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How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Saliva?



cannabis in saliva drug test


Understanding how long marijuana stays in saliva i s crucial for various reasons, including legal concerns, workplace policies, and personal health decisions. Marijuana, derived from the cannabis plant, contains the psychoactive compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can be detected in various bodily fluids, including saliva. This article provides a comprehensive look at the factors influencing the presence of marijuana in saliva, the detection methods, and the implications for users.

 Factors Influencing Detection Time

The duration marijuana stays detectable in saliva can vary widely based on several factors:

  1. Frequency and amount of use: Heavy and frequent marijuana users will have higher concentrations of THC in their saliva, leading to longer detection times.

  2. Method of consumption Smoking marijuana results in faster absorption and shorter detection times compared to edibles or oils, which are absorbed more slowly.

  3. Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolisms may break down THC more quickly, reducing detection times.

  4. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out THC and its metabolites from the body, reducing detection times..

Detection Window

The detection window for THC in saliva is generally shorter compared to other testing methods like urine or hair tests:

  1. Occasional Users: THC can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days.

  2. Frequent Users: Regular users may have detectable levels of THC in their saliva for up to 29 days.

  3. Chronic Users: In heavy, long-term users, THC may remain detectable for even longer, sometimes up to a month.

Methods of Testing for Marijuana in Saliva

A plethora of scientific techniques are employed to detect the presence of marijuana in saliva, each with its own unique characteristics, advantages, and levels of sensitivity. These methodologies are instrumental in uncovering evidence of marijuana use, and their applications vary depending on the specific context and purpose of the testing. They include:

  1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): This widely utilized method is a cornerstone in drug testing, leveraging the principles of immunology to identify and quantify THC and its metabolites in saliva. ELISA tests are often employed as a preliminary screening tool due to their relatively low cost, rapid results, and ease of use.

They provide a sensitive and specific detection of marijuana use, making them an invaluable tool in various settings.

  1. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS): As a more advanced and sensitive technique, GC-MS is capable of detecting THC and its metabolites at significantly lower concentrations than ELISA. This method separates, identifies, and quantifies the components of a saliva sample, providing a more detailed understanding of its chemical composition. GC-MS is often employed in confirmatory testing, legal proceedings, and research studies, where a higher level of accuracy and precision is required.


  1. Oral fluid testing devices: These portable devices utilize a swab to collect a saliva sample, which is then analyzed for the presence of THC and its metabolites. Oral fluid testing devices are often used in law enforcement, workplace settings, and clinical environments due to their ease of use, rapid results, and non-invasive nature. They provide a convenient and efficient method for detecting marijuana use, making them an invaluable tool in various applications.


Each of these methods plays a vital role in detecting marijuana use, and their applications vary depending on the specific context and purpose of the testing. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each technique, professionals can select the most appropriate method for their needs, ensuring accurate and reliable results.


 Legal and Workplace Implications

Saliva testing for marijuana has significant implications in legal and workplace contexts:

  1. Employment Screening: Many employers use saliva tests as part of their drug screening process, especially in safety-sensitive industries.

  2. Legal Cases: Saliva tests are often used in roadside checks and legal cases to determine recent marijuana use.

  3. Regulations and Policies: Different jurisdictions have varying laws regarding marijuana use and testing, affecting how saliva tests are implemented and interpreted.

Reducing Detection Time

While there is no guaranteed way to rapidly eliminate THC from saliva, some strategies may help reduce detection time:

  1. Staying Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out THC.

  2. Good Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can reduce THC levels in the mouth.

  3. Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet and avoiding fatty foods can support faster metabolism of THC.

  4. Exercise: Physical activity can help increase metabolic rate, aiding in the elimination of THC.

 Implications for Users

For marijuana users, understanding the detection time in saliva can have several practical implications:

  1. Avoiding Legal Issues: Knowing how long THC stays in saliva can help users make informed decisions about driving or operating machinery.

  2. Managing Workplace Policies: Employees can better navigate workplace drug policies by understanding the detection window.

  3. Personal Health Decisions: Users can make more informed choices about their consumption habits and potential health impacts.

