Authorized psychiatrists in Australia will be able to prescribe MDMA and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, beginning in July.
“The decision acknowledges the current lack of options for patients with specific treatment-resistant mental illnesses” said the TGA. “It means that psilocybin and MDMA can be used therapeutically in a controlled medical setting. However, patients may be vulnerable during psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, requiring controls to protect these patients.”
Prescribing psychiatrists will need to be approved under the TGA’s authorized prescriber scheme as well as receive approval by a human research ethics committee.
The amendment follows applications made to the TGA to reclassify the substances in the Poisons Standard, extensive public consultation and a report from an expert panel.
Though there are currently no approved products containing psilocybin or MDMA, psychiatrists will be able to access and legally supply a specified “unapproved” medicine containing these substances.
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