Cannabis News

Chocolate, Lavender, or Cinnamon Flavored Weed?



Enhancing your cannabis experience with added flavor can truly elevate your smoking enjoyment. The key to infusing your cannabis with the flavors of your preference lies in your hands. When purchasing pre-flavored cannabis from a seller, the added taste often remains subtle and hard to discern. This is why the most effective approach is to infuse your cannabis with flavor personally.


Keep reading to discover comprehensive insights on flavoring your marijuana before, during, and after the harvest process. This guide aims to assist you in achieving the most exquisite flavors from your cannabis yield.


Infusing Flavor into Cannabis before Harvest Time

To flavor your cannabis before harvest, you’ll want to follow a precise process. First, begin by discontinuing the watering of your cannabis plants four days before your scheduled harvest date. It’s crucial to strike a balance here: don’t let your plants completely wither and die before the harvest. It’s recommended not to exceed four days without water to prevent the risk of your plants perishing prematurely, depriving you of your final product.


Prepare a mixture on the actual harvest day by combining 15 milliliters of food-grade extracts or essential oils with 20 liters of water. When applying this solution, take your time and water your cannabis plants slowly to avoid any runoff. It’s necessary to allow your cannabis plant to absorb this infused solution for three to four hours. The specific duration will depend on your desired level of flavor intensity.


After the allotted time has passed, you can proceed with the harvest of your cannabis, now enhanced with the flavors you’ve meticulously infused. This method ensures you get the most out of your flavoring efforts before the final harvest.


Once you’ve completed the harvest of your cannabis, the next critical step is the drying process. Due to the recent watering before harvest, there may be more moisture than usual within the plant material.


It’s essential to allow each bud to dry separately while ensuring adequate airflow during this crucial phase. Failure to do so might result in mold development, potentially ruining your product and nullifying all the effort you invested in growing your cannabis.

Infusing Flavor into Cannabis during Harvest Time

To flavor your cannabis using this method, mix 15 milliliters of food-grade extracts or essential oils with 20 liters of water. Submerge your freshly cut cannabis branch in this water for a week. It’s essential to note that this technique works effectively if the plant’s leaves are still alive, as they act as conduits, carrying the flavored water up to your cannabis buds.


After the week has passed, carefully remove your cannabis branch from the water and proceed to dry each bud individually. Incorrect drying can lead to moisture retention, potentially compromising your product’s quality.


Don’t be alarmed if you find your buds slightly more moist than usual after harvesting using this flavoring method. Because the branch absorbed the water solution for a week, it’s natural for your marijuana to retain more moisture than in a standard harvest.


However, this situation calls for heightened vigilance during the drying process, ensuring your buds are thoroughly dried before storing them with other buds. The key to successful drying in this method is providing ample airflow and avoiding overcrowding, ensuring your marijuana dries appropriately and maintains its flavor integrity.


Infusing Flavor into Cannabis after Harvest or Post-Harvest

Even after you’ve completed the harvesting, drying, and jarring process for your marijuana, there’s still an opportunity to infuse it with flavor. While some growers opt to flavor their cannabis before jarring, it’s not a strict requirement.


Pre-harvest flavoring can intensify the flavor profile, but post-harvest flavoring offers a milder, nuanced taste that allows you to savor your weed’s inherent flavor and the added aromatic notes.


To flavor your marijuana after harvesting, place your cannabis flowers in a jar, soak a cotton ball with food-grade extract or essential oil, then affix the cotton ball to the lid. Ensure the essential oil does not directly contact your cannabis to prevent adverse effects.


Alternatively, you can introduce dried elements like flower petals, apple or citrus peels, or herbs into your cannabis jar to infuse it with flavor. Many favor this post-harvest flavoring method as it minimizes the risk of introducing excess moisture to your cannabis.


For a practical approach to adding spices to your weed after harvest, consider placing them in a tea bag to separate them from your marijuana, allowing you to enjoy a controlled and flavorful experience.

Key Points to Keep in Mind

It’s crucial to consider several considerations when using flavoring with your cannabis. Mishandling flavor additives or selecting inappropriate flavors can compromise your product’s quality and make it unpleasant to consume. Before introducing flavoring to your weed, take note of the following:

  1. Differential Absorption: Remember that various strains and cannabis plants may absorb flavorings at different rates. To identify your preferred flavor combinations and determine how long to flavor your cannabis, conducting experiments with individual plants is advisable. However, it’s prudent only to flavor your entire batch once you’re confident in your choices.

  2. Source of Extracts: You can typically find food-grade extracts at your local grocery store, which offers a cost-effective option for acquiring safe flavorings for your marijuana. While marijuana-specific extracts are unnecessary, ensure that the extracts you use are certified as food-safe.

  3. Caution with Essential Oils: Exercise caution when adding essential oils to your marijuana. Some essential oils can be toxic when consumed or contain harmful ingredients. Thoroughly review the ingredients in essential oils and confirm that you’re not using any unsafe for human consumption. An example of a dangerous essential oil is tea tree oil.

  4. Avoid High Sugar Content: Stay clear of flavorings with high sugar content. It’s vital to remember that you’ll be burning your weed, and the combustion of sugar doesn’t result in a pleasant taste or aroma. Using sugary flavorings can adversely affect your marijuana-consuming experience.

  5. Secure Jar Lid: When flavoring your cannabis post-harvest, ensure the jar’s lid is tightly sealed. If it’s too loose, excessive air may enter the pot, potentially causing your weed to become stale and preventing effective flavor infusion.

  6. Monitor Humidity: Keep an eye on the humidity level inside your jar to prevent mold growth on your weed. Mold can be detrimental to the quality of your cannabis.

  7. Thorough Drying: Before jarring, dry your cannabis flowers thoroughly. Proper drying is crucial for preserving the quality of your product.

  8. Expect Enhanced Taste: Remember that the goal of flavoring cannabis is to enhance its taste, not wholly mask it. Even when flavored, you will still taste the marijuana; the flavoring is meant to complement and enhance the overall experience.


All the guidelines mentioned above are essential for achieving the finest flavor from your cannabis. Neglecting any of these considerations could potentially compromise the quality of your product. Furthermore, it’s crucial to remember that cannabis is a delicate substance, requiring meticulous care throughout the process to ensure a successful outcome.





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