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Are magic mushrooms addictive? | Leafly



A mushroom trip can be life-changing, but can the experience of a cosmic, transformative journey also spark a desire to do it again, and again, and again? Psilocybin, the main active compound in mushrooms, is currently a Schedule I drug in the US, which means the government thinks it has a high potential for abuse. However, DEA scheduling lags behind the latest clinical data.

Recentresearch highlights psilocybin’s safety profile and low potential for abuse, and in fact, one emerging area of psilocybin research is focused on how the compound can be used to treat different addictions. In other words, psilocybin is more likely to help you kick an addictive habit than get you hooked on a new one.

Let’s talk about whether psilocybin can be addictive,  psilocybin tolerance, and why it might be uniquely suited for treating addiction.

What is addiction? 

Humans can become addicted to just about anything that feels good or relieves stress and discomfort—including sugar, shopping, or even work. However, substance use disorders are the most common type. These occur when an individual continues to use a substance regardless of detrimental impacts on their relationships, health, work, or ability to engage in everyday life, and various other criteria, according to the DSM.

Addiction experts generally agree that addiction is a cyclical process that has three clear stages.  

  • First stage: The user becomes intoxicated by a substance, leading to a flood of feel-good dopamine, activating the brain’s reward centers. Most addiction researchers agree that dopamine plays a major role in the development and persistence of addiction
  • Second stage: The user experiences symptoms of withdrawal, leading to negative effects such as panic or anxiety. 
  • Third stage: The user experiences a strong preoccupation and sense of anticipation that makes it hard to resist the urge to use or consume the substance. Consuming the substance resolves this intense preoccupation/anticipation and also enables a flood of dopamine (as experienced in stage one). 


How to dose psychedelic mushrooms

Is psilocybin addictive?

Classic psychedelics that primarily influence the brain’s serotonin receptors, like psilocybin, are not considered addictive, mainly because their effects stick around for a long time—a psilocybin trip, for example, can last for up to six  hours. This long duration of action can desensitize the brain’s serotonin receptors, causing rapid tolerance that minimizes the possibility of abuse. It’s also worth noting that classic psychedelics don’t directly affect the brain’s dopamine system; as mentioned above, dopamine stimulation is needed for a drug to lead to dependence. 

In studies on psilocybin addiction, animals trained to self-administer psilocybin—a common way of testing whether a substance is liable to be abused in human populations—have shown that the substance has a very low abuse potential. The majority of these animals chose not to carry out a specific behavior, like pressing a lever, in order to be rewarded with psilocybin. Large-scale population surveys of individuals who have tripped with magic mushrooms also yield similar results, finding no association between lifetime psilocybin use and addiction

In light of this evidence, researchers are calling for a re-categorization of psilocybin from its current Schedule I status to Schedule IV—substances recognized to have a low misuse potential and a limited risk of physical or psychological dependence.

For Nicholas Levich, Co-Founder of Psychedelic Passage, a platform that facilitates psychedelic trip-sitting experiences, psilocybin mushrooms deliver an experience that is essentially antithetical to addiction. “Psilocybin, especially in high doses, produces effects that are so profound and typically uncomfortable that the common sentiment is something along the lines of, ‘Well, that was intense, and I don’t need to do that again for a while—if ever,’” he said. 

However, Levich also cautions that any substance can be misused, so it’s vital to use psilocybin mindfully and intentionally. “It’s more about establishing healthy psilocybin use patterns versus whether psilocybin is chemically addictive.”

Addiction issues often  arise from  substances like alcohol because it can mask pain, according to Mike Ljubsa, Business Director and Facilitator at MycoMeditations, a company that offers psilocybin-assisted wellness retreats. Psilocybin doesn’t have this effect. 

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“If anything, psilocybin may force a person to be with their pain at an even deeper layer than they normally are,” he said. “A person can certainly have an unhealthy relationship with psychedelics, but they aren’t addictive in the true sense of the word.”


Can psychedelic mushrooms trigger psychosis? 

Can you develop a tolerance to psilocybin?

