weed!’”

The long road to legalization and normalization

Cannabis pioneer Dana Beal at Democratic National Counter Convention in 1976. (Instagram/@DanaBealOfficial)
Cannabis pioneer Dana Beal at Democratic National Counter Convention in 1976. (Instagram/@DanaBealOfficial)

Dana Beal remembers various movements to legalize the plant during his life. Beal told Shattering the Stigma about one 420-friendly politician who he remembers openly endorsed cannabis in the 1960s.

“So many times, they almost legalized weed. John F. Kennedy was a medical marijuana user who had a back brace and severe back issues. And RFK was friends with Alan Ginsberg. And he said on national television that cannabis is less harmful than tobacco. They assassinated him right away. This was the month that he was assassinated that he said this. It had a very significant stigma back then.”

Dana Beal, cannabis legalization pioneer

Beal said he was convinced that cannabis was a force for good when he saw a few joints deescalate a potential riot in downtown Manhattan. “We were tripping on mescaline once on 2nd street,” Beal said, “and we were coming down, by the precinct. The cops had busted a peace picnic for having blankets and food on the grass. And it enraged the locals. The police pressed a woman against a wire fence. So a big crowd went down to the police station. And they were all yelling and screaming. The Grateful Dead was playing their first time in New York City. And they were playing a free concert in Tompkins Square park. So we broke out the weed. And this wave of peace descended over everyone. The one thing the hippies and the locals had in common is they all smoked herb. And they could pass joints. We started having regular smoke-ins in the park.”

After decades of fighting the stigma. Beal is as optimistic as anyone about the future of the cannabis. He cites recent studies about the increasing popularity of cannabis with pride.

“Right now for the first time, the number of people smoking pot has exceeded the number of people drinking alcohol. That means despite being illegal, and bad-mouthed to the extreme, people prefer the superior alternative!”

Dana Beal, cannabis legalization pioneer

Papi Santos, Vibe Tribe NYC

Papi Santos, Vibe Tribe, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly

Papi Santos is a Queens native who shoots content, organizes Vibe Tribe events, and studies cultivation. Santos told Shattering the Stigma: “I do videos and marketing with cannabis companies on both sides of the business.”

“I started using cannabis when I was 16. Coming from a Pentecostal and Catholic household, it was kind of instilled in me that weed is the devil.”

Papi Santos, Vibe Tribe

Lupita, NYC POV 420, Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly

Lupita is a New York native who runs a channel called NYC POV 420, which does marketing, education and events for brands and dispensaries.

“It’s a love and hate relationship with cannabis in my family. I grew up in a Hispanic household. So smoking weed was very stigmatized in my house. They’d rather have you drinking alcohol and taking tequila shots rather than smoking weed… Now, it’s a nice relationship I have with cannabis. I still live in that Spanish household. But I went to the doctor and became a medical card holder. That helps quiet my family when it comes to that. Hopefully I become one of those advocates for Spanish households to help break the stigma.”

Lupita, NYC POV 420

Lupita told Shattering the Stigma, “My first time trying cannabis was at the age of 16. Weed didn’t really get my attention until I was 25. I had two car accidents at an early age, which left me with chronic back pain. I went to the hospital, and they prescribed me hard pain killers. That was ongoing for a year. I didn’t like it. I left it, and my chronic back pain came back.”

“I started freelancing and doing content for small businesses in cannabis. I wanted to meet more 420-friendly people. I didn’t really grow up smoking weed, I mostly grew up drinking. So I didn’t hang out with a lot of cannabis consumers. I wanted to do consumer-based content, where you could see yourself in it–experiential content for brands and dispensaries in New York.”

Lupita, NYC POV 420

Ericka “The Ganja Goddess” Padilla-Toro on mindfully smoking

Ericka Padilla-Toro, GG's Garden, Mindfully Smoking, A Guided Cannabis Strain Journal,  Shattering the Stigma presented by Trends dispensary and Leafly

Ericka Padilla-Toro aka Ganja Goddess, is the author of GG’s Garden: Mindfully Smoking, A Guided Cannabis Strain Journal. The strain journal helps cannabis lovers consume with intentionality.

