Cannabis 101

Green Flower And Other Cannabis Slang Names



Cannabis, also called green flower, has had a long history of slang names.

Cannabis is a plant that has been used for recreational, medicinal, and spiritual purposes for thousands of years. Its popularity has led to the development of a unique and often complex lexicon of slang terms, street names, and cultural references.

Understanding these terms and the history behind them can provide valuable insight into the evolution of cannabis use and the subcultures that have formed around it.

Here are some of the most common cannabis slang terms and street names, along with their historical background:

  1. Marijuana: This is one of the most widely used terms for cannabis and is thought to have originated in Mexico in the early 20th century. The word likely comes from the Spanish word “marihuana,” which was used to describe the plant and its intoxicating effects. The term became popular in the United States in the 1930s and 1940s, when it was associated with Mexican immigrants and jazz musicians, who were often stigmatized for their use of the drug.
  2. Pot: This slang term for cannabis is thought to have originated in the 1950s or 1960s and is thought to be a reference to the plant’s appearance. The term has been popularized by the counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s and is still widely used today.
  3. Weed: This term is used to describe the dried leaves and buds of the cannabis plant and is thought to have originated in the 1930s or 1940s. The term is likely a reference to the plant’s ability to grow wild and its association with illicit activity.
  4. Grass: This term for cannabis is thought to have originated in the 1960s and is likely a reference to the plant’s appearance. The term was popularized by the counterculture movement of the time and is still in use today.
  5. Dope: This term is used to describe cannabis and is thought to have originated in the 1920s or 1930s. The term was originally used to describe any drug that was considered to be of high quality, but it is now most commonly used to refer to cannabis.
  6. Herb: This term is used to describe cannabis and is thought to have originated in the 1960s or 1970s. The term is likely a reference to the plant’s herbal nature and its use as a medicinal remedy.
  7. Reefer: This term for cannabis is thought to have originated in the 1920s or 1930s and was popularized by the jazz culture of the time. The term is likely a reference to the plant’s appearance and its association with the “reefer madness” hysteria of the 1930s.
  8. Chronic: This term is used to describe high-quality cannabis and is thought to have originated in the 1990s. The term is likely a reference to the plant’s potent effects and its use as a medicinal remedy.
  9. Mary Jane: This term for cannabis is thought to have originated in the 1940s or 1950s and is a reference to the plant’s association with femininity and the name “Mary.” The term has become popular in recent years and is often used in a more lighthearted or affectionate way.
  10. Skunk: This term is used to describe a particularly strong strain of cannabis and is thought to have originated in the 1980s. The term is likely a reference to the strong and pungent odor of the plant, which is often described as being similar to the smell of a skunk.
  11. Green Flower: The greenflower, or Green Flower name dates back many years ago when the terms was made popular in Canada and meant, the green bud, or green magic.

Cannabis Street Names

Other popular cannabis slang terms are:

12. Ganja – This Hindu name for marijuana has become widely accepted across many cultures and in many countries today, including Jamaica where it was apparently first coined by Indian immigrants who had made their way there during British colonial times in the 1800s.

13. Skunk – This refers to both a pungent odor often associated with certain cannabis strains, particularly those high in myrcene terpenes, as well as a particular strain named Skunk #1 developed specifically for indoor growing in Holland during the 1970s.

14. Reefer – Believed to have originated with white jazz musicians during Prohibition era America , reefer refers either directly to marijuana joints or more generally any type of smoking device such as bongs or pipes which can be used with cannabis products.

15. Joint – A joint is simply a rolled cigarette containing ground up flower buds , usually wrapped up at one end using paper but sometimes even cellophane or other materials depending on personal preference. Learn how to roll a joint.


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16. Blunt – Unlike joints , blunts are usually rolled up pre-rolled cigar papers instead of traditional rolling papers due to their larger size and strength – making them ideal for sharing among friends at parties and gatherings where multiple people might want to smoke together. Learn how to roll a blunt.

17. Spliff – Similar to a joint but distinct enough that it warrants its own terminology – spliffs are typically rolled using a combination of tobacco and weed , allowing users to enjoy both nicotine and THC simultaneously while still enjoying their own unique smoking experience without having two separate cigarettes going at once.

18. Roach – Small pieces of cardboard scraped off boxes or other materials can be used as makeshift filters when hand rolling cigarettes if nothing else is available – these pieces are commonly referred to as roaches due their resemblance towards actual insects when examined closely enough!

19. Bud / Flower / Nugs / Green / Trees / Broccoli – all these terms are synonymous with referring directly towards ground up flower buds which serve as primary component inside joints , blunts or spliffs when smoking marijuana traditionally by burning rolled paper filled with herbaceous material.

20. Homegrown / Fire / Sinsemilla – All three terms refer towards cannabis plants grown indoors under strict environmental conditions so that growers are able to achieve higher concentrations levels of THC within yields compared regular outdoor cultivation techniques typically done outside gardens backyards etc.

21. Kief/Pollen/Dry Sift/Keef/Crystals/Dust– These words all refer towards tiny resinous crystals found mostly on female flowers bud sites which contain much greater concentration levels cannabinoids than rest plant parts meaning they produce more intense effects faster when smoked, ingested or eaten.

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22. Headies/Top Shelf/Kind Bud/Kind Green– These terms all describe premium quality nugget sized buds full trichomes.

In conclusion, the slang terms and street names for cannabis have a rich and complex history that is closely tied to the evolution of the drug’s use and the subcultures that have formed around it.

Understanding these terms and their origins can provide valuable insight into the cultural and historical significance of cannabis and its place.

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