While there’s a prevailing consensus among experts and researchers that psilocybin isn’t addictive, evidence suggests that repeated psilocybin use over a short period of timecan quickly build tolerance. But tolerance is different from addiction, abuse or dependence, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Developing tolerance to a substance means that the dose you have typically taken stops working as effectively as it once did, and you need to take more to get the same benefits or effects as you did before. Tolerance is common in many substances and can occur when your body is exposed to a substance even just a few times. In the case of psilocybin, tolerance can be formed after a single session. 

“From my perspective, this is the other reason psilocybin is not addictive—your tolerance builds up so quickly that you’d need to consume 2-3 times the prior day’s dose to experience any effects,” said Levitch. He recommends journeyers wait at least a day or two in between doses.

“Breaks allow users to guard against tolerance and ensure that the slightly altered states they experience are actually altered states,” said Derek Chase, founder of LA-based entheogenic wellness company Psilouette

He believes the benefits of microdosing come from toggling between a psilocybin-impacted state and a sober state of consciousness, as this enables insights into different ways of being.


How long do magic mushrooms stay in your system?

Can psilocybin treat addiction?

Some of the most compelling psilocybin research at present explores its ability to treat substance use disorders such as tobacco and alcohol addiction. Treating addiction is a major reason that many individuals take shrooms. 

In one recent clinical trial of individuals with alcohol use disorder, psilocybin coupled with psychotherapy led to a substantial decrease in heavy drinking—by 83%, compared to a 51% reduction among individuals who received an antihistamine placebo. (Heavy drinking was defined as four or more drinks per day for women, and five or more drinks for men.) Eight months after the first psilocybin dose, close to half (48%) of those who had psilocybin stopped drinking altogether.

The mechanisms by which psilocybin can help treat addiction remain unclear. However, researchers have identified a host of factors, such as an improved ability to deal with cravings, the alteration of neural networks that can help reset the brain’s reward system, or the transformative potential of a “mystical experience” while tripping. 

Mystical experiences appear to be a particularly therapeutic element in the treatment of addiction, and can engender feelings of interconnectedness, transcendence of time and space, profound positivity, a sense of awe, and the belief that what has been revealed has authenticity and validity. While researchers still don’t fully understand why mystical experiences are so influential, experts theorize that the intense sense of personal meaning they can create may help individuals to kick addictive habits.

“Psilocybin is incredibly helpful at inserting space between us and our compulsive patterns,” said Levitch. “Plus, it can often illuminate the root cause of those compulsive behaviors.”

Part of psilocybin’s potency as an addiction treatment may be its ability to help people face trauma.

“Trauma is at the root of most addiction issues,” reflected Ljubsa. “When psilocybin is taken in safe settings with proper intention and reliable support, a person can address the traumas underlying their addiction.”

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Big new study shows weed replacing alcohol as a daily substance




In the US, regular cannabis use is on a path to replace regular alcohol use among every age group 19 to 65. Just in time for Dry January, a massive, authoritative December 23 study, published in the journal Addiction, found young adults (those under 30) have set aside regular alcohol use in favor of rolling one up instead. Gen X has matching cohorts of regular drinkers and smokers. And even retirees are relinquishing more and more scotch for the indica.

About 10 percent of the country drank near-daily in the mid-20th century. In the 1980s and 90s, drinkers far outnumbered weed smokers. But starting in 1996, voters approved over 40 medical cannabis states and 24 adult-use ones. Cannabis has become increasingly more accessible and popular.

To better understand these trends, Megan Patrick, a researcher at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, analyzed newly completed data from the Monitoring The Future Panel Study. Since 1976, the US has asked around 20,000 people ages 19-65 about their drug use.

The data set is superb for comparing drug trends for different age groups over time.

The survey adds a fresh cohort of 12th graders each year and surveys them every 2 years until age 30, and then every 5 years until age 65. In 2023, the first complete data set for the first cohort became available.

The data set is superb for comparing drug trends for different age groups over time. In total, the analysis done by Patrick included 389,649 responses from 1988 to 2023.