“I learned that there’s many people out there who have no idea what they’re putting into their body when they consume. I created and published a cannabis journal that’s now available at some licensed New York dispensaries.”

Ericka Padilla-Toro, aka Ganja Goddess

Special thanks to our brand partners and special guests

Shattering the Stigma is powered by Trends Dispensary, along with brand partners East Indica Trading Cards. Special thanks to DJ Damage, Timothy Auyeung of 5Boro, and Queens homegrower Joe Grows for joining the live panel.

27-25 44th Dr, Long Island City, NY — recreational

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Global Cannabidiol Market (CBD) Poised for $23.4 Billion by 2031




The global cannabidiol market (CBD) is set to undergo a dramatic expansion, with projections estimating the market value will grow from USD 8.12 billion in 2024 to USD 23.41 billion by 2031. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3% over the forecast period. The rise in demand for CBD products, coupled with increasing legalization worldwide, and the growing acceptance of CBD in both the health and wellness sectors, are the primary drivers of this growth.

Why the Cannabidiol Market Will Surge 16.3% by 2031Market Drivers and Dynamics

The global Cannabidiol market is witnessing growth across multiple fronts, with several factors playing a crucial role:

Legalization and Regulatory Evolution

Legalization in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia-Pacific has provided the foundation for CBD’s widespread adoption. The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, which legalized hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.3% THC, has accelerated market growth in North America, accounting for a 40.2% market share in 2024​. Europe is expected to follow suit as more countries, including Germany and the UK, adjust their regulations around medical CBD, contributing to rapid market expansion.

In Asia-Pacific, countries like China, Japan, and India are showing interest in hemp-derived CBD, contributing to the region’s position as the fastest-growing market. The increasing recognition of CBD’s health benefits has led to expanding domestic production and a regulatory shift toward greater acceptance​.

Increasing Demand for Natural Health and Wellness Products

The rising trend toward natural, plant-based health solutions is a major driver of CBD demand. Consumers are increasingly seeking alternatives to traditional pharmaceuticals for managing conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders. CBD products are perceived as safer, non-addictive options compared to opioids and benzodiazepines, which has contributed to their growing popularity.

CBD is also being adopted in the sports and fitness sectors, with athletes and active individuals using it for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This crossover into wellness and fitness markets is expected to fuel continued growth, particularly for CBD oils, topicals, and edibles.

Medical and Therapeutic Applications

CBD’s use in medical treatments is a key segment driving growth. The pharmaceutical industry is increasingly incorporating CBD into medications, with FDA-approved products like Epidiolex used to treat epilepsy. CBD’s role in treating conditions like schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and even cancer symptoms has opened up significant opportunities for expansion in the medical cannabis market​.

Research continues to explore CBD’s potential in treating opioid addiction, neurological disorders, and mental health conditions, making the medical sector one of the most promising growth avenues​.

Market Segmentation: Product and Application Insights

The cannabidiol market is diverse, with products catering to a wide range of consumer needs. The market can be segmented by product type, application, and region:

By Product Type

  • CBD Oil: Accounting for the largest market share, CBD oil is favored for its bioavailability and versatility. It can be administered sublingually, added to food and drinks, or used topically.
  • Topicals: CBD topicals, such as creams and balms, are gaining popularity for their effectiveness in treating localized pain, skin conditions, and inflammation​.
  • Edibles and Beverages: The growing popularity of CBD-infused food and drinks is particularly strong in North America and Europe. This segment appeals to a broader consumer base looking for convenient and discreet consumption methods​.

By Application

  • Medical Use: Medical CBD applications, particularly in managing chronic pain, neurological disorders, and epilepsy, are a major growth driver. This segment is expected to continue expanding as research confirms more therapeutic benefits​.
  • Wellness and Personal Use: The wellness market has seen significant growth, with consumers using CBD for stress relief, sleep improvement, and general well-being. CBD-infused skincare and beauty products are also becoming increasingly popular.

Regional Insights: Market Growth Across Continents

North America

The North American market dominates the global CBD landscape, driven by favorable regulations and strong consumer demand. The U.S. remains the largest market, with major players like CV Sciences and Charlotte’s Web leading the industry. Canada has also seen significant growth due to nationwide legalization of cannabis.

