Cannabis News

New Triploid Cannabis Plants Could Revolutionize the Marijuana Industry



Cannabis genetics contributes a very important role in the quality of the end product: the flower you smoke, the edibles you eat, and the oils you consume to name a few.

Genetics holds the key, influencing all the major areas of the cannabis experience including aroma, flavor, quality, and potency. Additionally, genetics influences the types of cannabis strains we consume and plant. That’s why for many growers, going deep into understanding the genetics of cannabis can lead to fascinating developments that will change the way we breed and grow the plant.


Triploid Cannabis 101


Like us humans, marijuana plants are diploids by nature: this means that they possess 2 kinds of chromosomes in each cell. These chromosomes are home to important genetic blueprints that enable DNA cells to copy when they divide, in a process called mitosis.

However, triploid cannabis plants exist too. These plants contain not two, but three sets of chromosomes as its name suggests. The resulting offspring of triploid cannabis plants then inherit a single set of genes from one parent, then two sets from the other parent. The extra set of chromosomes means that there can be more phenotypes to work with, creating the possibility for limitless strains that growers can discover.

When cannabis growers are working with just two chromosomes, there are still many options when it comes to breeding but it still results in two primary outcomes with little variation.


That said, for breeders, triploid plants may not be extremely beneficial since they hardly produce seeds even if they are surrounded by males. That’s because their odd chromosome numbers impact the cellular processes.


In the natural world, triploid cannabis plants can occur though for them to occur naturally is rare. But breeders can create them using tetraploid weed cultivars; after they cross a tetraploid parent with a diploid, this will yield a triploid offspring.


Even if they can rarely produce seeds, there are very specific benefits of triploid genetics especially in commercial cannabis production:


  • Growing extremely high-quality marijuana, quicker, and with larger yields. Triploid cannabis plants have a tendency to grow much larger than regular diploid plants. The larger size, including bigger leaves and longer stems, is also more lucrative for cannabis farmers

  • More potent number of cannabinoids: Studies comparing polypoid versus diploid marijuana shows that there are more cannabinoid levels found in triploid cannabis

  • Larger buds: Triploid marijuana plants have been known to produce much larger flowers, and they flower in a much shorter span of time

Imagine being able to cultivate high THC or CBD marijuana plants from triploid seeds that were sterile!

Are Triploid Cannabis Plants Genetically Modified?

Based on the description we’ve just given, it might sound like triploid cannabis plants are actually genetically modified. They are not GMO’s!


Triploid cannabis plants are merely created through an extra pair of chromosomes, which then give you a sterile, seedless plant. It can be induced by using a special chemical, and treating cannabis plants so that they grow as triploids on purpose. In the wild, marijuana grows as a diploid plant, just like most fruits and vegetables. But similar to grapes that don’t have seeds, these fruits are cultivated in a unique way that’s known as triploid breeding. It isn’t new to agriculture, but it is a recent breakthrough for cannabis.


They can be manipulated and induced by humans but do not require any kind of genetic manipulation to do so.


Why Triploid Cannabis Could Be A Breakthrough For Growers

The recent introduction of triploid marijuana into the market could be a game changer for the cannabis industry over the coming years. Since the seeds of triploid cannabis has three chromosomes instead of two, commercial cannabis growers benefit from it as opposed to regular diploid cannabis genetics because aside from the much bigger biomass and shorter flowering time, triploid genetics prevent female flowers from being pollinated to ensure high yield of essential oils.

In that same light, cross-pollination of hemp or cannabis plants is one of the quickest ways to destroy a crop. Farmers can easily lose as much as half of all their materials and a significant percentage of their cannabinoid content whenever female plants are cross-pollinated. Growers of trimmed flower also suffer the same consequences when cross pollination takes place.


This is why the next-generation seedless cannabis plants are actually heaven-sent for commercial growers and farmers. These unique genetics that result in female-only plants as well as improvements in their genetic blueprint make it much easier for growers to cultivate as much as 40% more cannabis plants in a shorter span of time.




Triploid cannabis genetics can change the way we produce and cultivate marijuana in the near future. Since they contain three sets of chromosomes instead of two, this is a major benefit for commercial marijuana growers. The science of triploid genetics is already widely utilized in areas of other large-scale crops including wheat and corn, as well as fruits of the seedless variety.


Triploid cannabis will not replace traditional marijuana breeding, but they present a great choice for those who want to grow commercial-scale cannabis that results in a much higher yield and is also more potent. It also comes with the great benefit of reduced cross-pollination risk.




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