It’s no secret that state cannabis markets across the nation are suffering badly. Because of I.R.C. 280E, lack of access to financial institutions, massive operational expenses, plunging prices, and just gluts of production, it’s not pretty out there. However, there’s a newish light at the end of the tunnel, at least for California and other states that are game: interstate cannabis agreements. If interstate cannabis agreements open up between cannabis states, then maybe just maybe the cannabis industry can be pulled back from the brink of its hard landing in 2023.
Interstate cannabis agreements
Recall in September of last year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1326 into law (and it became effective on January 1 of this year), introducing the possibility of interstate cannabis agreements. California wasn’t the first state to do this. Oregon actually did it in 2019. Under SB 1326:
MAUCRSA specifies that its provisions shall not be construed to authorize or permit a licensee to transport or distribute, or cause to be transported or distributed, cannabis or cannabis products outside the state, unless authorized by federal law. This bill would make an exception to the above-described prohibition and would authorize the Governor to enter into
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