Cannabis News

How Kamala Harris is Trying to Sway Young Black Men with Weed Legalization



As many of you know, I’ve never been one to pull punches when it comes to critiquing politicians, regardless of their party affiliation. Trump, Biden, Harris – they’ve all felt the sting of my keyboard at one point or another. Why? Because in my view, they’re all playing the same game, dancing to the tune of their donors rather than genuinely serving the American people.

Today, we’re turning our discerning gaze towards Vice President Kamala Harris and her latest campaign promise. Specifically, we’re dissecting her attempt to woo young Black male voters with promises of cannabis reform and economic opportunities. Now, don’t get me wrong – these are important issues that deserve attention. But there’s something about the timing and presentation that’s got my bullshit detector working overtime.

Let’s be real for a second. Harris’s support among Black voters, especially young Black men, has been surprisingly low compared to her predecessors. It’s a trend that’s been worrying Democratic strategists, and this new “Opportunity Agenda” feels like a calculated response to those polling numbers.

While I want to believe in the sincerity of Harris’s newfound passion for these issues, I can’t help but see it as a classic case of political pandering. It’s the kind of move that treats voters as monolithic blocks rather than individuals with diverse concerns and aspirations.

So, buckle up, dear readers. We’re about to embark on a journey to unmask what I’m calling “The Black Pander.” We’ll explore why relying on racial issues and stereotypical assumptions is probably the worst way to gain popularity in a presidential campaign. It’s time to cut through the smoke and mirrors and get to the heart of what’s really going on here.


let’s dive into this “Opportunity Agenda” and see what Kamala Harris is serving up to young Black men. On the surface, it’s a smorgasbord of promises aimed at addressing economic disparities and creating pathways to success for Black Americans. But as we peel back the layers, we might find it’s more reheated leftovers than a fresh, nourishing meal.

The general gist of the Opportunity Agenda is to provide Black men with tools to “build wealth, support their families, and lead in their communities.” It’s a noble goal, to be sure, but one that’s been trotted out by politicians time and time again. The plan touches on various areas including entrepreneurship, education, healthcare, and criminal justice reform.

Let’s look at some of the key promises:

  1. Providing 1 million forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs and others facing barriers to starting or growing a business.

  2. Expanding pathways for Black men to secure good-paying jobs in high-demand industries.

  3. Supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and digital assets to protect Black investors.

  4. Legalizing recreational marijuana at the federal level and creating opportunities for Black Americans in the cannabis industry.

Now, let’s hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. The agenda states, “Vice President Harris knows that Black men have long felt that too often their voice in our political process has gone unheard and that there is so much untapped ambition and leadership within the Black male community.”

On the topic of education, the plan promises to “build a pipeline of Black male teachers, including by investing in programs under the Department of Education, which Trump wants to eliminate, to collaborate with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).”

One particularly intriguing aspect of the agenda is Harris’s stance on digital currencies. The plan states, “More than 20% of Black Americans own or have owned cryptocurrency assets. Vice President Harris appreciates the ways in which new technologies can broaden access to banking and financial services.” It goes on to promise a regulatory framework to protect Black men and others who participate in this market.

Now, I’m all for financial inclusion and protecting investors. But I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the specific focus on cryptocurrency in a plan targeting Black men. It feels a bit like pandering to stereotypes rather than addressing fundamental economic issues.

As for the promise to legalize marijuana federally, well, you know I’m always going to perk up at that. The agenda states Harris will “break down unjust legal barriers that hold Black men and other Americans back by legalizing marijuana nationally, working with Congress to ensure that the safe cultivation, distribution, and possession of recreational marijuana is the law of the land.”

It’s a bold promise, and one that’s long overdue. But it’s also one that comes with a hefty dose of irony, given Harris’s history as a prosecutor. We’ll dive into that can of worms a bit later.

For now, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture. While the Opportunity Agenda touches on many important issues, there’s something about its approach that doesn’t sit quite right. It’s as if Harris is trying to check off a list of what she thinks young Black men care about, rather than addressing the systemic issues that create disparities in the first place.

In our next segment, we’ll dissect what’s wrong with this approach and why it might do more harm than good in the long run.

hile on paper, this plan aims to empower Black men, it reeks of last-minute vote-grabbing before the election. It’s like watching a politician suddenly remember they need the Black vote and hastily cobbling together a wish list of promises.

Now, don’t get me wrong – addressing the impact of prohibition on Black communities is crucial. But let’s not forget that the War on Drugs didn’t discriminate in its destruction. Sure, racist cops used weed as an excuse to target Black folks for decades, but Latinos, poor whites, and countless others also found themselves caught in the crosshairs of these draconian laws. By focusing solely on one group, Harris is missing the forest for the trees.

Moreover, this race-directed approach is a slippery slope. While it might seem noble to specifically empower Black men, it inadvertently excludes everyone else who’s been screwed over by prohibition. Race-based politics is a dangerous game that often backfires, creating more division than unity.

If Harris really wanted to level the playing field, she’d focus on creating a standard of entry into the cannabis marketplace that gives everyone an equal shot. Instead of handing out loans, why not lower the barriers to entry? Create micro-licenses that are easily obtainable by young entrepreneurs of all backgrounds. But that would mean less regulation, and we all know how much the government loves its red tape.

Let’s talk about those loans for a second. One million forgivable loans of up to $20,000? That’s a potential $20 billion giveaway. Now, I’m all for investing in communities, but let’s put this in perspective. Victims of natural disasters like Hurricane Helene and the Maui fires only got $750 loans from the feds, and they could lose their property if they don’t pay up. Talk about a slap in the face to folks who’ve lost everything.

And let’s be real – getting Congress to approve these loans is about as likely as Jeff Sessions joining a cannabis cultivation class. We’ve seen this playbook before with Biden: promise big, stall bigger. It’s a classic move that leaves voters feeling betrayed and cynical.

At the end of the day, this Opportunity Agenda feels less like a genuine attempt to address systemic issues and more like a carefully worded document aimed at securing the Black male vote. It’s pandering, plain and simple. And I’ve got a hunch it might not work as well as Harris hopes.

Look, I’m not against empowering marginalized communities or providing opportunities for those who’ve been locked out of the system. But true progress comes from inclusive policies that lift all boats, not just a select few. If we’re serious about righting the wrongs of prohibition and creating a fair cannabis industry, we need approaches that unite rather than divide.

As we barrel towards November, it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Black voters buy what Harris is selling, or will they see through the smoke? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – this cannabis chronicler will be watching closely, ready to call out the BS wherever I see it.






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