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Are Pain Medications Preventing You from Healing?



We all know that pharmaceutical painkillers are much stronger than nearly anything you can find in nature. There’s no comparing cannabis, cloves, or magic mushrooms to powerful drugs like fentanyl and isotonitazene. So why are a growing number of people turning away from opioids in favor of milder treatment options? Aside from obvious safety issues with the former, the answer to that lies in part in how we, as a society, view pain in the first place.

Is pain something that should be immediately and completely masked, or are there some healing components to allowing our bodies to feel discomfort? Is our culture of hiding from anything that feels bad, keeping us in a perpetual state of illness?

Pain defined throughout history

Pain is not a condition in and of itself, but rather a symptom of many other diseases or disorders, indicating something is wrong with our bodies. Pain is incredibly complex and can vary significantly between people, even those who share similar illnesses or injuries. Pain can also range in severity, as well as in the way it’s felt. Some variations of pain can include pricking, tingling, stinging, burning, soreness, aching, and many other unpleasant sensations.

The entire spectrum of pain consists of hundreds of different types of disorders and syndromes. For instance, you can experience pain following an injury, or chronic pain related to aging. Pain can also be neurological, like migraines. Heart attacks, cancer, and childbirth all cause different forms of pain. When it comes to clinical diagnoses, healthcare providers typically group pain into one of two categories: acute or chronic. Acute pain comes on suddenly and intensely, and is usually the result of a traumatic injury or surgery.

Chronic pain persists over a longer period of time, and can be difficult to manage. Chronic pain affects very 50 million American adults, and it’s one of the most common reasons people seek medical care. Although some medical professionals consider chronic pain to be its own medical disease, there is always an underlying cause.

Again, pain is our natural warning sign that something is not right. The purpose of feeling pain is to change our course of actions – be it limiting certain activities, eating different foods, doing certain exercises, and so on. It’s remarkably specific in letting us know what activities will further aggravate an area, and in preventing us from doing said activities.

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What the research says

Pain is something that has long-confused physicians, so in an effort to better understand it, they started tracking their patients’ discomfort at all times. For a while, pain was even referred to as “the fifth vital sign”, officially declared so in 1999, but the move was met with great controversy and continues to be a point of contention in the healthcare industry to this day.

Regardless, the goal was for doctors to take more cognizance of pain because it can be an important factor in determining the overall health and mental state of a patient. The problem was that, the quest to gain a better understanding of pain eventually turned into a mission to mask pain entirely, not necessarily treat its root causes.

Some issues come along with masking pain, the most obvious being that if you don’t feel any pain, you may not take the correct actions to manage and heal your ailment, leading to further injury. Another problem that is rarely discussed, is the role of pain management medications in the actual treatment of pain. For a long time, it was commonly believed that pills helped, but recent studies show that many frequently used pharmaceuticals actually hinder the healing process.

It is well established in scientific literature that NSAIDs can impede the healing of broken bones, damaged ligaments, and other musculoskeletal tissues. Many surgeons many avoid suggesting or prescribing these medications because of the growing concern in how they negatively impact callus formation and decrease the activity of COX isoenzymes that decrease the synthesis of prostanoids.

Another drug of great controversy – opioids. How much are these incredibly dangerous drugs that have caused hundreds of thousands of overdose deaths over the last decade, even aiding in the healing process? Short answer, not very much at all – according to recent studies.

A study published in 2017 found that patients who were treating wounds with opioid doses over 10mg per day exhibited slower rates of healing than patients who took less than 10mg or none at all. Other studies have also suggested that opioid use may negatively impact wound healing by reducing immune activation, impacting tissue oxygenation and angiogenesis, and altering myofibroblast recruitment as well as impacting keratinocyte cytokine production, endothelial proliferation and angiogenesis.

Other drugs that can slow wound healing are cytotoxic antineoplastic and immunosuppressive agents, corticosteroids, and anticoagulants. Additionally, all drugs in the pain relief category can theoretically interfere with healing by masking pain and thus allowing you to continue to hurt yourself without immediately realizing it.

My personal experience with pain

To not sound completely tone-deaf here, I do understand that certain levels of pain can make life unbearable. I’ve been blessed in not having to experience chronic, debilitating pain personally, but I have had a handful of injuries and surgeries in my life that left me in pain or discomfort for a few weeks to a few months at a time.

I also suffer from frequent migraines and cluster headaches, which come on strong and fast. Normally, I try to take it easy, drink a lot of water, eat food, and avoid smoking until it goes away. Admittedly, I’ll pop an Excedrin occasionally if I don’t have time to tend to naturally, but I try to avoid that as the regular use of any acetaminophen-based drug can cause significant damage to the body, particularly the liver.

