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Does Robert De Niro Consume Weed



Part of the original cool club – he broke the mold. Tough, determined, and busy – does De Niro ever chill with weed?

He has been the tough guy who matured into the grumpy old man persona which movie watchers seem to connect.  A storied career, he has won numerous awards, become an icon, lobbied for causes and not been afraid of a fight.  But does Robert De Niro consume weed and just chill?  Does he even have time?

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Born in 1943, his last part was in Nada in 2023 at 80, but has the political thriller mini series Zero Day coming soon from Netflix.  He had a creative partnership Martin Scorsese which helped define his legacy. His first Scorsese ht was  Mean Streets where he played “Johnny Boy” Civello, a small time criminal working his way up into a local mob, he threw himself into the role. Then he lost himself in the role of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver.Working with Francis Ford Coppola he become Vito Corleone in the Godfather II, cementing him as a strong mean in the public’s eye. The intensity of what he brought to the role is legendary.  Luckily, marijuana has helped.

Sometimes it is used to chill, sometimes it comes from a darker place. De Niro fell for weed after a couple of bong hits while filming Jackie Brown, it delayed filming as the actor and the bong were close for a couple of days. Maybe it is his consuming habit which let this humor and wit come out in movies like Meet the Parents.

In the medical field, De Niro battled prostate cancer and resumed his career. Cannabis has been a benefit for cancer patients helping them manage treatment symptoms and the chronic pain.

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De Niro has made a fortune in his career playing tough guys, some with a heart.  In 2006,  De Niro received Italian citizenship.  The Sons of Italy opposed the movie based on the believe the actor damaged the public image of Italians by portraying criminals.

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The Best Tips For Surviving A Plane Middle Seat




Winter or summer – flying can be tough. Their is a new trend called rawdogging, but there are better ways to make flying cough, or gulp, in the middle seat better…

Travel is remaining strong and the airlines are packing in more and more people to the same planes. The average legrooms decreased from a comfortable 35 inches to a cramped 28 inches, often found on low-cost carriers. While the actual seat width has also shrunk by as much as four inches over the past 30 years, leaving many seats with a narrow 16-inch width. So long flights in the middle seat can be a challenge, but the good thing is the right prep and mind set can make it more tolerable.

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There is a new trend among some males called rawdogging. It takes the form of a monk-like asceticism while in the air, denying any entertainment, reading, food and just focusing on the space ahead. Apparently you can stare at the flight tracker as the only distraction. While meditation can make the trip a more enlightened experience, this sounds somewhat awful…especially for flights over 4 hours. Instead, here are the best tips surviving a plane middle seat.

Store your bag in the overhead bin

In order to stretch your legs and have some more space, take out all the items you need – headphones, water, books, tablets – and store your bag in the overhead bin. Just because flight attendants say there’s not enough space in the plane doesn’t mean that you should be in pain.

Have headphones and entertainment in hand

Having a middle seat means you are between two people, increasing the odds of having a talkative neighbor. Have a pair of efficient headphones in order to have an easy way out to talkative neighbors or just escape mental. Ways to lose your way while reading or getting lost in a movie another way.  Load something you have really loved or want to enjoy so you can savor it even in tight quarters. This could be your change to binge watch something on your list.

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Use the restroom before boarding

Before the whole plane boarding mayhem begins, make some time to visit the bathroom. Being in the middle seat means that you’ll likely be awoken by your window neighbor when they’re on their way to the restroom and you’ll have a hard time going there yourself if you’re shy about waking the person that’s on the aisle seat.

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Gummies – either CBD or marijuana

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago report low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress. A discreet gummy can make the trip more relaxing and you might enjoy your entertainment of choice better. If you want the benefits without the high, consider a CBD gummy.  Just make sure you plan for the timing as most gummies take longer to absorb into the system.

Pay extra and avoid it

If you still find the middle seat too uncomfortable, pay extra for an aisle or a window seat and avoid all of this drama. While getting a seat upgrade generally comes with a significant bump in ticket price, you’ll at least have the space you want for sleeping and stretching.

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Marijuana May Become Part Of Your July 4th Tradition




Crowds, travel, traffic and family – all part of the biggest holiday over the summer…maybe marijuana can help

July 4th is the American Summer holiday – most people wrap some time off and so it can be chock full with activities, travel, friends and family.  But sometime it can be too crowded, too busy and too much on the road. Marijuana may become part of your July 4th tradition to not only have fun, but to cope with some of the hassle.

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Some 70 million will be hitting the roads for the holidays, over 40% will watch fireworks at the 14,000 firework displays.  Marijuana can be a partner to make the holiday whether it is avoiding hangovers, travel stress, anxious dogs during the fireworks, or just enjoying the moment.  Microdosing will help you take the edge of while focusing on enjoying the holidays.

