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Can Taking CBD While Pregnant Cause Glucose Intolerance in Male Offspring But Not Female Children?



A recent preclinical investigation reported in the Journal of Endocrinology has unveiled that prenatal exposure to cannabidiol (CBD) induces glucose intolerance in 3-month-old Wistar rats. Additionally, a Canadian research group observed changes in hepatic development and metabolic processes.


The authors stated, “CBD can traverse the placenta and enter fetal circulation, potentially affecting the development of crucial metabolic organs.” They hypothesized that maternal exposure to CBD during rat pregnancy would result in deficiencies in both pancreatic β-cell mass and glucose regulation in the offspring.


The pregnant Wistar rats were given intraperitoneal injections of 3 mg/kg CBD or a vehicle by the research team during the trial, which lasted from gestational day 6 until delivery. Male offspring exposed to CBD showed glucose intolerance but maintained normal pancreatic β/α-cell mass; nevertheless, there were no significant changes in maternal food consumption, weight gain, or neonatal outcomes.


A transcriptomic analysis was conducted on the livers of male rats exposed to CBD, revealing altered gene expression related to circadian clock machinery. Additionally, reductions in the expression of genes involved in hepatic development and metabolic processes were observed.


Remarkably, at three months of age, only male offspring exposed to CBD showed signs of glucose intolerance. The authors speculate that estrogen-mediated mechanisms may have prevented female rats from acquiring glucose intolerance, given estrogen’s established protective effect against metabolic dysfunction. To validate this theory, more research is necessary.


Previous research has linked alterations in the liver’s circadian rhythm to glucose intolerance. As a result, the scientists speculate that exposure to CBD during pregnancy and the resulting alterations in circadian gene expression may be connected to the abnormalities in glucose intolerance seen in male rats.


Although CBD has become more and more popular, especially in the last few years, the authors advise pregnant women to take it with caution since it may have negative consequences on the offspring’s metabolic health.


Gender-Specific Effects of Prenatal CBD Exposure


Intriguingly, the study’s findings underscore a notable discrepancy in the metabolic responses between male and female offspring following prenatal CBD exposure. While male rats exhibited glucose intolerance, their female counterparts appeared unaffected. This gender-specific variation prompts a deeper exploration into the underlying mechanisms driving such disparities.


Recent research suggests that estrogen, a hormone predominant in female physiology, may play a pivotal role in buffering against metabolic dysfunction. The authors speculate that estrogen-mediated processes might confer protection against glucose intolerance in female rats exposed to CBD during gestation. However, elucidating the precise molecular pathways involved warrants further investigation.


Understanding the differential susceptibility to CBD-induced metabolic alterations based on gender holds significant implications for both research and clinical practice. Unraveling the interplay between CBD exposure, hormonal dynamics, and metabolic outcomes could pave the way for tailored therapeutic strategies and inform guidelines regarding cannabinoid use during pregnancy.


Altered Gene Expression and Circadian Rhythm Disruption


The transcriptome investigation of liver tissue from male rats exposed to prenatal CBD reveals fascinating changes in gene expression patterns, notably those related to circadian clock mechanisms and hepatic development. These molecular alterations shed light on the mechanisms behind CBD-induced metabolic abnormalities.


Circadian rhythms serve an important part in the body’s metabolic activities, including glucose homeostasis. The observed disruption in circadian gene expression reveals a possible mechanism connecting prenatal CBD exposure to glucose intolerance. Disruptions in the liver’s circadian rhythm have already been linked to metabolic diseases, emphasizing the importance of these results.


Furthermore, worries regarding the long-term effects of prenatal CBD exposure on liver function and metabolic health are raised by the decreases in gene expression linked to hepatic development. Gaining knowledge of how CBD disrupts the molecular processes that control hepatic growth may help to lessen its negative effects.


This study discovers potential therapeutic targets for intervention in addition to clarifying the intricate molecular processes behind CBD’s impacts on metabolic health. It will be necessary to develop targeted therapeutics in the future that elucidate the causal relationships between altered gene expression, circadian rhythm disruption, and metabolic dysfunction to lessen the adverse effects of prenatal CBD exposure.


Implications for Maternal Health and Public Policy


The increasing evidence of the negative consequences of prenatal CBD exposure on metabolic health in children has important implications for maternal well-being and public policy addressing marijuana usage while pregnant.


Given the growing popularity of CBD products and their perceived advantages, particularly in the treatment of various health concerns such as anxiety and pain, pregnant women may be more likely to use them. However, the outcomes of this study highlight the significance of exercising caution and making educated decisions about CBD usage while pregnant.


In light of the observed gender-specific effects and potential long-term consequences on metabolic health, there is a pressing need for comprehensive public health policies addressing the use of cannabinoids, including CBD, by pregnant individuals. These policies should aim to educate healthcare providers and expectant mothers about the potential risks associated with prenatal CBD exposure and emphasize the importance of seeking professional medical advice before using such products during pregnancy.


This study also emphasizes the necessity for future research to fully evaluate the safety of cannabis usage during pregnancy and to clarify the mechanisms underlying CBD’s impacts on metabolic health. These kinds of research are going to be crucial in helping to shape evidence-based policies and guidelines that protect the health of expectant mothers and fetuses.


Ultimately, we can better protect the health of expectant mothers and their children while ensuring that access to potentially helpful therapies remains balanced with the need to mitigate potential risks by incorporating the results of preclinical research into public health initiatives and policy development.


Bottom Line


The preclinical research highlights the possible negative consequences of cannabidiol (CBD) exposure during pregnancy on the metabolic well-being of male progeny, including glucose intolerance, disturbances in hepatic development, and irregularities in circadian gene expression. The results of the study not only warn against the use of CBD during pregnancy but also emphasize the necessity of comprehensive public health policies that inform medical professionals and pregnant women about the dangers of cannabis exposure. To protect the health of mothers and fetuses, further study is necessary to understand gender-specific reactions, investigate hormonal dynamics, and develop evidence-based recommendations. Incorporating these discoveries into public health campaigns and policy formulation will facilitate well-informed decision-making, minimize possible hazards, and guarantee the availability of advantageous treatments.




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