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Hash Holes: Where Weed Meets Hash



Hash holes or donut joints have become increasingly popular among the cannabis community and are being marketed by Fidel’s in the USA and Terps Army in Europe. These pre-rolled joints have quickly become a best seller, offering a more enjoyable experience for cannabis connoisseurs. Let us delve into the history and learn how to create one from scratch!

A popular way of consuming cannabis is by smoking a hash roll, also known as a donut. These potent joints combine high-quality cannabis flowers with solventless extracts. The process involves placing a cylinder of solventless extracts, most commonly freshly pressed rosin, between the cannabis flower and rolling it into a large joint that can be shared with others. As the solventless hash burns at the centre of the joint, it creates an ash ring that resembles a donut or a hash hole.

For cannabis enthusiasts looking to elevate their experience, donut joints or hash holes can significantly enhance it. These joints are packed with various terpenes derived from both the flower and rosin content, providing an abundance of flavours and aromas. This method is both convenient and easily accessible, as it does not require any specialised equipment such as dab rigs or vaporizers. Let us examine them in detail and learn more!

What is a donut joint?

The Terps Donuts logo with skull with helmet, donut and a joint

Lorenzo, from the coffeeshop Terps Army, is widely recognised for introducing the ‘Terps Donut’ to the European cannabis community. With immense pride, he has been rolling this delectable treat since 2017, and it has become a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts. When we spoke with Lorenzo at his Coffeeshop in Amsterdam, he said, “There is no better smoking experience than a Donut as they burn slowly and provide a potent experience everyone can enjoy.”

Given their potency, Lorenzo specialises in crafting small batches of donuts to ensure the highest quality. He initially focused on crafting super small batches, starting with only ten donuts for each strain, which quickly sold out. Subsequently, he moved on to another strain, always adhering to his fundamental craft approach.

Lorenzo explains that his vision for Terps Donuts was to combine the finest hash and highest-quality weed, creating a synergy that complements various strains and aromas. He believes this approach results in a product that offers a broad spectrum of flavours and fragrances. As a result, a typical Terps Donut is packed with 0.8 grams of premium rosh and 2 grams of weed.

He remarks that indulging in a Terps Donut offers a wide range of experiences, from the refreshing sweetness of lemonade to the intense, robust notes reminiscent of a cigar. Exploring the realm of flavours and savouring the experience makes consuming a Terps Donut unique. It’s not just about smoking a joint but immersing yourself into a world of different tastes and aromas that add to the overall experience.

What is a hash hole joint?

Shant “Fidel” Damirdjian was in Barcelona at Spannabis 2018, promoting the Cookies x Dying Breed collaboration. During that period, genetics from the West Coast of America inundated the market and gained immense popularity in Barcelona. There was an abundance of high-quality rosins, and initially, many leading people in the industry were applying hash onto the papers. However, Fidel says his inspiration came from Lorenzo, who incorporated large coils of hash into his joints.

Fidel introduced the unique style of Donuts called hash holes in Los Angeles, which became a milestone for the cannabis community. With collaborations with prominent cannabis producers like Serge Cannabis, Gas No Breaks, and Cookies, Fidel’s has developed an extensive variety of hash holes that have significantly impacted the American cannabis market.

Their pre-rolled joints are skillfully prepared with high-quality cannabis and the finest water hash. You can choose between two sizes: the Mini Hash Holes, comprising 1.5 grams of weed and 0.5 grams of hash rosin, and the Original Hash Holes, boasting 2.5 grams of weed and 1 gram of hash rosin, ideal for sharing with friends!

What is the difference between donuts and hash holes?

As mentioned earlier, they are very similar apart from their philosophy. Nevertheless, a notable distinction between Terp Army’s Donuts and Fidel’s Hash Holes lies in their rolling technique. Lorenzo meticulously back-rolls the joint to eliminate any excess paper, whereas Fidel’s Hash Holes, produced on a larger scale, are generally rolled with the entire rolling paper.

How to make a hash hole?

So, you have learned about these exceptionally potent and flavourful joints and are eager to craft your own. Rest assured, we have you covered with this step-by-step guide on rolling a hash hole!

