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Too Much Sexting Is Bad For Your Relationship



In the early 2000s, sexting hit the scene.  The combo of sex and texting become highly popular and sending photos become a core part.  In 2023, around 77% of respondents aged 19 years and older have sent a sext, whilst around 88% received a sext.  A little sexting in a relationship can keep things spicy, especially when it comes to long distance courtship. But, if you don’t play your cards right, those very same texts can backfire and bring your relationship down with it. There is, according to research, such thing as too much virtual dirty talk.

The Fresh Toast – More people do it than you can imagine, but too much sexting is bad for your relationship

“Hyper-sexters,” as they’re called, are the worst offenders. And while they may be the most sexually satisfied, according to a new study from the University of Alberta, the romantic relationships of these horny texters suffer in other ways.

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Researchers surveyed 615 Canadian and American adults, all in relationships, about their sexting habits. The analyses revealed 4 distinct groups of sexters: non-sexters (71.5 percent), word-only sexters (14.5 percent), frequent sexters (8.5 percent), and hyper sexters (5.5 percent). Researchers then compared these groups on several factors that would indicate well-being and technology-related behaviors.

According to the study:

Frequent and hyper sexters reported greater sexual satisfaction but were not significantly different from non-sexters or word-only sexters in relationship satisfaction. Further, frequent and hyper sexters scored more poorly on other relationship variables (i.e., attachment security, commitment, ambivalence, and conflict) than non-sexters or word-only sexters and showed greater media and pornography viewing, technoference in face-to-face interactions with their partner, and infidelity-related behaviors on social media.

The study’s lead authoer, Adam Galovan, said sexting doesn’t seem to be a feature of a healthy relationship,”  and that “My interpretation is that the sexters are focusing more on the sexual part of their relationship and may be neglecting other areas.”

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In other words, using a removed form of communication to replace actual face-to-face interaction isn’t exactly a recipe for a healthy, nurturing relationship.

Said Galovan:

These folks want to get to the end goal — a good relationship — without doing the hard work of talking, listening, and spending quality time together. It’s the instant gratification culture — we want it now. But it’s what you do to get to that goal that actually defines a good relationship.

Previous research has found sexting is quite prolific in society, “with 58 percent of college students admitting they’ve sent at least one sext, and 62 percent saying they’ve received one.” And what could be a red flag for both partners, men were more likely to sext with a casual partner, while women preferred to do it with someone they were exclusive with.

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If you’re in a healthy relationship where trust has been established, go forth and sext. But just make sure to give just as much attention to all the other aspects of your relationship. Sexting can’t replace the heartfelt stuff.

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Poland And Cannabis – The Fresh Toast




A traditionally conservative country, what is Poland’s take on marijuana?

Poland has been a conservative country. The Catholic Church has been deeply ingrained in Polish culture and identity for centuries. But there is a change stirring, about 70% of population identified as Catholic in the 2021 census, down from 87% a decade earlier. The Church played a significant role in the transition from communism and dictatorship to democracy. It has been in the news recently, so where is Poland and cannabis? While the country has some of Europe’s most restrictive drug laws, recent developments in medical marijuana policy have created a unique situation.

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Cannabis for recreational use remains illegal in Poland. Possession, consumption, and trafficking of cannabis with more than 0.2% THC content is a criminal offense. However, since 2011, prosecutors have had the option to drop charges for possession of small quantities intended for personal use, especially for first-time offenders.

In July 2018, Poland legalized medical cannabis, with the law taking effect in November of that year. This change allowed physicians to prescribe cannabis under the same conditions as other controlled substances

Poland And Cannabis

The Polish cannabis market has shown significant growth potential. It quadrupled from in 2021 and is expected to more than double by 2026. As of 2021, over 2.3 million people in Poland consumed cannabis, both legally and illegally, with illicit users accounting for more than 60% of all consumers.

However, the medical cannabis system faces several challenges:

  1. Reliance on imports: Polish law prohibits domestic production of medical cannabis, making the country entirely dependent on imports.

  2. Insurance coverage: Medical cannabis treatment is not covered by health insurance, leading to high costs for patients.

  3. Supply issues: Lingering registration and supply audit procedures can cause shortages.

  4. Limited availability: Medical cannabis is usually only available in pharmacies by special order.

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Despite the restrictive laws, there has been a notable increase in cannabis prescriptions. The number of prescriptions issued for medical marijuana in Poland increased sixfold recently, along with a rise in prescriptions for opioid medications.

There is growing support for cannabis reform in Poland. A working group in the Polish parliament, the Sejm, has drafted legislation proposing changes similar to those in Germany. However, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has not shown support for these reforms, making significant changes unlikely before the 2024 parliamentary election. During WWII, they developed a a reputation for being strong willed and good fighters, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

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How Cannabis Can Help You During Lent




Even a planned sacrifice can use a little help, here is how marijuana can help you during Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. This time is observed in many Christian traditions, including Catholic, Lutheran, Moravian, Anglican, United Protestant, and Orthodox. It is usually a 40-day period, which echoes the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert. The time is thought to symbolize testing, trial, and renewal. In addition to donating time, talent and treasure along with self reflection, the true believer believes you should give us something you love. For some it is wine or alcohol, for others it could be more.Here is how cannabis can help you during Lent.

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Cannabis use during Lent, a traditional Christian period of fasting and spiritual reflection, is a complex and controversial topic requiring careful consideration. While some may view cannabis as incompatible with Lenten practices, others argue it can potentially aid in spiritual growth and personal reflection when used mindfully. Done correctly, it can help you reach your goals.

Studies suggest cannabis can be used as a replacement for alcohol and can improve overall health. It offers a range of benefits for those seeking to reduce or eliminate their alcohol consumption. CBD and THC drops are becoming popular substitutes, providing natural relaxation without the negative side effects associated with drinking. Unlike alcohol, which can lead to dehydration, impaired judgment, and potential long-term health risks, cannabis promotes relaxation and improved sleep quality without causing hangovers.

Studies suggest cannabis may help individuals maintain alcohol abstinence, with some patients reporting it as an effective substitute. The trend of replacing alcohol with cannabis is growing, with daily cannabis use surpassing daily alcohol use in the United States for the first time. Cannabis-infused beverages are also on the rise, offering a diverse range of options for those looking to socialize without alcohol.

In addition, many adherents of Lent are older, and a key benefit of cannabis is relief. For those dealing with chronic pain or anxiety, cannabis may offer relief without breaking Lenten commitments to abstain from other substances. Medical marijuana users have reported significant improvements in quality of life, pain levels, and overall functioning. This could allow individuals to focus more deeply on their spiritual practices without being hindered by physical discomfort.

Part of the  sacrifice is to reflect on the spiritual journey. Cannabis can promote introspection and heightened awareness, which aligns with Lenten goals of self-examination and spiritual growth. However, it’s crucial to approach this mindfully and avoid using cannabis as an escape or distraction from the purpose of Lent.

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Woody Harrelson Wishes He Could Invite Bob Marley To His Marijuana Dispensary—But Fears The Reggae Legend Would Out-Smoke Him




If actor Woody Harrelson could choose anyone living or dead to patronize his Los Angeles marijuana dispensary’s “Ganja Giggle Garden,” he says he’d pick a classic cannabis icon: Bob Marley. But he conceded that he doesn’t think he could go “toke-for-toke” with the late reggae star. During an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Monday, the host posed the hypothetical to Harrelson, asking who he’d most like to invite to the marijuana consumption lounge attached to the dispensary he co-owns with Bill Maher called The Woods.


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