 Medical Use of Marijuana

For medical marijuana patients, the presence of THC in saliva may have different considerations:

  1. Doctor’s Advice: Medical users should follow their doctor’s advice regarding usage and potential interactions with other medications.

  2. Legal Protections: In some jurisdictions, medical marijuana use is protected by law, affecting how saliva tests are administered and interpreted.

 Research and Developments

Ongoing research continues to improve our understanding of THC detection in saliva:

  1. Advances in Testing Technology: New testing methods are becoming more accurate and less invasive.

  2. Understanding Metabolism: Research into how different factors affect THC metabolism can lead to more personalized and precise testing protocols.

  3. Policy Changes: As laws regarding marijuana use evolve, so too do the regulations and standards for testing.


In conclusion, the duration that marijuana stays in saliva is influenced by several factors including frequency of use, amount consumed, metabolism, hydration levels, and method of consumption. Saliva testing remains a preferred method for detecting recent marijuana use due to its ease of collection, sensitivity, and rapid results. For users, understanding these factors and the implications of saliva testing can help in making informed decisions regarding legal and workplace policies. As research and technology advance, our understanding of THC detection in saliva will continue to evolve, potentially leading to more accurate and personalized testing protocols.



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Life After AI – 10 Tips to Reinvent Yourself after AI Takes Your Job and Your Girlfriend




life after AI

Ganja Theory: What to do when Humans effort is replaced by AI?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and artificial intelligence, a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience featuring Billy Carson ignited a provocative discussion about the future of human labor. As AI continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the podcast delved into a pressing question: What happens when artificial intelligence replaces all human effort?

Joe and Billy, in their freewheeling conversation, proposed an intriguing yet ultimately impractical solution: providing every adult with an annual stipend of $200,000. However, they quickly realized the astronomical cost of such a program—a staggering $40 trillion per year for the U.S. alone—rendering it economically unfeasible.

Nevertheless, this thought experiment raises a crucial issue that we, as a society, must grapple with: How do we address the potential redundancy of human labor in an AI-dominated world? When machines handle our construction needs, take over our physical tasks, and even encroach upon our creative and intellectual domains, what purpose will we serve? What will give our lives meaning and direction?

As we stand on the precipice of this technological revolution, it’s essential to explore the implications of a world where human effort is no longer a necessity. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to uncover potential pathways for humanity in an AI-driven future. We’ll examine how we might redefine our roles, find new sources of fulfillment, and navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

So, dear readers of the cannabis community, it’s time to settle in, light up your favorite strain, and open your minds to the possibilities. In this edition of Ganja Theory, we’re going to take a deep dive into the murky waters of a post-labor society and emerge with fresh perspectives on what it means to be human in an age of artificial intelligence.

Prepare yourselves for a mind-expanding exploration of human potential, societal transformation, and the redefinition of purpose in a world where we no longer “need” to do anything. Let’s embark on this intellectual odyssey together and uncover what the future might hold when AI takes the wheel.


In the face of AI’s potential to replace human labor, one of the most unsettling prospects for many is the loss of their sense of self-identity. When asked to introduce themselves, most people instinctively begin with their profession: “I’m a teacher,” “I’m a doctor,” or “I’m an engineer.” This reflexive response underscores how deeply our occupations are intertwined with our sense of purpose and self-worth.

But let’s pause for a moment and consider a profound question that mystics and philosophers have pondered for millennia: Are you your job, or do you simply have a job? This distinction is crucial as we navigate the uncertain waters of an AI-dominated future.

The truth is, you are not your job. Your occupation, while significant, is merely one facet of your existence. It’s a role you play, a hat you wear, but it doesn’t define the entirety of who you are. In fact, for many, their job may actually serve as a distraction from their true essence. Unless you’re one of the fortunate few who are genuinely passionate about their work, chances are you’re working primarily to survive rather than to fulfill your deepest aspirations.

This brings us to another vital question: Is mere survival truly living? The answer, quite simply, is no. Survival is about meeting basic needs, avoiding perishing. It’s a state of doing what’s necessary, not what’s fulfilling or aspirational. True living, on the other hand, involves striving for higher ideals, seeking personal growth, and finding meaning beyond mere existence.

