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Will Iceland Be The New Normal For Cannabis



Is Iceland the wave or puff of the future?

As the US debates rescheduling cannabis and officially recognizing its medical benefits, the public already has moved on from the conversation. Canada is fully legal and over 50% of the US has access to legal weed, along with pockets of Europe. But the interesting thing is things only get better with legalization. Teen use is down, medical use is up and lots of people of all ages are reaping benefits. While cannabis is not perfect, it is definitely healthier than alcohol.  The consuming public has noticed and more people are drifting away from booze and headed to weed. One of these is our chilly northern neighbors.  Will Iceland be the new normal for cannabis?

It is believed 6.6% of the population consumes cannabis regularly. The number is commonly believed to be 18.3% due to data confusion. It makes sense with the California sober movement of switching cannabis for alcohol.  Gen Z is drinking less and gumming more, and Boomers are turning on to medical marijuana for health reasons. While it is still illegal, there is growing domestic production. While it isn’t a world country record for use, the liberal country seems to embrace marijuana over mojitos.

photography of white swan floating on water body

The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) suggests that people in Iceland drink less frequently than people in the other Nordic countries. Iceland has the seventh lowest proportion of people that drink at least once per week, just over 20%.  Overall, 62% of U.S. adults say they ever drink alcohol, while 38% abstain completely, where with marijuana it is closer to 10-12%.  With trends, will the US move closer to Canada with almost parity in use. Even states like Texas where cannabis is illegal, still sell hemp, made from the same plant.

While buying and holding small amounts for personal use doesn’t incur any severe punishment beyond a small fine of $500. Possession of small amounts of cannabis is prohibited, yet not criminalized, under the Icelandic Addictive Drugs and Narcotics act. History is moving and it is good to observe trends in other parts of the world.

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How Much Marijuana To Take To Be Happy




The concept of popping open a beer after work was ingrained in the boomer generation as a way to relax and shake off the troubles of the day.  But younger millennials and Gen Z have a different take.  As seen in fully legal states, beer sales are down, and in recent research, they are moving to cannabis.  So how much marijuana to take to be happy and shake it off?

Different generations chill and relax in different ways.  Earlier boomers had cocktails, late boomers and Gen X had illicit weed, valium and drinks, now the youngest adults are moving to vaping and gummies.  While it should not be done too regularly, sometimes the world just gives you a rough go.  Whether a jerk at work, car trouble or just a full flung case of the grumpies, sometimes you need a distraction.  But how much of a dose should take to be happy?

First, you need to make sure it isn’t a daily habit, addiction is no joke and problems can occur.  But on this days when you just want to kick back and chill after a hard day, what do you do. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago report low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress, but in a highly dose-dependent manner: very low doses lessened the jitters of a public-speaking task, while slightly higher doses — enough to produce a mild “high” — actually increased anxiety.

Consumer data shows the younger generation is leaning into a few hits of a vape or a gummy or two Monday – Wednesday.  Rather than have the hangover, the calories, and the alcohol high, they want something smoother and less fattening.

If you a canna newbie or an occasionally user, a mild relaxant could be about 2.5 mg.  if you want to up it, 2.5-5 mg. work.  For the more frequent use mild would go to 2.5-5 mg and to increase it would be 5-10 mg.  Products purchased in a dispensary have a labels with dosage to help you manage.

You can also chat with the bud tender.  A little trial and error can help you figure out what you want to relax and find your happy spot.

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