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Marijuana lifestyle

Edinburgh’s Laughter Revolution: Cannabis-Infused Joyous Adventure



Edinburgh’s Extraordinary: A Tale of Friendship, Cannabis, and the Power of Laughter

Amidst the cobblestone charm and the deep-rooted history of Edinburgh, there existed a mirthful saga etched not in stone, but in the resonating echoes of laughter. It involved two youthful couples, Ava and Oliver, Jack and Grace. These individuals, all in their vibrant 30s, were more than just neighbours sharing a postal code. They shared a unique bond that thrived on their mutual love for jovial experiences and a certain liberalized herb – cannabis.

Thanks to the UK’s measured steps towards cannabis liberalisation, these four friends indulged in the occasional puff or two, more so on sunny Saturdays when the work chains were unshackled. Their joint adventures were not solely limited to their neighbourhood, as they frequently journeyed to Amsterdam to partake in the Queen’s Day revelries, a celebration of human connection amidst a sea of heart-warming strangers.

view of the streets of Edinburgh in Scotland

One such sunny Saturday saw Ava, Oliver, Jack, and Grace ensconced in a lively corner of the Berliners Square in Edinburgh. Their laughter echoed through the crowd-filled plaza, their merriment fueled by a recently smoked joint. The herb had a way of unwrapping their boxed-up inhibition and letting their spirits fly high.

Suddenly, an idea germinated within their joyous circle – an idea fuelled by the laughter that came so effortlessly to them. Why not turn this infectious laughter into a citywide event, a freestyle flash mob of laughter? No sooner said than done. Out came a cardboard, onto which they scribbled “Laughing Zone” and thus began their laughing crusade.

Their laughter, a magnet of joy, began attracting onlookers, who gradually transformed from curious bywalkers into integral participants. This was a refreshing break from the characteristic British reserve, a sudden and unexpected permission to let loose and laugh out loud. The Laughing Zone’s radius expanded, rippling out infectious laughter that swept through the square like a joyous tide.

4 friends in the streets of Edinburgh in Scotland

Ava, Oliver, Jack, and Grace found themselves in the eye of this laughing storm, their hearts, bodies, and souls utterly engrossed in the creation of an unscripted festival of laughter. The cannabis, which was legal to carry and use privately in small amounts in the UK, had acted as a catalyst for this extraordinary event.

Finally, after about half an hour of ceaseless laughter, they found themselves gasping for breath. It was time for a breather. They slipped away from the thriving Laughing Zone, finding solace in the cool grass nearby, their vantage point offering a captivating view of the laughing crowd.

Their bodies, flooded with adrenaline and oxytocin, sighed with the exertion of the joyous adventure. The sounds of laughter from the square was now a distant murmur, but the emotions it evoked were palpable. In silence, they laid on the grass, recounting the magnificent scenes from their adventure and how the cannabis-fuelled idea had transformed a regular sunny day into a spectacle of joy and togetherness.

From their secluded corner, they watched the clouds amble across the sky, their hearts brimming with contentment and pride. Their laughter, now a distant echo, still danced through the air, alive within the Laughing Zone that thrived independent of its creators.

This was a celebration of freedom, joy, and human connection, powered by laughter and the gentle nudge of cannabis. It was a testament to the magic of spontaneous adventure and a memory etched into the soul of Edinburgh. After all, not every sunny Saturday produces a laughter revolution!

4 friends look at the landscape of Edinburgh in Scotland

Laughter, it is often said, is the best form of therapy. As Ava, Oliver, Jack, and Grace had discovered, when laughter bubbles up from the depth of your soul, it sets you free. It is like an enchanting dance of joy that makes the heart lighter, the mind clearer, and the soul radiant.

In the echoes of genuine laughter, all worries and concerns seem to fade away. It is a spiritual experience that transcends the mundane, transforming even the bleakest moments into a melodious symphony of happiness. It is a respite from the trials and tribulations of daily life, a joyous rebellion against the grinding gears of routine.