2. Europe

Europe is projected to witness steady growth as countries such as Germany, the UK, and France develop more favorable regulatory frameworks. Increased demand for CBD in pharmaceuticals and wellness products will fuel market growth.


The Asia-Pacific region is set to emerge as the fastest-growing market due to its vast population and increasing demand for hemp-derived CBD products. China and Japan, in particular, are investing in domestic hemp production, positioning themselves as key players in the CBD supply chain​.

Global Cannabidiol Market (CBD) Poised for $23.4 Billion by 2031
Global Cannabidiol Market (CBD) Poised for $23.4 Billion by 2031

Challenges and Opportunities in the Cannabidiol Market

Despite the promising growth trajectory, the cannabidiol market faces several challenges:

1. Regulatory Uncertainty

The lack of uniform global regulations creates barriers to entry for manufacturers and complicates international trade. In countries where cannabis remains illegal or heavily regulated, businesses face hurdles in scaling operations and distributing products across borders.

2. Quality and Safety Concerns

As demand for CBD products grows, ensuring product quality and safety becomes increasingly important. The rise of counterfeit and contaminated products in unregulated markets can undermine consumer trust, emphasizing the need for clear regulations and third-party testing.

3. Product Innovation and Differentiation

With intense competition in the market, companies are focusing on product innovation to stand out. Developing new forms of CBD delivery, such as CBD inhalers, transdermal patches, and suppositories, will create opportunities for differentiation and attract niche markets​.


The global CBD market is set for extraordinary growth through 2031, driven by expanding legalization, increasing consumer interest in natural health products, and advancements in medical applications. With a projected CAGR of 16.3%, the market presents significant opportunities for businesses and investors. However, companies must navigate regulatory complexities and ensure product quality to achieve long-term success.

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Terms and Conditions for Leafly Budtenders’ Choice 2024




This is the terms and conditions page for Leafly Budtenders’ Choice 2024.

Looking for the survey to fill out and potentially win some gifts? Here’s the announcement, and here’s a direct link to the survey.

Leafly Budtenders’ Choice 2024-Terms and Conditions

Abbreviated Rules

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to US residents. Must be at least 21 to enter. Ends 12 a.m. PT on 10/15/2024. Three (3) prizes available to be won.  VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW. See Official Rules at here.


Leafly Strain of the Year Budtender’s Choice Giveaway


Eligibility: Leafly Strain of the Year Budtender’s Choice Giveaway (the “Giveaway”) is open only to legal residents of the 50  United States and District of Columbia where the Giveaway is lawfully offered but excluding residents of Puerto Rico and all US territories and possessions. All entrants must be employed by a duly licensed cannabis dispensary or retailer at the time of entry, and must be at least 21 years at the time of entry. Employees, officers, and directors of Sponsor, and the immediate family members (including spouses, unmarried partners, parents, grandparents, siblings, children and grandchildren) of any such employee, officer or director, are not eligible to enter the Giveaway or win a prize. The Giveaway is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited by law. Sponsor reserves the right to verify eligibility at any time. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW.

2. Sponsor: Leafly, LLC, 255 S King St. Ste 9-116 Seattle, WA 98104. 

3. Agreement to Official Rules: The Giveaway will be governed by these Official Rules. By participating in the Giveaway, you agree to be fully and unconditionally bound to these Official Rules, and you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein.

4. Giveaway Period: The Giveaway begins at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (“PT”), September 15, 2024 and ends at 12 a.m. PT, October 15, 2024 (the “Giveaway Period”). Entries received after the Giveaway Period shall be disqualified. Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Giveaway.

5. How to Enter:

a. Complete the following steps during the Giveaway Period to be entered into the Giveaway (each an “Entry” and collectively, the “Entries”). Each Entry must comply with the Submission Guidelines below.

i. During the Giveaway Period, go to the announcement post to complete the Leafly Strain of the Year Budtender’s Choice Survey (“Survey”). The Survey will ask you:

1. Questions about your favorite strain and products from 2024; 

2. Your name; 

3. Your state or province of residence; 

4. To state the cannabis dispensary or retailer you are currently employed at; 

5. Contact information to reach you and the cannabis dispensary or retailer you are employed at if you are selected as a winner. 

