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Floridians Worried About Governor Leaking Health Info



In a shocking surprise…medical marijuana patients, including veterans, may have had their information leaked thanks to the Governor.

Florida voters have overwhelmingly approved of marijuana use in the sunshine state.  In the first election for medical marijuana, over 60% of citizens voted yes. Governor DeSantis said too bad. In the second vote, the approve vote was 71% and the Governor said the public didn’t understand and he slow rolled it out. Now he is working on trying to block a third vote for recreational. But the latest action has left citizens stunned, now Floridans worried about governor leaking health info for an email campaign.

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Science, the American Medical Association and the federal Health and Human Services department all agree cannabis can benefit patients with a variety of ailments. Medical marijuana is recognized as a treatment for  PTSD, chronic pain, cancer and more. More research will unlock additional information about the plant, but it is a good start and is one of the basis for rescheduling. HIPAA is law passed in 1996 aimed to alter the transfer of healthcare information, stipulated the guidelines by which personally identifiable information maintained by the healthcare and healthcare insurance industries should be protected from fraud and theft.  Somewhere it slipped in Florida.

Governor DeSantis Wants It Both Ways On Marijuana
Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Florida’s Department of Health recently emailed nearly 700,000 medical marijuana patients, praising Republican Governor Ron DeSantis. The email promoted achievements of the governor and how it helps them. This is despite is overwhelming opposition not to just  recreational cannabis use and legalization, but also the original law which allowed them be prescribed medical marijuana.

The email also praised a cancer research program promoted by first lady Casey DeSantis, listed health issues like HIV, hepatitis and syphilis that are in the spending plan and gave a message from Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo that he and DeSantis are “advancing public health and personal responsibility in Florida.”

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Medical marijuana patients and advocates say the DeSantis administration violated their privacy by using the patient list to promote policy.

“That is revolting. That is really such a misuse of power and information,” said state Rep. Kelly Skidmore, the ranking Democrat on the House Health Policy Committee.

The Department of Health said it didn’t single out medical marijuana patients, but rather sent the budget statement to everyone in its email databases apparently to promote the Governor and First Lady.

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Best Blissful Moments To Consume Marijuana




Everyone seems rushed, irritated and even annoying – sometimes you just want to mental slip away – marijuana might be a short term answer

Work, kids, the election year and social media can all make our day to day rushed, irritating and stressed.  Sometimes you just want to mental slip away and let your troubles fall evaporate and let your body and soul relax and enjoy a moment. Cannabis can help you have an hour or two to just be in the moment.  And unlike alcohol, there isn’t a hangover which can or can’t pop up afterwards. Microdosing is another option as you engage in activities to just let you sink into a relaxed mood. Here are the best moments to slip into bliss by consuming marijuana.

Here are the best blissful moment to consume marijuana and right your soul.  Just remember if you vape, using an oil or go old school and smoke, you will feel THC quickly.  Edibles, including gummies, can take 30-60 minutes to hit.

Taking a bath

If has been a long and you you and your body are exhasuted and a hot bath is always inviting. Set the scene with scented candles and relaxing tunes then consume a little marijuana. Once you’ve settled in, achieve physical and psychological serenity. The warm water and soothing tunes will align with the plant and let your anxiety float away.

Enjoy a good meal

all you can eat resturant goes bust after people eat all they could
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Microdosing can be a hit here as you just want to take the edge off.  Cannabis will help you savor every flavor and enjoy each dish.  You’ll be awed by every appetizer, soup, salad, entrée and decadent dessert that arrives at your table. Certain strains will help you avoid the munchies so you don’t go overboard.

Working out with weed.

1 in 3 people have improved workouts after smoking marijuana
Photo by juan pablo rodriguez via Unsplash

Working out and marijuana gives an endorphin high. The runner’s high” is very much akin to the cannabis experience, because exercise activates the endocannabinoid system in the same way as consuming weed. It can also give your metabolism a boost. For runners, it alleviates the tedium of putting one foot in front of the other. For those who opt for exercise machines, which are designed to isolate individual muscle groups, cannabis will allow you to focus more keenly on the contraction of those muscles. Many yoga enthusiasts swear by cannabis because it marginalizes linear thought and focuses awareness on breathing and proper alignment.

RELATED: Is There A Link Between Runner’s High And A Marijuana High?

Clean your home or gardening

Some people find bliss in a clean house or a beautiful garden. Some strings of Cannabis will place you in a zone of achievement – even actual play! Pay attention to your thought processes. You’ll find that the mind entertains itself as the body scrubs the bathroom. It will bounce happily from topic to topic and wrap itself around pleasant ideas. You’ll solve problems and find solutions.

RELATED: Can Taking CBD Make It Easier To Digest Political News?

Movies & music

Cannabis lets your mind settle and focus, which makes experience amazing. Music is richer, jokes are funnier.  Some people feel it is like you are in the movies or part of the music. Whether you are settled in a big, dark, comfortable movie theater/auditorium or snuggled on your couch, your mind can lose itself. All of your senses are deprived except for sight and sound. And because cannabis seems to promote empathy, involvement with the action on-screen is enhanced. You might want to focus on more upbeat movies and not on extreme action or horror.

Commune with nature

Losing yourself in nature is great, whether an urban stroll or a walk on the beach, forest, meadow, etc. you realize the outside is great place. Re-establishing the connection with fresh air, birds singing and the nature can delight your soul. After consuming, you can observe the world’s palette of colors, feel the wind, bask in the sun. Allow your worries and problems to diminish.