Right now, I’m drawing from my experience of giving birth, comparing how it went when I received epidural versus a natural birth. First, it’s important to note that babies whose mothers receive an epidural are more likely to develop respiratory distress syndrome once the child is born. Epidural anesthetic is sometimes combined with opioid drugs as well, which can cross the placenta and add to the risk of developing respiratory depression.

Babies who have are exhibiting such problems likely end up going to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). While staying in the NICU may not seem harmful on the surface, it means that mother and baby are separated immediately after birth. And when you use epidural, you can’t move your legs for a couple of hours after giving birth, so if the baby is not in the same room with you, that’s even longer spent away from them during their first moments on this earth, and this can have profound effects on the emotional and physical well-being of both baby and mom.

This is what happened to me when I gave birth to my first son with epidural. The labor was about 10 hours, I had to be put on oxygen at numerous points during the process, and my baby was born with some breathing issues that made it difficult for him to breathe through his nose while eating. He was taken to NICU right away, but even while there he had issues for a couple of weeks. At one point during a feeding, he stopped breathing completely for a few seconds and turned blue, it was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced.

Were these issues causes by the epidural? It’s hard to say, but very possible. Especially when comparing that ordeal to the birth of my second son, which was done completely naturally. No problems during the labor which last less than one hour from start to finish, baby had absolutely no issues, and we were discharged in about 1 day.

In my opinion, that’s very telling of the types of complications that can arise when unnecessary medical intervention is at play.

Final thoughts

Pain management is a complicated and sensitive subject for many people, patients and medical professionals alike. Pharmaceuticals have their place in modern medicine, but it’s important to take a closer look at their overall role in treating pain over the long term. These recent discoveries place greater importance on treating the root causes of pain, in order to get patients off their medications as quickly as possible.

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Why Do Whales Keep Swallowing People




The are portrayed as sweet, kind and fun, but what’s up with them downing people like jello shooters?

The open waters are full of potential dangers including sharks, jellyfish, people on jet skis and more….but there is a new one recently which is surprising everyone. Why do whales keep swallowing people.  The chance of a whale swallowing you is smaller than winning the Powerball, but it is happening…and science isn’t quite sure why.

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There have been a few extraordinary incidents where people have been swallowed by whales, sparking both fascination and concern. These events, though extremely rare, have garnered significant attention due to their unusual nature. Such incidents are rare because whales generally do not target humans as prey. Humpback whales, for example, feed on small fish and plankton using baleen, making it physically impossible for them to swallow a human whole.

Why Do Whales Keep Swallowing People

In the last couple of days, a humpback whale briefly swallowed a 24-year-old kayaker last Saturday during a father-son excursion out on the icy waters around Chile’s southernmost Patagonia region. After being spat out of the whale, the son swam towards his dad’s pack raft and holds onto it as they pull away.

Another documented case is Michael Packard, a lobster diver from Massachusetts. In June 2021, Packard was briefly swallowed by a humpback whale while diving off the coast of Provincetown. He managed to survive with minor injuries, including soft tissue damage and a dislocated knee. Experts believe that poor visibility and the whale’s feeding behavior likely contributed to this accidental encounter.

Two girls were swallowed by a humpback whale while kayaking in California. The whale spat them out after a few seconds, highlighting the accidental nature of such incidents.

In addition, Since 2020, orcas off the Iberian Peninsula have been attacking sailboats, with at least three vessels sunk and hundreds damaged. These coordinated attacks typically involve orcas targeting the rudder, often approaching from the stern. Scientists believe that a traumatic event, possibly involving a female orca named White Gladis, may have triggered this behavior, which is then imitated by other orcas. Theories suggest the attacks could be for hunting practice or revenge. Despite the incidents, no human fatalities have been reported, but sailors are increasingly concerned about safety in these waters.

Whales, particularly humpbacks, feed by lunging through the water with their mouths wide open to engulf schools of fish. If something lies directly in their path, they might not always detect or avoid it in time. This feeding behavior, combined with factors like poor visibility, can lead to accidental encounters with humans.  So it is always good to be clear of you environment and what type of wildlife frequent the area.

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The Best Easy Super Bowl Cocktails




Ready to get your game on with these Super Bowl cocktails?

It is the finale to the football season and a good chunk of the population tunes in to watch the Super Bowl. Alone, with a few friends or a full on party…it is a festive occasions (at least until the 4th quarter in a tight game) and people enjoy a beverage.  The Super Bowl is a drinking day for most viewers.  As you settle into the 59th annual game, try the best Super Bowl cocktails.

