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Medical Marijuana

The Natural Solution to Muscle Pain



CBD can help with a variety of ailments and pains, but what about muscle pain?

There are several ways to relax your muscles and help them to recover. You can give your muscles rest and you can use special compression tape or take an ice bath. But more athletes use CBD, why is that?

Recovering muscles is part of sports. If you have made an effort, then comes the time for relaxation. And it doesn’t matter if you are an amateur athlete or a top athlete. Your muscles will have to recover. A good recovery prevents injuries and it ensures that you can train again afterward. Muscle pain can be very severe, some people suffer more from it than others. It is wise to handle it in the best possible way, and CBD can play a role in this.

Muscle strain

Suppose you do bodybuilding, you want the muscle mass to increase. This is called hypertrophy. Muscles must work with a certain intensity to increase muscle mass and that causes small cracks in the muscles. Training actually causes damage to your muscles, and that ensures that your body has to take action. Your body makes the muscles stronger in order to prevent more damage. The increase in muscle mass is therefore actually a reaction of the body to prevent from more damage.

muscle strain

Muscle pain after exercise is caused by muscle damage. The body repairs itself in response to this. The body is adjusted to this, but the physical pain can be very annoying and can mess up and delay your training schedule. Compression and ice can cause the blood supply to temporarily decrease. This will reduce the feeling of cramping and pain. Molecules that cause the inflammation cannot reach that place well either, so this speeds up the period the body needs for recovery and healing.


For many people with muscle pain, the use of CBD is a good solution. CBD can be consumed in many different ways. The cannabis industry keeps coming up with innovative ways to consume CBD. Smoking or vaping is one of the options, but athletes prefer not to choose this because it can be harmful to the lungs. In addition to smoking or vaping, you can also take CBD through tinctures, capsules or oil. Through all these methods, the CBD enters your bloodstream quickly, so that muscle pain diminishes quickly. It is also possible to apply a lotion or cream that is enriched with CBD directly on the muscles. A massage with CBD oil provides deep relaxation. CBD is also added to a huge number of other products, such as juices, coffee, salads, and smoothies. So there is always a way that you like.

High CBD strains

With the increasing popularity of CBD, the popularity of CBD strains is also increasing. There are cannabis buds for sale where the ratio of CBD and THC is 1: 1 or 2: 1. But there are also strains with a very high CBD percentage and a very low THC value.

Searching for a high CBD strain to relax your muscles and reduce muscle pain?


1. Can CBD help with muscle pain?

Yes, CBD is known to help alleviate muscle pain by reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation, making it a popular choice among athletes.

2. How can I use CBD for muscle recovery?

CBD can be used in various forms for muscle recovery, including tinctures, capsules, oils, and topical creams. These methods allow CBD to enter the bloodstream or be applied directly to the affected muscles.

3. Are there specific CBD strains for muscle relaxation?

Yes, there are cannabis strains with a high CBD content and low THC levels specifically designed to help with muscle relaxation and pain relief.

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body high

4 Differences Between A Mind Vs. Body High




With cannabis legal, more people are consuming. But the surprise it isn’t always about getting high and chilling out, a surprising number are using it for medical reasons. Gen Z, who is struggling with anxiety, use it to relax and also as an alternative to alcohol. Boomers are using it for medical reasons at increasing number. But a concern is they don’t users for these reasons don’t want to be too stoned. Here are the 4 differences between a mind vs. body high. This is a key part in consuming for medical reasons or just a relaxing evening.

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According to data, most medical cannabis patients report enjoying the hyper-sensory experience of feeling high. Sativa strains can induce a head high, which may empower you to think faster, act more quickly, and feel less inhibited at social gatherings. Indica is associated with more of a ‘bedtime buzz’, or what we call a body high, leaving you feeling relaxed, calm, and ready to catch up on some sleep.Indica strains may be well known for their ability to provide body-numbing effects that can help make chronic pain more manageable. cerebral strains can help alleviate chronic pain by reducing pain perception, or how acutely you feel pain and discomfort.

So marijuana can have two effects: body highs and head highs. While it’s very difficult to predict always predict the type of high, it’s slightly easier to differentiate a head high from a body high. So whether you use it for medical or just for fun, it is good to know which trip you are choosing.

Body highs heighten your physical sensations

Teens With Sleep Issues Are More Likely To Binge Drink And Use Cannabis
Photo by Gregory Pappas via Unsplash

Body highs are known for their powerful relaxing effects. This makes tend to leave the user less functional and more impaired. These highs are great for watching silly movies or enjoying a delicious meal. You’ll be less talkative but might be having a better time.