Getting it on

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Evidence indicates  cannabis users report physical and sensual enhancement, making for a fuller time of enjoyment.. Cannabis eases anxiety, giving an opportunity to go with the flow and delight in the experience.

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Using CBD To Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks




While their pet parents celebrate Independence Day – dogs suffer during the fireworks…but CBD can help.

The 4th of July brings out food, BBQs, parades and fireworks. It is a great day with lots of fun, except for man’s best friend. While we watch in wonder at the brilliant displays (and try to get one decent picture), dogs are suffering and can be a bit freaked out. They have exceptional hearing and fireworks booming sounds are full and unexpected, this can disorient a dog and make them very anxious. If left untreated, thunder and fireworks can continue to upset the animal. It is possible using CBD to keep your dog calm during fireworks can make it a better day for your furry friend.

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Fireworks were at the first organized celebration of Independence Day in July 4th 1777. Starting the tradition in the US, fireworks are used around the globe to for independence days, New Year’s Eve, and other major events. But animal control facilities experience a 30% increase in missing pets between July 4 and 6, with July 5 being one of the busiest days for shelters.  The poor things are frightened by the loud, unpredictable booms. But how do you enjoy them without traumatizing your puppy?  Consider using CBD.

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Photo by R+R Medicinals via Unsplash

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. Most CBD products are derived from hemp and rather than marijuana. CBD doesn’t have THC and can provide relief without the high.  A CBD for pets is recommend based on the dosage being for a pet size rather than a person size. A method of medicating your pet with cannabis is by using a CBD oil and rubbing into their ears. CBD-infused treats do not get pets high, but can relief stress, but they need to consume it at least 40 minutes before the start of the fireworks/noise.

The American Kennel Club shares CBD can be used because of it’s of its anti-inflammatory properties, cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, appetite stimulation, anti-anxiety impact. If you are going to use CBD for your pet, here are some suggestions

  • Look for organic. If the CBD oil is not organic, it at least should not contain pesticides, fungicides, or solvents.
  • Don’t only shop based on price. Higher quality and purity are usually associated with a higher cost. A cheaper option could contain toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals. Make sure your CBD oil is free of additives.
  • Get the analysis. The manufacturer should provide a certificate that certifies the amount of CBD that is in the product. Many CBD products contain only small amounts of CBD. You’ll also want to make sure there is little or no THC in the product.
  • Buy CBD as a liquid. You can buy dog treats containing CBD, but the best form to administer is an oil or tincture. This way, you can adjust your dog’s dose drop by drop.

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Like alcohol, marijuana should not be given to pets. It can cause cause toxicity in cats and dogs. While some people find it funny to get animals high, it can be extremely dangerous for them and is not funny at all.

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What To Know About Marijuana And Gun Ownership




Recently, there has been a series of high profile people have have been convicted which has started the conversation about guns and marijuana. Under federal law, felons are prohibited from owning or possessing guns. But,  some states allows a felon’s rights to own a gun after serving their sentence or a waiting period.  But it is a process. Roughly 32% of U.S. adults say they own a gun and 44%, report living in a gun household.

But almost half of Americans have tried weed at one point.  Of course, they haven’t committed a crime, they have just consumed marijuana. Almost 85% believe it should be legal in some form.  And over 50% of the population have access to legal cannabis.


But, if you own a firearm and use marijuana you are in violation of federal law. It is unlawful for an unauthorized user of a controlled substance, including marijuana, to possess, ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition. It is also unlawful to sell a firearm or ammunition to any person if the seller knows or has reasonable cause to believe that such person is an unlawful user of marijuana. In this context, unlawful use is based on federal law. Therefore, any person who uses marijuana, even if legal under state law, is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms or ammunition.

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Photo by Lumppini/Getty Images

This prohibition does not apply to users of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) or hemp products because these are not controlled substances for purposes of federal law, thanks to the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act, known as the 2018 Farm Bill.

In order to purchase a firearm from a federally licensed dealer, an individual must complete Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) Form 4473, which asks if you are an “unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana,” and includes a warning that the recreational and medical use of cannabis under state law does not alter the federal Controlled Substances Act which makes it illegal to possess, manufacture, or distribute marijuana. It is a separate crime to lie about your marijuana use on the form. You can also be subject to heightened criminal penalties if found in possession of a firearm and marijuana at the same time.

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If you are a medical marijuana user, it may be possible for law enforcement to obtain this information from a medical marijuana patient registry or state database to confirm your use of marijuana. Several states, including Maryland, have tried to protect medical marijuana patients by preventing state police from accessing the medical cannabis patient registry to verify whether a firearm applicant uses medical marijuana. However, some states, like Hawaii, explicitly grant law enforcement access to the state’s medical cannabis patient registry to evaluate whether an individual can legally possess a firearm.

RELATED: The Battle Between Gun Ownership And Medical Marijuana In Conservative States

Regardless of whether a state grants access to patient databases, the possession of a firearm and ammunition remains illegal federally if you are a cannabis user. Restricting access to medical marijuana databases simply makes it harder to determine whether a firearm applicant uses marijuana.

Firearms remain out-of-reach for cannabis consumers, even if your state has legalized cannabis. States cannot change the federal requirements for gun ownership and have no authority to supersede the ATF Form 4473 guidance documents that addresses marijuana use and gun ownership. Therefore, until marijuana is fully legalized on the federal level, it’s important to remember to keep your hands off those firearms.


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