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Creole Bloody Mary

In a nod to the host city New Orleans, a Creole Bloody Mary is the best to pre-func and get right to start watching the game! This is a flavorful way to start the day.


  • 3/4 cup vodka
  • 4-1/2 cups chilled tomato juice
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 4-6 dashes Tabasco hot sauce
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Celery for garnish


  1. Fill shaker with ice
  2. Combine vodka, juices, Worcestershire, salt, pepper and hot sauce in shaker
  3. Strain and pour in a tall glass with ice
  4. Garnish with celery stick

Super Bowl Julep

The nice thing about the Super Bowl is you can enjoy day drinking. While a Mint Julep is the drink of the Kentucky Derby, it is refreshing enough for morning football drinking. Plus it is good for the throat after all the cheering.


  • 4 sprigs of mint
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of water
  • 2 oz. bourbon
  • Fresh mint sprig, for garnish


  1. Muddle the mint, the sugar and the water in a cup
  2. Add the bourbon and stir gently
  3. Fill a glass to the top with finely crushed ice, add the julep mix and garnish with mint

FYI, an ounce of mint simple syrup can be substituted for the mint/sugar/water mixture

Perfect Stormy

Why not combine the classic beer with the cocktail.  Mix it up and enjoy this drink…rich in flavor and filling enough you don’t have too many over the course of the game.

2 oz amber rum

1 oz egg white

1 oz fresh lime juice

¾ oz ginger simple syrup

3 dashes Scrappy’s lime bitters

4 oz light beer

Glass: Highball tumbler/Collins glas


  1. Dry shake all ingredients except the beer
  2. Add ice and shake
  3. Double strain into a collins glass with ice
  4. Top up with beer

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Gatorade Margarita

Everyone knows hydration is important when plays sports. It is also important for fans, especially if they are celebrating.  Gatorade is part of the football culture, dive in with this take on a classic cocktail.



  1. Mix the sugar and salt in a shallow dish
  2. Wet the rims of 4 to 6 rocks glasses with water and then dip in the sugar-salt mixture to coat
  3. Combine the sports drink, limeade concentrate, tequila and blue curacao in a large pitcher and stir
  4. Fill the rocks glasses with ice
  5. Pour the margarita into the glass
  6. Garnish each with an orange slice

Fourth Quarter Rum Countdown

When the fourth quarter hits, it can be a focus time, keep it simple with this classic drink.  Quick to prepare, refreshing to drink and the soda is a little caffeine boost after tailgating.


  • 1 1/2 oz Bacardi Superior rum
  • 3 oz cola
  • Lime for garnish


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice
  2. Pour in a good rum
  3. Add the chilled cola, stir
  4. Garnish with lime

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Marijuana Is Helping Those Over 65




As people ages, the body develops more issues…marijuana can help pause or manage some of the problems.

Marijuana is helping this over 65 to continue living their best life. Cannabis has become an increasingly popular treatment option for older adults who often suffer from chronic health conditions. These conditions include chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and various neurological symptoms. In fact, the staid AARP has began helping their membership unlock the benefits of marijuana to improve day to day existence. This move is allowing boomers to travel, play and have fun with friends and family.
From chronic pain to troubles sleeping, consumed in the right doses, marijana can be beneficial. One of the areas it can help is in intimacy. The benefits of the green plant can help some seniors with sex by reducing pain and distraction. Cannabis-infused topicals can help with pain from arthritis, stiffness, or injuries. It can help people get out of their heads and be more present with their partners, giving more focus and in the moment allowing things to flow better. And like food and music, marijuana can increase sensitivity to touch and enhance sensory perception. While it isn’t approved for erectile dysfunction, it can remove other barriers. 

Medical marijuana is effective in managing chronic pain, which is common among older adults. Studies have shown that a significant percentage of participants experience pain relief when using medical marijuana. It can help manage symptoms associated with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and neuropathy.

Many older adults use cannabis to alleviate sleep disturbances. Research indicates that a substantial number of users report improved sleep quality. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression, providing relief for mental health concerns that are prevalent in this age group.

One of the significant benefits observed is the reduction in opioid use among older adults. Studies have shown that many participants decrease their reliance on opioid pain medications after starting medical marijuana treatment.

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Gen Z tends to use cannabis to relief anxiety and feel happier. The plant releases dopamine, which is one of the sources of happiness. Dosing is a key factor to hitting the right spot.

Despite the promising results, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the efficacy and safety of medical marijuana in older adults. More randomized, controlled studies are needed to fully understand its benefits and risks. Additionally, concerns about cardiovascular risks associated with marijuana use highlight the need for cautious use and monitoring in older adults.

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