Dry January is increasing popular, but can cannabis help make it not seem so long?
Since it premiered in 2013 in the UK, it has grown increasingly popular. It received a boast after the covid pandemic when alcohol consumption and sales increased exponentially. The trend has stuck around though, thanks to younger generations. Alcoholhelp.com says 35% of Gen-Z aged 21-24 practiced Dry January in 2024. While it is known alcohol it is not healthy, taking a 31 day break can be difficult. Can cannabis help your Dry January?
Cannabis can serve as an effective substitute for alcohol during the month, providing relaxation and social lubrication without the negative impacts associated with drinking. Many individuals find that cannabis helps them unwind after a long day, much like how they might have previously used alcohol. Oils, gummies, and vapes tend to be the healthiest options to avoid lung damage or extra pounds. Microdosing has become increasingly popular also.
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For those experiencing alcohol cravings during Dry January, cannabis may help. It can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and nausea, making the transition to sobriety more manageable. While some may worry you are trading bad habits, marijuana’s effect on the body is less damaging.
Cannabis, particularly strains high in CBD, can offer a sense of relaxation similar to alcohol but without many of the adverse effects. It’s a natural way to de-stress and wind down, helping participants navigate the challenges of abstaining from alcohol..
Cannabis can enhance social interactions without the negative impacts of alcohol. Some strains can provide an energy boost and mental clarity, helping users navigate social events more comfortablyCannabis and hemp are great substitutes for house parties or on a Friday night. These products come in various flavors and can provide a refreshing experience without compromising on taste or effects.
The California Sober movement has become popular, especially among Gen Z. It recongizines marijuana is a healthier alternative to booze. Additionally, it is far less addictive than alcohol, with alcohol use potentially resulting in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, which is not observed with marijuana. As a sign of the benefits it brings, legal cannabis sales usually tend to spike in January.