6. Social media handle information. [Optional—only required to increase winning chances.

ii. Additional Entries. After submitting an Entry, each entrant may receive 10 times as many entries to win by following the instructions below.

1) Create 1 video featuring entrant’s favorite strain and products from 2024;

2) Share the video on Instagram, TikTok, X, or LinkedIn (Only 1 share is necessary. Creating multiple videos or posts will not result in more entries);

3) Include the hashtag #LeaflyBudtendersChoice in the post; and

4) Tag Leafly’s account on the social media platform where the video is shared.

b. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject or disqualify any Entry that does not comply with the Submission Guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate, offensive, not keeping with Sponsor’s image or if it is determined that the entrant has not complied with these Official Rules.

c. Limit one (1) Initial Entry and up to ten (10) total Entries per person during the Giveaway Period. Any attempt to obtain more than the permissible number of Entries may void your Entries and/or disqualify you from the Giveaway as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Any use of robotic, repetitive, automatic, programmed or similar entry methods or agents (including, but not limited to, Giveaway entry services) will void all Entries by that entrant.

d. If you choose to participate using your mobile device, message and data rates may apply. See your wireless provider for pricing plan and participation details.

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6. Submission Guidelines: To be eligible for a chance to win, an Entry must meet the following guidelines (the “Submission Guidelines”).  An Entry must not:

a. Violate any third-party right, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other property right;

b. Contain any viruses, worms, or other interfering computer programming.

7. Winner Selection/Odds. Three (3) potential winners will be selected at random on October 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. PT. Winners will be selected from the total combined eligible Entries received by Sponsor. Odds of winning depends on number of total eligible Entries received. 

8. Winner Notification and Prize Acceptance: The potential winner(s) will be notified via email and phone by Sponsor by 5:00 p.m. PT on October 15, 2024. Each potential winner must respond to the notification via email within 48 hours or they may, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion, be disqualified.  The winner will be required to execute an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Release, a Publicity Release (where imposing such condition is legal), and a W-9 form (for US residents) (collectively, “Prize Claim Documents”) within five (5) business days from the date that the e-mail containing the documents is sent to the potential winner. If the potential winner fails or refuses to sign and return all Prize Claim Documents within the five (5) business day/time period, the potential winner may be disqualified, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Failure to provide all required information and a signature on the documents within the stated time period may result in forfeiture of potential winner’s right to claim the prize and may result in the prize being awarded to an alternate winner.

The Sponsor shall not be held responsible for any delays in awarding a prize for any reason. If a potential winner is disqualified, found to be ineligible or not in compliance with these Official Rules, declines to accept a prize or, if Sponsor or its authorized designee is unable to contact the potential winner, or a prize is returned undeliverable, the prize may be forfeited, and in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, the forfeited prize may be awarded to an alternative entrant. If, after a good-faith attempt, Sponsor is unable to award or deliver a prize, the prize may not be re-awarded at the sole discretion of Sponsor.  Prizes are not transferable and include only the items specifically listed as part of a prize. No substitutions allowed, except at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. The winner shall be solely responsible for payment of any and all applicable federal, state, and local taxes for the prize won. Sponsor will issue an IRS Form 1099 to each prize winner. All other costs and expenses not expressly set forth herein shall be solely the winner’s responsibility. Any portion of a prize not accepted by winner will be forfeited. If a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded for any reason, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the prize with another prize of equal or greater value or deem the prize forfeited. Each potential winner may be required to furnish proof of identification. Sponsor is not responsible for any winner’s privacy or spam filter settings which may divert any Giveaway message or e-mail, including any notification, to a spam or junk folder. The prize will only be awarded to a verified winner. Winner acknowledges that Sponsor has not made nor is in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular purpose. Any and all warranties and/or guarantees on a prize (if any) are subject to the respective manufacturers’ terms therefore, and winners agree to look solely to such manufacturers for any such warranty and/or guarantee. 

