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US Attorneys Urge Biden to Keep Cannabis as a Schedule 1 Drug Because Drug Cartels Secretly Run State-Legal Home Grows?



Former U.S. Attorneys Fight Cannabis Rescheduling for the Craziest Sounding Reasons!

In a letter dispatched to the heads of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 29 former U.S. attorneys are fervently urging the Biden administration to retain cannabis in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). They argue that marijuana has evolved to be more dangerous, potent, and addictive since the last government review in 2016. This development occurs amidst the ongoing DEA examination of marijuana’s scheduling, prompted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommendation in August to shift the substance, reportedly to Schedule III.


Cartel Involvement and Home-Grow Laws


The former U.S. attorneys assert a compelling argument against cannabis rescheduling, contending that the legalization of marijuana has inadvertently favored drug cartels. According to their claim, the implementation of home-grow marijuana laws in various states has provided a fertile ground for cartels to exploit loopholes. Allegedly, these criminal organizations have seized the opportunity to cultivate marijuana within the United States, aiming to reduce the costs associated with cross-border trafficking. However, it is essential to note that this claim lacks a specific source, raising questions about the credibility of the assertion. Moreover, the attorneys’ argument might oversimplify a complex issue, as many states with legalized cannabis have stringent regulations in place, limiting the number of plants for legal home cultivation and explicitly outlawing unlicensed commercial sales.


Despite the lack of citation for their claim, the former federal prosecutors emphasize the role of home-grow laws in what they perceive as a detrimental consequence of marijuana legalization. The argument suggests a connection between state-level cannabis policies and criminal activities, urging policymakers to reconsider the potential unintended consequences of relaxing cannabis regulations. However, critics may argue that this perspective overlooks the broader societal benefits associated with regulated cannabis markets, such as tax revenue generation, job creation, and the displacement of illicit markets. As the debate on cannabis rescheduling unfolds, the nuanced relationship between state-level regulations and criminal activities remains a focal point of contention.


In presenting their case against rescheduling, the former U.S. attorneys highlight the significance of understanding the impact of cannabis policies on law enforcement efforts and criminal behavior. While the connection between legalized cannabis and cartel activities is a serious concern, the complex interplay of factors requires a thorough examination. Policymakers and stakeholders in the ongoing cannabis debate must carefully consider the potential unintended consequences of regulatory decisions, weighing the purported risks against the benefits of a regulated and controlled cannabis industry.


Medical Use and Addiction Concerns


Another key argument put forth by the former U.S. attorneys revolves around the perceived lack of accepted medical use and safety under medical supervision for marijuana. The attorneys challenge the prevailing narrative that marijuana should be considered for rescheduling based on its potential medicinal benefits. Despite the adoption of medical cannabis laws in a significant majority of U.S. states, the former prosecutors point to data from a June 2023 review suggesting that cannabis-based medicines increased adverse events related to the central nervous system. This assertion underscores their position that marijuana lacks a recognized medical application and raises safety concerns.


In the context of the broader debate on cannabis rescheduling, the former U.S. attorneys are urging decision-makers to consider scientific research indicating the high addictive potential of marijuana. By emphasizing the addictive nature of the substance, the attorneys seek to counter arguments advocating for its reclassification. The reference to an addiction rate of 30% among marijuana users and the claim that the addiction rate in Washington state after legalization was 21 percent adds a sense of urgency to their plea. This assertion aligns with their overarching message that marijuana poses significant risks, both in terms of public health and potential societal consequences.


As the attorneys address the issue of medical use, they contribute to a longstanding discourse on the therapeutic benefits and potential drawbacks of cannabis. While acknowledging the existence of medical cannabis laws across various states, the former prosecutors challenge the notion that these laws are grounded in sound scientific evidence. Their argument, rooted in concerns about adverse events and addiction, seeks to maintain the status quo by reinforcing the narrative that marijuana lacks the necessary medical merit for rescheduling. In the complex landscape of cannabis policy, the debate surrounding its medicinal properties continues to shape the trajectory of regulatory decisions.


Financial Implications and Industry Regulation


The former U.S. attorneys delve into the financial implications and regulatory landscape associated with the potential rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III. Their argument centers on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rule 280E, which currently prevents businesses dealing with Schedule I substances from claiming standard business deductions. The attorneys assert that rescheduling cannabis would free marijuana companies from this restriction, enabling them to deduct expenses for various activities, including advertisements targeting youth and the sale of what they describe as child-friendly marijuana products.


This financial perspective introduces a layer of complexity to the debate, as it raises concerns about the commercialization of marijuana and its potential impact on vulnerable populations, specifically youth. The former prosecutors express apprehension that removing the IRS rule 280E barrier could lead to increased marketing efforts appealing to younger demographics. However, critics may argue that existing state regulations already address advertising to minors, and the attorneys’ claim might overlook the measures in place to mitigate such risks.


The contention also highlights the broader issue of industry regulation, emphasizing the potential consequences of altering the financial landscape for cannabis businesses. By linking financial incentives to the perceived risks of youth exposure, the former U.S. attorneys aim to underscore the importance of maintaining stringent regulations. As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, finding a balance between economic considerations and public safety remains a central challenge for policymakers and regulators. The attorneys’ focus on financial implications sheds light on the intricate relationship between taxation policies, industry practices, and the overall societal impact of cannabis rescheduling.


Bottom Line


The letter from 29 former U.S. attorneys provides a staunch defence against the rescheduling of cannabis, emphasizing concerns about increased dangers, cartel involvement, and potential adverse consequences. While their arguments touch on perceived risks associated with legalization, particularly about criminal activities and financial implications, it is essential to critically assess the validity of their claims. The absence of specific sources for certain assertions raises questions about the credibility of the presented arguments. As the cannabis rescheduling debate unfolds, policymakers must carefully weigh the concerns voiced by these former prosecutors against the broader societal and economic considerations associated with regulated cannabis markets. Ultimately, finding a balanced approach that addresses public health concerns, fosters responsible industry practices, and acknowledges the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization is crucial in shaping effective and equitable cannabis policies.




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