1. Prepare equipment

Prepare your essential equipment, which includes the following:

  • A rolling tray
  • Grinder
  • Rolling papers
  • Filters
  • Weed
  • A solventless extract such as hash
  • Dab tool

2. Grind the cannabis

Place tiny buds into your grinder and grind the weed until it reaches the desired consistency. Grinding your cannabis ensures even burning and a smoother smoking experience.

3. Prepare your filter

Place the filter on the left or right side, depending on your dominant hand. This filter acts as a crucial structural support for your joint. Additionally, it helps to minimise the inhalation of unwanted ground cannabis, which leads to an improved flavour and smokeability.

4. Fill the rolling paper

After grinding your cannabis, fill the rolling paper with the ground weed evenly. This step promotes an even burn and a smoother inhalation experience.

5. Prepare the hash

Remove the solvent-free extract from the refrigerator and utilise your dab tool to create a hash cylinder. It should extend from the filter to the end of the joint. Aim to create a cylinder of uniform size to ensure even and efficient combustion.

6. Roll it up!

Grab the filter tip and begin rolling the joint from the tip upwards, continuing to tuck in the rolling paper before moistening the gum and sealing the joint.

7. Enjoy with friends

After creating your hash hole, get comfortable and enjoy it in comfort with friends. As you inhale, use a hemp wick to light the joint while rotating it to ensure an even burn.

Three common problems with hash holes

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. To prevent some typical issues associated with hash holes and them burning incorrectly, let us address three common problems.

1. Too much moisture

If excessive moisture from the adhesive gum seeps through the paper onto the cannabis below, it will result in a joint that will burn unevenly.

2. Rolled too tightly

Rolling a hash hole joint too tightly can impede airflow, leading to insufficient hits and an uneven or complete lack of combustion.

3. Use the highest quality cannabis

When creating a hash hole, use the highest-quality cannabis. Utilising uncured flowers or poorly cultivated plants may lead to burning problems.

The future of solventless hash and joints

Lorenzo, the creative force behind Terps Donuts, praised Fidel for his unwavering dedication, emphasising that it is remarkable to observe this inspiration spreading beyond international borders and achieving unparalleled heights. This community thrives on individuals specialising in various fields, each contributing distinct roles anchored in a robust sense of community and mutual support.

In recent times, the trend has shifted from moonrocks to hash holes and donut joints, which have gained more popularity in the cannabis community. With the ever-evolving nature of the industry, hash enthusiasts have gained significant influence, to the extent that they are now celebrated on an annual day dedicated to them, which falls on the 30th of October. It’s exciting to witness the remarkable growth of the cannabis industry, and we’re thrilled to be a part of this journey.

  • Disclaimer:

    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis use differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.

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Best Tips For Outdoor Exercise In The Heat




Summer is the time to head outdoors and have fun.  Whether swimming, pickle ball, sports, gardening or maintaining your walk/run schedule…the weather is bright, the days are long and you aren’t bundled up in heavy coat. But sometimes the heat can make it daunting…and with more heat waves, you have to take some precautions.  Here are teh best tips for outdoor exercise in the heat.

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Common sense says be careful and avoid the hottest part of the day. Usually around 4 pm is when the heat peaks, so between 1-5 is the worst time.  You shouldn’t exercise with the same intensity and take frequent breaks, which is perfect if you are playing a sport or gardening.  Water is essential, so drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Fluids helps your body sweat and cool down by staying well-hydrated with water.  In fact, sweating can release endorphins in the brain which make people feel good.

Short Workouts Vs Long Workouts: Which Is Better?
Photo by Tamara Bellis via Unsplash

Manage your day, do activities in the early morning or late afternoon/evening.  According a study, during hot days, the best option is to run in the early morning. This is especially true in urban locations which have concrete buildings soak up the sun throughout the day and may make late in the day runs hotter than expected.

In order to acclimatize to the weather successfully, the process must be gradual. Head out for your run earlier than usual, with your water bottle, and complete your a shorter and gentler version of your workout. Check your heart rate and your level of heat and continue to do this until you feel like you’re feeling back to normal.

Are Short Workouts Better Than Long Ones? Here's What Experts Say
Photo by Jad Limcaco via Unsplash

In order to acclimatize to the weather successfully, the workout process should be gradual. Start your activities earlier than usual, with your water bottle, and complete your a shorter and gentler version of your sports/workout/ tournament. Consider a “warm up period” where you aren’t keeping score.

