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How Do You Get the Weed Smell Out of Your Car Fast? (Yes, Roll Down Your Windows to Start…)



weed smell out of car

The unmistakable smell of weed can linger in your car long after you’ve finished smoking, creating an uncomfortable environment and potentially raising unwanted attention from passengers, law enforcement, or even colleagues. This lingering odor can be particularly problematic if you share your vehicle with others or use it for professional purposes. Whether you’re dealing with the residual scent after a road trip, an occasional smoke session, perhaps you hide cannabis in your car somewhere, or simply want to maintain a fresh-smelling car for your daily commute, addressing this issue promptly is essential. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to eliminate weed smell from your vehicle. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to removing the odor, ensuring your car smells clean and fresh, and allowing you to drive with confidence and peace of mind.

Understanding that Weed Smells

Before diving into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why the smell of weed is so persistent. Understanding why weed smells persistently is key to eliminating it effectively. Cannabis contains compounds called terpenes, responsible for its distinctive aroma. When smoked, these terpenes, along with other combustion byproducts, cling to surfaces and fabrics in your car, making the smell difficult to remove.

Terpenes are highly volatile, spreading quickly and permeating the car’s interior. Smoke from cannabis contains a mix of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), resins, and particulate matter, all contributing to the strong odor. Fabrics, upholstery, leather, and plastic inside a car can trap these particles, with fabrics being particularly prone to absorbing and holding odors deeply.

Steps to Remove Weed Smell from Your Car

 1. Immediate Actions:

The first step in eliminating weed smell is to take immediate actions that prevent the odor from settling deeply into your car’s fabrics and surfaces.

Open all windows and doors to allow fresh air into the car. If possible, park in a well-ventilated area or a location with a good breeze.

  • Remove Source of the Smell: Discard any remaining weed, roaches, or ash properly. Empty the car ashtray and dispose of any related paraphernalia.

 2. Deep Cleaning the Interior:

A thorough cleaning of your car’s interior is crucial for removing embedded odors. You can deep clean your car by doing the following:

  • Vacuum All Surfaces: Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean seats, carpets, and floor mats. Pay special attention to crevices and and-to-reach areas where ash and particles may have settled.

  • Clean Hard Surfaces: Wipe down all hard surfaces such as the dashboard, console, and doors with a mixture of water and vinegar or an all-purpose cleaner. Ensure you clean vents and any plastic surfaces where smoke may have settled.

  • Shampoo Upholstery and Carpets: Use a carpet and upholstery cleaner to deep clean fabric surfaces. You can Consider renting a steam cleaner for a more effective clean.

 3. Odor Neutralizers:

After cleaning, use odor-neutralizing agents to remove any remaining smells. Such as:

  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and seats, let it sit for several hours or overnight, and then vacuum it up. Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties.

  • Activated Charcoal: Place bowls of activated charcoal in your can for a few days. Activated charcoal is highly effective at absorbing odors.

  • White Vinegar: Place a bowl of white vinegar in the car overnight. Vinegar is  a natural deodorizer that can help neutralize strong odors.

 4. Air Fresheners and Odor Eliminators:

Use products specifically designed to eliminate and freshen the air. Products such as:

  • Odor-Eliminating Sprays: Use sprays that are designed to neutralize odors, rather than just mask them. Look for products with enzymes that break down odor molecules.

  • Car Air Fresheners: Install a car air freshener to maintain a pleasant scent. Opt for ones with strong, long-lasting fragrances.

 5. Professional Cleaning Options: For persistent odors, professional cleaning services may be necessary. Such professional cleaning may include

  • Detailing Services: Hire a professional car detailing service. Detailers have specialized equipment and cleaning agents to thoroughly clean and deodorize your car.

  • Ozone Treatment: Consider an ozone treatment, which uses ozone gas to neutralize odors at a molecular level. This is a highly effective method for eliminating strong smells.

