Cannabis News

Cannabis and Men’s Health – Does Weed Help with ED? Can Ganja Help with Going Bald? What about Belly Fat?



Men have such a different physiology and biological makeup compared to their female counterparts. The bodies of males and females work so differently and as a result, health problems tend to differ.


While many conditions affect both men and women, there are some health problems that men are simply more predisposed to. This may be due to behavior since men tend to engage in more activities that lead to more disease and higher risks of injury compared to women. Other things such as hormones, anatomy, and genetics also play a role.


So what are the most common conditions that affect men’s health? And how can cannabis help? Since so many articles discuss women’s health and cannabis, here’s a look into common medical problems experienced by men, and how cannabis can help.



Erectile Dysfunction (ED)


Erectile dysfunction, previously known as impotence, is a medical condition characterized by the inability of men to achieve and maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common, and it can affect even young and healthy males occasionally particularly due to stress. However, it becomes problematic when it occurs regularly or each time you’re about to have sex with your partner.


When it becomes routine, ED can cause issues with your intimate relationships and it should be addressed. But it can also be a symptom of more serious medical issues such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, depression, and low self-esteem. Some studies have shown that men who suffer from ED face a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks later on. Certain factors can increase the risk of chronic ED, such as being older than 50 years of age, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic exposure to stress, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, frequent use of drugs and alcohol, and little exercise.


There are many different treatment options available for erectile dysfunction. These may include sex therapy and oral medications, oftentimes a combination of these depending on what your physician thinks may be necessary. Your doctor may also ask you to make lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and drinking, and becoming more physically active.


While cannabis doesn’t treat erectile dysfunction itself, cannabis is effective in addressing the root problems of other factors that can contribute to ED or make it worse. For example, if you are frequently exposed to high stress, you can use cannabis instead of alcohol or tobacco to cope with stress and get better sleep. Cannabidiol (CBD) can also help greatly reduce high blood pressure and obesity provided that you eat right and exercise.


Hair Loss


Men suffer from much more significant hair loss compared to women. This is because dihydrotestosterone, a chemical also known as DHT, metabolizes the testosterone in men’s bodies. As a result, hair follicles shrink over time and they are no longer as effective in regenerating new hair as before.


Of course, there are also other factors that can speed up hair loss in men. Stress, aging, an unhealthy diet, and hormonal imbalances to name a few.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to be promising for hair loss. So much so, that there has been an explosion of topical hair and scalp products on the market developed with CBD. Since this cannabinoid contains a rich amount of antioxidants and amino acids, it can be extremely effective in naturally slowing down hair loss and thinning hair among men.


Men who suffer from regular stress can also be prone to quicker hair loss. For this reason, supplementing with CBD internally is a great way to provide extra support to your immunity to prevent hair loss. It has been shown to work well because CBD is effective in increasing blood circulation, so applying CBD topically can soothe skin while also boosting hair growth in the affected follicles.


Prostate Cancer


Only men are prone to prostate cancer, because this specific cancer affects the male reproductive organs. While the cause of prostate cancer is not very clear, men who have a family history as well as those who have unhealthy diets have been shown to possess the highest risk of developing it. Other risk factors include age, obesity, and race.  


Thankfully, cannabis has been promising in the field of cancer research. Both THC and CBD cannabinoids have been extensively studied for the management and treatment of various types of cancer, and prostate cancer is one of them.  Scientists have confirmed that tissue in the prostate contains cannabinoid receptors, which is why this body part is receptive to cannabinoid therapies. The benefits of cannabis for prostate cancer are so well-known, that patients have no issues self-medicating to help them heal even quicker.


Take note that many more studies of cannabinoids are necessary in order for medical experts to have a clearer understanding of areas where cannabinoids can help, and how much to take for it to be effective in treating prostate or other cancers. Right now, there is still a lot of clinical trials going on and we are still lacking a standardized approach for cannabis used in cancer.




The unique biochemistry and physiological makeup of men mean that they are more prone to certain illnesses that women are not. These here are just some of them, while women have their own struggles as well. While pharmaceutical drugs aren’t successful, some therapies can offer better success rates when used together with cannabis. Much more research is necessary, but the future is looking bright in the area of cannabis for men’s health.




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