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Santa’s Upset The North Pole To Ban Cannabis



As marijuana become legal across North America – the North Pole got caught in fight.

Canada and a big chunk of the United States have legalized cannabis. The results have been improved medical options, a decrease in alcohol consumption, a reduction of youth use and some more chill people. But the journey to this point has been tough. Opponents have spread misinformation and slowed the process.  Even the current administration has be lackadaisical in the approach. Medical marijuana patients will tell you the benefits in trea tment of chronic pain, cancer, insomnia, inflammation and more. Veterans now have access to treatments to a proven help with PTSD.  It has been a battle, but, in one case, Santa saves Christmas for marijuana fans.

Thomas O’Connor legally changed his name to Santa Claus in 2005 and is a monk, child welfare activist and local city council member.  He is also a cancer patient and a consumer of medical marijuana.  He resides in North Pole, Alaska, which originally banned all cannabis use.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

North Pole, Alaska, a small suburb of Fairbanks, is known for its year-round Christmas decorations, including candy cane–striped street lights. Santa Claus House is a Christmas store with walls covered in children’s letters to Santa and a huge Santa statue outside. Streets have names like Kris Kringle Drive and Mistletoe Lane.  In 2016, the local city council voted to ban marijuana businesses within its city limits. But they didn’t talk to the official leader of the North Pole, Santa Claus.

Santa Saves Christmas
Screenshot via WCMH
When it happened (and it was covered by The Fresh Toast), Santa shared with Alaska’s KTUU. “I think they are not in this particular instance are not embracing the spirit of love. I think what they’re doing is engendering hate, which comes from fear.”

But you don’t become Santa without having some good will, determination and drive.  Santa worked with the city and city council and managed to get the proposition overturned. Now the area boosts three cannabis dispensaries.

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And Santa? He continues his children welfare advocacy work and, as of 2022, is the mayor pro tem of North Pole. Unfortunately, Santa is still plagued with cancer and continues to be a medical marijuana patient.  We hope more research is in his stocking this year to provide help and relief for him and the millions of patients who would benefit.

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Will Marijuana Help States During Economic Uncertainty




Since the last downturn, more states have legal marijuana – with its strong revenue stream

It seems economic uncertainly has arrived. Wall Street has taken a major tumble as unemployment seems to rise. Consumer confidence has been shaken as prices on staples, including eggs, remain high. Tariffs with neighboring countries are threatening jobs and household budgets.  While the federal government is less concerned, state budgets could take bigger hits.  But will legal cannabis, will marijuana help states during economic uncertainty?

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Marijuana legalization has emerged as a powerful economic tool for states, offering a lifeline during uncertain economic times. By fostering job creation, generating significant tax revenue, and stimulating local economies, the cannabis industry has proven to be a transformative force.  Already, three states make over $500 million in annual tax revenue from the plant.

Photo by Cappi Thompson/Getty Images

The cannabis industry is one of the faster-growing sectors in the U.S., with job opportunities spanning agriculture, retail, manufacturing, and ancillary services such as compliance and marketing. Over the past decade, legal cannabis jobs have surged, with projections indicating continued growth should the federal government allow. For instance, states like Massachusetts already report more cannabis-related jobs than traditional professions like cosmetology. This job creation not only reduces unemployment but also injects income into local economies through consumer spending on essentials like housing and transportation.

Legal marijuana markets generate billions in tax revenue annually. States have embraced legalization use these funds to bolster budgets and invest in critical public services. For example, Colorado allocated $7.3 million from cannabis tax revenue to homeless services and housing initiatives1. Nationwide legalization could further amplify this impact, with estimates suggesting $8.5 billion in annual tax revenue for all states combined. These funds are often reinvested in education, infrastructure, public health programs, and community development projects.

Cannabis legalization revitalizes local economies by attracting businesses and increasing demand for commercial real estate. Most cannabis business tend to be mom and pop business including retailers, farmers and local regional producers of products. From cultivation facilities to retail dispensaries, the industry drives investments in equipment and infrastructure that benefit both urban and rural areas. Moreover, every dollar spent on cannabis generates an additional $2 in economic activity through a multiplier effect. States like Alaska, Colorado, and Massachusetts demonstrate how per-capita economic benefits can significantly enhance local prosperity

“Cannabis drives economic growth, creates jobs, and generates tax revenue while offering a safer alternative to alcohol. It’s a less harmful recreational substance and a valuable medicine to millions of Americans” shares industry expert Jesse Redmond, Head of Investor Relations & Business Development of LEEF.

Legalization also reduces the financial burden of enforcing marijuana prohibition. The U.S. spends approximately $7.7 billion annually on drug enforcement. By redirecting these funds toward education, regulation, and community support programs, states can achieve both economic savings and social equity.

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Crazy Comparisons Of Lotteries To The Marijuana Industry






People are starting to make pitstops to pick up their lottery tickets.  The “pot” is huge and people are willing to toss a few extra dollars to dream. Lines are long and the morning shows are asking “what would you do if you win”.  A hunt for the winner will follow and they will share they just want to do right by their friends and family.

Lotteries have a long history. Starting in ancient Rome and used in Renaissance Europe to raise money for churches and other government projects. They won acceptance in the US with the promise of helping with education funding. Marijuana use dates before lotteries as it was (and still is) used as medicine for things including pain and inflammation.

Sales of state lotteries in the United States reached approximately $107.92 billion 2021. A Powerball lottery set records, coming in at a whopping $1.6 billion. The industry is over 4 times the size of the marijuana market in 2021 where is was around $22 billion.  These two industries help you kick back, dream and chill.


marijuana money
Photo by Olena Ruban/Getty Images

Forty-five states have lotteries with Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah opting out.  For cannabis 23 states have recreation and 40 have recreational. Idaho, Nebraska, Indiana, Kansas and Tennessee so far say fully no to any legal marijuana. Interesting there is no crossover.

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Gallup polls have found that state lotteries are the most popular form of gambling in the U.S., with roughly half of respondents saying they purchased a lottery ticket in the past 12 months. it is affordable with prices as low as $1 or $2 per ticket.  About 66% of the population play the lottery at least once a year.  Almost 90% of the population believes marijuana should be legal and roughly 18% of the population use marijuana at least once a year.

Convenience store chain Circle K has been a leader in both cannabis and the lottery. They have been putting a structure in place where people are able to buy marijuana products along with cigarettes and snacks at gas stations. Now they announced they are partnering with Jackpocket, a third-party app that provides a secure way to order official state lottery tickets, for exclusive perks for lottery players.

RELATED: California or New York – Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess?

State Government are the big winners in both.  For lotteries, they take in about a third of each lottery jackpot.  In states where marijuana is fully legal, it has supposed alcohol tax revenue, despite selling fewer products.

The Richest Cannabis Businesses In 2020
Photo by Maklay62 via Pixabay

While the money spent on lottery tickets give you the ability to perhaps dream of a different life (and for a very few – live the life), the purchase of legal marijuana allows you to chill or treat your medical issue every time.  Money well spent.

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