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How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Saliva



Drug testing, while declining, is still a thing…how long does it stay in your system and in saliva?

General drug testing for job which don’t require you be hyper focused (airline pilots as an example) are on the decline. But some companies still insist on them and some nanny states are not pushing for a more modern approach. Random tests can still upend an employee who might have had a medical gummy but leaves someone who had a beer on the way to work ok.  So what about them and how long does marijuana stay in saliva?

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An easy and cheap solution (for the employer) is the swab test. A mouth drug test is noninvasive and easy for all parties. The test individual simply having to avoid eating or drinking anything for just 10 minutes prior to the test. It involves the use of a sponge or absorbent pad on the end of a stick to swab the inside of a person’s cheek. An analysis of the sample, either on-site or in a lab, will reveal whether there are traces of specific substances present.

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Cannabis does not easily leave the body easily as it is stored in fat cells. This means the effects of marijuana can reoccur hours after use because the chemicals are slowly released from fatty tissue. Other factors include the dosage, how often it is consumed, and level of hydration. For saliva, it can stay in the system for 12-24 hours.

An analysis of the sample, either on-site or in a lab, generally reveals whether there are traces of specific substances present. The sample collection time is relatively quick, taking about 1–3 minutes. If the analysis takes place on-site, the results are ready within minutes. If the sample goes to a lab for analysis, it takes about 24 hours to get the results.

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Drug testing isn’t always accurate and swab tests tend to be the least reliable of the group.  If you fail for reasons you think are not fair, you can ask for a urine or blood test while should give a better reading.


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NCAA Upends College Sports With Marijuana Change




In a decision which will reverberate throughout the sports industry, the NCAA announced a major change with college players and marijuana.

Cannabis has been scientifically proven successful to help with sports injuries, inflammation, and chronic pain. The American Medical Association and the federal Health and Human Services department has both agreed it has medical benefits.  But the professional and amateur sports industry has not be a fan. But things might be making a major turn.  Today, the NCAA upends college sports with marijuana change…and is it just the first step?

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College sports are a huge part of American culture with about a third of the country being a fan. Today, the NCAA Division I council voted to remove use of cannabis products from the banned drug class for championships and postseason participation in football. Football is a very tough sport on the body, but the decision was based on a variety of factors.

Which Sports Fans Smoke The Most Weed? Hint: It's Not Baseball Or Basketball
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The NCAA Division I council voted to remove use of cannabis products from the banned drug class for championships and postseason participation in football. Any penalties currently being served by student-athletes who previously tested positive for cannabinoids will be discontinued.

Illinois athletic director Josh Whitman said in a statement cannabis products “do not provide a competitive advantage.”

“The council’s focus is on policies centered on student-athlete health and well-being rather than punishment for cannabis use,” he continued.

The vote came after their committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports recommended that each of the three divisional governance bodies introduce and adopt legislation that would remove cannabinoids from the list of banned drug classes.

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This could be the sign things are changing.  College sports a soft $14+ billion industry, professional sports industry, based on the Best-Howard Model is somewhere between $471 billion to $1+ trillion.

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Top 10 Reasons People Consume Marijuana




Some of the top reasons people drink alcohol is to relax, for enjoyment, to be part of a group, to avoid physical and/or psychological pain, to experiment and for rebellion.  It has been around for thousands of years used in religious ceremonies, medical treatments, sensual moments and more. But, what are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana today?  Well, there is some data, and it varies a little by age.

With legalization, all of Canada and over 50% of the US have access to legal marijuana, leading to it becoming more accepted.  Over 85% believe it should be legal in some form and the federal government has acknowledge is has health properties.

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Psychology Today published an article with the information. They took data from four different studies to discover use reasons and published some of the findings. The papers are typically based on secondary research. In other words, they rely on surveys and data collected from other sources which they use to build a “picture” of the average consumer.

Smoking Marijuana
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Age does play a significant role for motivation. College freshmen make different decisions based on their limited life experience and social environment.  The first study looked at possible motivators for entering college students.

“The most frequently reported reasons included enjoyment/fun, conformity,  experimentation, social enhancement, boredom, and relaxation.”

Social acceptance was another high ranking category in this age group and it makes sense. When you’re finally “out of the nest”, you need a conduit to engage with other people. If people are smoking weed, you may feel slightly more inclined to try to “fit in”.

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Post college age is where the majority of consumers exist. Another study looked at this demographic to understand motivations for consuming cannabis. Not surprisingly, there is a far more nuanced list of reasons than the college aged demographic. According to researchers here are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana.

  1. Relaxation
  2. Feeling good
  3. Medical uses
  4. Inspiration
  5. New ways of looking at things
  6. Coping with depression and anxiety
  7. Forgetting one’s worries
  8. Enjoyment of movies or music
  9. Better sleep
  10. Coping with boredom

Similar to alcohol, the top reason is recreation. But unlike alcohol, the next major reason is medical use, with a significant about of people using it to treat a variety of issues including chronic pain, cancer, seizures, anxiety, and more.

