Pot Luck

Marijuana in Barcelona and it’s legal status: 





This article is a map of Barcelona cannabis clubs and will be helpful for those who are planning to visit Barcelona and have a vague idea about the legal status of cannabis. People who visit Spain don’t get a proper idea about the legalisation of weed in Spain through the internet. It is because of the multi-layered codes of conduct in regulating marijuana in Spain. Through this article, we will try to draw a clear picture of marijuana and it’s usage in Spain. 


Can you use Marijuana legally in Spain? 

We will jump directly to the answer of this question. According to the Spanish legislation, you can’t sell or buy it; you can’t collect marijuana so that you can use it later and lastly you can’t use it in public places. Apart from that, you can become a part of a canabis club so that you can use Marijuana within it’s wall. You can also grow two plants of weed and consume it privately. The legalization is made clear in Spain by the presence of this plant for sale. There are many shops throughout the country with the required accessories for growing at homes. 


Is cannabis legal in Spain? 

To put it simply, you can’t use it in public place and it’s a criminal offence which is punishable. Using, getting, selling marijuana in Spain is also an offence but a minor one. You will have to face a fine in that case if you are caught. 

But inspite of that, Spain has a loyal history with cannabis and in some part it has been legalized but only on specific terms anl conditions that everyone should have to follow. There is a possibility that a series of Supreme Court regulations made is legal aftrr 1970s. So it means that it is not a criminal offence to use a small amount of this substance. So in Spain people can grow cannabis legally but it is only possible on private and individual levels. This law has also allowed the ‘co-consumption’ of such substance to develop social clubs. In those clubs marijuana can be ‘collectively’ made and distributed to the particular members of the club only for their personal and individual use. 


Cannabis social clubs and legal basic: 

It is said that first cannabis club was founded in 2001 and many experts have described a specific criteria that these clubs should meet in order to work fairly in legal terms. Some of the strict rules and regulations for cannabis club are as fellows: 

  • The membership should not be available for the common audience, and it should only be provided by an existing member of the association so that the club knows that the person is already a user of marijuana. 
  • The canabis club school be registered in the list of association. 
  • These clubs should encourage a responsible consumption of Marijuana so that the harm associated with its usage can be reduced. 
  • The club should also keep a close eye on the members who are using marijuana. There should be monthly limitation on its usage. 
  • The substance or material provided within the walls of the club should be consumed immediately. It shouldn’t be taken outside the club. 
  • They must work on non-profit basis.  


Although these rules are fixed for these clubs but almost each club is self regulated and follow its own ways and conducts. Crimial proceedings against these clubs has been seen but this usually ends up in suspension of proceedings. 

This question has also been asked that how much marijuana that a person can grow at home in Spain? It depends on how cleverly you are able to hide those plants from the public eyes. But no more than two plants are allowed to grow in homes. If you do not have a natural sunlight for the plants then you have to try artificial light. You should also make sure that your neighbor do not complain about the smell of plants. 


Is weed really legal in Barcelona? The real answer: 

After a brief description about the legal use of marijuana in Spain, we are all clear now that what is the answer of the above question. A marijuana club is legal only under two condition: 

  • It should be non-profit organization. 
  • It shouldn’t be a public space, and it should be a closed institution. 

These are the important rules that canabis club should have to follow. There are others strict regulations like there is a strict prohibition of  using words like ‘to buy weed’. You can use many neutral words like “get” or “take”. 


This leads to the second yet compulsory point which requires registration to join a marijuana club. You can’t join a marijuana club without showing your identity card and filling out an application form. After you have done submitting the application, you can now wait for email that you will have to show once you enter in the membership. Without this, it might not be possible to get an entry in the club. 


Black market of marijuana in Spain

Due to the mild drug policy, the streets or Barcelona often see lots of illegal black use of marijuana. There are offers to buy and sell hashish and more. Marginal street elements are doing it due to the legal “coffeeshops” and clubs. The target audience of such elements are tourists who don’t know anything about a foreigner country. There are many cases where travellets from other countries are being robbed. This black market has been divided into two kinds: 

  1. Buying marijuana directly. 
  2. Going to fake cannabis club.

A real cannabis club wouldn’t be really near you. If you see such place, it might be a fake place to go. And involving yourself in direct selling am buying is illagal because it is called drug trafficking which is illegal.  


Future of cannabis clubs in Spain: 

The attitude towards the legalization of marijuana in clubs is pretty ambivalence in authorities. One side is planning to tighten the control of its working and the other side wants to make it legal openly. But right now, the harmony between the usage and limitations of these club is good because it sets our consumer ‘s limitations and expectations in a right way. 

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