As we face the prospect of AI rendering many traditional jobs obsolete, it’s crucial to shift our focus inward and ask ourselves: “What brings me joy? What gives me a sense of purpose?” These questions are not just philosophical musings but practical considerations that will determine how well we adapt to a changing world.

Purpose is the key differentiator between those who might struggle in an AI-driven future and those who will thrive. It’s the internal compass that guides us when external markers of success and identity are stripped away. Finding your purpose isn’t about discovering some grandiose mission; it’s about identifying what makes you feel alive, what drives you to get out of bed each morning with enthusiasm.

Even if you’re currently working in a job that doesn’t ignite your passion, now is the perfect time to start exploring what truly matters to you. What activities make you lose track of time? What causes or issues stir your emotions? What skills or talents do you possess that you’d love to develop further? These are the clues that can lead you to your purpose.

Remember, the impending AI revolution isn’t just a threat; it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to shed the constraints of survival-driven work and rediscover who you really are beneath the labels and roles society has assigned to you. By focusing on purpose now, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the changes ahead and find fulfillment in a world where traditional notions of work may no longer apply.



Purpose is often perceived as an elusive concept, something hidden that we must discover or uncover. However, it’s crucial to understand that purpose isn’t some divine mandate or external force acting upon us. Rather, it’s deeply personal and internal.

At its core, purpose is simply anything that gives you a compelling reason to get out of bed in the morning. It’s what drives you, what excites you, what makes you feel alive. True purpose is intrinsically motivating – you engage in it not because you have to, but because you want to. It’s something you’d do even if you weren’t paid for it.

Of course, in our current society, we all need money to survive. The ideal scenario is to find something you’re passionate about and then develop your skills to such a degree that people are willing to pay you for it. This intersection of passion and profession is the sweet spot many strive for.

But in a world increasingly dominated by AI, this equation becomes more complex. If artificial intelligence can potentially do everything, why would anyone pay for human labor or creativity? This is where we need to delve deeper into what makes us uniquely human.

While AI can indeed perform a vast array of tasks, it lacks a fundamental element that resonates with the human spirit – true originality. We’re already seeing the effects of this in the digital landscape. The proliferation of generic AI-generated content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok is leading to what we might call “AI fatigue.” The same voices, the same styles, repeated ad infinitum, create a backdrop of digital noise that increasingly fails to engage us on a deeper level.

In this context, anything that stands out as slightly different, that has a unique cadence or a deeper spiritual element, begins to capture our attention. It’s the human touch, the slight imperfections, the unexpected twists that make content truly engaging. This is where those with creativity and the ability to translate the deep longing of the soul into tangible expressions will have an edge in the AI-dominated future.

So, as you contemplate your purpose in this evolving landscape, ask yourself: In the field that I’m passionate about, how can I make my contribution original and unique? How can I differentiate my work from the static noise of AI-generated content? What aspects of my humanity – my experiences, my emotions, my unique perspective – can I infuse into my work to make it resonate on a deeper level with others?

This process of finding your unique voice and expressing it in a way that stands out amidst the sea of AI-generated content is the first true path to thriving in the AI future. It’s about embracing your humanity, with all its quirks and imperfections, and using that as your strength in a world of digital perfection.

Remember, while AI can replicate and even innovate, it cannot truly create in the same way humans do. Our creativity is born from our lived experiences, our emotions, our struggles, and our triumphs. This is what gives our creations depth and resonance. By tapping into this wellspring of human experience and expressing it in your chosen field, you can find a purpose that not only fulfills you but also provides value in an AI-dominated world.

While we can’t be certain about the inner experiences of AI, it’s clear that human suffering is a unique and powerful force. The very act of living as a human involves suffering and overcoming challenges. This experience, so intrinsic to our existence, sets us apart in a profound way from artificial intelligence.

Suffering, despite its negative connotations, is a key motivating force in human life. It drives us to grow, to change, to seek deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. When we face adversity and work through it, we emerge stronger, wiser, and often with valuable insights to share.