Preventive Measures

Once you’ve successfully eliminated the weed smell from your car, implementing preventive measures is crucial to maintaining a fresh and clean environment. Here are some effective strategies to keep your car smelling pleasant and odor-free:

  • Smoke Outside the Car: The most straightforward way to prevent weed smell in your car is to avoid smoking inside it altogether. If you must smoke, do so outside and away from the vehicle. This simple habit can significantly reduce the chances of odors permeating the car’s interior and clinging to fabrics and surfaces.

  • Use a Car Air Purifier: Investing in a high-quality car air purifier can make a significant difference in maintaining clean and fresh air inside your vehicle. These devices work by continuously filtering and purifying the air, removing not only weed odor but also other unpleasant smells and airborne particles. Look for purifiers with activated carbon filters, as they are particularly effective at neutralizing strong odors.

  • Regular Cleaning: Establishing a regular cleaning routine for your car is essential in preventing odors from building up over time. Make it a habit to vacuum the interior frequently, paying special attention to the seats, carpets, and floor mats where odors can easily become trapped. Wipe down all surfaces with a suitable cleaner to remove any residue that could contribute to lingering smells. Additionally, consider using odor-neutralizing products, such as sprays or sachets, to keep the air fresh between cleanings.

  • Ventilation: Ensure that your car is well-ventilated by opening windows or sunroofs periodically, especially after smoking. Allowing fresh air to circulate can help dissipate any lingering odors and keep the interior environment fresh.


  • Storage of Smoking Accessories: If you carry smoking accessories such as pipes, rolling papers, or lighters in your car, make sure they are stored in airtight containers. This can prevent residual smells from escaping and permeating the car’s interior.

  • Use of Odor Absorbers: Place odor-absorbing materials such as activated charcoal bags or baking soda containers in your car. These substances are excellent at absorbing and neutralizing odors, helping to maintain a pleasant scent inside the vehicle.

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular professional detailing sessions for your car. Professional detailers have specialized tools and products designed to thoroughly clean and deodorize your vehicle, ensuring that any potential odor sources are addressed effectively.

By incorporating these preventive measures into your routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of weed odors becoming a recurring issue in your car. Consistency and diligence in maintaining a clean and well-ventilated interior will ensure that your vehicle remains a comfortable and pleasant space, free from any unwanted smells.


Eliminating the smell of weed from your car requires a combination of immediate action, thorough cleaning, and the use of effective odor-neutralizing agents. It’s not just about masking the scent but removing the source of the odor entirely. By following these steps, you can ensure that your car smells fresh and clean, free from any lingering cannabis odor. Additionally, adopting preventive measures, such as using air fresheners or odor absorbers regularly, will help maintain a pleasant environment in your vehicle. Whether you opt for DIY methods or seek professional detailing services, the key is consistency and diligence. Regular maintenance and quick responses to any new odors will ensure that your car remains a comfortable and welcoming space for you and your passengers. Taking these proactive steps will not only keep your car smelling great but also enhance your overall driving experience and peace of mind.





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The One Man Fighting to Keep Weed Illegal in America




kevin sabet on marijuana reform

Analyzing SAM – Debunking the Latest Drivel from our favorite prohibitionist

As someone who has been closely following the evolving landscape of drug policy, I’ve witnessed the passionate advocacy for cannabis and psychedelic access. But for every step forward, there are those who dig in their heels, desperate to maintain the status quo. If you’re familiar with my work, you know I’ve made it a point to fact-check and challenge the rhetoric of prohibitionists, particularly the organization SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana).

In their latest crusade, SAM is raising alarms over the DEA’s potential rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III. Now, let’s be clear: cannabis doesn’t belong in Schedule III – it should be completely descheduled. However, given the influence of figures like Kevin Sabet, who has financial stakes in keeping cannabis illegal, it’s not surprising that Schedule III is the compromise on the table. I’ve previously written about how Schedule III is a sweet spot for Big Pharma, but Sabet and his crew are having none of it.

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into SAM’s recent statements, separating fact from fiction. It’s crucial to bring truth and reason to this debate, especially when career ideologues are spreading misinformation. The stakes are high, and the public deserves an honest assessment of the situation.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. It’s time to debunk the latest drivel from our favorite prohibitionists and shed some light on the real issues at play in this ongoing battle for drug policy reform.


