Cannabis News

Nearly 60% of Americans Now Believe You Should Have the Right to Legally Grow Your Own Weed at Home Says a New Harris Poll



Nearly 60% of Americans believe home cultivation should be a right!


A recent poll conducted by The Harris Poll in conjunction with Royal Queen Seeds found that a majority of American adults believe that home cultivation of cannabis should be legally permitted. According to the survey, 59% of respondents agreed that “all Americans should have the right to legally grow cannabis at home.”


This sentiment was especially pronounced among current cannabis consumers, with 81% supporting home grow rights. Interestingly, 62% of consumers said they would prefer to grow their own cannabis rather than purchasing it from retailers. Key reasons cited include cost savings, higher perceived quality and safety compared to store-bought products, and the simple enjoyment and pride of cultivating one’s own plants.


The poll’s findings come at a time of rapidly evolving cannabis laws, both in the United States and abroad. Uruguay, Canada, Malta, Luxembourg and most recently Germany have all legalized home cultivation to varying degrees. In the U.S., many states that have legalized adult-use cannabis also permit limited home grows, though some, like Washington, still prohibit it for non-medical users.


As more jurisdictions consider reforms, the question of whether to include home grow rights has emerged as a key point of debate. Advocates argue that allowing personal cultivation is an essential component of ending prohibition and promoting individual liberty. Critics raise concerns about enforceability, excess supply leaking into unregulated markets, and potential conflicts with existing medical and commercial systems.


While the Harris poll suggests a majority of the American public supports home cultivation, it remains a complex and often controversial facet of the larger legalization discussion. As policy makers weigh shifting cultural attitudes against practical challenges, the legal status of home grows will likely remain a closely-watched issue in the years ahead.


In the rest of this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the poll’s other key findings, and what they suggest about the evolving relationship between Americans and cannabis cultivation.



Diving deeper into the poll, several noteworthy findings emerge that shed light on Americans’ attitudes and behaviors around home cannabis cultivation.


One striking result is that 66% of current cannabis consumers would consider purchasing seeds as a 4/20 gift – a figure that jumps to 81% among those who plan to grow their own plants this year. This suggests that home cultivation is not only a popular hobby, but one that is increasingly associated with the celebratory and social aspects of cannabis culture.


The poll also highlights the perceived benefits of home growing among those who have tried it. Nearly half reported a greater sense of confidence, joy, pride and connection to nature from cultivating their own cannabis. Others cited more practical advantages like cost savings, superior quality, and the simple fun of engaging in the hobby.


These findings paint a picture of an American public that is increasingly comfortable with cannabis cultivation and eager to participate in it when permitted. In many ways, this trend can be seen as a reaction to the decades-long War on Drugs, which treated cannabis as a dangerous substance and criminalized even small-scale home grows. As public opinion shifts and the harms of prohibition become more widely acknowledged, it’s natural that many Americans would embrace the newfound freedom to cultivate openly and without fear of prosecution.


For policymakers, these poll results send a clear message about the direction of public sentiment. By aligning laws with the growing consensus around home grow rights, legislators can not only satisfy a popular demand, but also strike a blow against the illicit cannabis market. When consumers can legally grow their own high-quality products, they are less likely to turn to unregulated sources, undermining the profits and influence of criminal enterprises.


However, the path forward is not entirely clear. Even as federal legalization appears increasingly likely, current proposals would only reschedule cannabis to Schedule III – a category that does not explicitly allow for home cultivation. To fully realize the will of the American people as expressed in this poll, further reforms may be necessary at both the state and national level.


As the debate over home grow rights continues, polls like this one will play an essential role in shaping the conversation and guiding policy decisions. By shedding light on the evolving attitudes and experiences of the American public, they offer valuable insights into the most effective and equitable ways to move beyond prohibition and build a more just and rational approach to cannabis cultivation.



As the movement to legalize cannabis continues to gain momentum across the United States, it’s crucial that advocates and enthusiasts remain vigilant in the fight for home cultivation rights. While federal rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III would represent a significant step forward, it’s important to recognize that this change alone may not guarantee the right to grow at home.


This is where local activism comes into play. Even if federal law falls short of explicitly permitting home cultivation, individual states retain the power to legalize and regulate the practice within their borders. By getting involved with grassroots organizations and advocacy groups, citizens can pressure state and local officials to include home grow provisions in any legalization measures.


One promising avenue for expanding access to home cultivation is through the establishment of cannabis clubs. These organizations, which have already taken root in countries like Mexico, allow members to pool their resources and legally grow a larger number of plants than would be permitted for an individual. For example, while Mexican law limits personal cultivation to six plants per person, with a maximum of three mature plants at any given time, cannabis clubs are allowed to cultivate up to 80 plants collectively.


This model offers several advantages. First, it provides a legal framework for those who may not have the space, equipment or expertise to cultivate their own cannabis at home. By joining a club, these individuals can still enjoy the benefits of locally-grown, high-quality products without the hassle or risks of doing it themselves. Second, cannabis clubs can serve as hubs for education, community-building, and advocacy around cultivation issues. By bringing together growers and enthusiasts in a shared space, these organizations can help to normalize and demystify the process of cultivation, while also providing a platform for political engagement.


Of course, the establishment of cannabis clubs is just one potential avenue for securing home grow rights. Ultimately, the most effective strategy will depend on the unique political and cultural landscape of each state and locality. What’s important is that advocates remain engaged and proactive in shaping the conversation around legalization.


This means not simply accepting whatever limited reforms politicians put forward, but actively pushing for more comprehensive changes that prioritize individual liberty and autonomy. It means showing up to town halls and city council meetings, writing op-eds and letters to representatives, and mobilizing networks of like-minded citizens to demand change.


In the end, the fight for home cultivation rights is about more than just the freedom to grow a few plants in one’s backyard. It’s about fundamentally redefining our relationship with this ancient and versatile plant, and asserting our right as individuals to cultivate it for our own needs and purposes. By working together and staying focused on this goal, advocates can help to create a future in which cannabis cultivation is not just tolerated, but celebrated as a basic human right.




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