This process of overcoming suffering and transforming it into something meaningful is at the heart of much human creativity. Art, music, literature – many of our greatest cultural achievements have roots in personal or collective suffering. The artist who channels their pain into a moving painting, the musician who turns heartbreak into a touching melody, the author who weaves their life struggles into a compelling narrative – these are all examples of turning suffering into gold.

In your own life, your trials, setbacks, and challenges are not merely obstacles to be overcome. They are, in fact, golden nuggets embedded in the rock strata of your being. These experiences, though often painful, are uniquely yours. They shape your perspective, inform your understanding, and can become the raw material for profound personal growth and creative expression.

Your task, then, is to mine these experiences. Go inward, reflect on your challenges, and seek to understand them deeply. Then, work to refine these raw experiences, to extract their essence and transform them into something valuable – not just for yourself, but for others as well.

In an AI-dominated world, those who can perform this kind of emotional alchemy will likely become highly sought after. The ability to not only process and transmute personal pain, but to do so in a way that resonates with others and provides value, will be a uniquely human skill. With the vast array of tools and resources that AI can provide, these emotional alchemists will have unprecedented ability to turn their personal gold into widely accessible and impactful creations.

This process of transmuting suffering into something valuable is deeply personal and often challenging. It requires introspection, courage, and perseverance. But it’s also a profoundly human endeavor, one that AI, for all its capabilities, cannot truly replicate.

If all of this seems too abstract or philosophical, don’t worry. In our next segment, we’ll delve into more practical, concrete steps you can take to thrive in an AI-dominated world. But keep in mind that this ability to transform personal experiences, especially challenging ones, into something of value for others, may well be one of your greatest assets in the future.

While philosophical discussions about purpose and meaning are valuable, it’s equally important to consider practical steps you can take to prepare for an AI-dominated future. If you’re feeling anxious about this potential reality, here are some concrete actions you can start implementing today:


Identify Your Core Joy: Ask yourself, “What gives me absolute joy, regardless of payment?” This is crucial. Don’t focus on money or status; instead, think about what activities make you lose track of time and fill you with a sense of fulfillment.

Leverage Your Passions: Once you’ve identified what brings you joy, consider how you can turn it into a valuable offering. If you love fitness, how can you create a unique workout experience? If music is your passion, how can you compose or perform in a way that AI can’t replicate? If you enjoy working with your hands, remember that human-made artifacts may increase in value as mass-produced items become more homogenous.

Embrace Uniqueness: As AI drives down production costs, mass-produced items will become increasingly similar. In this landscape, human-made products with individual character will stand out. A table crafted by hand, with attention to every detail, will hold more value than one churned out by machines. Your unique human touch can become your selling point.

Shift from Consumer to Producer: In the AI economy, there will still be producers and consumers. Make a conscious effort to move from the consumer class to the producer class. What can you create? Whether it’s ideas, physical goods, or services, focus on producing rather than just consuming.

Identify Your Market: Even in an AI-dominated world, there will be buyers for unique, human-created products and services. Research and understand who these buyers might be for your particular offerings.

Embrace the Marketplace of Ideas: The future will likely be driven by ideas more than ever before. The good news is that AI will lower the barriers to entry for implementing these ideas. Focus on developing and refining your best ideas, as well as your ability to execute them effectively.

Start a Side Hustle: If you’re not ready to dive in fully, start small. Begin a side project in the area you’re passionate about. Use this as an opportunity to hone your skills, understand your market, and build a reputation.

Aim for Mastery: Whatever path you choose, strive to become exceptionally good at it. In a world where AI can do many things competently, human mastery will still stand out.

Stay Adaptable: The AI landscape will likely evolve rapidly. Be prepared to pivot and adapt your skills and offerings as needed.

Cultivate Human Connections: Despite AI advancements, human connections will remain valuable. Focus on building genuine relationships in your chosen field.


Remember, the goal is not to compete with AI on its terms, but to carve out a niche where your human qualities – creativity, empathy, and unique experiences – give you an edge. By focusing on what you love, producing rather than just consuming, and continually refining your skills, you can position yourself to thrive even as AI reshapes the job market.

