Cannabis News

Recycle Old Computers for Growing Weed?



While certain cannabis cultivators enjoy the privilege of nurturing tall and magnificent plants outdoors or within a well-equipped indoor grow tent, others find themselves less fortunate. Whether constrained by limited space or needing to keep their cannabis cultivation discreet, some growers must get creative by transforming an unconventional space into a growth environment. Yes, it is entirely feasible to repurpose a computer tower into a specialized grow box, enabling the cultivation of high-quality cannabis without arousing any suspicions or adding extra clutter to your home.


This concept of “micro growing” is not a novel one; covert cannabis growers have been discreetly tending to their plants in cupboards, closets, and even buckets for what seems like an eternity. However, computer towers present a set of distinct advantages that make them an attractive option for today’s cannabis enthusiasts. Without further delay, let’s delve into the reasons and methods behind utilizing a PC tower for cannabis cultivation.


Micro Growing?


While our cannabis cultivation dreams might involve vast fields of cannabis plants swaying in the breeze or elaborate hydroponic setups accommodating numerous specimens, the reality often confines us to micro-growing. As the name implies, micro-growing maximises small spaces to produce one or two compact cannabis plants.


Microgrowing cannabis provides the highest degree of control over your plant(s) and typically demands minimal maintenance throughout the growth cycle due to the small-scale nature of the operation. This method requires very few pieces of equipment and places a premium on discretion and space utilization. Various unconventional spaces within the home can be repurposed for micro-growing cannabis, including those you might not initially consider, such as bar fridges, cabinets, and, as this article emphasizes, computer towers.


While you can readily find micro grow tents online that can adequately accommodate your plants, in some respects, this defeats the purpose of utilizing the space already available to you. That being said, choose the approach that best suits your needs.


How to Make Your Own Micro Grow Computer Tower


If you opt to assemble your own grow box, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind. Foremost, as you might anticipate, you’ll need to dismantle the interior of your PC tower—rendering it unsuitable for any future computer-related tasks. Alternatively, you may seek out secondhand computer tower cases that have already been emptied of their internal components to sidestep this step.


Even though it will no longer serve its original computing function, it’s advisable to seamlessly integrate your PC tower into its surroundings to avoid attracting attention. Strive to give it the appearance of being connected to your monitor, and you can even place books or plants on top of it to make it blend in with your furnishings.


Setting Up Your Micro Grow in a Computer Tower


While managing a micro grow requires less hands-on effort compared to larger operations, there are crucial factors you must address to ensure your success, particularly in terms of lighting, ventilation, and odor control.



Regardless of the size of your microgrowth, proper lighting is essential. However, achieving the right balance is key.


For micro grow setups within computer towers, we recommend using LEDs. These lights emit the ideal spectrum for cannabis, all while maintaining a lower heat output compared to HID lights, which can pose a fire hazard in confined spaces. Fortunately, high-quality LEDs are now more affordable, making them an accessible choice.


To maximize light exposure, you should also line the interior of your PC box with reflective materials like Mylar, panda film, or, if you’re on a budget, aluminum foil.


Additionally, you should pay attention to the PPFD rating, which indicates the amount of light reaching and being absorbed by your plants. Using a spectroradiometer can help you monitor if your plants are receiving the right amount of light. Remember that different growth stages require varying optimal PPFD ratings, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the appropriate figures.



Just like lighting, proper ventilation is vital for cannabis plants, regardless of your grow’s size. While an external exhaust fan would be ideal for maintaining continuous air circulation, it might draw unwanted attention to your operation. Instead, a simple PC fan can suffice to prevent stagnant air, which could harbor pests and pathogens. You can also open the tower door as needed to allow necessary air exchange.


Odor Control

The distinctive aroma of flowering cannabis plants may be enjoyable for enthusiasts, but it can be a telltale sign of homegrown cannabis. To maintain discretion, you should aim to minimize the odors emanating from your grow box.


Although a dedicated carbon scrubber is highly effective for this purpose, it can appear suspicious and may be overkill for a micro grow. Instead, consider installing an air filter in the room where your grow box is located. Coupled with an effective odor neutralizer, this approach can help keep your activities discreet.


How to Manage Plant Size in Micro-Growing


While selecting the right strain is paramount for maintaining a compact grow, there are additional strategies to maximize space for optimal results.


Plant Training

Plant training doesn’t have to involve complex or challenging procedures. It can be as straightforward as gently bending and securing shoots, utilizing techniques like Low-Stress Training (LST) or ScrOG (Screen of Green). The latter method creates a uniform “carpet” of buds and helps control the plant’s final height, enabling more light to reach the targeted bud sites for better yields.


Container Size

Choosing the appropriate container size is another effective way to control plant size. Smaller containers, typically around 5 liters or even less, depending on your PC tower’s dimensions and lighting setup, are ideal. However, be prepared for frequent watering, but avoid overwatering to maintain healthy plant growth.


Bottom Line


Repurposing a computer tower for micro cannabis cultivation presents an inventive solution for individuals dealing with limited space or the need for discreet growing. While micro-growing may not fulfill the aspirations of vast cannabis fields, it offers a practical means of nurturing high-quality plants. Leveraging the compact nature and ease of integration of a PC tower makes it an attractive choice for contemporary cannabis enthusiasts. To succeed in micro growing, key considerations encompass proper lighting with LEDs, reflective materials, monitoring of PPFD ratings, effective ventilation utilizing a PC fan and smart airflow management, and diligent odor control through air filters and odour-neutralising techniques. Additionally, managing plant size through training and selecting appropriate containers ensures efficient space utilization, making micro-growing in a computer tower a viable option for cultivating cannabis within limited confines.





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