Young adults: Smokers now outnumber drinkers 3 to 1

This chart shows 19 to 30 year-olds switching out herb for drinking over 25 years. (“Trends in Alcohol and Cannabis Use for 19-30 year olds from 1988-2023”) (Frank, Addiction, 2023)

After analyzing the data, Patrick’s findings paint a clear picture. Daily cannabis use is becoming more and more common, just as daily alcohol use is declining. The shift is more obvious in younger generations. About one in ten young adults regularly smoke weed. By contrast, just 1 in 30 regularly drink.

In Patrick’s analysis, someone was considered a daily or near-daily user of cannabis or alcohol if they used that substance more than 20 times in a month.

Back in the ‘80s, twice as many adults aged 19-30 drank near-daily than smoked. Those rates evened by 2010. Since 2011, cannabis has swiftly replaced daily alcohol use. By 2023, 10.4% of young adults were using daily or near-daily cannabis, compared to only 3.6% for alcohol.

Middle-aged adults: The cross-fade kids

Gen X has added daily weed use without really setting down the bottle. (Trends in Alcohol and Cannabis Use for 35-50 year olds from 1988-2023) (Frank, Addiction, 2023)

Middle-aged adults followed similar trends, but they started with a much higher rate of daily or near-daily alcohol use compared to cannabis. In 2008, almost one in ten mid-adults drank daily or near daily. By contrast, maybe 1 in 40 mid-adults smoked daily.

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Drinking also spiked among adults 35 to 50 during the pandemic. But over the last few years they have begun to drink less. Meanwhile, cannabis use climbs among Gen X. In 2023, daily or near-daily Gen X drinking or weed smoking rates converged for the first time—7.6% of 35-50-year-olds used alcohol regularly, and 7.5% used cannabis regularly.

Adults 55 to 65: Time is on weed’s side

Cannabis and alcohol: 30-day prevalence of daily/near-daily use among respondents of modal ages 18 through 65 by age group, 2023. (Frank, Addiction, 2023)

The oldest group in this study consisted of adults aged 55-65. This group continues to have higher levels of daily or near-daily alcohol use (11.4%) compared to daily or near-daily cannabis use (5.2%).

But Patrick suggests that “if trends continue this may shift in the coming years.”

Younger adults already prefer cannabis to alcohol, and if trends hold, even seniors on the golf course will be hitting a vape instead of a brewski.

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7 Health And Wellness Tips For Youngsters For This Winter Season




With winter coming, one must stay active and engaged to get through the season. The colder months would slow down, but if one had the right approach, winter could be a perfect season for growth and well-being opportunities. From staying motivated to playing fun indoor games to enjoying the seasonal changes outside, one can easily strike a balance during winter. Let us see the seven tips regarding health and wellness that can help youngsters make the best of winter.

Stay active with fun indoor workouts or winter sports

This winter season, it’s essential to remain active and happy, which can easily be done by trying indoor workouts or sports.

From indoor workout spaces and mini golfing to even going skiing or boarding, there are many ways to help young children ignore the cold. Moreover, these winter activities are treasured outings that allow youngsters to move beyond their comfort zones and try new activities.



Incorporate warm, comforting foods

Including warm and delectable food in one’s daily meal is a perfect alternative in winter. As the cold weather sets in, one can easily switch to warm and delicious food items like soups, stews, casseroles, and many other varieties, which also enhances the home’s mood.

Children can make use of varied recipes, for instance, making a warm casserole with some vegetables or even baking the casserole or making a warm soup.

Make hydration a priority with seasonal drinks

Youngsters can remain hydrated over the winter months by being regularly exposed to seasonal drinks, which help them focus on hydration. Herbal teas, hot chocolate, and spiced apple cider are warm drinks that can be a healthy substitute.

Those seasonal refreshments warm the body and are entertaining as they encourage trying out new tastes. Slurping hot cocoa after a snowball fight or drinking warm tea while studying can bring much-needed variety to the plain winter days.