Coping with stress and anxiety is further down on the list, something different from alcohol.  But using substances to escape from long term issues is rather productive.  Like a glass at the end of the day, a gummy or puff from a vape it can just take the edge a rough day.  But doing it too much and indulging to much could be a reason to evaluate the motive.

The study researchers shared “Users are for the most part very self aware of their consumption habits, and alters their behavior when they see it as problematic.”

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The Best Marijuana And Food Combos




Summer is here and time to chill and have something cool to go with your weed.  Here are the best marijuana and food combos!

The heat is on and it is time to explore different ways and flavors to enjoy your cannabis. Marijuana is an excellent partner for food, starting with the classic brownies and cookies.  But today you might want to update it with style and taste.  Here are the best marijuana and food combos.


Photo by Thought Catalog via Unsplash

Though thought of as a vegetable and often categorized as a fat, avocado is actually a large berry with a single seed. That means that avocado is a fruit, according to botanists. And, an amazing and versatile fruit it is. 

Though many add banana to smoothies, mostly to add sweetness, avocado is a top smoothie go-to because it’s an emulsifier. That means that it helps to blend the other ingredients together, creating a smooth smoothie. And, unlike banana, the avocado does not overtake the flavor of the smoothie. It’s a great match with cannabis oil because of its fat content and flavor profile.  

Hemp Seed 

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Combining two cannabis plant ingredients together is a no brainer. Hemp as a food is from the seed portion of the cannabis plant and contains little to no THC. Hemp foods include protein powder, milk, hearts, flour, butter (which can also be used for skin), and pressed juice. Hemp oil as food from the seed of the plant is completely different from hemp-derived CBD oil processed from the aerial parts of the plant.

Hemp seeds, which are marketed as hemp hearts, are an excellent source or protein, a vegan food, a wonderful source of fat (always good to pair with cannabis), and a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc. Sprinkle on basically anything from avocado (see above) to salads to smoothies or have alone.   


This powerful vegetable contains the terpene beta-caryophyllene, which binds to the CB2 receptors in the body in the same way cannabinoids do. It works alongside cannabinoids to reduce inflammation, depression, and pain. Eat a few ounces of broccoli before hitting a strain renowned for pain relief and experience maximum relief. It is also the secret iPhone emo


mixing chocolate with cannabis can throw off potency tests
Photo by Charisse Kenion via Unsplash

Cacao, also known botanically as Theobroma cacao, is one of the most popular trees on the planet. Cacao is the plant from which cocoa and chocolate is derived. Higher percentages on chocolate bars typically mean less sugar. Raw cacao boasts 300 different compounds including antioxidants, which are vital to wellness. Anandamide, the “bliss” molecule that our bodies produce is one of the compounds found in small quantities in cacao

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More significantly, cacao features two others chemicals in higher concentrations that inhibit the breakdown of anandamide, as well as phytocannabinoids in cannabis including THC and CBD, potentially intensifying their effects. On top of this is the is theobromine, which also amplifies the effects of anandamide.  A delicious match!

Black Pepper 

black peppercorn is the perfect fix for weed paranoia
Photo by Calum Lewis via Unsplash

Black pepper features a terpenoid called beta-caryophyllene, which is also a component of some cultivars (strains) of cannabis. Known as a dietary cannabinoid because its binds directly to CB2 receptors found in the peripheral endocannabinoid systemas opposed to THC which binds to CB1 receptors in the brain, beta-caryophyllene does not contribute to euphoria. In fact, this terpene does the opposite, modulating the effect of the cannabis “high.”

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Black pepper is one of the solutions offered for mitigating overconsumption of THCChewing a few peppercorns or simply sniffing on ground black pepper can provide relief from THC-induced anxiety and paranoia. This is a good thing. To top it off (get it!), both black pepper and cannabis have anti-inflammatory properties. Clearly, the second most popular condiment after salt, pepper is a natural accompaniment for cannabis. 


Experiment with Marijuana and Mangoes Under Quarantine
Photo by Fedor via Unsplash

On the opposite end of the spectrum from black pepper is mango. Both feature terpenes that react with THC in cannabis. While the terpene called beta-caryophyllene in black pepper mitigates its impact, the terpene myrcene in mango elevates the effect of THC. It does this by changing the blood-brain barrier to allow cannabinoids to enter the brain more quickly and effciently. The ultimate impact is to prolong and increase the intoxicating effects of THC. 

This can be clinically advantageous for patients who require more immediate pain relief or mood modulation, for example. Cannabis and mango only do this together. As with all food, the impact of mango on the cannabis “high” depends on the individual’s metabolism. That’s called bioindividuality. So, it’s a good idea to know your sweet spot. Be mindful about the optimal amounts of mango and THC for your personalized portion. 

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