Start taking these steps now, and you may find that when AI does become more dominant in the workforce, you’re already well-positioned to succeed in this new landscape. Your unique human touch, combined with the efficiency and capabilities of AI, could lead to opportunities you haven’t even imagined yet.






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Happy 4th of July!




Happy 4th of July from all of us here at the Canna Law Blog!

We hope you have a fun, safe and not-too-hot holiday celebrating with family and friends.

We’ll be back tomorrow with our regular programming.

The post Happy 4th of July! appeared first on Harris Sliwoski LLP.

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Can’t Visualize Something, Try Smoking Weed!




cannabis visualization cures

Aphantasia and Cannabis – A potential Cure?

Close your eyes and picture a vibrant red apple. For most people, this is a simple task, but for those with aphantasia, it’s an impossible feat. No matter how hard they try, they cannot conjure up a mental image. This is the reality for those living with aphantasia, a condition characterized by the inability to visualize within the mind’s eye.

Aphantasia can have a profound impact on an individual’s life. Many people rely on their mind’s eye for creativity, memory, and even decision-making. Without this ability, tasks that others take for granted can become challenging. For example, an architect with aphantasia may struggle to visualize a building before it’s constructed, or a novelist may find it difficult to describe their characters’ appearances.

However, a glimmer of hope has emerged from an unlikely source: cannabis. Some individuals with aphantasia have reported that after smoking or consuming cannabis, they suddenly gain the ability to visualize. This anecdotal evidence raises an intriguing question: could cannabis be a potential treatment for aphantasia?

In this article, we’ll dive into the experiences of various individuals who have used cannabis to combat their aphantasia. By examining their personal accounts, we aim to shed light on the potential merits of using cannabis as a tool to unlock the mind’s eye. While scientific research on this topic is limited, these anecdotes suggest that there may be a connection worth exploring further.

Join us as we embark on a journey into the world of aphantasia and discover how cannabis might hold the key to helping those with this condition experience the joys of visualization for the first time. Through the power of personal stories, we’ll paint a picture of the potential that lies within this fascinating intersection of mental imagery and medicinal cannabis.

In a recent Reddit thread, users with aphantasia shared their experiences using cannabis and how it affected their ability to visualize. The original poster, xx_elysium_xx, kicked off the discussion by sharing their own experience: “When I get really high, I can start to verrrrry faintly picture things in my brain. Like, super short, almost faded pictures of whatever I’m thinking of. I’ve only ever experienced this on cannabis, and no other drug with psychoactive effects.”

This sentiment was echoed by several other users. SybariticDelight commented, “I’ve just started taking THC gummies at bedtime and I’m now seeing short bursts of images just before sleep. I have no control over them, and often I see cats, but it’s awesome to see anything at all.” Another user, Cordeceps, added, “I can’t visualise on command but I get so sometimes get ‘washed out’ images and especially if I am high. I can even visualise what I want sometimes but it’s never a clear picture, more like a double exposure photo.”

These personal accounts suggest that cannabis may indeed have the potential to stimulate the brain regions responsible for visualization in individuals with aphantasia. While research on the exact causes of aphantasia is still limited, some theories propose that it may be related to differences in brain connectivity or activity in the visual cortex.

Cannabis, with its ability to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, could potentially help bridge these neurological gaps. The endocannabinoid system is known to play a role in various cognitive processes, including memory, attention, and perception. By modulating this system, cannabis might help facilitate communication between different brain regions, allowing for the generation of mental images.

However, it’s important to note that the effects of cannabis on aphantasia appear to be highly individualized. While some users report vivid visualizations, others, like Ok_yougotmee, found that “drugs barely affect me and I’m not sure if this has anything to do with Alexithymia. (I’m a total aphant with no inner monologue but I also have alexithymia).”

Despite these variations in experience, the anecdotal evidence presented in this Reddit thread offers a tantalizing glimpse into the potential of cannabis as a tool for managing aphantasia. As IcyConcept1271 shared, “The only time my wife says she has ever seen a picture in her mind is when we tried DMT.”