When a person laughs without inhibition, their spirit takes flight, unburdened by the weight of the world. In those moments of contagious laughter, Ava, Oliver, Jack, and Grace felt a unique liberation, a spiritual levity that enriched their lives in profound ways. Their laughter was not just an act of expressing joy, but a powerful tool for healing, for connection, for transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

Indeed, the entire Laughing Zone event was a testament to the transformative power of laughter. For everyone who took part, laughter became a shared language that transcended cultural barriers, uplifted spirits, and fostered an air of unity and camaraderie. The experience was a beautiful reminder that amidst the challenges of life, laughter holds the power to lift us higher, making our journey lighter and our lives richer.

Disclaimer: This content is meant for educational purposes only. It has been compiled with research from external sources. it is not meant to substitute any medical or legal advice. Please see your local laws for the legality of cannabis use.

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Embracing Cannabis: consumption for mental health




In our rapidly advancing, modern society, finding a method to decompress and disconnect from the relentless flurry of daily stressors has become more than just an optional indulgence – it has evolved into an essential, survival-driven necessity. Be it the anxieties drawn from the professional realm, the pressures of maintaining personal relationships, or the never-ending stream of information and stimuli we are subjected to, the need to mentally ‘switch off’ for a while is undeniable. While some find their peaceful harbor in the pages of a riveting novel, a soothing glass of wine, or the adrenaline rush of a strenuous workout, I have discovered my personal haven in the subtly intoxicating, calming embrace of cannabis.

Smoking weed at the end of the day has morphed into more than just a habit or a means to seek temporary solace – it has become an integral part of my evening routine, a personal ritual infused with a sense of serenity and sacredness. This isn’t about an insatiable quest for a perpetual ‘high’ or an escape from reality. Instead, it’s about slowing down the ceaseless ticking of the clock, stepping out of the whirlwind of daily happenings, and granting myself the permission to rejuvenate, reflect, and simply be. It’s about indulging in that slow, deliberate act of lighting up, taking the first thoughtful drag, and feeling the day’s weight lifting off my shoulders, dissipating into the ether with each exhaled puff of smoke.

Understanding Cannabis: A Historical and Modern Perspective

Cannabis, often referred to as marijuana or weed, is a plant that has a rich tapestry of human use and interaction spanning thousands of years. Historically, it’s been utilized across diverse cultures for a myriad of purposes ranging from medicinal treatments to spiritual rituals, and for personal relaxation and recreational purposes. The use of cannabis as a therapeutic agent dates back to ancient civilizations like the Chinese and Egyptians who leveraged its healing properties to treat various ailments.

Despite its extensive historical usage, cannabis has trodden a somewhat controversial path, particularly in the 20th century, due to its psychoactive properties. Many societies stigmatized and criminalized its use, fueled by a lack of understanding and comprehensive research. However, the narrative surrounding cannabis has been shifting significantly over the past few decades. This shift can be attributed to an increasing body of scientific research that underscores its potential therapeutic benefits for a range of conditions from chronic pain to epilepsy, and even mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Delving into the science behind cannabis, it’s important to understand its key active components known as cannabinoids. These compounds interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex biological system that plays a critical role in regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive processes such as mood, pain sensation, appetite, and sleep.

Two of the most prominent cannabinoids that have been extensively studied are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, responsible for the ‘high’ feeling associated with its use. On the other hand, CBD, while not intoxicating, has garnered attention for its potential therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-anxiety properties. The complexity and potential of these compounds, coupled with the holistic experience of cannabis use, underscore its role as more than just a recreational drug.

cannabis consumption mental health

My Evening Ritual: A Deep Dive into Tranquility and Self-Reflection

For me, the act of smoking weed transcends beyond its psychoactive effects. Rather, it constitutes a ritual – a mindful and deliberate sequence of actions that provides a structure, a rhythm to my evenings. It’s about the almost ceremonial process of choosing the bud, grinding it gently, filling it into a rolling paper or a pipe, and then lighting it up. It’s about that first, deeply inhaled puff, and the subsequent exhale that seems to carry away the day’s accumulated worries and stress.