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An icy drink beforehand, like a slushie or a smoothie, might make your outdoor exercise more pleasant. According to researchers, you should aim to drink 16 ounces of cold fluid 20 minutes before you go out for your run or an activities sport.  Avoid alcohol until you are ready to cool down.

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While it doesn’t keep you from overheating, wearing sunscreen can help you prevent feeling the heat when you are done. You also want to dress in layers and nothing to tight to give your body a chance to breath.

If you are starting to feel nausea, dizziness or cramps, you could be overheating. Check your heart rate and your level of heat and continue until you feel like you’re feeling back to normal. If you have symptoms, stop the workout and seek shade and some tap water.  If possible, work out with a partner.

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Marijuana Can Bond Grandparents To Family




Like wine with dinner or a beer in the backyard, marijuana is becoming very common.

With almost 60% of adults drinking alcohol, it has been a staple of family events. Relatives including grandparents, cousins, adult grandkids and more have sat at a table and toasted with beer, wine or booze….and now cannabis may be in the mix.  As legalization has grown, cannabis is being embraced by more people and is popping at all sorts of family gatherings. And, it seems, marijuana can bond grandparents to family.

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In a third party survey sponsored by Sanctuary Wellness, some interesting data has given hope about intergenerational bonding. There are all sorts of concerns about boomers and Gen Z not relating, but marijuana like music is showing a positive trend. Nearly one in three have tried cannabis, far less than alcohol, but still a significant number.  In the survey, Millennials use the most followed closely by Gen X then Gen Z and finally Baby Boomers. And while a whopping 86% of Gen Z and Millennials support the legaization of weed…a full 71% of Baby Boomers do also.

Gen Z is slowly turning away from alcohol and feel they have way more stress than their grandparents.  Due to the embrace from the medical community, Boomers are starting to see cannabis as aid in dealing with chronic pain and sleep issues. The plant can be very effective without as many harsh side effects.

Once interesting factor in the survey is the use of gummies. Microdosing has become huge and Gen Z sees it as a way to manage anxiety.  With gummies, you see 76% use of Baby Boomers and 72% with Gen Z….far higher than Millennials and Gen X.

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For many Europeans, alcohol is a part of their culture and viewed as a social activity. In Italy for example, children are eased into drinking with a bit of wine at dinner. They’re taught from an early age that alcohol is something to drink casually and in moderation. Alcohol abuse is less coming in Italy and France due to the generation training.  Maybe marijuana, which has clear medical benefits, could be another thing which generations share to make for a better life.

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Data Says Summer Is The Time To Try New Things




While in school, summer was the dream. Weeks of days open to adventure, sleeping in, exploring and hanging with friends. It held a magical quality and there usually always seemed something new to try. It turns out people carry the feeling into adulthood, in fact, a majority of adults see the summer as a chance for a bit of adventure.

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Not everything is crazy like a cross country road trip, but maybe having different foods, camping or learning to grill. Data says summer is the times to try different things. One survey was clear 59% of people want to try something new this summer. Among the desires include 17% cited a desire to go to see a new state or city, while more than a third (39%) said seeing friends and family is a must for their summer vacation. Going bungee jumping, paragliding, trying marijuana and making your ice cream are also things people want to explore.

Photo by Cassie Gallegos via Unsplash

Some people have already made or have completed some of their summer wish list. Among the actives include waterskiing (44%), wakeboarding (43%), surfing (41%). Other want to learn something new like how to make water balloons, bowling and gardening. Others want to attend outdoor concerts, travel and most of explore.

And, some want to experiment with craft cocktails, summer drinks, and marijuana.

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Studies have previously discovered teenagers and college students were more likely to try alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana for the first time during summer months, but a study published in the Journal for General Internist Medicine, focused its attention on age groups including adults. In addition, the researchers were interested in the time of initiation for cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs for various demographics.

Palamar, an associate professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU School of Medicine, and other researchers suggested an explanation for why people were more likely to experiment with drugs in the summer. The emergence of music festivals and outdoor concerts along with more free time in the summer.

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