At some point, you must have experienced a bloated face, red and puffy eyes, as well as dehydrated skin after smoking. Have you ever stopped to think and ask yourself why this happens whenever you smoke? Does using weed cause vasodilation. The answer is maybe.
Photo by Jeff W via Unsplash
What is Vasodilation?
Vasodilation is a mechanism to enhance blood flow to areas of the body that are lacking oxygen and/or nutrients. The vasodilation causes a decrease in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and an increase in blood flow, resulting in a reduction of blood pressure.
The word “vasodilation” is used to describe the opening up of the body’s blood vessels.
It is the opposite of “vasoconstriction” where the blood vessels close up within the body. It is a temporary situation. It occurs naturally in your body in response to triggers such as low oxygen levels, a decrease in available nutrients, and increases in temperature. It causes the widening of your blood vessels, which in turn increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.
Consuming marijuana could bring about vasodilation. When using cannabis, blood flow to some parts of the body is restricted or reduced. Oxygen transportation is also slowed down and not quickly delivered as promptly. While not dangerous, vasodilation can occur.
The easiest way to know this is happening is by the obvious reddening of the eyes, as well as the puffy/bloated face of the user. Unfortunately, many are not aware of this physiological mechanism, so they pin it on smoke irritation.
Some medical practitioners prescribe cannabis-based medications to patients suffering from glaucoma, high blood pressure, etc. This is because of the vasodilating response that would be induced by these drugs to help lower the blood pressure.
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Vasodilation and Cannabis
While researchers have been able to find useful medical applications for cannabis in the human body, they have still not discovered the full extent of the effects of cannabis consumption on other organs in the body. And the risks involved are most times underestimated. The vasodilating effects of cannabis are one of the physiological responses of the body that have been investigated.
What Makes Cannabis a Vasodilator?
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main psychoactive element present in cannabis. It is the agent that causes a noticeable increase in the heart rate, as well as a lowered blood pressure.
Another vasodilating effect is dizziness. This is because THC reacts with cannabinoid receptors present around the body, most especially the eyes to induce these effects.
Although THC is not the only cannabinoid responsible for all these, it is responsible for the bulk of these reactions. The amount of THC present in the cannabis strain ingested determines the extent of vasodilation in the user’s body.
For example, consuming a cannabis strain with less than 15% THC might result in little or no noticeable reddening of the eyes, compared to consuming over 30% THC cannabis strain. It also depends on the user’s tolerance, because everyone’s body anatomy is unique.
What Causes Reddening Of the Eyes?
The main reason your eyes get red — or bloodshot and bloated — when you use marijuana is due to vasodilation being set off by THC and other cannabinoids present in cannabis. When your eyes redden and get puffy, it indicates that there is an increased blood flow to your eyeball due to the dilation of blood vessels and capillaries around the eye area.
After the effects of the drugs begin to wear off, the capillaries and blood vessels gradually begin to close off and constrict. Till everything is back to normal.
Can Vasodilation Be Halted?
Vasodilation is a subconscious response, hence it cannot be prevented from occurring. Neither can it be halted when it has started. It only stops when the last effects of cannabis wear off in the body. You have zero control over the workings of vasodilation, nor vasoconstriction.
However, you can put in the effort to mask/cover up the effects of using cannabis by hiding your bloated face and puffy eyes.
Masking Vasodilation
Like I mentioned above vasodilation can’t be stopped, however with a few techniques you can effectively mask the signs. Here are some ways you can hide your puffy reds eyes effectively.
Eye drops—Allergy and Artificial: Allergy drops help with bloodshot eyes. It effectively reduces discomfort and redness. If it is itchy, it also helps soothe the eyes. Artificial teardrops can also help, although it is not as efficient as allergy eye drops, which is not surprising.
Both drops contain Tetryzoline, which acts as a constricting agent for the blood vessels. And both drops are easy to get at the nearest pharmacy over the counter.
Photo by Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty Images
Using Sunglasses: This is a perfect way to hide the use of marijuana, especially when in a public gathering with people you do not stare at your bloodshot eyes.