Mind highs alter your mood

Mind highs result in a brighter mood, with less laziness involved. They’re perfect for day use, since people remain functional with an added sheen of optimism and energy. Controlled mind highs are great for working out or carrying out day to day activities with an exciting twist.

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Body highs  tend to help treat pain and provide relaxation

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Since body highs are so focused on the body, they tend to be an amazing option for people who are struggling with some form of pain. They also enhance sexual awareness and bodily sensations.

Mind highs are talky and creative

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Mind highs are great for social or creative situations. They result in talky or giggly highs, easing social anxiety and making every situation fun and different. Creative activities like painting, writing, and more, come easily to people who know how to handle these type of highs.

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Santa’s Upset The North Pole To Ban Cannabis




As marijuana become legal across North America – the North Pole got caught in fight.

Canada and a big chunk of the United States have legalized cannabis. The results have been improved medical options, a decrease in alcohol consumption, a reduction of youth use and some more chill people. But the journey to this point has been tough. Opponents have spread misinformation and slowed the process.  Even the current administration has be lackadaisical in the approach. Medical marijuana patients will tell you the benefits in trea tment of chronic pain, cancer, insomnia, inflammation and more. Veterans now have access to treatments to a proven help with PTSD.  It has been a battle, but, in one case, Santa saves Christmas for marijuana fans.

Thomas O’Connor legally changed his name to Santa Claus in 2005 and is a monk, child welfare activist and local city council member.  He is also a cancer patient and a consumer of medical marijuana.  He resides in North Pole, Alaska, which originally banned all cannabis use.

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North Pole, Alaska, a small suburb of Fairbanks, is known for its year-round Christmas decorations, including candy cane–striped street lights. Santa Claus House is a Christmas store with walls covered in children’s letters to Santa and a huge Santa statue outside. Streets have names like Kris Kringle Drive and Mistletoe Lane.  In 2016, the local city council voted to ban marijuana businesses within its city limits. But they didn’t talk to the official leader of the North Pole, Santa Claus.

Santa Saves Christmas
Screenshot via WCMH
When it happened (and it was covered by The Fresh Toast), Santa shared with Alaska’s KTUU. “I think they are not in this particular instance are not embracing the spirit of love. I think what they’re doing is engendering hate, which comes from fear.”

But you don’t become Santa without having some good will, determination and drive.  Santa worked with the city and city council and managed to get the proposition overturned. Now the area boosts three cannabis dispensaries.

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And Santa? He continues his children welfare advocacy work and, as of 2022, is the mayor pro tem of North Pole. Unfortunately, Santa is still plagued with cancer and continues to be a medical marijuana patient.  We hope more research is in his stocking this year to provide help and relief for him and the millions of patients who would benefit.

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Consumer Use Sets Records On Cannabis!




The speed of cannabis mainstreaming is setting records.

Since the first state went legal in 2016, consumers have moved to legal marijuana. Now, with over 50% of the country having access to it, things are starting to change.  And consumer use sets records on cannabis as all ages are starting to consume and consume more.  States who have full legal cannabis are bringing in more revenue from marijuana than alcohol. All fueled by consumers.

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The newest record is Michigan, a solid mid-western state. In the first year of it being available to the public, the state had $1 billion in sales.  Now, the Great Lakes State sets record with $295+ million in monthly marijuana sales. And it isn’t what you think, while it is being used to relax, it is also being used for its medical benefits.  Boomers, the generation who helped promote the War on Drugs, has turned to it for the medical benefits of managing inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, and more.  And their grandchildren in Gen z are using it to combat anxiety. There generation has the highest amount of any other generation.

Photo by Hans via Pixabay

The other record is cannabis is taking a bit out of beer. Beer sales are down, especially earlier in the week as people are turning to vaping and gummies for a quick, low calorie and dose to relax after a busy start to the week.  Year over year growth is strong.  In 2022, sales were $30 million and in 2024, it is on track to be $38 million. While beer sales still far outpace cannabis at $117 billion, sales dropped again in 2023 by 5.1%. Another reason big liquor companies are wading into the cannabis market.

But the industry is still struggling and the Biden/Harris administration has failed to follow through on their 2020 promise to help the industry. Biden is one of the most seasoned policymakers in DC with 50 years of service, so it seems the failure of the DEA to make a move before the election could be planned. The DEA rescheduling move premiered at time to provide zero relief for the industry in 2024 as the DEA is not making an announcement until December.  Being post December, it could provide cover to the current administration to make make a move. Or if the GOP wins the presidency, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-KY) has made it clear he will move to reduce the industr

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