9. Prizes: A total of three (3) winners will each receive cash prize of $1,000 (USD) in the form of a check. Prizes are non-transferable. Any federal, provincial and local taxes and any other costs and expenses associated with the acceptance and/or use of any prize are solely the winner’s responsibility. Winner is solely responsible for reporting and paying all applicable taxes. 

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By participating in this Giveaway, entrants agree that the Giveaway Entities and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, advertising, public relations, promotional, fulfillment and marketing agencies, website providers, Web masters and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, designees and agents (“Released Parties”) are not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, misdirected, postage due, or undeliverable email notifications or postal mail; or for any computer, telephone, satellite, cable, network, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections or availability; or garbled, corrupt or jumbled transmissions, service provider/Internet/website/use net accessibility, availability or traffic congestion; or any technical, mechanical, printing, or typographical or other error; or unauthorized human intervention; or the incorrect or inaccurate capture of registration information; or the failure to capture, or loss of, any such information. The Released Parties are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by any website’s users, tampering, hacking or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Giveaway. The Released Parties are not responsible for any injury or damage, whether personal or property, to participants or to any person’s computer related to or resulting from participating in the Giveaway and/or accepting a prize. The Released Parties shall not be responsible or liable for Entries that are entered by any automated computer, program, mechanism or device, for any Entries in excess of the stated limit or for Entries that are late, forged, lost, misplaced, misdirected, tampered with, incomplete, deleted, damaged, garbled or otherwise not in compliance with the Official Rules, and all such Entries may, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, be disqualified.

If, for any reason, an Entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost or otherwise destroyed, corrupted or for any other reason not accepted as an Entry in the Giveaway, the entrant’s sole remedy is to enter the Giveaway again to receive another Entry. If, for any reason, the Giveaway is not capable of running as planned, Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Giveaway and/or proceed with the Giveaway, including the selection of winner in a manner it deems fair and reasonable including the selection of the winner from among eligible Entries received prior to such cancellation, termination, modification or suspension. Notice of such cancelation, termination, or modification of the Giveaway shall be posted at

By entering the Giveaway, each entrant agrees: (i) to be bound by these Official Rules and by all applicable laws and by the decisions of Sponsor and Administrator, which shall be binding and final; (ii) to waive any rights to claim ambiguity with respect to these Official Rules; (iii) to waive all of entrant’s rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against any of the Released Parties in connection with the Giveaway; and (iv) to forever and irrevocably agree to release and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, causes of action, proceedings, demands, fines, penalties, liability, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable outside attorneys’ fees) that may arise in connection with: (a) the Giveaway, including but not limited to any Giveaway-related activity or element thereof, and the entrant’s Entries, participation or inability to participate in the Giveaway, (b) the violation of any third-party privacy, personal, publicity or proprietary rights, (c) typographical or printing errors in these Official Rules or any Giveaway materials, (d) acceptance, attendance at, receipt, travel related to, participation in, delivery of, possession, defects in, use, non-use, misuse, inability to use, loss, damage, destruction, negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the use of a prize, (e) any change in a prize due to unavailability or due to reasons beyond Sponsor’s control, including but not limited to by reason of any acts of God, any action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity (whether or not such action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) prove(s) to be invalid), equipment failure, threatened or actual terrorist acts, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal), labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot or any other cause beyond any of the Released Parties’ control, or as otherwise permitted in these Official Rules, (f) any interruptions in or postponement, cancellation or modification of the Giveaway, (g) human error, (h) incorrect or inaccurate transcription, receipt or transmission of any part of any Entry (including, without limitation, the registration information or any parts thereof), (i) any technical malfunctions or unavailability of any website or any telephone network, computer system, computer online system, mobile device, computer timing and/or dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, or Internet service provider, or mail service utilized by any of the Released Parties or by an entrant, (j) interruption or inability to access the Giveaway, any other Giveaway-related websites or any online service via the Internet due to hardware or software compatibility problems, (k) any damage to entrant’s (or any third person’s) equipment used to access the Giveaway and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of the Giveaway, (l) any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects, and/or any other errors or malfunctions, (m) any late, lost, stolen, mutilated, misdirected, delayed, garbled, corrupted, destroyed, incomplete, undeliverable or damaged Entries, (n) any wrongful, negligent, or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any of the Released Parties, (o) lost, late, stolen, misdirected, damaged or destroyed prizing (or any element thereof), or (p) the negligence or willful misconduct by entrant.       