This ritual has transformed into a consistent beacon of tranquility, a sanctuary amidst the unpredictable tumult of life’s storms. It offers me a respite, a momentary pause in the incessant whirlwind of tasks and thoughts, enabling me to retreat inward and engage with my own consciousness in a more relaxed, reflective state. In this space, I can take a step back from the immediate demands of the external world and explore the contours of my internal landscape.

The cannabis experience acts like a subtle filter, decelerating the rapid-fire onslaught of thoughts and ideas racing through my mind. It’s akin to pressing a ‘pause’ button in the middle of a chaotic symphony, bringing forth a sense of calm and focused attentiveness that creates room for introspection and self-reflection. This change in cognitive tempo allows me to sift through the events of the day, and to process my experiences, emotions, and reactions at a pace that feels comfortable and unhurried.

This ritual, enhanced by the properties of cannabis, cultivates a sacred space – a mental and emotional sanctuary where pretenses fall away and authenticity flourishes. Here, I can shed the numerous roles I play in everyday life and grant myself the freedom and permission to simply ‘be’. It’s a space where I am neither defined by my successes nor my failures, but am allowed to exist in the raw, unadorned essence of my selfhood. The act of smoking weed becomes a conduit for self-exploration, a tool that aids in fostering a deeper connection with my inner self.

Man smokes cannabis consumption mental health

Cannabis and Mental Health: Navigating a Complex Landscape

The interplay between cannabis and mental health is a labyrinthine terrain that is still being actively explored and understood by the scientific community. This complex relationship is multi-layered, with cannabis demonstrating potential for both therapeutic benefits and potential risks, heavily dependent on factors like dosage, frequency of use, and individual predisposition.

Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports suggest that moderate cannabis use may have a beneficial effect on managing symptoms of various mental health conditions. For instance, it has been observed to potentially alleviate chronic stress, quell anxiety, and provide symptomatic relief for those grappling with depression. The cannabinoids present in cannabis, particularly CBD, are thought to interact with the brain’s serotonin receptors, which can influence mood and behavior.

However, it’s imperative to underscore that the key to leveraging these potential benefits is rooted in moderation and responsible use. Just as with any substance, be it caffeine, alcohol, or prescription medications, the potential for misuse or over-reliance is a substantial consideration.

Excessive consumption or dependence-driven use of cannabis may tilt the scales towards more harmful consequences. These can encompass a spectrum of adverse effects ranging from increased anxiety, a state of paranoia, and cognitive impairment, to even precipitating or exacerbating a substance use disorder. A more acute risk includes Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), a clinical condition characterized by an uncontrollable desire to consume the drug, despite harmful consequences.

Therefore, the approach towards cannabis use calls for an intimate understanding of one’s individual response and tolerance. It is essential to start with low doses and adjust usage incrementally, keeping in mind one’s physiological responses and psychological comfort. It’s also crucial to consider various factors such as the strain of cannabis used, its THC: CBD ratio, and the method of consumption.

This cautionary approach becomes even more critical when dealing with individuals who have pre-existing mental health disorders or are at high risk. Some research has indicated a potential correlation between heavy cannabis use and an increased risk of developing conditions like schizophrenia, particularly in individuals with a genetic predisposition.

In conclusion, the dance between cannabis and mental health is delicate and necessitates informed mindful navigation. While cannabis might offer some therapeutic potential, it’s crucial to remember that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and should ideally be used in conjunction with other evidence-based mental health treatments and lifestyle modifications.

cannabis consumption mental health brain

An Odyssey of Self-Discovery and Tranquility

My journey with cannabis has unfolded as a unique voyage of personal discovery and unwinding. It’s a path that has imparted invaluable lessons about mindful consumption, the significance of attentively tuning into my body’s cues and responses, and understanding my mental landscapes in more profound, nuanced ways. Amid the tendrils of smoke and the ritualistic tranquility it imparts, I have stumbled upon my sanctuary – a personal strategy to unplug from the pulsating rhythm of the outside world and to rekindle the connection with my inner self.

