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Breaking Free from Addiction – 8 Tips to Help Break Addictions to Gambling, Weed, or Alcohol



Addiction to gambling, drinking, cannabis, food, and other drugs can take a toll on your life, affecting your health, finances, and relationships. While gambling used to happen mainly in casinos, today, it’s become prevalent online. On the other hand, alcohol is also easily accessible – making it hard for some people to resist gambling and drinking.  With cannabis legalization, new cases of Cannabis Use Disoder are popping up now, too.  If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling or drinking, seeking help is crucial. Let’s talk about these two addictions and discuss ways to overcome them.


Identifying an Alcohol Addiction

  • Have you been trying to stop drinking, and failed to do so more than once?

  • Do you get strong urges to have alcohol?

  • Have you been letting go of important activities and prefer to drink instead?

  • Are you continuing to drink although you know it is causing you harm physically or mentally, or both?

  • Have you become tolerant to the effects of alcohol and always need to drink more to feel its effect?

If you’re going through any one, most, or all of the above symptoms, then you have a strong drinking addiction. Let’s look at the most important steps you can take to get rid of alcohol addiction.


1- Alcohol-Free Days

You need to come to terms with yourself in a way that you neither be too harsh on yourself nor too lenient. Choose certain days during which you will avoid drinking. It means you will drink only a day or two in one week.

Observe how this affects you physically and emotionally. It will definitely feel better, and it’s a good way to start decreasing the intake of alcohol.

2- Marijuana As An Alternative

If you decide to suddenly quit alcohol abuse, then it can cause withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms can range from hallucinations, insomnia, and agitation to vomiting, sweating, shaky hands, and more.

In order for you to not face the adverse withdrawal effects of quitting alcohol, you should try marijuana. By taking cannabis in your preferred form will help you avoid withdrawal symptoms. Also, it helps reduce stress levels. Moreover, a 2018 study shows how it helps while trying to quit alcohol abuse behaviors.

3- Reconnect with Old Hobbies

Alcohol addiction often leads to losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. Revisiting old hobbies can help you replace unhealthy habits with positive ones. Hobbies also act as distractions – reducing your urges to drink.

4- Dealing with Stress Effectively

Stress can make an addiction to drink worse. It’s important to find better ways to handle stress. Your goal should be to discover relaxing activities that can reduce stress. Once you find them, try to do them regularly, especially when you’re feeling stressed or upset.

Some ways to manage stress include meditation, yoga, reading or writing, taking daily walks, starting a hobby, self-care, exercise, spending time with friends, deep breathing, and more. Try different techniques to find what works best for you.


Identifying a Gambling Problem

You may be dealing with a gambling problem that has made you an addict if you experience four or more of the following signs within a year:

  • Craving the excitement of bigger bets while gambling.

  • Feeling irritable when trying to control your gambling habits.

  • Making repeated unsuccessful attempts to control or quit gambling.

  • Having obsessive thoughts about gambling.

  • Turning to gambling as a way to cope with emotional distress.

  • Lying to hide the extent of your gambling.

  • Prioritizing gambling over important relationships and responsibilities.

  • Asking friends and family for financial help due to gambling losses.


Strategies to Overcome Gambling Addiction

1- Plan to Avoid Boredom

Ex-gamblers often struggle with boredom, so plan your days to prevent the temptation of gambling. Studies suggest that problem gamblers have a low tolerance for boredom, avoiding uninteresting tasks. Keeping yourself engaged in meaningful activities can be a powerful way to combat this.

2- Live One Day at a Time

Focus on the present and don’t think about the past gambling losses – be it in a traditional casino or the top 10 online casinos Australia. The desire to make up for the losses will only slow down your recovery. Also, concentrate on what you can do today to progress in your life to fight and cope the addiction.


3- Identify Your Triggers

Certain situations or events can trigger gambling urges. Identify these triggers and try to avoid them, or at least reduce your exposure to them. Take a moment to think about when you crave gambling. What are the circumstances? Do cravings happen when you’re stressed or in specific places or times of day? By identifying the recurring patterns, you will understand your gambling triggers.

Once you identify your triggers, make a plan to avoid them or minimize the chances of those triggers happening. If stress triggers gambling, focus on managing stress healthily. If sports events are the trigger, block betting apps and websites. If financial issues trigger gambling, work on your finances by controlling your spending habits and finding ways to increase your income.

4- Try Something New

For those who started gambling for the sake of entertainment, trying new experiences can be beneficial. Exploring new interests like taking a class, trying new restaurants, or traveling can provide the thrill you need as a substitute for gambling.

5- Seek Support

Overcoming gambling addiction is challenging, and seeking support is essential. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share your struggles and receive guidance. Additionally, consider professional therapy or counseling to address the underlying causes of your addiction.


6- Financial Management

Take control of your finances by setting strict budgets and limits. Avoid accessing additional funds for gambling by involving a trusted friend or family member in managing your finances.

Remember that overcoming gambling addiction is a process that requires commitment and patience. By implementing these strategies and seeking support, you can regain control of your life and enjoy a healthier future.



Overcoming gambling and drinking addictions is a journey that demands dedication and perseverance. Recognizing the signs of addiction is the first step, and the strategies we’ve explored in this blog post are your roadmap to recovery.





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