12. Arbitration. By participating in the Giveaway, you and Sponsor agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Giveaway shall be settled by binding arbitration in a location determined by the arbitrator as set forth herein (provided that such location is reasonably convenient for claimant), or at such other location as may be mutually agreed upon by you and Sponsor, in accordance with the procedural rules for commercial disputes set forth in the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS (“JAMS Rules and Procedures”) then prevailing, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The JAMS Rules and Procedures are available at or by calling (800) 352-5267. The arbitrator shall be selected pursuant to the JAMS Rules and Procedures. In the event that the claimant is able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to the costs of litigation, Sponsor will pay as much of the claimant’s filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive. If any part of this arbitration provision is deemed to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal (other than that claims will not be arbitrated on a class or representative basis), or otherwise conflicts with the rules and procedures established by JAMS, then the balance of this arbitration provision shall remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid, unenforceable, illegal or conflicting provision were not contained herein. If, however, the portion that is deemed invalid, unenforceable or illegal is that claims will not be arbitrated on a class or representative basis, then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void, and neither claimant nor Sponsor shall be entitled to arbitrate their dispute. Upon filing a demand for arbitration, all parties to such arbitration shall have the right of discovery, which discovery shall be completed within sixty days after the demand for arbitration is made, unless further extended by mutual agreement of the parties. THE ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES PURSUANT TO THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE IN THE ENTRANT’S INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. THE ARBITRATOR MAY NOT CONSOLIDATE OR JOIN THE CLAIMS OF OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES WHO MAY BE SIMILARLY SITUATED. DO NOT ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO HAVE ANY CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY ARBITRATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE OFFICIAL RULES. BY PARTICIPATING IN THE GIVEAWAY, EACH ENTRANT AGREES THAT TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: (1) ANY AND ALL DISPUTES, CLAIMS AND CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH THE GIVEAWAY, OR ANY PRIZE AWARDED, WILL BE RESOLVED INDIVIDUALLY THROUGH BINDING ARBITRATION AS SET FORTH ABOVE, WITHOUT RESORT TO ANY FORM OF CLASS ACTION AND (2) ENTRANT’S REMEDIES ARE LIMITED TO A CLAIM FOR MONEY DAMAGES (IF ANY) AND ENTRANT IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO SEEK INJUNCTIVE OR EQUITABLE RELIEF. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY SET FORTH ABOVE AND IN SECTION 11, SO SUCH LANGUAGE MAY NOT APPLY TO EVERY ENTRANT.


This Giveaway and its Official Rules, excluding any and all disputes, are subject to all applicable US Federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the Giveaway Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of entrants and Sponsor in connection with the Giveaway, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of New York, without giving effect to the conflict of laws rules thereof, and any matters or proceedings which are not subject to arbitration as set forth in Section 12 of these Official Rules and/or for entering any judgment on an arbitration award, shall take place in the state of New York and hereby waive any objection to such jurisdiction and venue. Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to this Giveaway or these Official Rules must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose regardless of any law to the contrary. In the event any such claim or cause of action is not filed within such one (1) year period, such claim or cause of action shall be forever barred.

14. Severability. If any provision of these Official Rules shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law and the Sponsor’s fundamental intentions hereunder, and the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired, provided, however, that in such cases the parties oblige themselves to use their best efforts to achieve the purpose of the invalid provision by a new legally valid stipulation.

15. Winner List. To obtain a list of the winners, mail a self-addressed, stamped business-sized envelope to Leafly Marketing Department, at 113 Cherry St. PMB 88154 Seattle, WA 98104, USA. Winner List requests must be received by October 24, 2024.

© 2024 Leafly. All Rights Reserved. 

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What are you smoking? New York’s best bud




Discover New York’s best cannabis info and culture today, including strains, dispensaries, events, education and more. See all Discover Manhattan’s newest legal dispensaries: Discover Queens newest legal dispensaries

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