While more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between cannabis and aphantasia, these personal stories highlight the importance of exploring alternative approaches to treating this condition. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the mind’s eye, cannabis may prove to be a valuable ally in helping those with aphantasia experience the world in a new light.

Aphantasia is a condition characterized by the inability to voluntarily create mental images in one’s mind. While most people can easily conjure up vivid pictures in their imagination, those with aphantasia draw a blank when attempting to do so. This phenomenon was first described in the late 19th century by Francis Galton, a British psychologist and statistician, who noticed that some individuals couldn’t form mental images.

Despite this early recognition, aphantasia remained largely unexplored until 2015, when the term was coined by Adam Zeman, a professor of cognitive and behavioral neurology at the University of Exeter. Since then, interest in the condition has grown, with more people coming forward to share their experiences and researchers working to uncover its underlying causes.

The exact prevalence of aphantasia is still unknown, but estimates suggest that it may affect up to 2-3% of the population. However, this number could be higher, as many individuals with aphantasia may not realize that their experience differs from the norm. Some people with aphantasia report never having been able to create mental images, while others lose this ability later in life, sometimes due to brain injury or psychological trauma.

Aphantasia can have a significant impact on various aspects of life. It can affect memory, as many people rely on mental imagery to recall past events or information. It may also influence creativity, with some individuals with aphantasia reporting difficulty in tasks that require visualization, such as art or design. However, it’s important to note that aphantasia doesn’t necessarily hinder intelligence or overall cognitive function.

Modern treatment options for aphantasia are still limited, as the condition is relatively newly recognized and understudied. Some researchers have suggested that techniques used to treat other mental health conditions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or mindfulness meditation, may be helpful for individuals with aphantasia who struggle with related challenges like memory or creativity.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential of psychedelics, such as LSD and psilocybin, to help individuals with aphantasia. These substances have been shown to increase neural connectivity and promote neuroplasticity, which could potentially help “rewire” the brain to enable mental imagery. However, more research is needed to fully understand the safety and efficacy of these approaches.

As awareness of aphantasia continues to grow, so too does the hope for effective treatments and support for those living with this condition.

By sharing their stories and participating in research, individuals with aphantasia are helping to paint a clearer picture of this fascinating aspect of human cognition, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the mind’s eye and its role in our lives.

The Sticky Bottom Line

As someone who doesn’t experience aphantasia firsthand, it can be challenging to fully grasp the impact of this condition on daily life. However, by listening to the stories and experiences shared by those with aphantasia, we can begin to understand the frustration and limitations it can impose.

Imagine attending a guided meditation session where you’re encouraged to visualize a peaceful scene, only to find yourself staring into an endless void. Or picture the disappointment of trying to conjure up the face of a loved one, but finding no image appears in your mind’s eye.

While aphantasia doesn’t necessarily hinder overall cognitive function, it can certainly present obstacles in situations that rely heavily on mental imagery.

This is where the potential of cannabis as a treatment option becomes particularly intriguing. As we’ve seen from the anecdotal evidence shared on Reddit and other platforms, some individuals with aphantasia have found that cannabis use allows them to access visual experiences they’ve never had before.

Although these visualizations may be fleeting or disjointed, they nonetheless represent a significant breakthrough for those who have spent their lives in a world without mental images. The fact that cannabis has the potential to forge new connections in the brain and enable these experiences, even temporarily, is a testament to its therapeutic potential.

Given the limited treatment options currently available for aphantasia, it’s crucial that we explore all avenues for improving the lives of those with this condition. If cannabis can provide a means of accessing the mind’s eye, even in brief glimpses, then it should absolutely be considered as part of the toolkit for managing aphantasia.

Of course, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind cannabis’ effects on aphantasia and to develop safe and effective treatment protocols. But the stories shared by brave individuals on platforms like Reddit serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of this plant medicine.

As we continue to destigmatize both aphantasia and cannabis use, we open the door to new possibilities for understanding and treating this condition. By listening to the experiences of those with aphantasia and advocating for further research into the therapeutic applications of cannabis, we can help create a world where the mind’s eye is accessible to all, one vivid image at a time.





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