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How Marijuana Effects Dreams – The Fresh Toast



They are good for your mental health and most occasionally remember them, here is how marijuana effects dreams.  

Dreaming is a universal human experience involving a state of consciousness during sleep characterized by sensory, cognitive and emotional occurrences. Dreams are stories the brain creates during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Time spent in dream sleep is healthy. REM-sleep dreaming appears to take the painful sting out of difficult, even traumatic, emotional episodes experienced during the day, offering emotional resolution when you awake the next morning. Nearly 11% of people remember their dreams every night. Only 6% of people report never remembering their dreams. About 29% of people report remembering dreaming a few times a week. Not all is happy though, 80–90% of adults have had a nightmare at some point in their lives. Considering how cannabis helps with sleep, here is how marijuana effects dreams.

Marijuana has a complex relationship with sleep and dreaming, affecting various aspects of our nightly rest. Understanding these effects is crucial for both recreational users and those considering cannabis for medical purposes.

Cannabis, particularly strains high in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), can significantly alter sleep architecture. THC is known to decrease the duration of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the stage where most vivid dreaming occurs. This reduction in REM sleep often leads to fewer and less memorable dreams for regular cannabis users.Conversely, marijuana tends to increase the time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep. While this might sound beneficial, it’s important to note that a balance between all sleep stages is crucial for optimal rest and cognitive function.

One of the most intriguing phenomena related to marijuana and dreaming is the “REM rebound” effect. When heavy cannabis users stop consuming, they often experience a surge in REM sleep, leading to more vivid and intense dreams. This effect is typically temporary, lasting for a few weeks as the brain adjusts to the absence of THC.

While THC is primarily responsible for suppressing REM sleep, CBD (cannabidiol), another major component of marijuana, may have different effects. Some research suggests that CBD might actually increase dream vividness. This highlights the complexity of cannabis’s impact on sleep and dreams, as different strains and consumption methods can yield varying results.

The dream-suppressing effects of marijuana have sparked interest in its potential therapeutic use for certain sleep disorders. For instance, it may help manage nightmares associated with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

It’s crucial to note altering  the natural sleep cycles can have long-term consequences on cognitive function and emotional regulation. While marijuana can significantly impact dreaming by suppressing REM sleep, its effects are not uniform and can vary based on usage patterns, individual physiology, and the specific cannabis strains used. As research in this area continues to evolve, it’s essential for users to be aware of these potential effects and consult healthcare professionals when considering cannabis for sleep-related issues.

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Positive Medical News About Marijuana And Moms




Federally funded medical research reveals marijuana not tied to autism.

Drinking, smoking and consuming marijuana while pregnant is never recommended. Over the course of history, woman have consumed liquor, especially during the period when clean water was hard to find, but child mortality was high. With advances in medicine, it has been discovered some activities, like drinking and smoking cigarettes, can cause harm to the baby. No one is saying expectant women should have booze, buds, or cigarettes. But early on, when a woman doesn’t know she is expecting, she might have engaged in these habits

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One of the concerns circling around cannabis is how it can affect a baby’s development.  While more research needs to be done, two new studies have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which provides some good news. The first study  focused on discovering if maternal cannabis use during early pregnancy associated with risk of child autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska via Unsplash

This  study included 178 948 mother-child combinations. The children were born between 2011 and 2019 to pregnant Kaiser Permanente Northern California members screened for prenatal cannabis use during pregnancy. Statistical analysis was conducted February 2023 to March 2024. The findings suggest maternal cannabis use during early pregnancy was not associated with child ASD, but additional research should be conducted to replicate the findings.

Another study released this week found maternal cannabis use during early pregnancy was not associated with speech and language disorders, global delay, or motor delay. The investigation into marijuana and childhood development and included 119 976 pregnancies among 106 240 unique pregnant individuals.

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A reason for the study is with legal marijuana increased, this is increased discussion around it being a cause of developmental development among babies. But  documented associations between maternal prenatal cannabis use and adverse birth outcomes, including preterm birth and low birthweight have not be in a study. There has been little research assessing the association of maternal prenatal cannabis use and childhood developmental outcomes, this study was done to provide a scientific fact around the information.

More research needs to be done, and like alcohol and cigarettes which are harmful for the body, not one is saying it is good to use why expecting, but it is good to have information grounded in facts.

