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Asia Pacific & Australia

Cannabiz Weekly Report (Australia) Headlines Suggests A Rather Sickly Sector – Maybe They Need Some Medical Cannabis!



Firms owed $1.7m by OneLife Labs

OneLife Labs owes more than A$1.7 million to creditors, including $365,000 to Colombian producer Clever Leaves, as potential buyers continue to explore the acquisition of its manufacturing facility.

Health House parent hits financial wall as Melodiol enters administration

Health House parent Melodiol Global Health has entered voluntary administration, the third medicinal cannabis company to hit the financial wall in the space of six weeks.

Epsilon sets ‘roadmap’ but issues remain as firm seeks ASX return

Epsilon Healthcare has “re-established its foundation” and has a “clear roadmap for sustainable profitability”, its chairman has said.

Releaf’s new owners explore plan to bring franchisees back

The newly-formed joint venture which acquired Releaf Group assets has approached former franchisees as it looks to rebuild the network and bring disillusioned patients back into the fold.

Melodiol facing creditor and loan debts of $17m, report reveals

Troubled Melodiol Global Health has racked up A$17 million worth of debt, an initial administrator’s report has revealed, as efforts continue to sell its distribution arm, Health House.


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Asia Pacific & Australia

Paper – Australia: NSW cannabis medicines advisory service retrospective enquiry analysis to inform clinical guidance resource development.




An innovative New South Wales government funded statewide Cannabis Medicines Advisory Service (CMAS) operated between January 2018 and June 2022. The service provided comprehensive patient-specific and evidence-based information to support health professionals in prescribing and patient care decisions. This study aimed to describe real-world data collected by CMAS.

A sub-set of de-identified, patient-specific enquiries collected between January 2021 and June 2022 (n = 123/567; 21.7%) were analyzed using R version 4.2.1. Diagnosis, indication, and comorbidities were coded using Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) terminology.

Most patient-specific enquiries from medical practitioners were from general practitioners (n = 103/123; 83.7%). Female (n = 53/123; 43.1%) and male (n = 59/123; 48.0%) patients were similarly represented. Sex was not specified for 8.9% (n = 11/123) of patients. The mean age of patients was 52.1 years (range <10-90). The most common three diagnoses were osteoarthritis, anxiety, and chronic pain. Indications that were most frequently reported included chronic pain, anxiety, back pain, non-neuropathic pain, and insomnia. Comedications were most commonly non-opioid and opioid analgesics and antidepressants. Most practitioners were considering prescribing a cannabidiol (CBD) product for their patient. Cannabinoid composition selection guidance provided by CMAS was predominantly (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) THC:CBD ~1:1, followed by CBD-only products. CMAS was contacted by health professionals regarding the management of potential adverse events for five patients.

The findings of this study shed light on the information medical practitioners were seeking to inform their clinical decision-making about medical cannabis and can inform the development of clinical guidance resources.

© 2024 The Author(s). Neuropsychopharmacology Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of The Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacology.

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Asia Pacific & Australia

Australia’s Zenith Cannabis Clinic Throws Up More Question Marks.. It Appears They Are Providing Consults But Have No TGA Approval To Prescribe




Hi I noticed you had a post about Zenith clinics I recently had a run in with them as I was seeking medication.

They are a scam they take your money which was $29 for the initial consult which they say they will return it’s just a pending holding fee for the consult.

A “so called doctor gives you a call on zoom they prescribe you”.

After two weeks nothing happened I called several times and got the same person with a south African accent they keep on telling me they are waiting for TGA approval this goes on and on they say it sometimes takes a long time.

I was fed up so I called ******* scripts got a free appointment the next day she prescribed me and the TGA approval only took 48hrs and I have the product now already.

I am yet to hear back from Zenith clinic. It’s not the money as it was only $29 but it’s the deception they must be doing this to a lot of people who really need medicine. I wanted to send this as people need to be warned so they are to right decision.

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Asia Pacific & Australia

SOMAI Boss Says Australian Medical Cannabis Programme Is World Beater




Respectfully we’d disagree – this is what he told Cannabiz Australia


The Australian medical cannabis industry may have its challenges, but its focus on affordable access and patient care make it a role model for the rest of the world, says SOMAÍ Pharmaceuticals chairman and CEO Michael Sassano. 

The Australian market has become one of only three significant global medical cannabis markets in the world.

Although all eyes are on the US potentially rescheduling the substance after Germany removed the narcotics label from cannabis medicines, the Australian market continues to expand faster than most because of the focus on what is best for patients and their experience.

Australia leads in cannabis choice and pricing

Doctor and patient relationships and freedom of choice for both parties help to form the foundation of a solid medical cannabis market. When the focus is on limiting access instead, problems arise.

Michael Sassano

For example, Israel only permits flower sales and limits other products, such as extracts. Germany’s market focuses on the magistral preparation of extracts with a minimal framework for different form factors like gel capsules or faster-acting excipients.

As another example, seniors in the US are a growing market that may consume cannabis in low dosages for arthritis. Their preferred administrative and dosage choice is a mild 1:50 gel capsule or edible format. With flower-only restrictions, they would have to roll a joint or use a smoking pipe instead. Massive market segments are being excluded from access because they simply don’t want to smoke.

Australia is far beyond other larger markets regarding choice with patients having close to 1,000 medical cannabis product choices. Giving options to doctors and patients is precisely what the cannabis-as-medicine movement has always been about, not a one-size-fits-all therapy program.

The country has also embraced lower consumer pricing, making daily medicine more affordable and accessible. All favourable consumer markets give patients ample choice and affordable pricing, providing access to everyday necessities.

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When it comes to access, the rest of the world should follow Australia’s example


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