Cannabis News

MLK Day: Cannabis and Civil Rights



It has become an annual MLK Day tradition here at Canna Law Blog to remind our readers that, first and foremost, cannabis is a civil rights issue. We’ve explained why herehere, here and here.

The past year ushered in some promising developments, from progress with the MORE Act, to state and local developments on social equity licensing measures, to increased expungement of criminal records related to cannabis convictions. Things are looking up for 2021 as well, federally and in many states.

But it’s not enough. Regulation of cannabis–and the composition, orientation and momentum of the industry at large–is nowhere where it needs to be on civil rights issues. Not even close.

Here at Harris Bricken, we are committed to honoring MLK’s legacy this year through our continued work with the Last Prisoner Project, through reduced fees for minority-owned cannabis businesses, and through review and promotion of robust state-level social equity legislation.

Although Dr. King died 53 years ago, his legacy continues to resonate and expand. On this day honoring one of our greatest leaders, it is important to remember all of the reasons we strive to end prohibition– including the most important ones.

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