Ultimately, it’s not about the medium, but rather, how one chooses to wield it. In my case, cannabis serves not as an escape route from the realities of life, but as a conduit leading to introspection, serenity, and a richer comprehension of my own mind. It’s like a soft-focus lens that subtly shifts my perspective, allowing me to appreciate the contours of my thoughts and emotions in a distinct, yet enlightening manner.

However, as with any substance or tool, it’s paramount to approach cannabis with a blend of respect, understanding, and mindfulness. This means acknowledging its potential benefits as well as its possible risks. It is about learning to incorporate it responsibly into our lives in a way that contributes positively to our overall well-being, rather than becoming a crutch or a source of dependency.

Every individual’s journey with cannabis will differ, colored by their unique physiological responses, personal circumstances, and perspectives. It’s crucial to remember that my experience is just one among countless narratives. As we strive to understand this plant and its potential more deeply, we must also respect and listen to the diversity of experiences it inspires.

By sharing my story, I hope to shed light on the potential of cannabis as a tool for relaxation and introspection and to underscore the importance of mindful, informed consumption. As the dialogue around cannabis continues to evolve, it’s up to each of us to ensure that our relationship with this plant is healthful, mindful, and above all, personal.

Disclaimer: This article does not promote or endorse the use of cannabis, particularly where it’s illegal. It merely shares a personal experience. Always follow the laws of your locality regarding the use of cannabis and consult with a healthcare provider for professional advice.


1. How does cannabis help with relaxation and stress relief?

Cannabis can help with relaxation and stress relief by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates various physiological processes such as mood, pain sensation, and sleep. When used responsibly, it can provide a sense of calm and tranquility, making it easier to unwind after a stressful day.

2. What are the potential mental health benefits and risks of using cannabis?

Cannabis has shown potential benefits for mental health, such as alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression, and managing chronic stress. However, it also carries risks, particularly with excessive use, which can lead to increased anxiety, paranoia, cognitive impairment, and potential development of Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). It’s essential to use cannabis in moderation and be aware of individual responses.

3. What are the key components of cannabis, and how do they affect the body?

The key components of cannabis are cannabinoids, primarily Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the ‘high’ feeling, while CBD is non-intoxicating and known for its potential therapeutic benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. These cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, influencing various physiological processes.

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Embracing CBD for Innovative Beauty Solutions




The global fascination with cannabis is soaring, with people seeking its benefits in various domains. CBD, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis, has found its way into skincare, haircare, cosmetics, and wellness products. As the popularity of CBD continues to rise, established brands are jumping on the bandwagon to offer CBD-centered beauty solutions. However, in this rapidly evolving landscape, transparency and education are paramount. Consumers deserve a comprehensive understanding of CBD’s effects on the skin, hair, and body, including its potential benefits, drawbacks, and distinctions from other cannabis extracts. In this guide, we will explore the intersection of CBD and the beauty industry, helping you navigate this innovative space and determine if it aligns with your needs.

The Versatility of CBD in the Beauty Industry

Cannabis is renowned for its versatility, and with advancements in isolating compounds like CBD, its potential in beauty and skincare has skyrocketed. CBD, one of the many cannabinoids present in cannabis, has emerged as a sought-after ingredient in skincare and cosmetic products. Beauty brands are embracing this trend, incorporating CBD to meet the growing demand from consumers. Its diverse properties make it a valuable asset in addressing various skincare concerns.

Unraveling the Benefits of CBD for Skin

Recent research has debunked misconceptions surrounding CBD’s potential neuropathic effects. Unlike THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD does not induce a high. When applied topically, CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a vital role in maintaining skin balance. CBD offers a range of benefits, particularly for inflamed or dry skin. Its calming, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritation, boost immunity, and repair skin cells. Moreover, CBD contributes to collagen production, promoting youthful skin and supporting sebaceous gland function.