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Photo by Roven Images via Unsplash

Marijuana helps your brain relax, focus and be in the moment.  Fireworks and concerts will be more alive, more vibrant and engage your mind in ways alcohol will not. But avoid mixing the two, you don’t want a messy end of the day.

Holiday stress can happen with family members, travel, traffic and crowds. Microdosing can help reduce the anxiety while focused on the task/activity at hand. Research has shown THC at low doses, 2.5-5 mg, reduces stress. Vapes and gummies are discreet, easy ways to consume and manage the dose without broadcasting to the crowd around you.  It an be a perfect way to deal with the extra bumps during the holiday.

The 4th is a big drinking holiday.  While marijuana might make you a bit more tired the next day, you want have the hangover where your head throbs and pounds for part of hte day.  Additionally, if you decide to drink instead of consume, marijuana’s anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and nausea-reducing properties can help make hangovers more bearable. Its ability to boost energy and improve sleep can also help to alleviate those unpleasant hangover symptoms.

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If you are traveling via air, vapes and gummies are the easiest and most discreet things to pack in your luggage.  During the flight, a gummy is the least noticeable and can make the middle seat way more tolerable.

Fireworks and pets are not compatible, but you should never give THC to an animal. Rather, consider CBD, which can be made specifically for animals to help them during fireworks to remain calm.

All in ally, have a great holiday weekend and maybe a little green to the red, white and blue.

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Bayou City

Key Info On Delta-9 And Delta-8




Delta-9 can pack a punch and are huge in states like Texas.  So what are the key differences between Delta-9 and Delta-8

With marijuana become legal and offered in mom and pop dispensaries, it can be a bit confusing. It is becoming increasingly popular, but also a bit confusing – especially since Delta-8 is hitting the market in a big way. In states where cannabis isn’t fully yet, there is a concern Delta-8 will absorb part of the market before the marijuana industry has a chance to make major inroads.  Already in Texas, you can buy Delta-8 beverages at Total Wine.  Bayou City has done a great job building a distribution system in mainstream outlets throughout the Lone Star state. Customers find it convenient to buy it when it is alongside beer, bourbon and other intoxicants. So what is the key info on Delta-9 and Delta-8.

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Hemp is a key crop – originally made popular by used for rope, it is makes paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed. Marijuana has been around thousands of years and used for medical, mystical and recreational. Marijuana and hemp plants contain many active ingredients, but the big consumer focus today is on two specific natural compounds found in these plants.  Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), THC gets you high and CBD can give other benefits without the psychedelic effects. Delta-9 comes from the cannabis and hemp plants, Delta-8 comes from him.

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Photo by anankkml/Getty Images

Delta-8 THC is naturally occurring in cannabis plants, both hemp and marijuana. Although it occurs in very small concentrations, it can still be derived thanks to distillation. It has a unique molecular structure and exhibits unique effects when consumed.

Delta-9 is also naturally occurring in cannabis plants. The more popularly used term for it is simply THC. Whenever you see labels or information with THC it’s, Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the molecule that can induce elation and a classic “high” feeling.

Delta-9 can exhibit very high neuroprotective potential and help relieve chronic pain. Due to its profound effects, it can act as an appetite stimulant and prevent nausea, among medical benefits.

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The two compounds have similar properties and effects and regarding molecular structure, they are almost identical apart from a couple of electrons. However, there are some key differences.

Overindulging in Delta-9 THC can induce feelings of anxiety and paranoia. It can also impact the performance of mental work. The “too much high” effect is only tied to Delta-9 THC.

Delta-8 THC is less psychoactive than Delta-9. People who experience these unpleasant feelings should instead try Delta-8. It is far less potent than Delta-9 and can enable people to enjoy cannabis or cannabis-based products carefree.

Photo by Darrin Harris Frisby/Drug Policy Alliance

Due to its potency, Delta-9 THC is more likely to induce elation rather than relaxation. After taking Delta-9 THC, people report the “high” which can build up to euphoria. It can elevate moods and give an intense relaxation.

On the other hand, if the goal is to minimize tension without experiencing a high effect, Delta-8 THC might be a better option. It has a significantly milder effect when compared to Delta-9.

Another key difference is they don’t only induce different effects, but they also do it at a different pace. Delta-9 THC is absorbed quickly, and it can induce the feelings mentioned above quite fast after consumption. This is an important thing to note as it can alter your plans for the afternoon or evening.

Unlike Delta-9, Delta-8 THC is a slow kicker. It delivers a significantly smoother experience than Delta-9. After the consumption, the feelings of relaxation gradually come on, and there is considerably less risk that it can induce anxiety.

Another key difference, is you can find Delta-8 in states like Texas….which makes it more available to the general public.

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