Set aside time for creative hobbies and projects

Establishing time for leisure activities such as creative projects or hobbies over winter is a great way for children to be productive and let out their artistic side. It may be painting, writing, sculpturing, or playing an instrument in winter—consider it an opportunity.

There are also longer nights to spend on such relaxing and rewarding indoor projects. Whenever new things are produced, they not only serve as a pastime but also give a feeling of achievement, which makes the winter months more active and useful.

Spend time outdoors, even in the colder weather

Even in chilly temperatures, winter outdoor activities help children stay active. They can go for a leisurely walk, have a winter hike, or play in the snow, which will invigorate them with fresh air.

Wearing nice winter clothes helps you go outside without feeling too cold. People who like to relax outside on a winter day can enjoy the view with a CBD vape pen.

Build strong connections through social activities

The winter is an excellent time for youngsters to strengthen their bonds on social events. Since the cold drives people inside, this is a perfect time to organize indoor bonding activities with family and friends.

One such idea is to have a movie or a gaming night on the weekends, encouraging people to be social and fight the winter fog. Even short family gatherings or virtual meets can bring some form of fellowship, ensuring that younger people do not feel alone during the winter.

Create a cozy evening routine for relaxation and downtime

For many children, especially during the winter, the evenings can be quite ‘active’ moments in the household as they wind down after a series of busy and tiring activities. It seems to be a better idea for everyone to set up a quiet space to read or watch movies during this time.

Moving forward, it becomes easier for children to unwind before their parents read them bedtime stories. Hence, one begins to wonder if it really makes sense to struggle through those cold winter evenings.

Why Is It Important For Youngsters To Maintain Health And Wellness This Winter?

Youngsters must be crucial to stay healthy through the winter, enabling them to be active, engaged, and concentrated throughout the season.

More often than not, harsh weather with shorter days pulls back one’s sense of activity, and disconnection is common.

But if health and wellness are emphasized, youngsters can harness their grip and motivation on the season to its fullest.

Physical activity, a proper diet, and effective social interaction are some active ingredients that help formulate a wholesome lifestyle that enhances their routine life and prepares them to fully utilize the winter, indoors or outdoors.

Factors Youngsters Should Consider During The Winter Season

While enjoying the winter season, there are a few key aspects that kids should keep in mind during the winter.

  1. First and foremost, it is necessary to look for proper attire in which one feels comfortable going outside: for instance, wearing many warm clothes, gloves, and scarves.
  2. Another aspect that needs to be considered is remaining active, whether it means participating in outdoor winter activities or making sure one does not stop moving indoors.
  3. Social connections should also be on the agenda because winter weather can sometimes be quite lonely, so staying in touch with friends and family while doing activities together or via video chats is good.
  4. Lastly, adding variety to the winter with snug activities such as reading, crafting, or cooking should do the trick so that the time spent during winter does not go to waste.


Bottom Line

Various tips can be adhered to during the winter season. Staying outdoors or even socializing can be quite refreshing. Some of the tips stated before are exciting as they instill a sense of hope to be capable of going touch without structures. Therefore, it is good advice to infuse winter with a sense of joy and optimism so as to fuse it with several memories along its course.

rohit choudhary

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7 Health And Wellness Products That You Must Buy Locally This Year




The start of a New Year is perhaps the best time to pay attention to the support of the local economy as well as the improvement of your health and wellness regime. Apart from soap and essential oils, many products deal with lifestyle, and sourcing them locally means going to the market and finding them. Today’s post focuses on seven outstanding wellness products you should buy locally this year. These products will allow you to step up your self-care schedule or vice versa, opt for some new approaches. So let’s get started!

Locally sourced herbal teas

One health and wellness product you should consider this year is herbal teas produced within your vicinity. These teas are usually made in small batches, using leaves and herbs grown in home gardens or farms, giving them a thinness that cannot be replicated in mass-produced teas.

Besides supporting local farmers and other small businesses, buying local gives you access to special mixes that will not exist in chain stores. Whether chamomile’s calming effects or mint’s refreshing taste, local herbal teas are a great fit to help with wellness routines.