Let’s dive into debunking these statements from Kevin Sabet and his colleagues at SAM:

  • “This is something that, you know, you could imagine a legalizer in their basement doing in 1978 based on research then,” he said of the rescheduling recommendation. “This is not 2024. This is not how it’s done. This is not what it is. So there are a lot of things we can do.”

This statement reeks of outdated stereotypes and dismissive rhetoric. Sabet’s characterization of cannabis advocates as “legalizers in their basement” is not only inaccurate but also deeply disrespectful.

 The modern cannabis reform movement includes a diverse array of professionals – doctors, lawyers, researchers, business leaders, and yes, everyday citizens who have seen the benefits of cannabis firsthand.

This kind of language is a cheap attempt to discredit serious, evidence-based advocacy. If similar rhetoric were applied to discussions of race or religion, it would rightly be called out as discriminatory and unacceptable.

  • “If you have any accepted medical use, you cannot be in Schedule I, you have to be in II or lower” he said as the meeting began, noting that despite the dangers of opioids, “fentanyl patches have been used in hospitals for decades.” In terms of marijuana, however, “they’ve totally changed the criteria,” Sabet argued later. “I mean, the studies they use to support medical use are a few very bad studies, basically. Literally a few very bad studies.”

Sabet’s claim about “a few very bad studies” is not just misleading – it’s an outright falsehood. There are over 20,000 studies on cannabis, with a significant portion demonstrating clear medical benefits.

The human body has an endocannabinoid system that interacts with cannabis compounds, regulating various physiological processes. Research has shown cannabis can help with inflammation, depression, appetite stimulation, and more.

Even recreational users may benefit from neuroprotective effects, with studies indicating lower instances of cognitive decline in later life among regular users.

To dismiss this vast body of research as “a few very bad studies” is to ignore the rigorous work of countless scientists and medical professionals. While it’s true that scientific processes aren’t perfect, it’s intellectually dishonest to cherry-pick negative studies while ignoring the overwhelming evidence of medical benefits.

  • Sabet and other panelists warned that the reform would allow the cannabis sector to expand, which they said would lead to more problematic use, more access to marijuana among teens and increased dangers on roadways.

These claims are speculative and contradict available data. Studies in states with legalized cannabis have not shown increases in problematic use.

Teen usage rates have remained stable or even decreased in some areas post-legalization. As for road safety, states like Washington and Colorado have actually seen a decline in traffic accidents since legalization. Sabet’s fearmongering is not supported by real-world evidence.

  • “The big difference is the criminal penalties are generally unchanged,” he said. “This idea that like, ‘People in prison…,’ like, ‘We need to change our failed approach…”—it doesn’t actually do that at all. And that’s probably my biggest pet peeve with this, that it’s being touted as we’ll have fewer penalties. That’s not what scheduling does. At all.”

On this point, Sabet is actually correct, albeit for the wrong reasons. Schedule III is indeed a sweet spot for pharmaceutical companies, allowing them to benefit while maintaining many aspects of prohibition for everyone else.

This highlights why full descheduling and regulation is necessary for meaningful criminal justice reform.

  • “I can’t imagine FDA’s gonna all of a sudden exercise their administrative power, that they haven’t done, you know, ever on this issue, and go, you know, force pot shops to comply with Schedule III requirements,” Sabet said.

Again, Sabet is inadvertently making a case for full descheduling. The FDA’s limited ability to regulate the existing cannabis marketplace under Schedule III could lead to a confusing and potentially harmful regulatory environment. This underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach to cannabis policy.

  • “The first thing people should do if this ends up being, you know, what happens,” he said during the meeting, “is asking the Biden administration and DOJ to enforce this change, to enforce Schedule III.”

This statement from Sabet’s colleague reveals the true agenda of prohibitionist groups. They see Schedule III as a potential weapon against legal cannabis businesses, aiming to stifle growth and create havoc in the industry.

