Cannabis News

Japan Slowly Ripping the Cannabis Band-Aid Off



On December 6, a majority vote in the Upper House approved a revision to the Cannabis Control Law. This revision lifts the ban on pharmaceuticals derived from the marijuana plant while simultaneously introducing a new criminal offense related to marijuana use.


Previously, the cannabis law prohibited the administration or consumption of medicines derived from marijuana plants. The revised law eliminates this restriction on pharmaceuticals and reclassifies marijuana under the “narcotics” category in the Narcotics Control Law.


This modification paves the way for the legal use of medicines derived from cannabis plants in Japan, subject to confirmation and approval of their efficacy and safety by pharmaceutical affairs bodies.


Due to the potential effectiveness of marijuana ingredients in treating epilepsy and other disorders, there has been a growing demand to lift the ban. The primary components of marijuana include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which induces hallucinations, and cannabidiol (CBD), which is less harmful and exhibits antiepileptic effects.


Overseas, antiepileptic drugs using CBD are already in use, with clinical trials underway in Japan.


Furthermore, although the earlier Cannabis Control Law forbade the possession of marijuana, it did not penalize its usage. The amended legislation is consistent with the Narcotics Control legislation; it criminalizes the use of opioids without authorization and imposes a maximum seven-year jail sentence for possession and usage.


Arrests for marijuana-related offenses have notably increased recently, outpacing arrests for other narcotics. Marijuana misuse has gained increasing attention, especially from young people. A record 5,783 people were arrested in 2021; almost 70% of those who were taken into custody were in their 20s or younger. It was thought that one factor in the drug’s widespread misuse was the lack of legal consequences associated with marijuana usage.


Expanding Access to Marijuana-Derived Treatments


Japan’s recent decision to lift the ban on pharmaceuticals derived from the marijuana plant signifies a groundbreaking development in the country’s medical landscape. This monumental shift not only marks a departure from traditional prohibitions but also holds the promise of expanding access to innovative treatments, particularly in the realm of neurological disorders.


The revision to the Cannabis Control Law opens up avenues for the development and use of medicines derived from cannabis plants in Japan. This newfound freedom, however, comes with a stringent caveat—medicines must undergo a rigorous approval process, ensuring their efficacy and safety. Pharmaceutical affairs bodies are now tasked with the responsibility of evaluating and granting approval, ushering in a new era of medical possibilities.


The therapeutic potential of marijuana components, notably tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), has been a focal point in discussions surrounding the lifting of the ban. With THC known for its hallucinogenic effects and CBD recognized for its less harmful nature and antiepileptic properties, researchers and medical professionals are optimistic about the positive impact on conditions such as epilepsy and other neurological disorders.


As Japan embraces this medical milestone, attention turns to the practicalities of integrating marijuana-derived treatments into the healthcare system. From regulatory frameworks to public perception, this subheading explores the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in harnessing the full potential of marijuana-based medicines for the benefit of patients across the nation.


Clinical Trials and International Practices


Amid Japan’s progressive stance on marijuana-derived medicines, the international landscape provides a compelling backdrop, showcasing a diverse array of clinical trials and established practices centered around cannabidiol (CBD) therapies. This subheading delves into the global trends shaping the utilization of CBD in medical treatments, offering valuable insights into the broader context of this transformative shift.


Overseas, antiepileptic drugs incorporating CBD have already made significant strides in medical treatments. Investigational trials underway in Japan are part of a broader international effort to unlock the therapeutic potential of CBD for various health conditions. By examining the experiences of countries that have embraced CBD-based therapies, we gain a nuanced understanding of the challenges, successes, and best practices that could inform Japan’s evolving approach to medical cannabis.


The exploration extends to clinical trials, investigating how CBD is being harnessed to address neurological disorders and other medical conditions. Insights from ongoing trials, both within Japan and globally, provide a glimpse into the future possibilities of integrating CBD into mainstream medical treatments.


By shedding light on these global trends, this section not only highlights the potential benefits of incorporating CBD-based therapies but also underscores the importance of Japan’s participation in the international discourse surrounding the responsible and effective use of marijuana-derived medicines in the broader healthcare landscape.


Criminalizing Marijuana Use and Its Impact on Enforcement


The recent revision to Japan’s Cannabis Control Law not only signifies a monumental shift in facilitating access to marijuana-derived medicines but also introduces a paradigm shift in legal measures aimed at curbing recreational marijuana use. Under this subheading, we delve into the implications of the tightened legal framework and its potential impact on law enforcement strategies.


With the alignment of the revised legislation with the Narcotics Control Law, unauthorized use of marijuana is now a criminal offense, marking a departure from the previous approach that only penalized possession. The introduction of a maximum seven-year prison sentence for both possession and use reflects a concerted effort to address the surge in marijuana-related arrests, particularly among the younger demographic.


Law enforcement agencies now face the challenge of adapting to these stricter measures and reevaluating their approach to marijuana-related offenses. The subheading explores the potential consequences on the ground, examining how this shift may impact policing priorities, resource allocation, and the overall strategy to combat the growing issue of marijuana misuse.


Furthermore, this section considers the societal implications of criminalizing marijuana use, analyzing potential effects on public perception, stigma, and the broader discourse surrounding drug policy in Japan. As the nation grapples with this significant legal adjustment, questions arise about the balance between deterrence and rehabilitation, and how these measures align with broader public health goals. The subheading aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of tightening legal measures and their potential ramifications on law enforcement and society at large.


Bottom Line


Japan’s recent approval of marijuana-derived medicines and the imposition of stringent legal measures against recreational use signify a transformative moment at the intersection of medicine, law, and society. While the lifting of the ban presents unprecedented opportunities in medical treatment, particularly for neurological disorders, the accompanying legal shifts underscore a concerted effort to address rising concerns of substance misuse. As Japan pioneers this dual trajectory, balancing the promise of therapeutic breakthroughs with the challenges of enforcement and societal adaptation becomes paramount. The nation’s participation in global trends and clinical trials reflects a commitment to staying abreast of international best practices, providing a holistic framework for navigating the complexities of marijuana-derived treatments in the evolving landscape of healthcare and legal policies.




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