For example, you can use it for a lecture in college. It’s simple, less expensive, and fast to just pick your glasses, put them on and go about basking in your high. The only downside to this is that you cannot wear sunglasses at night, so as not to damage your eyesight.
Doing away with caffeinated drink: Coffee is also like cannabis, they are both vasodilators. Stay hydrated. Take a very cold bath if you can or put ice bags over your eyes.
Calmly wait for symptoms to subside: The redness will even be reduced and everything will go back to normal. The duration may vary from 1-12 hours depending on your body’s tolerance, weight, metabolism. And the strain and dose of cannabis ingested. Choose strains of cannabis with low THC.
Vasodilation is a temporary issue which can be partially mitigated with some simple steps. There isn’t a long term danger.
The darkness of winter is slipping away and bright, warm spring has arrived – and here is the perfect cocktail to toast it’s return!
It always seems winter is the longest season, but now warm weather, longer days, and the blooming of plants have arrived. Here are the best cocktails to welcome spring. Migrating birds return to their base and plants began to reemerge. And while the weather can be a bit wacky, the promise of a fun summer is right around the corner. Fun fact, more babies are born during spring. Many families gain an additional member during this period, making spring officially the season of babies. All this give multiple reasons to toast with something refreshing.
Why not give a refreshing classic cocktail a spring twist by making it even more light and refreshing? The refreshing cocktail of gin, lime juice, and soda water, originated in Washington, D.C. in the late 1880s and was named after Democratic lobbyist Colonel Joe Rickey who frequented Shoemaker’s bar. The addition of lavender provides a little flair for the taste buds.
3 ounces gin
4 ounces freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons honey
4 ounces seltzer water
2 sprigs lavender
2 wedges of lemon
Pour gin, lemon juice, and honey over ice in a cocktail shaker and shake well
Strain into two glasses filled with ice
Top with seltzer
Garnish each glass with a sprig of lavender and a slice of lemon
The Desert Bird
You can hear the birds chirping as they emerge or return from winter. This sweet-yet-bitter drink celebrates the return with a treat for the mouth. You can use either mezcal or tequila for equal results. Or do a taste test.
1.5 ounces bacanora, mezcal, or tequila
.75 ounces pineapple gum (or simple syrup mixed with equal parts pineapple juice)
.50 ounces Campari
.50 ounces fresh lime juice
1 pinch salt
1 sprig mint, for garnish
Combine all the ingredients together in a shaker
Strain over ice into glass
Serve with mint leaf
The Spring Bloom
With this cocktail, reflect the spring like atmosphere outside with a beverage in a glass. Combing the flavors of spring over ice with vodka will be a floral bouquet for your mouth!
1 1/2 ounces vodka
3/4 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 ounce honey syrup
3 ounces soda water
1 sprig fresh rosemary (for garnish)
1 pinch lavender salt (for garnish)
Combine vodka, lemon juice, honey syrup, and ice in a shaker
While the Kentucky Derby is still a couple of months away, you can still celebrate with a good bourbon. This drinks adds a layering of flavors to allow you to kick back and take in the moment.
1.5 oz Bourbon
2 oz Lemonade
1 oz Cranberry Juice
Lemon zest for garnish
Add ice to a lowball glass
Add lemonade and cranberry juice and stir with spoon
Add bourbon and stir until thoroughly mixed
Garnish with a lemon zest
Sweet Tea Smash
This drink will give you a little extra energy to enjoy the longer evenings. Tea is the second most caffeinated drink after coffee, so use this for a pick up on enjoyable spring evenings.
1 oz bourbon
1 oz iced tea
4 Mint leaves
2 Lemon wedges
1 tsp simple syrup
Mint sprig for garnish
In a cocktail shaker, muddle mint leaves and lemon wedges
Add bourbon, tea, simple syrup, and ice to cocktail shaker
Even a planned sacrifice can use a little help, here is how marijuana can help you during Lent
Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. This time is observed in many Christian traditions, including Catholic, Lutheran, Moravian, Anglican, United Protestant, and Orthodox. It is usually a 40-day period, which echoes the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert. The time is thought to symbolize testing, trial, and renewal. In addition to donating time, talent and treasure along with self reflection, the true believer believes you should give us something you love. For some it is wine or alcohol, for others it could be more.Here is how cannabis can help you during Lent.
