After a long summer day, shut down your brain with the trendy, minty indica hybrid Gush Mints. Surging into the top 200 strains across America in just three years—Gush Mints gets smokers cooked, and it’s a beast in the garden. That’s a winning recipe for becoming a Leafly HighLight. Let’s soak in it. (This Leafly HighLight is powered by ILGM+Phylos Seeds.)
“This smells exactly how I want my weed to smell. It has that durban poison/ cookies gassy sweetness with like a vanilla pine,” said one reviewer.
Gush Mints makes reviewers feel sleepy, tingly, and hungry.
“I swear this is a hard indica. Helps with my insomnia and chronic back pain,” said one reviewer.
It’s going to have 20% THC or more, making it very strong for newbies, who could get dizzy, nervous, and even a little headachey. Reviewers find it maximally calming, which we could all use in an election year.
“The effect really reminds me of Hindu Kush,” said one reviewer.
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Who’s got Gush Mints? Best Gush Mints in the US
Gush Mints grows like a beast in the garden, which helped it take over the nation over the last few years. The huge supply means lower prices on Gush Mints coast to coast.
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In Northern California, you can get bulk half-ounces of Gush Mints for $85 from Pacific Reserve. Eighths run $30 from Cru. Gush Mints dumps hash, so grab the Nasha brand pressed Gush Mints for $30 a gram. Los Angelenos, grab top-shelf Gush Mints from Northern Emeralds for $48 per eighth.
Portlanders in Oregon have 190 Gush Mints options: top-shelf Oregon Roots flower, Single Origin cartridge, or Higher Cultures live rosin.
Michigan is catching the Gush Mints wave with Gush Mints diamonds extract.
Out in New York, Gush Mints flower is on shelves from Alchemy Pure, Grassroots, and Curaleaf.
Al Capone Wraps have become the number one natural leaf wrap in the US and are the only double-bonded self-sealing cellulose wraps in the market, guaranteeing an easy-to-roll and slow-burn experience.
You deserve a wrap that is a cut above the rest. Made with love for blunt aficionados, these wraps are like little presents, each one wrapped up to keep things fresh, pre-cut to perfection, and boasting a double leaf for a laid-back burn and self-sealing sugar strip offering a clean and sweet sealant for your wraps. Available in Original, Cognac, and Rum flavors, you can snag them online or at your local spot. Treat your blunt right!
Gush Mints seeds
Gush Mints comes from the Oakland, CA breeder and cloner Purple City Genetics—which has been at it since before legalization. PCG made the strain with Seed Junky Genetics’ game-changing Kush Mints wedded to the rare F1 Durb, and the successful modern strain Gushers (aka TK41). Each strain added mint flavor, vigor, or sweetness—respectively. Gush Mints will take over your garden.
Has been a pleasure growing. Strain is voracious and very thirsty.
Leafly reviewer
Get the Gush Mints seeds in California dispensaries for 6 for $70, and the clone in Oregon stores.
PCG also sells its newest versions of Gush Mints crosses. We see Gush Mints from North Atlantic Seed Co, as well.
For something with more gas, check out the ILGM+Phylos Rocket Juice auto.
Gush Mints awards
Gush Mints comes from winning stock—whether it is the Kush Mints, the F1 Durb parent of GSC, or Gushers. In 2023, a Gush Mints 1:1 CBD took second place for its category at the California State Fair Cannabis Awards.
California State Fair’s cannabis award winners 2024 and how to smoke them
Gush Mints terpenes
Gush Mints reeks of the essential oils that cannabis produces—called terpenes. Chief among them: limonene, caryophyllene, and linalool. Those three help explain some of the sweetness and gassiness of Gush Mints, but we’re still learning more about what causes weed’s smells, tastes, and effects.
Other highlights this July 2024
Can’t buy our HighLight? Don’t cry, dry your eyes—with three related or seasonal picks.
Rocket Juice auto
The groups ILGM and Phylos made an automatically flowering strain out of Seed Junky Genetics’ Gas Face—Rocket Juice auto. It’s gassy, it’s glistening, and it should be pretty easy and rewarding in the garden any time of year.
Lemon Fresh auto
Jungle Spice x Gorilla Diesel #3 unites in this automatic Lemon Fresh from ILGM+Phylos. This sativa hybrid grows tall, finishes fast, and delivers lemon terps and energetic effects.
Modified Grapes
If you like heavy yielders in the garden like Gush Mints—look at Purple Punch crosses. Modified Grapes is GMO x Purple Punch for a grape, berry, honey taste, and relaxingly frisky effects. It shares two of three top terps with Gush Mints and grows plentiful across the country.
And there’s your July 2024 Leafly HighLight. Go out and crush each day, then kick back and puff on something that’s tasty and restful. It’ll all go by quickly.
Hey, what’s ‘Leafly HighLight’?
Cannabis dispensaries can sell more than 200 types of flower. It’s overwhelming. Leafly HighLight cures choice paralysis with a monthly deep dive into a top 200, national cannabis strain you should smoke. We combine:
- Leafly Strain Database search data
- dispensary menu data
- dispensary visits
- and smoke sessions
Then we select one cultivar that pairs with the season and mood. That’s Leafly HighLight.
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