 It’s a clear indication that their goal isn’t public health or safety, but rather the suppression of the cannabis industry at any cost.


As we’ve seen, prohibitionists like SAM aren’t going to quietly fade away. Their ties to rehabilitation clinics that profit from court-mandated treatments, particularly for cannabis-related offenses, reveal the financial motivations behind their opposition. In light of this, it’s crucial that we, as advocates for sensible cannabis policy, take strategic and decisive action. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Contact Your Representatives: Don’t just reach out once – make it a sustained effort. Call, email, and write letters to your local, state, and federal representatives. Make your voice heard so loudly and persistently that they can’t ignore you. Remember, they work for you, and it’s time they feel the pressure to truly represent their constituents’ interests.

  2. Practice Civil Disobedience: If cannabis is rescheduled to Schedule III or II, but still doesn’t reflect the reality of its safety and benefits, consider peaceful civil disobedience. Continue to use, grow, or distribute cannabis as you have been. Unjust laws require resistance, and history has shown that civil disobedience can be a powerful tool for change.

  3. Exercise Jury Nullification: If you find yourself on a jury for a cannabis-related case, remember your power of jury nullification. This means you can vote to acquit, regardless of the evidence, if you believe the law itself is unjust. It’s a powerful, though controversial, tool that citizens can use to challenge unfair laws.

  4. Organize Locally: Don’t underestimate the power of grassroots movements. Form or join local cannabis advocacy groups. Host educational events, participate in town halls, and engage with your community. The more people understand the truth about cannabis, the harder it becomes for prohibitionists to spread misinformation.

  5. Educate Others: Share factual, scientific information about cannabis with friends, family, and your community. Combat the stigma and myths with hard evidence. The more people understand the real benefits and minimal risks of cannabis, the more support we’ll gain.

  6. Support Pro-Cannabis Businesses and Organizations: Put your money where your mouth is. Support businesses and organizations that align with your values on cannabis policy. This could mean buying from local dispensaries, donating to advocacy groups, or investing in cannabis-related startups.

  7. Vote: Perhaps most importantly, make your voice heard at the ballot box. Research candidates’ positions on cannabis and vote for those who support sensible policies. Encourage others to do the same.

Remember, change doesn’t happen by itself. If we want to see a fair and rational approach to cannabis policy, we need to be willing to fight for it. The prohibitionists aren’t going to give up easily, so neither can we. Stay informed, stay active, and keep pushing for progress. The future of cannabis policy depends on our collective efforts.





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Breaking New Ground: Cannabis at the 2024 California State Fair




Move aside deep-fried Oreos—this year’s California State Fair is making history with the introduction of cannabis! For the first time in its 170-year history, California is inviting fair-goers to purchase and enjoy cannabis products directly on site. The decision celebrates the state’s vibrant agricultural and cannabis heritage, and showcases winners of the 2024 California State Cannabis Awards. Let’s delve into the backstory of this development and what attendees can expect at the fair this year.

A new era begins: cannabis at the California State Fair

In 2022, the California State Fair debuted an exhibit and awards program dedicated to the cannabis plant. Fast forward to 2024, and the fair is expanding its cannabis offerings again. This year visitors aged 21 and older can use interactive QR codes next to displays of award-winning cannabis items to add products to their online shopping carts. Next, these purchases can be finalized at a dispensary located conveniently just outside the exhibit hall.  For those looking to enjoy their purchases, an outdoor “Oasis” steps away provides a relaxing escape from the Sacramento heat.

Embracing de-stigmatization and cultivating connection

Lauren Carpenter, co-founder of Embarc and the fair’s partner in this initiative, underscores the significance of integrating cannabis into the fair experience: “Hosting cannabis sales and consumption marks a pivotal step in destigmatization, fostering deeper connections between consumers and the dedicated farmers who cultivate these products with meticulous care.” This progressive approach aims to enhance public understanding and appreciation for the cannabis industry’s integral role in California’s agricultural landscape.

