Cannabis News

Does Smoking Weed Affect Your Prana?



So the other day I was minding my business when I saw this post on Reddit that asked a simple but profound question – “Does Smoking Affect your Prana?” Now, I’m well aware that many of you might not even be familiar with the concept of Prana – but as the esoteric stoner I am, this question piqued my interest.


In this article, we’ll explore not only the opinions of others who responded to the question, but also my own personal take on it after years of smoking and researching this topic.


First…here’s the original question.


“Just as the title says, I’m wondering because I’m an avid smoker, why whenever I’m high I cannot feel my Prana. I’ve had an awakened Prana since I was a teenager and have suppressed it because I always thought whenever I had a kundalini experience it was speaking in tongues, due to religion, so my question is why exactly I can’t feel it while high?”




Well, my curious tokers, let’s dive into the intriguing depths of this concept. Prana, my friends, hails from the ancient wisdom of the East. It’s a Sanskrit word that carries profound meaning, and its roots can be traced back to the Vedic texts and yogic traditions.


Prana, often described as the vital life force or energy, is believed to permeate everything in the universe. It’s the subtle essence that animates all living beings, from the tiniest microorganism to the majestic redwoods. Prana is the breath of life, the pulsating energy that flows through our bodies, sustaining our physical and spiritual existence.


In different traditions, Prana goes by various names. In Chinese philosophy, it corresponds to Qi or Chi, in Japanese it’s known as Ki, and in ancient Greek, it’s referred to as Pneuma.


Despite the varied nomenclature, the underlying concept remains consistent: the vital force that brings vitality and harmony to the individual.


So, how does Prana relate to us, the humble smokers? Well, my fellow enthusiasts, our breath is intricately connected to Prana.


In yogic practices, conscious breathing is utilized to regulate and enhance the flow of Prana within the body. The quality of our breath directly influences the quality of our energy and life experience.


Now, let’s not forget, Prana is not solely confined to the physical realm. It encompasses our mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions as well. It is the subtle energy that infuses our thoughts, emotions, and consciousness. In essence, Prana is the very fabric that weaves our holistic being together.


With this newfound understanding of Prana, we can begin to explore the question at hand – does smoking affect our Prana?

 But before we embark on that journey, let’s acknowledge that Prana is a vast and nuanced concept, and its impact on our individual experiences may vary.


So, my dear cosmic explorers, join me as we unravel the mysteries and dive deeper into this enthralling topic.



In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is revered as the supreme deity of destruction and transformation. He is often associated with ascetic practices, meditation, and the consumption of cannabis.


Cannabis has long been regarded as a sacred herb with profound spiritual and medicinal properties in various ancient cultures. In the context of Shiva, cannabis plays a significant role in his association with the concept of Prana—the life force or vital energy that permeates all living beings.


Prana is believed to flow through subtle energy channels in the body, known as nadis. It is said that the consumption of cannabis can help stimulate and balance these energy channels, enhancing the flow of Prana and promoting a deeper connection with the divine.


Shiva, as the ultimate yogi, is often depicted covered in ash, which symbolizes his renunciation of worldly attachments. It is said that Shiva discovered the powerful effects of cannabis while meditating in the mountains. In his quest for self-realization, he consumed cannabis leaves to enhance his spiritual journey and expand his consciousness.


Furthermore, Shiva is known to have consumed a beverage called Bhang, a preparation made from cannabis, milk, and various herbs. Bhang is still consumed today as a sacrament during religious festivals and rituals dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed that the consumption of Bhang can induce states of bliss, transcendence, and heightened awareness, allowing devotees to tap into the mystical realms of consciousness.


The relationship between Shiva, cannabis, and Prana lies in their interconnectedness. Cannabis, when consumed in a sacred and intentional manner, is believed to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, thereby allowing the Prana to flow more freely and abundantly. It is seen as a tool for expanding consciousness, attaining spiritual insights, and experiencing a deeper connection with the divine.


However, it is important to approach the topic with reverence and respect, understanding that the usage of cannabis in a spiritual context requires mindfulness, moderation, and a genuine intention for spiritual growth.


