Cannabis News

A $3,000 Fine for Smoking Weed?



As President Macron tries to stop gang violence, French cannabis users caught with even modest amounts of the drug will face immediate fines of up to €2,500.


If offenders lack the cash to pay fines, which begin at €150 for a first offense, police will be provided with mobile payment devices to accept cards. The majority of cannabis possession fines are currently unpaid.


Debate and Criticism Surrounding Macron’s Cannabis Fine Initiative


French President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to enforce on-spot weed fines was unveiled in an interview with Marseille’s La Provence newspaper ahead of his visit to the crime-plagued city. With 23 deaths attributed to drug gang turf wars this year in Marseille, the announcement ignited criticism and revived the debate on cannabis legalization. Macron argued against decriminalization, citing the high rate of unpaid fines for cannabis possession, which reached 65% of the 350,000 fines issued since September 2020.


The new measure, scheduled to be implemented by the end of summer, involves equipping police officers with 5,000 portable card payment machines. Macron stressed that individuals with the financial means to consume drugs recreationally should recognize their complicity in supporting criminal networks. However, human rights lawyer Arié Alimi advocated for the legalization of recreational marijuana, drawing inspiration from Canada and 23 US states, as he believes prohibition fosters increased criminal activity and the rise of organized crime.



Despite France’s stringent cannabis laws, consumption remains high, with an estimated five million occasional users and between 900,000 and 1.2 million regular smokers. Public opinion polls indicate that a majority of French people support the legalization of cannabis for recreational use. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised regarding practicality and potential issues, such as corruption when collecting fines in cash and difficulties in distinguishing illegal cannabis from legal CBD.


As France continues to navigate the complexities surrounding the enforcement of on-spot weed fines, it must carefully consider the practical challenges and potential consequences associated with this approach to cannabis possession.


Challenges in Marseille: Crumbling Infrastructure, Housing Issues, and Public Dissatisfaction


In an attempt to redirect the political discourse, President Macron is seeking to shift the focus after facing widespread street protests against his proposed reforms to raise the statutory pension age from 62 to 64.


Marseille, one of France’s most economically disadvantaged cities, suffers from dilapidated infrastructure and poorly maintained council flats, particularly in the northern neighborhoods where the drug trade is prevalent. The city has witnessed the collapse of three apartment buildings since 2018, and charitable organizations estimate that around 40,000 people reside in substandard housing conditions.



Ahmed Kaddour, a 57-year-old resident of the La Castellane housing estate, expressed his discontent to the news agency AFP, describing the area as unclean, infested with rats, plagued by drug dealing, devoid of green spaces for children, lacking medical services, and suffering from high unemployment rates. He emphasized that access to necessities relied heavily on personal connections.


During a visit to Marseille two years ago, Macron promised to improve public services and tackle crime. However, residents claim that little has changed since then and anticipate further protests during his current visit.


As Macron endeavors to address the concerns raised by Marseille’s residents and fulfill his previous commitments, he faces the ongoing challenge of navigating the complexities of urban issues, socioeconomic disparities, and public discontent.


Comparison with Other Countries’ Approaches


When evaluating France’s on-spot weed fines, it is helpful to compare them with the approaches taken by other countries in addressing cannabis offenses. Different nations have adopted diverse strategies, from strict prohibition to decriminalization or legalization.


Some nations, such as Singapore and Malaysia, continue to restrict the use of cannabis strictly. Criminal possession, cultivation, and service sanctions may include lengthy prison terms or the death penalty. The argument put up by supporters is that a tight policy serves as a deterrent and lessens drug-related crime, addiction, and social impact.


In contrast, several nations, notably Portugal, the Netherlands, and some US states have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of cannabis. Instead of being charged with a crime, offenders may face civil fines or administrative penalties. Decriminalization strives to lessen the load on the criminal justice system, refocus funding on prevention and treatment, and lessen the social and economic effects on individuals.


Other countries, such as Canada, Uruguay, and certain states in the United States, have opted to legalize and regulate cannabis for recreational or medicinal purposes. This approach involves establishing legal frameworks, licensing systems, and quality control measures. Legalization aims to eliminate the illicit market, generate tax revenue, regulate product safety, and redirect law enforcement efforts toward more serious crimes.


By comparing France’s on-spot weed fines with other countries’ approaches, we can see that France’s fines represent a middle ground between strict prohibition and decriminalization. They are distinct in their focus on providing immediate consequences for minor offenses. Assessing the outcomes and implications of these different approaches can inform policymakers and stakeholders in shaping effective and evidence-based cannabis policies.


Future Implications and Policy Changes


Implementing on-spot weed fines in France raises essential considerations regarding future implications and potential policy changes. As the effectiveness and impact of these fines become more apparent, policymakers may reevaluate and modify existing approaches to cannabis offenses.


One potential future implication is the need for periodic review and adjustment of acceptable amounts. Over time, policymakers may assess whether the current fine structure aligns with deterrence, harm reduction, and proportionality goals. Adjustments to fine amounts might be made to ensure they remain effective in addressing minor cannabis offenses while avoiding excessive penalties that could disproportionately affect individuals or perpetuate social inequities.


Additionally, the success of on-spot fines could influence broader discussions on cannabis policy reform in France. Positive outcomes, such as reduced burden on the judicial system and improved efficiency in handling minor offenses, may encourage policymakers to explore alternative approaches to cannabis regulation. This could involve considering options like decriminalization, diversion programs, or even potential pathways toward legalization, particularly for personal use or medical purposes.


Furthermore, implementing on-spot weed fines in France may stimulate further research and analysis. Studies evaluating the impact of these fines on public behavior, drug consumption patterns, and social attitudes can provide valuable insights for future policy decisions. Additionally, examining the experiences of other countries that have implemented similar measures can offer lessons and best practices for refining France’s approach.


Bottom Line


France’s implementation of on-spot weed fines represents a middle ground between strict prohibition and decriminalization. President Macron’s initiative aims to address the issue of unpaid fines and discourage individuals from financially supporting criminal networks. However, it has reignited the ongoing debate on the legalization of cannabis, with proponents arguing for alternative approaches. The challenges faced in Marseille, such as infrastructure decay and housing issues, further highlight the complexities and socioeconomic disparities that need to be addressed. As France moves forward with its on-spot fine system, careful evaluation, potential policy adjustments, and further research will be crucial to shaping effective and evidence-based cannabis policies in the future.




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