Celebrating excellence: the 2024 California State Cannabis Awards

The highly anticipated 2024 California State Cannabis Awards will also be announced at the fair. Similar to the traditional canning and baking competition at the state fair, these awards are a way for California cultivators and manufacturers to show off their skills and earn recognition in the cannabis industry. This year outstanding products across categories such as sun-grown, mixed-light, indoor flowers, edibles, pre-rolls and concentrates will all receive awards. Adding to the excitement is the presentation of the prestigious “Best of California” Golden Bear awards during a grand ceremony on July 27, resembling the glamour of an Oscar-style event.

Embracing progress and celebration

The addition of cannabis at the 2024 California State Fair is a major milestone in its evolution. It celebrates California’s diverse agricultural products, including cannabis, and lets attendees explore, learn, and engage with the cannabis industry. Like deep fried Oreos, cannabis could become a staple at the fair, showing its lasting presence in California.

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$60,000,000 Raised to Legalize Weed in Florida vs. $10,000 Donated to Stop Marijuana Legalization




florida fundraising for marijuana legalization

In the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization across the United States, Florida stands out as a significant battleground. Despite vehement opposition from Governor Ron DeSantis, the movement to legalize cannabis in Florida has gained unprecedented traction. This is evidenced by the recent shattering of all fundraising records related to the cannabis legalization amendment. This article delves into the dynamics of this historic movement, the factors contributing to its financial success, and the potential implications for the state and beyond.

As Benzinga first reported:

In the ongoing battle over Florida’s constitutional amendments to legalize recreational marijuana and access to abortion, Governor Ron DeSantis is facing a huge fundraising disadvantage. His recently created Florida Freedom Fund, with the stated goal of defeating these two amendments has raised a meager $10,000 — an amount that pales in comparison to the millions amassed by proponents of the cannabis amendment.  

Smart & Safe Florida, the committee leading the initiative, which is the best-funded cannabis legalization amendment in American history, reported it had has raised over $60 million, according to June 10 campaign filings. DeSantis’ Freedom Fund reported having raised $10,000 in the five weeks of fundraising activity ending June 21, according to Florida Politics. Both amendments will be decided in the November 2024 elections. Florida-based Trulieve has reportedly spent more than $40 million to get the measure on the ballot.


The Context of Cannabis Legalization in Florida

The push for cannabis legalization in Florida is not a new phenomenon. Over the past decade, the state has seen a gradual shift in public opinion, mirroring national trends. Several key factors have contributed to this changing attitude:


  • Medical Marijuana Success: In 2016, Florida voters approved Amendment 2, legalizing medical marijuana. This significant milestone demonstrated widespread support for cannabis reform, laying the groundwork for further legalization efforts.

  • Economic Considerations: The potential economic benefits of legalizing cannabis cannot be overstated. Proponents argue that legalization could generate substantial tax revenue, create jobs, and stimulate local economies.

  • Criminal Justice Reform: Advocates highlight the need for reforming drug laws that disproportionately affect minority communities. Legalization is seen as a step towards rectifying these systemic injustices.

  • Public Health and Safety: With robust regulations, legal cannabis can be safer and more controlled than illicit alternatives, reducing the risks associated with unregulated markets.


 Governor Ron DeSantis’ Opposition

Governor Ron DeSantis has been a vocal opponent of cannabis legalization, a stance that aligns with his conservative base. His opposition is rooted in several concerns:

  • Public Health Risks: DeSantis argues that legalization could lead to increased usage, particularly among youth, and associated health risks.

  • Law Enforcement: There is apprehension about the impact of legalization on law enforcement, with concerns about impaired driving and other public safety issues.

  • Regulatory Challenges: Ensuring a well-regulated cannabis market poses significant logistical and administrative challenges, which DeSantis believes the state is not adequately prepared to handle.

  • Political Ideology: As a conservative leader, DeSantis’ stance reflects broader ideological opposition to drug legalization, rooted in traditional views on morality and public order.