Cannabis use during Lent, a traditional Christian period of fasting and spiritual reflection, is a complex and controversial topic requiring careful consideration. While some may view cannabis as incompatible with Lenten practices, others argue it can potentially aid in spiritual growth and personal reflection when used mindfully. Done correctly, it can help you reach your goals.
Studies suggest cannabis can be used as a replacement for alcohol and can improve overall health. It offers a range of benefits for those seeking to reduce or eliminate their alcohol consumption. CBD and THC drops are becoming popular substitutes, providing natural relaxation without the negative side effects associated with drinking. Unlike alcohol, which can lead to dehydration, impaired judgment, and potential long-term health risks, cannabis promotes relaxation and improved sleep quality without causing hangovers.
Studies suggest cannabis may help individuals maintain alcohol abstinence, with some patients reporting it as an effective substitute. The trend of replacing alcohol with cannabis is growing, with daily cannabis use surpassing daily alcohol use in the United States for the first time. Cannabis-infused beverages are also on the rise, offering a diverse range of options for those looking to socialize without alcohol.
In addition, many adherents of Lent are older, and a key benefit of cannabis is relief. For those dealing with chronic pain or anxiety, cannabis may offer relief without breaking Lenten commitments to abstain from other substances. Medical marijuana users have reported significant improvements in quality of life, pain levels, and overall functioning. This could allow individuals to focus more deeply on their spiritual practices without being hindered by physical discomfort.
Part of the sacrifice is to reflect on the spiritual journey. Cannabis can promote introspection and heightened awareness, which aligns with Lenten goals of self-examination and spiritual growth. However, it’s crucial to approach this mindfully and avoid using cannabis as an escape or distraction from the purpose of Lent.
Ready to get your game on with these Super Bowl cocktails?
It is the finale to the football season and a good chunk of the population tunes in to watch the Super Bowl. Alone, with a few friends or a full on party…it is a festive occasions (at least until the 4th quarter in a tight game) and people enjoy a beverage. The Super Bowl is a drinking day for most viewers. As you settle into the 59th annual game, try the best Super Bowl cocktails.
In a nod to the host city New Orleans, a Creole Bloody Mary is the best to pre-func and get right to start watching the game! This is a flavorful way to start the day.
3/4 cup vodka
4-1/2 cups chilled tomato juice
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
4-6 dashes Tabasco hot sauce
Salt and black pepper
Celery for garnish
Fill shaker with ice
Combine vodka, juices, Worcestershire, salt, pepper and hot sauce in shaker
Strain and pour in a tall glass with ice
Garnish with celery stick
Super Bowl Julep
The nice thing about the Super Bowl is you can enjoy day drinking. While a Mint Julep is the drink of the Kentucky Derby, it is refreshing enough for morning football drinking. Plus it is good for the throat after all the cheering.
4 sprigs of mint
1 teaspoon of powdered sugar
2 teaspoons of water
2 oz. bourbon
Fresh mint sprig, for garnish
Muddle the mint, the sugar and the water in a cup
Add the bourbon and stir gently
Fill a glass to the top with finely crushed ice, add the julep mix and garnish with mint
FYI, an ounce of mint simple syrup can be substituted for the mint/sugar/water mixture
Perfect Stormy
Why not combine the classic beer with the cocktail. Mix it up and enjoy this drink…rich in flavor and filling enough you don’t have too many over the course of the game.
Everyone knows hydration is important when plays sports. It is also important for fans, especially if they are celebrating. Gatorade is part of the football culture, dive in with this take on a classic cocktail.
Mix the sugar and salt in a shallow dish
Wet the rims of 4 to 6 rocks glasses with water and then dip in the sugar-salt mixture to coat
Combine the sports drink, limeade concentrate, tequila and blue curacao in a large pitcher and stir
Fill the rocks glasses with ice
Pour the margarita into the glass
Garnish each with an orange slice
Fourth Quarter Rum Countdown
When the fourth quarter hits, it can be a focus time, keep it simple with this classic drink. Quick to prepare, refreshing to drink and the soda is a little caffeine boost after tailgating.