Understanding Why CBD Works for Skin

CBD’s efficacy lies in its impressive properties and its ability to promote healthy skin. Its high antioxidant levels combat early signs of aging, including wrinkles, loose skin, and uneven skin tone. Furthermore, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties mitigate skin inflammation, redness, and swelling, helping to heal acne and restore skin balance. By enhancing natural oil production and supporting the endocannabinoid system, CBD imparts a radiant, supple appearance to the face, enhancing overall skin health.

cannabis beauty cbd cream

The Benefits of CBD for Skin:

Unveiling the Secrets The adoption of CBD by skincare and beauty businesses stems from the myriad benefits it offers. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective treatment for acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Studies demonstrate its ability to regulate sebum production, control breakouts, and alleviate symptoms of chronic skin conditions. Additionally, CBD relieves skin dryness, itchiness, and irritation, providing immediate relief and improving overall skin texture. It also combats fungal infections by disrupting cell membranes and inhibiting growth. Furthermore, CBD’s antioxidant properties combat free radicals, promoting skin rejuvenation and reducing signs of aging.

Pros and Cons of CBD Usage in Skincare

While CBD-infused skincare products offer numerous benefits, it is essential to consider both the advantages and limitations. CBD allows for targeted application and can be easily incorporated into a skincare routine. It synergizes well with other beneficial ingredients, supporting overall skin health. However, it is crucial to note that not all CBD-centered products are created equal, and individual reactions may vary. Therefore, it is recommended to choose reputable brands and consult professionals for personalized advice.

cannabis beauty cbd bottle

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about CBD

  1. Is CBD legal?

  • CBD derived from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC is federally legal in the United States.
  • Laws regarding CBD may vary in different countries and states, so it’s important to research local regulations.
  1. Will CBD make me feel high?

  • CBD is non-psychoactive and does not induce a “high” sensation like THC.
  • It interacts with different receptors in the body, providing therapeutic effects without altering one’s state of mind.
  1. How long does it take for CBD to take effect?

  • The onset and duration of CBD effects can vary depending on the individual, dosage, and method of consumption.
  • Effects may be felt within minutes to an hour for inhalation or sublingual use, and longer for edibles or topicals.
  1. Are there any side effects of using CBD?

  • CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite.
  • It’s recommended to start with low doses and gradually increase to find the optimal dosage for your body.
  1. Can CBD interact with medications?

  • CBD has the potential to interact with certain medications, so it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if you’re taking prescription drugs.
  • They can advise on potential interactions and help ensure your safety.
  1. Can CBD be used by pregnant or breastfeeding individuals?

  • It’s best to avoid CBD use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, as there isn’t enough research to determine its effects on developing fetuses or infants.
  1. How should I choose a reputable CBD product?

  • Look for CBD products that are third-party tested for quality and purity.
  • Check for clear labeling, including CBD content, extraction method, and any additional ingredients.
  • Consider customer reviews, brand reputation, and recommendations from trusted sources.
  1. How can CBD be integrated into skincare and beauty products?

  • CBD is increasingly used in skincare and beauty products, offering potential benefits for the skin.
  • CBD-infused skincare products typically do not contain THC, as federal law mandates THC levels below 0.3% in hemp-derived products.
  • Various extraction methods, such as CO2 extraction, are employed to obtain CBD, ensuring purity and quality.
  • When incorporating CBD into your beauty routine, it’s important to exercise caution, educate yourself about the product, and seek guidance from experts, particularly if you have specific health or skin concerns.

cannabis beauty cbd pregnant woman

Remember: Educate and Empower Yourself

As the CBD beauty industry continues to flourish, education and transparency should remain at the forefront. Embrace the exciting innovations and possibilities offered by CBD-infused products, but always prioritize knowledge, responsible consumption, and informed decision-making. By staying informed, you can confidently navigate this vibrant landscape and unlock the potential benefits that CBD has to offer.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable expert for personalized advice regarding CBD usage and potential interactions with your specific circumstances.

Stay beautiful and embrace the power of CBD in your beauty journey!

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Marijuana lifestyle

Boost your High with Mango Fruit




Mangoes, like other fruits containing Terpenes and Myrcene, can boost your high. According to one study carried out in the early 70s, it is reasonable to believe that when one ingests myrcene, the body gets an instant ability to absorb many chemicals thanks to the improved functionality of the cell membranes.