The association between Shiva and cannabis highlights the belief in the plant’s potential to awaken higher states of consciousness and deepen the connection with the divine. As seekers on the spiritual path, we can draw inspiration from these ancient tales and contemplate the role of cannabis and other sacred plants in our own spiritual journeys, always with a deep understanding of the balance between reverence, responsible use, and the cultivation of Prana within ourselves.



The answer, my dear seekers of truth, is a delightful blend of “yes and no.” Allow me to delve into the cosmic depths of this inquiry and unravel the essence of it all.


When it comes to the effect of smoking cannabis on prana, the key lies in the intention behind your consumption. Intention, my fellow stoners, is the guiding force that shapes the energetic outcome.


If your intention is rooted in seeking a deeper connection with the divine, expanding your consciousness, or attaining spiritual insights, then cannabis can serve as a positive tool to enhance your pranic flow.


However, let us not forget that the effects of cannabis can vary from person to person.


For some, it acts as a catalyst, igniting their connection to the sacred realms and harmonizing their pranic energy. But for others, it may cloud their spiritual perception, dampening the very connection they seek. The key lies in introspection, dear readers, in understanding how cannabis affects you personally and whether it aligns with your spiritual journey.


Moreover, we mustn’t overlook the ever-changing nature of our paths.


Destiny, my friends, plays its part in our cosmic dance.


It is possible that cannabis may only serve as a temporary companion on your voyage—guiding you for a brief period, illuminating new realms, and then gently nudging you towards a different path. It is essential to remain attuned to the signs and listen to the whispers of the universe, for clinging to any tool as a permanent crutch can hinder your growth and disrupt the delicate dance of prana within you.


When cannabis transitions from a spiritual tool to a reliance, my fellow travelers, it can adversely impact your pranic flow. It can cloud your self-worth, tethering you to lower frequencies and dimming the radiance of your essence. Mindfulness, my dear ones, is the key. Being attuned to the subtle shifts within yourself, understanding how cannabis affects your connection to the divine, and discerning when it no longer serves your higher purpose are essential aspects of navigating this cosmic dance.


In conclusion, the interplay between smoking cannabis and its effect on prana is as multifaceted as the universe itself. The intention behind your consumption, the way it resonates with your spiritual journey, and the ever-changing nature of your destiny all shape the impact it has on your pranic energy.


Be mindful, my friends, and attune yourself to the delicate nuances within. Listen to the whispers of your soul, and let your prana guide you on the wondrous path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.



The aspect I’m particularly going to focus in on is this, “so my question is why exactly I can’t feel it while high?”


The answer lies in the dance of the mind and the art of presence. When you find yourself unable to feel the subtle currents of prana, it may be because your mind is akin to a wild stallion, untamed and restless.


While indulging in the sacred herb, your mind may be distracted, hopping from one thought to another like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. In this state, it becomes challenging to anchor your awareness and truly tune in to the frequencies of prana that surround you.


To experience the profound connection between cannabis and prana, I invite you, my friend, to engage in a mindful practice. Find a tranquil space, indulge in the herb, and direct your attention solely to the essence of prana. Let it permeate your being, observing its presence in all things, both within and without.


By honing your focus, transcending the wandering mind, and embracing the stillness, you shall uncover the hidden gems of prana that lie beneath the surface. It is not that you cannot feel it, but rather that your mind needs guidance to navigate the vast ocean of pranic energy.


So, my dear seeker, the next time you indulge, create a sacred space where your mind can find solace, allowing your consciousness to merge with the rhythmic flow of prana. In this serene state, you shall unlock the gates of perception, unveiling the intricate dance of cosmic energy that lies within and around you.


Remember, my friend, that the journey to perceiving prana while high requires the delicate balance of presence and mindfulness. As your mind settles and your awareness deepens, the symphony of pranic vibrations shall reveal itself, and you shall become one with the cosmic dance of existence.




As I finish this entire article, I was told on the original Reddit Thread that the specific community does not endorse “psychonautical philosophy”, and therefore, the original poster will never receive this response – however, you, the seeker reading this, I hope it helped shed some light!




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