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Vaping Could Have This Effect On Men



While it is popular, easy to use and seen everywhere, vaping could have this effect on men.

It is seen everywhere and is viewed as a much easier option than smoking. Indulging in cigarettes, cigars and joints in general public spaces have been banned since the early 2000s. Prior to the ban it was a Wild West. Up until the late 80s smoking was permitted at work, hospitals, grocery stories, schools, bars, restaurants, and planes. When it began being banned from smoking inside, smoking decreased. After the ban, vaping technology emerged and went public in 2003. By 2011 about 7 million vaped globally, with over 82 million vaping in 2021. The number has only reason. When cannabis become legal, vaping marijuana become popular and is in a tight race with smoking and gummies for ways people consume.  But there is a warning, vaping could have this effect on men…erectile dysfunction.

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While they have lower levels of chemicals, vapes may still damage endothelial cells. It may cause oxidative stress on the endothelial cells lining blood vessels. This can affect nitric oxide (NO) levels and their signaling in the body. This can be an issue as sufficient NO is necessary to produce an erection.

vape pen
Photo by Dmitry_Tishchenko/Getty Images

One study suggests men who vape nicotine are twice as likely to experience erectile dysfunction when compared to men who don’t vape. And cannabinoid receptors at the level of both the brain and penis may negatively impact erectile function.

The first study, published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, looked into deeper understanding of vaping and sexual health regarding men. They analyzed self-reported data from over 13,000 men over the age of 20. Among the findings: Men who used e-cigarettes were found to be 2.2 times more likely to have erectile dysfunction.

Some caveats in the study include that the data was self-reported, with there being the possibility of bias. Another thing to be mindful of is the fact that the survey didn’t ask any questions on whether or not the men were taking medications which increased the risks of erectile dysfunction, like antidepressants.

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Nicotine has long been linked with a variety of sexual dysfunctions, including erectile dysfunction and decreased arousal. Researchers believe this link exists due to smoking and the damage it imparts on circulation, which can also increase the odds of heart disease and strokes. When circulation is impacted, it makes it more difficult for erections to occur naturally.

Cannabis has long been used as an aphrodisiac, light use can relax the body and increase sensational. But, some research has shown heavy consumption may cause problems.  So it may be important not only how much you consume but how you consume.  If you have issues, talk to a health professional.

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Consumer Use Sets Records On Cannabis!




The speed of cannabis mainstreaming is setting records.

Since the first state went legal in 2016, consumers have moved to legal marijuana. Now, with over 50% of the country having access to it, things are starting to change.  And consumer use sets records on cannabis as all ages are starting to consume and consume more.  States who have full legal cannabis are bringing in more revenue from marijuana than alcohol. All fueled by consumers.

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The newest record is Michigan, a solid mid-western state. In the first year of it being available to the public, the state had $1 billion in sales.  Now, the Great Lakes State sets record with $295+ million in monthly marijuana sales. And it isn’t what you think, while it is being used to relax, it is also being used for its medical benefits.  Boomers, the generation who helped promote the War on Drugs, has turned to it for the medical benefits of managing inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, and more.  And their grandchildren in Gen z are using it to combat anxiety. There generation has the highest amount of any other generation.

Photo by Hans via Pixabay

The other record is cannabis is taking a bit out of beer. Beer sales are down, especially earlier in the week as people are turning to vaping and gummies for a quick, low calorie and dose to relax after a busy start to the week.  Year over year growth is strong.  In 2022, sales were $30 million and in 2024, it is on track to be $38 million. While beer sales still far outpace cannabis at $117 billion, sales dropped again in 2023 by 5.1%. Another reason big liquor companies are wading into the cannabis market.

But the industry is still struggling and the Biden/Harris administration has failed to follow through on their 2020 promise to help the industry. Biden is one of the most seasoned policymakers in DC with 50 years of service, so it seems the failure of the DEA to make a move before the election could be planned. The DEA rescheduling move premiered at time to provide zero relief for the industry in 2024 as the DEA is not making an announcement until December.  Being post December, it could provide cover to the current administration to make make a move. Or if the GOP wins the presidency, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-KY) has made it clear he will move to reduce the industr

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Tips For Guys To Get A Dating App Response




Finding a good partner can be a challenge…here are some tips to help with online dating.

Dating can be tough, and not everyone is an expert. While Gen Z is drifting away from apps, most of the rest of the population is still strong. In fact, 349 million people worldwide using dating apps. The vast majority of matchmaking is done on mobile devices. Over 50% of individuals who met someone on a dating app said it led to a romantic, exclusive relationship.

We interviewed the founders of Konvo Dating and discovered the  number one complaint from men is frustration over not getting responses to their messages to women. It’s hard to get noticed, especially when most men swipe indiscriminately at women they find attractive. This strategy partly explains why women are inundated with matches, and a man’s message is easily missed. Here are their tips for guys to get a dating app response. Here are tips for for guys to get a dating app response.

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Personalize Your First Message

A generic “Hey” or “What’s up?” will likely go unnoticed in a sea of similar messages. Women on dating apps receive many such messages, and the key to catching her attention is personalizing your approach. Take the time to read through her profile and find something unique to mention. Maybe she’s passionate about a particular hobby or traveled somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. Referencing something specific shows that you’ve paid attention and that your message isn’t just a copy-paste.

Why It Works: Personalizing your message makes her feel seen and appreciated for more than just her appearance. It tells her you’re genuinely interested in who she is, not just looking for a casual match.