Handmade organic skincare

This year, due to their uniqueness, a local product worth buying is handcrafted organic skincare products. Such natural products are made with fresh ingredients sourced from farms or gardens.

By acquiring such natural products locally, you encourage the local artisans and small businesses and, at the same time, get interesting, unique products free from most of the synthetic chemicals found in mass-produced products. Being handcrafted, organic skincare products also have the creator’s touch and help add more personality to your self-care routine.

Natural soy candles

One of the best health and wellness products that you can get this year locally is natural soy candles. Since they are made from a renewable source, soy candles are a more environmentally friendly option, unlike paraffin candles, which contain petroleum byproducts and may produce chemical contaminants upon burning.

Most often, local artisans make soy candles in different varieties, typically representative of that region’s environment or culture, making the soy candle a perfect gift. Buying these candles means you are supporting local artisans, and at the same time, you are enjoying the warm and comfy environment in your house, which is also sustainable.

Customizable yoga mats

If you visit a local market, you should consider buying a customized yoga mat, a local health and wellness product. These mats supply an individual touch, enabling you to choose your favorite colors, designs, or quotes that best suit your passion and style of practice.

Supporting your community by purchasing a yoga mat from local craftsmen or businesses means that you are acquiring a unique product and strengthening your community. Be it a practiced yogi or a novice, a locally made customized yoga mat can improve your practice by enhancing comfort and uniqueness during your routine.


Vapes are a health and wellness product you might want to buy locally this year. Buying vapes in bulk not only helps support smaller businesses in the area but also ensures that the products have been manufactured with high quality.

People have a diverse choice as vapes, especially locally made/ sold or vaped vapes, have a wide array of styles and flavors. Well, now you might be wondering where to go. Just Google “wholesale vape products near me”, and many sources will pop up.

Artisan essential oils

From a wellness point of view, an item you might want to consider getting in the area this year is artisan essential oils. These are often made by artisans who promote sustainability and quality.

By buying artisan essential oils from your locality, you’re supporting small businesses and getting a chance to experience new blends that are hard to find in large retail stores. Locally crafted essential oils are not just a product but a symbol of your community’s love and creativity.

Locally crafted wellness products

This year, something that you should make a point of purchasing locally is the organic body scrub. To have such soaps crafted, the focus is on the satisfaction and custom creation of the individual. When you buy homemade items, you help local businesses and obtain unique things that are representative of the culture and integrity of the place where you live.

Additionally, unique soaps created by combining hand soaps with your fragrance are crucial elements of your daily care routine that manufactured goods cannot match. They add an authentic touch to your handmade soaps, lacking in mass-produced products.

Why Should You Buy Health And Wellness Products Locally This Year?

Buying health and wellness products from stores in your community this year is strengthening the economy in your area by supporting small businesses.

Local shopping builds the community because it supports local crafters and business owners offering original and quality products.

Moreover, shopping at local shops usually means interacting with the products and knowing their source more closely.

Looking after local industries helps lower your carbon footprint as the products have to be shipped over shorter distances, which decreases the environmental effect.

So it is good for your welfare scheme and the society where you live.

Things To Ensure Before Buying Health And Wellness Products Locally This Year

Whether you are considering purchasing health and wellness products locally this year or not, there are a few things that you should consider in the first place.

  1. First, the ownership or reputation of the store must be checked, as it should have a sustainable, high-quality standard.
  2. There is a need to clarify the ingredients, materials, or processes used in creating the products since information is the power to make proper decisions.
  3. The pricing, however, should fit the quality and type of the product being sold.
  4. Finally, ensure that your product reflects your principles, e.g., contains recycled materials or other items sourced ethically.



Closing Lines

Purchasing health and well-being items around you not only boosts your private schedule but also helps the development of your society. Such products can be artisan essential oils, handmade stress relieving creams, or natural teas produced in the region. Products like these provide a certain feeling and satisfaction that cannot be attained by using mass-produced goods. Choosing where and from whom to purchase these local goods cultivates your health and small businesses’ health.

rohit choudhary

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