The study goes on to say that if you smoke weed after taking a mango, which has terpenes and myrcene, your body will be ready to absorb chemicals from the weed. This means it can get you higher.

The ingredients in a mango that may influence a weed high

Eating a mango before- or when consuming weed is one of the legit ways weed users have done it for many years, and they believe it helps create the euphoric high they are looking for.

To understand how a mango may influence the effects of weed, it’s crucial that you know the ingredients of a mature mango:

Terpenes – this chemical compound is not only found in mangoes but also in many other tropical fruits. These are hydrocarbons. When extracted or eaten, they give out a sweet aroma. Apart from the exotic fragrance, when mixed with weed potency, hydrocarbons make one high instantly.

Myrcene – there is no difference between Terpenes and Myrcene. These two give the mango its unique taste and scent. As mentioned, these nutrients are also found in other fruits, but you can expect the mango to have a bigger percentage of the nutrients.

boosting high mangos

What’s the interaction between mango and marijuana?

Cannabis enthusiasts have tried this trick and found that, indeed, yes, mangoes do seem to enhance the effects of your weed. In fact, there are numerous anecdotal reports that eating a mango right before consuming weed causes more intense effects that tend to last much longer.

So, what’s the connection between a mango and weed high? Theoretically speaking, mangoes contain an abundance of myrcene terpenes that work to intensify weed effects and reduce the onset time by a significant half!

A study carried out in Switzerland in 1997 analyzed the terpene profile of sixteen different weed strains and found that myrcene was the most abundant terpene in each strain. Naturally, mango terpenes work on the same receptors in our bodies as cannabis terpenes, thus, creating an entourage effect.

a mango and a cannabis leaf

So, can mangoes really boost your weed high?

The correct answer to this question is: yes! Taking mangoes alongside your weed can effectively intensify your high. Pro-marijuana advocates suggest that the work of mangoes in boosting high starts from the moment one ingests the myrcene and terpenes in mangoes.

Once you ingest myrcene, your body gets an instant ability to absorb numerous chemicals thanks to the improved functionality of the cell membranes.

The study we mentioned earlier went suggests that if you smoke cannabis after eating a mango, which has terpenes and myrcene, your body will be ready to absorb numerous chemicals from the weed.

It is also suggested that the myrcene terpenes in your mango are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and eventually the brain. Once you introduce mango terpenes into your system, THC and other essential cannabinoids from your weed will thumb a ride on these terpenes, thereby fastening the onset of effects.

Please note that at this point, we can only theorize the effectiveness of mangoes in intensifying weed high until more clinical studies on the same subject are done to make a concrete conclusion.

How long should I wait to smoke weed after eating a mango?

To enjoy an incredibly boosted high, you’ll need to eat your mango 1-2 hours before smoking your weed. This allows your body enough time to absorb the nutrients from the mango and enhance the working of your cell membranes.

Additionally, your body will have time to prepare to absorb all essential chemicals from any ‘foods’ introduced into the body after the mango.

However, it’s worth noting that your metabolic rate greatly determines this timing. Users with a faster metabolic rate can eat 2-3 mangoes an hour or less before consuming their weed.

boosting high mangos how long

How to improve your high when eating mangoes?

Depending on the size of the mango, eating 1-3 mangoes two hours before you smoke your weed can give you excellently high results. Additionally, giving your body ample time to digest the mango will lessen the junk cravings later when you are high.

As a general rule of thumb, eating fresh mangoes provides better results than dried mangoes.

A man boosting high mangos

Final thought

Mangoes effectively boost your weed high. But even so, timing is critical. Also drinking mango juice before smoking weed. Be sure to include mango in your diet a few hours before you smoke weed for the best results. As a rule, too much of something eaten at odd hours is not good, mangoes included. But if you have the midnight munchies, next time consider eating a mango 😉

Explore the refreshing and vibrant Mangolicious strain in our collection.

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