Example: “I noticed you love hiking—have you been to [local trail]? I’ve been looking for new places to explore!”

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Photo by Westend61/Getty Images

Keep It Light and Playful

When starting a conversation, being lighthearted can help ease any initial awkwardness. Humor is an excellent tool for breaking the ice and creating a relaxed atmosphere. A playful comment or a light joke can set the tone for a fun conversation she wants to engage in. Just be mindful of your humor—keep it respectful and avoid anything that could be misinterpreted.

Why It Works: Playful conversations stand out because they’re enjoyable and easygoing. Women are more likely to respond to someone who can make them smile, especially in the often-serious world of online dating.

Example: “Your profile says you love dogs—does that mean you’ve mastered the art of the perfect dog selfie?”

Compliment Her Interests, Not Just Her Looks

Complimenting a woman’s appearance is fine, but leading with or only focusing on her looks might make it seem like you’re more interested in the surface-level aspects of who she is. To stand out, shift the focus to her hobbies, personality, or achievements. Compliment her based on her passion and show genuine curiosity about those interests.

Why It Works: Complimenting her interests makes her feel valued beyond her appearance, highlighting your interest in a deeper connection. It also allows her to talk more about something she cares about, making it easier to continue the conversation.

Example: “I’m impressed by your photography skills—how you captured [location] is incredible. How long have you been doing photography?”

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Instead of Talking About Your Ex, Talk About How You’ve Grown

Bringing up past relationships, especially in a negative light, can be a big red flag in early conversations. It signals unresolved issues and can create an uncomfortable dynamic. Instead of focusing on what went wrong in the past, share how you’ve grown and learned from those experiences. If the topic arises, frame your response positively, highlighting personal growth and looking forward to new opportunities.

Why It Works: Talking about personal growth rather than past drama shows emotional maturity and self-awareness, both attractive qualities. It shifts the focus away from the baggage and toward future possibilities.

Example: “I’ve learned a lot from my past relationships, especially about communication and understanding. I look forward to finding a fresh start and building something meaningful.”

Stay Positive and Optimistic

A positive attitude is incredibly appealing. Women are more likely to respond to someone who seems upbeat and optimistic about dating. Avoid complaining about your previous experiences with dating apps or expressing negativity. Instead, show excitement and a lighthearted attitude toward meeting new people. Positive energy is contagious and makes the conversation feel more enjoyable for both of you.

Why It Works: Positivity sets a welcoming tone and creates a comfortable space for conversation. Women are more inclined to engage with someone who radiates enthusiasm and doesn’t take things too seriously.

Example: “I’m new to this app and excited to meet interesting people. How’s your experience been so far?”

Navigating the world of dating apps can be tricky, but using these five tips from Konvo can set you apart and increase your chances of making a genuine connection. Personalizing your messages, staying playful, complimenting her interests, focusing on growth rather than baggage, and maintaining a positive attitude will improve your chances of a reply and set the stage for meaningful interaction.

Patience and understanding is a essential, has more tips.

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Key Information About Joint Pain And Medical Marijuana




Roughly 19% of the people suffer from joint pain – a daily struggle…but here is how medical marijuana can help.

Roughly 19% suffer from joint pain or some part of arthritis. Not only is it painful, it is disruptive in daily life. Some pain can be short term, like from sprains, an injury, tendinitis, or tendon inflammation, an infection of the bone or joint, or overuse of a joint. But some can be long term issues with an impact the patients like. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, bursitis, lupus and more can be long, lingering issues with pain. There is some hope, and cannabis might be one.  Here is key information about joint pain and medical marijuana.

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One study concluded about 20% of patients with rheumatoid diseases who actively consume cannabis report an improvement in pain. Cannabis contains key components which help reduce inflammation.  More research needs to be done to to perfect treatment and dosage, but early indicators look positive for help. Another current benefit of medical marijuana or CBD with joint pain, is it helps with sleep, which is a problem with people in chronic pain.

cannabis may treat fibromyalgia pain according to new study
Photo by Ake via

Medical marijuana, in the right dose can also be easier on the body. Long used as a natural pain killer, it is less addictive and the body responds positively.  Currently used, orticosteroid injections have been a staple in managing pain and inflammation. With new research showcasing the long-term effects of one of the most used treatments, doctors and researchers are concerned about the risks of injections and the potential risks involved with cortisone. 

RELATED: Dear Dr. Green: Can Marijuana Topicals Help With Arthritis?

Boston University study found patients who had been given the medicine by injection found a risk for “accelerated adverse joint events after treatment.” Meaning, when a patient was treated for osteoarthritis or other joint pain via a shot of cortisone, it may have accelerated joint destruction and bone loss. The study also found certain preexisting conditions, such as older age and Caucasian race seemed to increase the risk for the outcome even more. Researchers recommended MRI pre-screening before injections were given to identify the area better and find if the danger could be accurately assessed before the dose was given. 

Not only can medical marijuana be helpful, but so can CBD. The Arthritis Foundation has a guide to CBD for those that suffer from the condition. According to Dr. Daniel Clauw, a contributor to the guide, “Right now, it (CBD) appears to be fairly safe and might help certain types of pain.” 

While CBD and THC can be used as part of a pain management regimen, they currently can not be the entire plan. Studies like the one conducted on cortisone treatments are bringing the conversations of cannabis and CBD to greater light and offering less stigmatization, but until more research is done, the best path for joint pain is still unknown.

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