
Using Cannabis For Health and Wellness



Cannabis is a plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments. The first recorded use of cannabis was in 2737 BC, when Emperor Shen Nung documented its value as a medicine. This makes it one of the oldest medicines on earth! But what exactly is cannabis? I’m sure you’ve heard it referred to as marijuana or pot, but those terms are actually slang terms used to describe the leaves and buds that come from the female cannabis plant (also known as a ‘flower’). When people talk about using “weed” or “smokables,” they are referring to dried flower buds from this same type of plant being smoked through pipes or bongs. There are also other parts of the plant with different uses such as seeds which can be eaten like nuts; stems/leaves which can be cooked into tea; resins/oils which can be ingested thru various methods including capsules, tinctures & edibles; and finally extracts which come from isolating specific compounds found within whole plants.

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