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Nort Dakota House Reject Edibles Legislation




UPDATE (2/1/23): House Bill 1202, which would legalize edible marijuana products for those with a medical marijuana card, was brought back by a representative who changed their mind. It failed by three votes on Wednesday. On Tuesday, it failed by five votes. It could be considered again if someone else who voted against the bill changes their mind.

f you have a medical marijuana card, your prescription soon won’t cover edible products in North Dakota.

63 representatives: that’s how many needed to vote yes for the latest medical marijuana bills to pass. But two such bills hit the House floor Tuesday, and both failed: 55-37 and 20-72.

Proponents of the bills say edible forms of marijuana are both healthier, since they don’t involve smoking, and are more accurate when dosing patients. The state’s medical marijuana program was approved in 2016, and proponents say this was what voters had in mind when they voted for it.

”Again, I’d like to remind the assembly this is something the people wanted, the people voted for this, and now here we are, six years later, trying to give the people what they originally asked for,” said Representative Steve Vetter, R-Grand Forks.

Opponents of the bills say edibles — which often come in the form of candy or chocolate — pose health risks to children, who might mistake them for traditional candy.

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