Cannabis News

Swimming Pigs, White Sand Beaches, and Legal Weed



Bahamian officials have introduced a comprehensive legislative package to legalize marijuana for medical, religious, and research purposes, with a concurrent move to decriminalize personal possession of small amounts of cannabis and expunge previous convictions for simple possession. These proposed bills aim to establish a regulated and secure cannabis industry in the Bahamas. Attorney General Ryan Pinder and Health and Wellness Minister Michael Darville unveiled these reforms during a recent press briefing, expressing their goal of presenting the bills in Parliament by October and debating them before the end of the year. Significant preparatory work, including training, certifications, and the development of a digital platform for tracking and prescribing, is required before licenses can be issued.


If approved, Bahamian doctors would gain the authority to recommend cannabis for specific conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. This change is expected to benefit individuals facing severe illnesses that do not respond well to clinical therapies. Additionally, the proposed reforms would accommodate the religious use of cannabis by Rastafarians, who would need to secure special licenses for this purpose. These changes collectively signify a significant shift in the Bahamas’ approach to cannabis, moving towards a more regulated and inclusive industry.


The Model of The Reform


The proposed policy changes aim to decriminalize the possession of up to 30 grams of marijuana, imposing a $250 fine instead of a criminal record, even though they do not call for the widespread legalization of cannabis. Additionally, prior convictions for simple possession would be erased.


The centerpiece of this legislative initiative is the Cannabis Bill of 2023. Complementing this bill, several other pieces of legislation within the package address various aspects such as regulations, amendments to dangerous drugs and health professions laws, pharmacy regulations, and more.


Within the framework of the regulated cannabis industry, license holders must be Bahamian citizens who are at least 21 years old. Ownership groups must also include a specific percentage of Bahamian individuals, depending on the type of license. For instance, cultivators must be entirely Bahamian-owned, whereas testing, manufacturing, and research licenses necessitate 30 percent Bahamian ownership.


“We have established a range of licenses and opportunities for Bahamians to participate actively, and we eagerly anticipate their involvement,” stated Pinder. “We believe this will yield a positive economic impact.”


This system would be overseen by the Cannabis Authority, a newly established government body comprised of nine members representing various sectors, including faith-based organizations, civil society, and individuals from the fields of banking, law, agriculture, scientific research, pharmacy, and medicine.


According to information on a government website detailing the proposals, this comprehensive framework is not arbitrary. Still, it is based on thorough research and the insights gleaned from the Caribbean Community Secretariat’s 2018 report on cannabis. Furthermore, the authors of these bills conducted a comparative analysis of cannabis regulation in Jamaica, Barbados, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, and Canada, ensuring that the legislation aligns with international best practices while being tailored to the Bahamas’ unique cultural and legal context.


A Multifaceted Approach to Cannabis Legislation: Medical, Religious, and Research Use


The proposed legislation in the Bahamas embodies a comprehensive approach to cannabis regulation, addressing medical, religious, and research aspects. By enabling medical professionals to suggest cannabis as a treatment option for particular ailments like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, it first recognizes the plant’s therapeutic potential. This enormous step not only acknowledges the therapeutic benefits of cannabis but also gives people seeking alternative treatments hope.


Secondly, the legislation respects the religious significance of cannabis for the Rastafarian community, providing a clear pathway for them to obtain special licenses for religious cannabis use. This inclusive approach aligns the nation’s laws with the faith and traditions of its citizens, emphasizing the Bahamas’ commitment to religious freedom and cultural diversity.


Lastly, the legislative package encourages scientific exploration of cannabis by facilitating research into its various potential benefits. By embracing research as an integral part of the framework, the Bahamas positions itself as a leader in understanding cannabis beyond traditional medicine, promoting innovation and evidence-based regulation.



A Thoughtfully Crafted Regulatory Framework


While the Bahamas embraces cannabis reform for medical, religious, and personal use, a central pillar of this transformation is the establishment of a meticulously designed regulatory framework. This framework encompasses various aspects, including ownership requirements, oversight mechanisms, and the anticipated economic impact of the burgeoning cannabis industry.


Under the proposed regulations, licensees entering the regulated cannabis industry must be Bahamian citizens and at least 21 years of age. This requirement ensures that the benefits of the cannabis industry are accessible to the nation’s citizens and creates opportunities for economic empowerment within the Bahamian community. Different license types, such as cultivation, testing, manufacturing, and research, come with specific ownership criteria. For instance, cultivators must maintain 100 percent Bahamian ownership, fostering local control over cannabis cultivation.


To oversee this burgeoning industry, the Bahamas introduces the concept of the government Cannabis Authority, consisting of nine members representing diverse sectors of society. These members include representatives from faith-based organizations, civil society, and individuals with expertise in banking, law, agriculture, scientific research, pharmacy, and medicine. This multi-faceted oversight approach ensures that the cannabis industry remains accountable, transparent, and aligned with the nation’s values and interests.


One of the most compelling aspects of the proposed cannabis reforms is their anticipated economic impact. The Bahamas acknowledges that a well-regulated cannabis industry has the potential to stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities. The reforms aim to strengthen the nation’s economy and empower its citizens by providing opportunities for Bahamians to participate in the industry.


As the Bahamas pioneers this thoughtfully crafted regulatory framework, it sets a precedent for other nations considering cannabis legalization. The balance between citizen ownership, rigorous oversight, and economic growth encapsulates the nation’s commitment to fostering a safe, prosperous, and locally driven cannabis industry. This regulatory framework is poised to shape the Bahamas’ future and, potentially, serve as a model for nations seeking to navigate the complexities of cannabis reform.


Bottom Line


The Bahamas is poised to undergo a significant transformation in its approach to cannabis through a comprehensive legislative package. With a strong focus on medical, religious, and research use, along with decriminalization measures, the nation seeks to establish a regulated and inclusive cannabis industry. By carefully crafting a regulatory framework that emphasizes citizen ownership, rigorous oversight, and economic growth, the Bahamas aims to set a pioneering example for other nations considering cannabis reform, shaping its future while fostering a safe, prosperous, and locally driven cannabis industry.




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