Record-Breaking Fundraising Efforts

Despite DeSantis’ opposition, the campaign for cannabis legalization has shattered all previous fundraising records. Several factors have driven this unprecedented financial support:

  • Grassroots Support: The movement has galvanized widespread grassroots support, with small donations pouring in from individuals across the state who are passionate about the cause.

  • Big Donors and Advocacy Groups: Major contributions from pro-legalization advocacy groups and wealthy donors have significantly bolstered the campaign’s coffers.

  • Corporate Interest: The potential for a lucrative cannabis market has attracted investments from businesses and entrepreneurs eager to capitalize on the emerging industry.

  • Public Relations Campaigns: Effective public relations strategies have mobilized public opinion and driven fundraising efforts, highlighting the benefits of legalization and countering opposition narratives.

Key Players in the Fundraising Campaign

The success of the fundraising campaign can be attributed to the concerted efforts of various key players:

  • Advocacy Groups: Organizations such as NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and the Marijuana Policy Project have been instrumental in mobilizing support and resources.

  • Political Action Committees (PACs): Pro-cannabis PACs have played a crucial role in coordinating fundraising efforts and channeling funds into strategic initiatives.

  • Celebrities and Influencers: High-profile endorsements from celebrities and social media influencers have amplified the campaign’s reach and appeal.

  • Local Activists: Grassroots activists and community organizers have been at the forefront of the movement, engaging with local communities and driving grassroots fundraising efforts.

 The Path to Legalization: Legislative and Electoral Processes

The road to cannabis legalization in Florida involves navigating complex legislative and electoral processes. Key steps in this journey include:

  • Drafting the Amendment: Legal experts and advocacy groups collaborate to draft a comprehensive amendment that addresses regulatory, economic, and social justice concerns.

  • Gathering Signatures: To qualify for the ballot, supporters must gather a substantial number of signatures from registered voters across the state.

  • Public Campaigning: Proponents launch extensive public awareness campaigns to educate voters on the benefits of legalization and counter opposition arguments.

  • Legislative Hurdles: The amendment must clear various legislative hurdles, including approval by the Florida Supreme Court to ensure it meets legal requirements.

  • Voter Approval: Finally, the amendment is put to a vote during a general election, requiring a supermajority (60%) for approval.

Potential Implications of Legalization

If the cannabis legalization amendment is approved, it will have far-reaching implications for Florida:

  • Economic Impact: The legal cannabis market could generate significant tax revenue, create jobs, and attract investment, providing a substantial boost to the state economy.

  • Public Health and Safety: Proper regulation can ensure the safety and quality of cannabis products, reducing the risks associated with the unregulated market.

  • Criminal Justice Reform: Legalization could lead to a reduction in drug-related arrests and convictions, alleviating the burden on the criminal justice system and addressing social justice concerns.

  • Political Landscape: The success of the legalization movement in a traditionally conservative state like Florida could influence the broader national conversation on cannabis reform.

Challenges and Future Outlook

Despite the record-breaking fundraising success, the path to legalization is fraught with challenges:

  • Political Opposition: Governor DeSantis and other conservative leaders are likely to continue their opposition, potentially influencing public opinion and legislative actions.

  • Regulatory Framework: Developing a robust regulatory framework to govern the legal cannabis market will require careful planning and coordination among various stakeholders.

  • Public Health Concerns: Addressing concerns about increased usage, especially among youth, and ensuring public safety will be critical to the success of legalization efforts.

  • Federal Uncertainty: The federal legal status of cannabis remains uncertain, creating potential challenges for state-level legalization efforts.


Florida’s cannabis legalization amendment represents a pivotal moment in the state’s political and social landscape. Despite fierce opposition from Governor Ron DeSantis, the movement has achieved unprecedented fundraising success, reflecting widespread public support and the potential for significant economic and social benefits. As the state moves closer to a potential vote, the outcome will not only shape Florida’s future but could also have a profound impact on the national dialogue surrounding cannabis legalization. The journey ahead is complex and challenging, but the record-breaking fundraising efforts signify a powerful and determined movement poised to make history.





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