Cannabis News

How Not to Smell Like Weed Right After You Just Smoked a Ton of Weed



While many states have widely legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use, cannabis users often have compelling reasons to find strategies for masking the enduring scent of weed after consumption. The distinctive odors of cannabis are primarily attributed to terpenes in marijuana plants. Although there are cannabis strains with milder odors, the majority produce a robust, pervasive fragrance that can infiltrate your clothing, furnishings, carpets, and more.


When unexpected guests arrive or individuals are concerned about disapproval from their parents and family members due to their recreational marijuana use, users may find it necessary to employ methods to mask or eliminate the telltale smell of marijuana within a room.


Regardless of the motivation behind the need to hide the smell of cannabis, here are some quick suggestions for eliminating or preventing the smell of weed before, during, and after smoking. Feel free to test out one or more of these techniques when you enjoy your weed discreetly. Then, you can choose which works most effectively in masking the odor of marijuana emanating from your preferred potent strain.

1. Deodorize Your Clothes

To eliminate the odor of weed from your clothing, it’s essential to take a proactive approach. Did you realize that certain fabrics are more prone to retaining odors? There’s a common thread here: Synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, spandex, and microfiber tend to amplify odors, while natural fabrics such as cotton, wool, and linen have a better capacity to resist odors, be it from cannabis, smoke, or everyday body odor.


Just as you should opt for an odor solution featuring natural ingredients, it’s advisable to choose garments made from natural materials. While the essence of cannabis use is often associated with relaxation, planning your attire in advance and promptly laundering your clothes after a smoking session can significantly contribute to eradicating the lingering scent.

2. Use a Natural Odor Eliminator

Just so you know, your favorite perfume or cologne won’t effectively mask the scent of weed; it might even worsen the odor unpleasantly. On the other hand, Cannabolish is a natural odor eliminator available in various forms, offering you a convenient way to eliminate the weed smell from your person, and it’s considerably more efficient than, for instance, a homemade sploof.


Whether it’s your clothing, furnishings, vehicle, or the ambient air, Cannabolish provides the ideal solution for banishing the persistent odor of cannabis smoke. If you’re creating a relaxing atmosphere and want to be proactive, consider lighting a Cannabis Odor Removing Soy Candle before, during, and after your smoke session.

3. Allow Fresh Air into the Space of Your Vehicle.

Hiding the scent of weed can be a simpler task than you might expect. If circumstances allow, like having access to a window in your car or the room where you’re smoking, it’s wise to open it. Fans are only sometimes effective, especially in enclosed spaces, as they circulate the scent to other areas of your dwelling.


Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing the odor from clinging to your furniture, ensuring a more enjoyable smoking experience overall.

4. Chew Mint Gum

Getting rid of the weed smell from your clothing is one challenge while refreshing your breath is another. The easiest method to accomplish this is by chewing your preferred minty gum or using a breath mint. While brushing your teeth is effective, it may only sometimes be a convenient option, especially when you’re not in the comfort of your own home. For seasoned cannabis enthusiasts and newcomers, having gum readily available is a smart practice.

5. Use Eye drops and Contact lenses

When it comes to getting ready for a fun time, the must-have item is eye drops. Using strong cannabis strains, your eyes can turn red like a fire truck from just one puff. It can be pretty uncomfortable and bothersome. So, keeping some eye drops handy in your car, backpack, or wherever you usually hang out is a good idea.


Apart from eye drops, it’s smart to have a contact lens solution nearby if you wear contact lenses. Even if your eyes don’t appear red, they might still feel dry. Using moisturizing eye drops doesn’t always prevent your contact lenses from becoming dry and uncomfortable.

Here’s a simple rule to remember: if your mouth feels dry, your eyes probably do too. So, make sure you take care of yourself and keep these things in mind, my friends!

6. Hand sanitizer and lotion

When smoking blunts, one’s fingers often end up with that unmistakable scent of cannabis and the toil that goes with it. It’s a part of the game and a trade-off you must accept. Sometimes, you have to embrace both the good and the not-so-pleasant aspects, and if having aromatic fingers is the cost of floating above the clouds, be willing to pay for it.


However, that doesn’t mean you have to let the scent linger, nor should you. It’s a good idea to keep some hand sanitizer readily available because your fingers tend to turn green from handling the buds, and they carry the smell of your last session. Hand sanitizer is a must for the On-The-Go cleaning kit.


Just apply a bit to your palms, dab some on your fingertips, and rub it until your hands are no longer DJ Green Thumbs. The only drawback is that hand sanitizer can seriously dry out your skin, leaving your hands as dry as the desert. Yes, even you, my fair-skinned friends.


That’s where lotion comes to the rescue. Your hands might be dried, and you don’t want to risk starting a fire with those bare, ashy hands. There’s no need to put lives in danger just because you didn’t apply some moisturizer. So, always make sure to have lotion on hand.


The need to conceal the lingering scent of marijuana after consumption remains a prevalent concern for users seeking discretion and privacy. With various practical strategies, from deodorizing clothing to using natural odor eliminators and ensuring personal hygiene, individuals can effectively manage the distinctive smell associated with cannabis use.


These methods allow users to enjoy cannabis without drawing unwanted attention and tailor their approach to fit specific situations. The key is to find the most suitable technique to suit individual preferences and maintain a comfortable, discreet cannabis experience.




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