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Can CBD Reduce Age Telling Wrinkles




Wrinkles are part of growing older – but what if you could delay them, especially with your hands?

Botox, chemical peels, fillers and photo rejuvenation are all expensive and major ways to stop the signs of aging – wrinkles. For centuries, women, and men, have tried to turn back the clock by eliminating, or at least reducing the tell tale signs on the face.  Hands are notoriously known for gaining wrinkles early and leaking the secrets of a person’s age. But what if you can slow roll the wrinkles? Can CBD reduce age telling wrinkles. While many over promise what CBD can do, it might be able to help with this problem.

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CBD comes from the cannabis plant, but doesn’t get you high from THC. A study evaluating a novel retinol and CBD topical product found significant improvements in various skin quality domains, including visible pores, dehydration, surface roughness, and both static and dynamic wrinkles. Participants reported high satisfaction and willingness to recommend the product, with excellent tolerability

A Close-Up Shot of a Person's Eye

One of the key ways CBD may combat wrinkles is through its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a major contributor to skin aging, leading to the breakdown of collagen and elastin. By inhibiting inflammatory cytokines, CBD can help calm irritated skin and prevent the acceleration of wrinkle formation. This anti-inflammatory action may also soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, which can exacerbate the signs of aging

CBD is rich in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals, generated by factors like UV radiation and pollution, damage cellular structures and lead to premature aging. By neutralizing these harmful molecules, CBD helps preserve skin cell integrity and promotes a more youthful appearance.

As we age, collagen production naturally declines, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Research suggests that CBD may help stimulate collagen production, promoting firmer and more resilient skin. This effect is partly due to CBD’s ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can impair collagen synthesis.

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining youthful skin. CBD has hydrating and moisturizing properties that can help combat the effects of aging on skin moisture retention. By maintaining the skin’s natural barrier function, CBD prevents moisture loss and keeps the skin plump and hydrated, reducing the appearance of fine lines

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So, yes, done right, CBD can help with wrinkles, even the pesky hand ones. But while the research on CBD’s anti-aging effects is promising, experts emphasize the need for more extensive studies to fully understand its long-term benefits and potential side effects. As with any skincare product, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist before incorporating CBD into your anti-aging routine, especially if you have specific skin concerns or conditions.

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Musk Supports DeSantis Blocking Marijuana Legalization




The battle for legal marijuana continues and it is pitting the leaders of the GOP against each other…and another player has jumped into the fray

Florida is a battleground state for this election in more than one way.  While the majority of Floridians are pro some form of cannabis legalization, the governor is not and has waged an all out battle with the industry. Now, Elon Musk supports DeSantis blocking marijuana legalization. How is will all end up is anyone’s guess.

In 2013, the group United for Care turned in 745,613 of the required 683,149 signatures, to do a ballot initiative for medical marijuana. The state contensted, but the Florida Supreme court allowed it to move forward. It failed with 57.6% of the vote, short the 60% supermajority required for constitutional amendments in Florida.  Nevada casino owner Sheldon Adelson rode to he rescue with $5.5 million to help fund the opposition campaign.

In 2016, a second attempt was made and the initiative was approved on November 8, 2016, with 71.3% of the vote.

Now a new initiative is on the ballot and has pitted Governor Desanits and Elon Musk against the GOP Presidential nominee. DeSantis has had a testy relationship with the GOP leader since the governor’s failed presidential run. But the nominee seems to have a working partnership with Musk and has suggested creating a new role for Musk of Secretary of Cost Cutting.
vote election
Photo by Andrii Yalanskyi/Getty Images

DeSantis has struggled in his fight against the popular plant. He is under fire from leaders in his own state for using state resource to fight against legalization. Also, the group DeSantis has  approved to raise funds to stop cannabis has raised less than $20 million. The pro group has raised over $100 million. But now Musk, the owner of X (formerly Twitter), is riding to DeSantis’s rescue.

Faithful & Strong Policies, Inc., made the $500,000 contribution to Keep Florida Clean, Inc. earlier this month, campaign filings show. Keep Florida Clean. Musk has given the organization $10 million. Musk was also a supporter of the Governor’s campaign.

Polls show the initiative stands a strong chance of hitting the 60% to pass. Being a presidential year with other big issues on the ballot is a help to cannabis, but with fresh cash nd Twitter fighting it, only time with tell how it goes. And it will be interesting to see what happens with the three mega personalities of the Republican Party.

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